Halo: The Master Chief Collection

Halo: The Master Chief Collection

Halo 2: Uncut
Showing 1-10 of 29 entries
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Update: 10 Sep @ 8:03pm

-Plasma Charge on The Great Journey has textures.
-Disabled weapon transfer from Arbiter to Oracle for now as I find a remedy for a glitch surrounding it.

Update: 29 Aug @ 11:41am

-Added Spectres on Missile Beach's "map default" vehicle selection; done for objective game modes.
-Objective gametype player spawns on Missile Beach should be fixed now.
-Teleporters on Overboard should sync for clients.
-Mongoose destruction effects should only play when it's actually destroyed.
-Rocket Hog's second-fired rocket should sync for clients.
-The Satchel Charge on Outskirts damages players that are too close when it explodes.

Update: 27 Aug @ 7:52am

Hotfix: fixed the rocket hog turret in multiplayer to be much more reasonable.

Update: 27 Aug @ 12:38am

-Added the 10 new Digsite maps to Uncut multiplayer.
-Added a new sequence in the beginning of Outskirts involving the Digsite Satchel Charge.
-The bomb on The Great Journey is now replaced with the Digsite Plasma Charge.
-More script optimization on The Great Journey was done.
-Softlock on Oracle after the Juggernaut fight involving the Spec-Ops Commander is fixed.
-The Phantom that shows up before the Gondola section on Quarantine Zone is now indestructible.
-On High Charity, both co-op players can use the right-side light bridge after the first elevator.
-The Silenced SMG should deal damage in multiplayer now.

Update: 18 Feb @ 10:06pm

Update: 18 Feb @ 9:07pm

-Edited the MP Globals to include the Uncut weapons and vehicles (this was working before tho wtf)
-Death barriers added to 03 Lockout and 03 Ascension

Update: 17 Feb @ 5:13pm

Fixed multiple softlocks revolving around the Phantoms on the maps it appears.

Update: 17 Feb @ 12:26am

-The rest of the MP maps are now released.
-Battle Rifle has been made considerably more accurate.
-Changed Metropolis's menu name back to "Metropolis Uncut" from "New Mombasa Uncut".
-New Spectre encounter on Delta Halo.
-Phantom destruction effects are brand new, from the Ruby's Rebalanced team.
-Damage from enemy SMG users is slightly weaker.
-New Jackal Sniper and Covenant Gun Tower encounters on Great Journey.
-Softlock on Great Journey's sentinel encounter is now fixed; death pit has been adjusted.
-Softlock on Oracle revolving around the Spec Ops Commander should be fixed now.
-Enemies should be aware of your appearance after Metropolis's water tunnel segment.
-Brute properly underneath broken door before the inner sanctum on High Charity.
-BR and SMG melee animations back to vanilla. Digsite empty reloads are still present, however.

Update: 2 Jan @ 2:41am

Forgot the spike nades lol, re-added them.

Update: 2 Jan @ 2:37am

Grunt Birthday Party skull works again. Also shaved off a lot of the now-unused remastered sound effect references, so remastered.dat is a significantly smaller size, decreasing the mod's size by over a gig.