Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

2016 Pierce Velocity HAZMAT Truck Red LAFD
ninjanoobslayer  [author] 12 May, 2018 @ 9:12pm 
I've responded to you on Patreon. Agree to the terms and conditions and I'll send you the rewards soon!
Awesomeben242 3 May, 2018 @ 3:04pm 
Ok :D
ninjanoobslayer  [author] 3 May, 2018 @ 2:19pm 
I'll be making props of mine :D The only ones currently planned don't require additional modeling/heavy edits.
Awesomeben242 3 May, 2018 @ 2:14pm 
Thanks for the link but I don't have natural disasters dlc and it has no prop(I already tried loading it in and it didn't have a prop)but I could try again.But you don't have to do a military version if you don't want to.I was just asking if it was possible to put guns on the doors.I also found another version with prop but it looks too civilian.
ninjanoobslayer  [author] 3 May, 2018 @ 2:02pm 
Well, I could do the machine guns on the doors, but I personally won't be investing much time in the Huey. It's a temporary thing while I wait on the results for the Rosenbauer poll.

That one, on the other hand, has guns out, if you want to use it
Awesomeben242 3 May, 2018 @ 12:46pm 
I have a little question for you.I saw on you're petreon page that you're doing a Huey.I was wondering if you could do a military version with machine guns in the doors and on the side.I know it's probably not possible,but I think it would look cool.But if it is, can you do a prop,if you can't make a vehicle version.I know I'm not a patron,but I just love Vietnam war vehicles. Especially Hueys
Roadmaster '93 3 May, 2018 @ 7:56am 
that's awesome!
ninjanoobslayer  [author] 3 May, 2018 @ 7:45am 
Yea, that's for sure, but I haven't had the time to do it yet.
Roadmaster '93 3 May, 2018 @ 7:26am 
will you do that crown vic for your police sets?
Blujitsu 2 May, 2018 @ 4:47pm 
Hazmat vehicles are definitely some of the most interesting fire vehicles. Can't wait to hear more about that Crown Vic, too- I was going to ask about it.
crispychicken 2 May, 2018 @ 12:58pm 
love it
Awesomeben242 2 May, 2018 @ 12:52pm 
People follow this modder
Roadmaster '93 2 May, 2018 @ 8:44am 
oh yes
ninjanoobslayer  [author] 2 May, 2018 @ 7:34am 
@williammallon: I actually captured the bus as it was doing a real turn. I really like that shot too!

@Roadmaster '93: I'm glad that someone pointed it out :D I'll have more details on the Crown Vic in next week's "early access pic"
Roadmaster '93 2 May, 2018 @ 7:25am 
I love it. Also a sweet Crown Vic in the background of the 2nd pic
williammallon 2 May, 2018 @ 2:02am 
Another terrific addition to your fleet of vehicles. Thanks for sharing it. In one of the screenshots the vehicle is turning into a driveway and the front wheels are angled in the direction of the turn. How did you accomplish that ? It's a very cool, 'realistic' effect.
ninjanoobslayer  [author] 1 May, 2018 @ 6:53pm 
No, the Rosenbauer prop will be a new release, that's why it's not. The hazmat was just an expansion of existing set
Awesomeben242 1 May, 2018 @ 6:51pm 
Can we get the prop before? I like creating situations with props
Awesomeben242 1 May, 2018 @ 6:42pm 
ninjanoobslayer  [author] 1 May, 2018 @ 6:30pm 
At least not until August
Awesomeben242 1 May, 2018 @ 6:26pm 
Okay. If you don't mind me asking, when should the rosenbauer pumper be released
Amayasnep 1 May, 2018 @ 6:17pm 
Ooh, now that's something I wasn't expecting. Looks cool :steamhappy:
ninjanoobslayer  [author] 1 May, 2018 @ 6:12pm 
the prop became part of a earlier prop pack? Also, you can't dump a vehicle from a prop, but you can do the opposite for a vehicle.
Awesomeben242 1 May, 2018 @ 5:42pm 
Why did you release the prop before the vehicle.Im not complaining, I just think it's weird