Mount & Blade: Warband

Mount & Blade: Warband

New Troops
Ergebnisse 1–10 von 19
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Update: 12. Nov. um 7:09

Modifies weapon statistics of Nord Huscarl a little.

Update: 2. Sep. um 23:17

Small changes

Update: 2. Sep. um 18:36

Small changes

Update: 26. Aug. um 12:19

Small changes

Update: 26. Aug. um 9:33

Adds optional Javelins to Khergit Horse Warrior also removing one of the two Arrows it had from it.

Update: 24. Aug. um 0:18

Small changes

Update: 23. Aug. um 23:04

Removes shield and adds one extra throwing stones to Sarranid Villager. Also adds more throwing knives to Marauder.

Update: 23. Aug. um 21:44

Updates the equipments of both Khergit Horse Skirmisher and Khergit Veteran Horse Skirmisher.

Update: 23. Aug. um 21:13

Fixes a bug relating to earlier update.

Update: 23. Aug. um 19:23

Adds one new troop to Khergit Khanate (Khergit Veteran Horse Skirmisher).