Company of Heroes 3

Company of Heroes 3

(8) Hill 209
Showing 1-8 of 8 entries
Update: 15 Jun, 2023 @ 6:02pm

v 1.3

More visual updates.

Additional tracks
Adjustments to rock screes and prefab craters
Brightened last atmosphere from 9.0 sun strength to 9.2
Removed one minefield area on the left of the Axis base; should make exiting the base less lane-y
Refinements to vehicle shot blockers
Removed some trench crossing splines in narrow Axis-side trenches; should no longer slow down vehicles.
Removed impass near old 2 pdr battery; forgot to remove that impass with the guns.
Added wrecked vehicles to Axis base (viz only)

Added new stylized screenshots

Update: 15 Jun, 2023 @ 5:17pm

Update: 13 Jun, 2023 @ 12:53am

V 1.2.1

Some changes to address issues/bugs

missing ultralight wrecks should now appear
some errant splats removed
height adjusted in a few areas
German trenches should have their textures appear now
German HQ territory was missing a couple of spots; painted those in now.

Update: 12 Jun, 2023 @ 2:15pm

V 1.2

Updated Steam description; added map description in game.

Re-tiled and re-textured most of the map
— upper 1/3 consists mostly of sand dunes
— center and lower third consist mostly of rocks
Removed most of the minefields from the map; they’re now along the periphery or right outside the base

Axis base boundaries got a face lift. Some areas are replaced with rocks and where parts of the trench were left intact I tried to create some sort of ad hoc retaining wall was constructed

Vehicle cover wrecks modified so they don’t appear on the minimap. Placing the cover in them is a pain and 6-man squads might have issues.

Top side wrecks and blockers consist mostly of Italian and lighter British armour while the south consists mostly of Matilda IIs and Panzer III/IV. Added a StuG or two.

Added destroyed section of top and bottom trenches for easier access.

Adjusted territory sectors slightly. VPs mover closer to mid and away from trenches; top and bottom cutoffs moved slightly closer to middle.
Muni +10s in mid changed to +5; changed top and bottom muni from +10 to +16

Removed guns from prepared positions. 5.5in howitzer, PaK 38, and 2 pdr emplacements remain but the guns do not.

Added field hospital to British base but it isn’t functional

Final atmosphere setting (dusk) arrives at 32 minutes instead of the previous 35 minutes.

As always, feedback and suggestions are welcome. The map could use additional cosmetic work and I plan on making changes/additions in the future!

Update: 1 Jun, 2023 @ 12:46am

V 1.1

Grass added near Wadi area
Fixes to splat layering
Atmosphere adjustments:
Original atmosphere made slightly less bright
Added atmosphere transitions. The map will gradually change with a Day --> Day --> Dusk setting, with the final Dusk atmosphere settling at 2400 seconds (40 minutes)
Changed compass orientation. North now points directly at the bottom of the map and the sun sets in the south, the direction of the camera's orientation.

Update: 30 May, 2023 @ 9:08am

V 1.0.2

Removed a palette of bushes
Adjusted some action markers — these are quite difficult and not all are firing consistently due to underlying issues with the game
Small adjustments to objects or splats.

Update: 29 May, 2023 @ 10:55pm

V 1.0.1

Updated OOB vistas.
Deleted spheres of power
Some changes to action markers

More work to do, especially when it comes to detailing with splats and splines.

Update: 29 May, 2023 @ 8:57pm