Arma 3
ANZACSAS Napalm and WP Smoke marker rockets
124 件のコメント
Eagle Soldier 2024年9月3日 22時28分 
is this mod compatible with Blastcore compiled by neetch?
Jubilant 2024年7月20日 17時38分 
Hey is this firewill compatible, has the pylons been updated ?
amzingdxge 2023年9月27日 7時29分 
You should make Willy Pete grenades. There seems to be a lacking of White phosphorus grenades on the workshop sadly.
$hitDemon 2023年9月22日 10時12分 
Sweet, Thanks.
ANZACSAS Steven  [作成者] 2023年9月21日 22時50分 
Fixed unsung dependency for missions.
ANZACSAS Steven  [作成者] 2023年9月20日 19時39分 
ANZACSAS Steven  [作成者] 2023年9月20日 9時36分 
No m8,I screwed it...I gotta fix it..
Chops 2023年9月20日 6時33分 
Mate with the latest update the weapon to drop the Mk77 doesn't show up at all. The physical bombs are there under the hardpoints, but they don't show up when cycling through the plane's weapons - not with Wipeout or Black wasp. Nothing but this and CBA loaded. Is it just me?
ANZACSAS Steven  [作成者] 2023年9月11日 5時49分 
ANZACSAS Steven  [作成者] 2023年9月6日 3時17分 
Sry guys ,i missed these comments.I will have to fix the missions.The unung dependency must have slipped in somehow.

Chops, i was sure that i fixed that issue.Will have to take another look.
Thanks for the feedback.:steamthumbsup:
Chops 2023年9月6日 1時56分 
Gday mate, love this addon, a lot of fun! However for some reason I still get the bug mentioned below where the napalm particles always fly in the same direction upon detonation, regardless of the plane's heading. Am just running this an CBA and using the Wipeout. Cheers!
$hitDemon 2023年5月23日 8時21分 
Alright, Yeah for some reason.
Does work with SOG & Unsung loaded. Not without loaded.
Weird. They have to be the missions from this, & ive not editied any missions.
$hitDemon 2023年5月22日 20時01分 
For save the platoon & carrier ops.
Getting that same error.
"You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.uns_weap_c"
I am subbed to unsung but its not loaded. Does it need to be?
loloslot35I 2023年3月20日 14時32分 
hello I can't get it to work with an unsung plane
Foran 2023年2月7日 4時48分 
thanks, good job for this Awesome mod !:steamthumbsup:
ANZACSAS Steven  [作成者] 2023年2月7日 2時45分 
@Cmdr.Foran 2, Client and server requires mod
Foran 2023年1月25日 22時11分 
for Client side, right ?
ANZACSAS Steven  [作成者] 2021年6月22日 3時34分 
Known issue.Will be sorted next patch.Thanks for the feedback.:steamhappy:
FlashFire 2021年6月21日 17時26分 
Does anyone else have a problem with the napalm effect always facing in the same direction? No matter which direction I drop the napalm in the effect always makes the napalm flames travel to the north-east.
(head, eyes) 2021年3月16日 9時37分 
I thought it was a type of shell for mortars, I'm an idiot. Found it!
ANZACSAS Steven  [作成者] 2021年3月16日 6時17分 
prophet//PMC// , load it up as a mod like all others dude.

Zabese, No discord m8.

SemperDeadly , .uns_weap_c is an Unsung addon.I know of it personally.I used to be in unsung m8.
(head, eyes) 2021年2月26日 11時52分 
I'm not very smart, can someone explain how do I use this?
Zabese 2021年2月23日 15時39分 
Do you guys happen to have a discord?
SemperDeadly 2021年2月23日 3時15分 
Yes sir and then when I go into Zeus and try to test it or the mission editor, it doesn't even appear. I also tried it out loading it in the FireWills after and it didn't come up in the weapon systems menu for my F-18 or any other aircraft.
ANZACSAS Steven  [作成者] 2021年2月23日 2時49分 
Is it my supplied mission?Unedited?

