Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

Haunted Forest (classic 2010 version)
pureless 14 Dec, 2024 @ 12:10pm 
it is so much fun
nikki 🛐 9 Jul, 2024 @ 5:33am 
Ник забагался в конце, не смогли уплыть:csgohelmet:
смешной домик со скримерами
稗田阿求【秽土转生】 7 Jul, 2024 @ 1:20am 
COOL CAT 5 May, 2024 @ 9:53am 
je suis nuit 3 May, 2024 @ 8:25pm 
amazing map, ive played with a friend and we loved it! some screamers, so much action, dark art paintings10/10:steamthumbsup::steamthumbsup::steamthumbsup:
Rene 26 Jun, 2023 @ 9:08am 
great map loved the game well done 10/10:steamthumbsup:
maertzdes111 25 May, 2023 @ 2:17am 
fun as oh nevermind
Trunten  [author] 15 Oct, 2022 @ 6:02pm 
Any or all of the copyright owner’s exclusive rights, or parts of those rights, can be transferred. The transfer, however, generally must be made in writing and signed by the owner of the rights conveyed or the owner’s authorized agent. Transferring a right on a nonexclusive basis does not require a written agreement.

Applying a copyright notice to a work has not been required since March 1, 1989. A notice may still provide practical and legal benefits. Notice typically consists of the copyright symbol or the word “Copyright,” the name of the copyright owner, and the year of first publication.

When deciding to use a work protected by copyright, the general rule is to seek permission from the copyright owner. Under the copyright law, a copyright owner may authorize activities that fall under the exclusive rights of copyright.
Trunten  [author] 15 Oct, 2022 @ 6:01pm 
Copyright also provides the owner of copyright the right to authorize others to exercise these exclusive rights , subject to certain statutory limitations.

The copyright in a work initially belongs to the author(s) who created that work. When two or more authors create a single work with the intent of merging their contributions into inseparable or interdependent parts of a unitary whole, the authors are considered joint authors and have an indivisible interest in the work as a whole. By contrast, if multiple authors contribute to a collective work, each author’s individual contribution is separate and distinct from the copyright ownership in the collective work as a whole.
fouty 17 Apr, 2022 @ 2:14pm 
the first 2 chapters are very great. The feeling was very creepy and cool ^^ but I expected more from the story and the final run was VERY hard
fxxke 23 Oct, 2021 @ 1:18am 
五更琉璃 20 Jul, 2021 @ 9:54am 
You only know one code of Corpse tide rignt?
Tin 30 Jun, 2021 @ 12:13pm 
The main reason I want to try this is that one of the parts put both de_boohouse and de_fearmansion, 2 of my favorite maps.
Trunten  [author] 14 Jun, 2021 @ 10:23am 
This will remain the original classic with permission.
Eventually the author's upload will have major changes.
RogerDatSoldier 14 Jun, 2021 @ 8:07am 
What's the difference of the 2010 and the latest one?
Spawnface 1 Jun, 2021 @ 4:50pm 
The map itself is average, but it's theme and special effects are quite entertaining. I enjoyed the playthrough and would recommend giving it a go.
ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ 💤 4 Apr, 2021 @ 6:45am 
Average map. nothing special. But creator did made quite an effort to design the map!
G E N Y S 14 Jan, 2021 @ 11:51am 
make part 2 thanks
Trunten  [author] 22 Dec, 2020 @ 8:27am 
most conversation about this was handled over chat.
but it sounds like this upload can remain.
and will of course still be updated along with his original "Game Maps" version.
this out of concern of course for current subscribers and favorites we have gained.
we don't want to inconvenience the following we've already gathered here.
it's not often an original author returns as well as understands all sides.
Trunten  [author] 22 Dec, 2020 @ 8:27am 
Snow [author] 5 hours ago
@ NgCOCKFIGHT λ Well the only one so far who has responded to my request for removal and has been friendly about it is Trunten. Fabien and Huck didn't respond despite being online since then so I flagged their entries.
I didn't flag Trunten's because he said he was willing to remove it from his workshop if the other two do.

@Trunten I'm fine with you keeping Haunted Forest on your workshop as well, but only if you promise you keep it updated so that it's the same version as mine. I'll let you know when I update the map so you know you'd have to update yours too then.
Snow  [author] 19 Dec, 2020 @ 3:17pm 
No worries. I'm not in a hurry or anything. Lets wait till I at least get a reply from the other guys
Trunten  [author] 19 Dec, 2020 @ 3:13pm 
Fair enough.
I'm at work right now.
Give me a few hours and we'll talk.
I still want to see the other uploads removed also.
With all due respect
Snow  [author] 19 Dec, 2020 @ 2:58pm 
I don't mind updating the version on Gamemaps, but I dont want to upload a different version too often on that because unlike the Workshop, the game doesnt auto-update when you got it via Gamemaps. Still, I'll upload the "authors version" on Gamemaps so you see it's me.

