A Hat in Time

A Hat in Time

[REMIXES] Distance
Showing 1-7 of 7 entries
Update: 30 Jun, 2023 @ 3:23am

Small update - some of the remixes that were hooking onto base game remixes, now hook into the main song as it should. This basically means nothing, unless you're using Randomized Remixes v2, in which case it will now show up in the correct spot.

Update: 25 May, 2023 @ 2:38am

1.5 Release!

- All remixes are now given automatically (Finally, amirite?)
- Track names have been adjusted, now they are sorted by the original track's name, not the pack's name

Update: 23 Apr, 2023 @ 11:39pm

Minor update - extended the track for the Mu fight Phase 2-3 transition

Update: 23 Apr, 2023 @ 1:22am

New update!

Three new remixes:
- Ascension, for The Windmill Peak
- Embers, for The Lava Cake Peak
- And for 'You Are All Bad Guys', three separate songs:
-- Phase 1: Its Violent Heart Still Pulses
-- Phase 2: To Echoes
-- Phase 3: An Imperfect Rhythm

I plan to at least cover the rest of Alpine Skyline before finishing this pack. After that, I think I'll do a more randomised pack to cover the main gaps between this Distance pack and the Pac-Man CE one.

Update: 18 Apr, 2023 @ 9:42pm

New update!

- Her Spaceship - Tepid Pants
- The Illness Has Spread - The Other Side (Drum Mix)
- Subcon Village - Spooky Town

I'm actually finding myself realising that I don't think I can put many more Distance songs in without pivoting to something else, even if I branched out to including Nitronic Rush songs as well.

I may consider this finished in an update or two.

Update: 9 Apr, 2023 @ 8:26pm

New update!

- New Vanessa's Manor (mission) remix. This consists of two tracks (Darkness and Research, along with a few stingers) and covers the Manor AS WELL AS the Ice Field.
- New Clock Towers (blue rift) remix (The Other Side).
- Fixed icons for Distance Project remixes (performed by Torcht) and Nitronic remixes (performed by The Quiggles). The icons for remixes are differentiated by the tracks used.

Update: 7 Apr, 2023 @ 7:54pm

Initial release with two tracks!