SemperDeadly 2021年2月23日 2時46分 
Impossible because I used it on Stratis by itself... It's being weird. Even after repairing it.
ANZACSAS Steven  [作成者] 2021年2月23日 2時45分 
Your mission is using something from Unsung mod.As far as i can tell.
SemperDeadly 2021年2月20日 0時03分 
Having an issue with, "You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.uns_weap_c". Any answers to this gamers?
ANZACSAS Steven  [作成者] 2020年10月30日 3時53分 
Jhoan_ttv , Havnt made any CAS Modules using WP so the code hasnt been dev;ed for it.Maybe in the future m8.
Thyanks. :)
Jhoanbj 2020年10月29日 13時32分 
And what 'bout White phosphorus
Jhoanbj 2020年10月29日 11時39分 
tysm btw AWESOME MOD!!!!1!!!11
ANZACSAS Steven  [作成者] 2020年10月26日 23時35分 
I havnt used that mod.Does that mod work like the BI support module?
If so try these names instead -

Weapon - "ANZ_Napalmlauncher_Module_CAS"
Magazines - "ANZ_2RndNapalm_CASModule_Mag"
Jhoanbj 2020年10月26日 15時47分 
ANZACSAS Steven When i use Simplex support devices in CAS plane...... What's the bomb name when i put any of those names the bomb doesnt work
ANZACSAS Steven  [作成者] 2020年10月26日 6時23分 
Written above under the Mission Editors see below section.But here they are anyway-

Weapon - "ANZ_Napalmlauncher"
magazines - "ANZ_1RndNapalmMag"
Ammo - "ANZ_NapalmAmmo"
Jhoanbj 2020年10月25日 13時17分 
What's the gun name like the gbu-12 is ''Bomb_04_Plane_CAS_01_F"''
ANZACSAS Steven  [作成者] 2020年10月5日 2時20分 
#Lehy, Thanks bud!
Geneva Conventions dont cover bugs i dont think, so you are right there i reckon.:)
I'll see what i can add in the future m8.:)
Lehy 2020年10月3日 19時53分 
Hey man, it seems this is the only standalone mod that's about, you know, WP and Napalm weaponry. I love it personally. I use it for my mil-sim "Starship Troopers" troop, and if you're familiar with the themes of the movie, well, let's just say the Mobile Infantry doesn't really care about the Geneva Conventions lol. We like to flambé our bugs just like any other guy, but when it comes to rebellions we like to use lots of WP and Napalm. Just imagine the Vietnam war, but in SPAAAACE!
Anyways, jokes aside, we really appreciate your work. We were also looking for stuff like WP grenades, and shells; but there isn't any mod aside from Unsung, but it's silly to use it just for the grenades. So I was wondering if you could maybe add some stuff, like grenades, and mortar shells WP? Much love, stay safe
ANZACSAS Steven  [作成者] 2020年8月18日 7時12分 
I'll test it m8.Thanks for the feedback.:)
LittleCat111 2020年8月18日 7時11分 
Im running ace mod, maybe it's the ace mod problem? it will cause a lot of damage calculation when napalm hits AI. I don't know much about mod and code. Or maybe just my computer`s problem
ANZACSAS Steven  [作成者] 2020年8月18日 2時20分 
Np m8.I'll look into the ai issues.Were you running any ai mods?Were you running burn'em mod?
That mod is a high fps cost.Cool though.:)
LittleCat111 2020年8月17日 20時23分 
ok, anyway, thanks for ur napalm mod,its realy cool ;)
By the way, I also found that when napalm hits AI, the FPS will count drops significantly. But when napalm hits the ground without AI , the FPS is not affected
ANZACSAS Steven  [作成者] 2020年8月17日 1時30分 
The CAS modules are on the mark everytime but the support module code makes the ai drop bombs just short.If i can edit the code in those modules i may be able to adjust it but for now just take into account the ai will drop short.
LittleCat111 2020年8月16日 2時33分 
Yes, it can be executed like any other CAS module, but it will be 100-200m off target
ANZACSAS Steven  [作成者] 2020年8月16日 2時13分 
Does that function like the support module?If so its a game bug/limitation.
LittleCat111 2020年8月15日 19時51分 
why napalm's touchdown point is not the one I marked by using zuse bomb strike :(
ANZACSAS Steven  [作成者] 2020年7月30日 7時36分 
Done some optimising and did some work on the low alt CAS scripts.More practical now.Coming soon-ish.:)
ANZACSAS Steven  [作成者] 2020年7月7日 4時40分 
Next update gotta do some optimising again now that the efx etc are so much larger.
ANZACSAS Steven  [作成者] 2020年5月29日 7時27分 
Wow.Cool info.Thanx.
Beachhead 2020年5月29日 7時26分 
No US, stand in for the skyraider.
ANZACSAS Steven  [作成者] 2020年5月29日 0時06分 
Beachhead ,Shame bout the B-26.Maybe one day.Interesting info on the P-51.Was it going to be for the ARVN?