Oh and Nipper didn't work on Haunted Forest. That's 100% me. Only Night Terror was a joint thing.

And this is the real Boo account. I just changed names ages ago.
Snow  [author] 19 Dec, 2020 @ 12:08pm 
Hi, as I mentioned earlier, I'm the actual author of Haunted Forest and I recently uploaded the campaign on my own workshop. I'm currently working on something else and it's still gonna take a while, but as soon as I'm finished with that, I'm planning on fixing whatever's still broken in Haunted Forest (like the fucking finale)

May I ask that you remove the campaign from your workshop? I greatly appreciate you uploaded it back in the days because when I published this campaign years ago, the Workshop didn't yet exist, but I'll take it back over from here. That way, the campaign is centralized.

Thanks again!

PS and for those who don't believe it's really me, send an email to the address mentioned on the wall of map 4 and I'll reply :-)
Kamino Kid 16 Jul, 2020 @ 12:14am 
That was exhausting surviving trough the infinite waves of hordes, but pretty satisfying to beat.
Bringoutyerded 2 Jul, 2020 @ 4:34pm 
Second run through. Noticed two additional issues common to both of my runs.

On the finale just before you reach the boat, one of the bots seems to get stuck on the ramp. They just stand there and don't even try to board, even though all three of their teammates are already there.

The pacing of the finale is sort of...anticlimactic?. You hear the tank as you begin the final push to the boat, but he seems to spawn behind you instead of in front. He's already far behind the group with little to no mob to fight through from the graveyard onwards. If you want to fight him, you need to slow down to let him catch up.

Still a fun map.
Bringoutyerded 2 Jul, 2020 @ 2:43pm 
Love the map, its design esthetic, layout, and pacing. Overall great placement of kits and consumables (did see one spot with two ammo piles almost next to each other though). Can focus on play, not route-finding. I appreciate this.

Did notice a couple of small issues, plus have a request.

In single player, if the player dies, you don't end up back at the saferoom to retry. The bots move a way short way through the map but end up just staying in place and continue to fight as long as they can. This necessitates calling a vote to restart if you don't wish to watch the bots play on their own.

Very small inconsistency, not a biggie: in the final rescue chapter the message "fight your way to the helicopter" appears, when of course it's Virgil and his boat.

Bot request: would be great if the bots would pick up throwables to provide them to you as you go, similar to what they do in "The Bloody Moor" map.

Really liked this map! Nice work!
Raoh_Chan 29 May, 2020 @ 6:30pm 
been in the halloween mood and this was perfect!!:cozyroe3:
reola17 23 Dec, 2019 @ 12:56am 
great map!
C.W 24 Nov, 2019 @ 2:38pm 
full campaign gameplay walkthru https://youtu.be/-ctZVoyDB3Y
[Kim-HotSa] 19 Nov, 2019 @ 10:43pm 
how did you made more AI?
星云远道 5 Nov, 2019 @ 11:23pm 
A real nice map!
Makes me feel excited when facing with the ghost.
I like it very much.
0ven 2 Nov, 2019 @ 2:52am 
nice map,10/10:rep1:
Trunten  [author] 1 Nov, 2019 @ 10:56am 
unlike the unnecessary "version 4", this one is NOT modified.
other than simply having a new download link which was necessary.
it's the exact same as the one on Game Maps.
also, I had actually contacted the author and had communication.
there's also screenshots added to showcase the campaign.
neither of that was done properly by the other users who upload here.
consider it a " in preparation of his juvenile behavior "... sound familiar?
further comments that aren't constructive will be removed.
my conversation with Boo is gone due to "v4" being abandoned on Game Maps.
but there's still a smaller one left on the original implying he's fine with it being uploaded.
sometimes there are some authors who don't care as long as they're credited.
Trunten  [author] 1 Nov, 2019 @ 12:29am 
Dr.Boo.j2 December 2018:
" Ah ok NOW I see what you mean. The download version for other people to download directly from the game right? Yeah OK I forgot about that and I appreciate your help. Disregard the comment I made on the re-uploaded ("Game Maps") v4. I understand what you mean. You mean that the link to the l4dhf URL I guess? "