

Sow Unrest & Support Rebellions
39 条留言
Tuxu -=JeepC=- 2021 年 10 月 23 日 上午 11:26 
malthric 2021 年 7 月 9 日 上午 11:00 
update it
Robert E.O. Speedwagon 2019 年 11 月 14 日 上午 8:51 
Hasta la victoria siempre!
Tribute7373 2019 年 8 月 7 日 下午 6:11 
Is this no longer being worked on? Does this mod still work?
󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡geligord 2019 年 7 月 28 日 下午 1:24 
is it works?
aaron1luish 2018 年 12 月 16 日 上午 2:01 
thanks, it back again
MidnightCoffee 2018 年 12 月 15 日 下午 6:48 
Thank you!
Caligula Caesar  [作者] 2018 年 12 月 15 日 上午 12:47 
Should be back. Was Steam playing up
MidnightCoffee 2018 年 12 月 14 日 下午 10:37 
It seems the potent rebellion page was removed -- odd considering in my subscription list it showed it being updated to 2.2, and its compatible in my mod launcher with 2.2. I don't know if it works but hey, author probably has his reasons.
aaron1luish 2018 年 12 月 14 日 下午 9:13 
it keeps on saying error, and the page keeps on saying, "The item is either marked as hidden or you do not have permission to view it."
aaron1luish 2018 年 12 月 14 日 下午 9:10 
is anyone else experianceing this problem? the link still dosnt go to the page.
Caligula Caesar  [作者] 2018 年 6 月 10 日 下午 10:57 
TLO 2018 年 6 月 10 日 下午 10:14 
Its gone for me too.
nuutzu 2018 年 6 月 10 日 下午 8:26 
Did you remove Potent Rebellions? The link doesn't go to the page.
Caligula Caesar  [作者] 2018 年 3 月 8 日 上午 11:27 
What you are suggesting is a lot of work.
V3N0M 2018 年 3 月 7 日 下午 11:10 
Forgot to mention in my last post, the espionage events would be against empires you have rivalries with, that would be the main way the player can control this mechanic.
V3N0M 2018 年 3 月 7 日 下午 11:08 
I’ve tried to use this mechanic as part of potent rebellions and since I’m playing tall with lots of star bases I don’t have any planets close enough to the border to make this edict available. I think what you should do is replace it with an “espionage” policy that, if activated, fires events giving the player opportunities for espionage (think of the way assasinations are handled in CK2 where the game suggests an assasination method and you can decide whether to go through with it or not.). These opportunities could be anything from promoting unrest, hacking into the other rmpire’s sensors (active sensor link for free!) to breaking up their defensive pacts/federations by staging incidents. The downside of this policy is that it takes longer to build trust with other empires, especially if you get caught.

I hope all of that made sense. I think what i suggested would be a lot more flexible without taking much control away from the player.
Caligula Caesar  [作者] 2018 年 2 月 25 日 上午 9:05 
Play Potent Rebellions 2.0 for now, it has all this in it (I just forgot to upload this version). I will be away this week, so I won't have time to upload the fixed version till next Sunday.
WK明月如龍 2018 年 2 月 25 日 上午 1:16 
Please, update to 2.0/
Caligula Caesar  [作者] 2018 年 1 月 4 日 下午 3:29 
They are listed in the description here.
Xherdos 2018 年 1 月 4 日 下午 1:40 
what are the requirements for that i have all the Things researched but the Edicts don't show up
pasci_lei 2017 年 12 月 14 日 上午 10:22 
Why is this not in base game yet?
Caligula Caesar  [作者] 2017 年 12 月 3 日 下午 7:12 
There's shouldn't be any problems running both this and Potent Rebellions, the files are identical so they just overwrite each other with no actual effect.
Caligula Caesar  [作者] 2017 年 12 月 3 日 下午 7:11 
No I'm sorry, it is downright impossible to sow unrest on someone you are in a federation with. Must have been someone else doing it, if anyone was doing it at all (rebellions don't necessarily need unrest being sown!).
David Ralphsky 2017 年 12 月 3 日 下午 6:33 
Not sure. We were in a federation together, and soon after I started sowing unrest he started getting rebellions.

A note on my part, I accidentally had this and the Potent Rebellions Expanded mods active, so I'm not sure what kind of problems that might have caused. Either way, we dealt with the rebellion quickly. It's definitely possible that a nearby empire was also sowing unrest and it was a coincidence. They used it to great effect during wars because my fleshbag teammates were democracies instead of glorious robotic hive minds.

Inconclusive evidence all around.
Caligula Caesar  [作者] 2017 年 12 月 3 日 下午 2:13 
That's not the case. Either you weren't actually allies, or someone else is sowing up the unrest.
David Ralphsky 2017 年 12 月 3 日 下午 12:38 
Found a mild problem. Sow Unrest also affects allies. I accidentally'd my friend while playing by trying to sabotage a nearby empire and his planets started rebelling against him.
Caligula Caesar  [作者] 2017 年 12 月 1 日 上午 10:36 
I recommend you play Potent Rebellions Expanded. It changes the balance far further in the direction of rebellions actually happening. This mod is limited in scope, and doesn't try to fix all the Vanilla elements in rebellions that simply don't work very well (you will have to play PRE for that).
y4wgmoth 2017 年 12 月 1 日 上午 10:32 
I've never actually had a rebellion happen despite sowing discord for 40+ years
The Last Arbys™ 2017 年 11 月 23 日 下午 7:17 
Great! Now I can be just like Russia, sowing discord and distrust among my more powerful enemies! Thanks Caligula!
Caligula Caesar  [作者] 2017 年 11 月 10 日 上午 5:40 
你再打扰我学习,我就 2017 年 11 月 10 日 上午 4:51 
Blue Sea 2017 年 10 月 15 日 下午 6:31 
Caligula Caesar  [作者] 2017 年 10 月 12 日 下午 9:52 
It is in my other rebellions mod, actually :) I don't think it would mess Alphamod, but I'm not all that clear on all the features in it. What in particular do you mean with 'mess with'?

Federations as a whole can't, the game devs will have to expand how they work before that would be possible.
SCP-049 2017 年 10 月 12 日 下午 6:08 
also can federations as a whole sow unrest in an enemies empire? like a group funding of rebels?
SCP-049 2017 年 10 月 12 日 下午 6:06 
I'm curious, does this work well with your other rebellion mod? does the other mod also mess with the other mods in Alpha mod?
Caligula Caesar  [作者] 2017 年 10 月 7 日 下午 9:05 
@trmonahan: I don't think so, diplo options still lack AI weights I think.
Kepos 2017 年 10 月 7 日 下午 8:37 
Nice one, thx! Ever wondered how 'the revolution' could be taken to the enemy. :steamhappy:
tmonahan23 2017 年 10 月 7 日 下午 4:15 
You should take a look at these 2 mod ref materials/ base for mods - that can take your idea and put it into a Diplomacy option.