Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

Showing 1-10 of 140 entries
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Update: 28 Aug @ 9:48am

v1.82: (again)

Slightly moved the CSS button again once the menu was opened and not being blocked by a small avatar.

Update: 28 Aug @ 6:47am


Fixed the CSS Button not positioned correctly during Online Play.

Update: 9 Aug @ 5:28pm

• Updated the localisation files.

+ Added a brief hsp clamp before throwing/placing the Cardboard Cutout.
+ Added the missing cooldown after throwing/placing the Cardboard Cutout.


+ Updated the Victory Quote List (Hehehe...)
+ Added Workshop support for the Star/Screen KO Buddy

Update: 1 Aug @ 5:49am

A lot can happen in four years... Game Blaze Adventurer returns once again with a cleaner revamp, bigger moveset selection and most importantly... *Stage Control*. After making many characters, experimenting, and so on, I thought it was time I circled back to the guy who had started this crazy journey of mine.


• Updated the localisation files. (Gotta keep this joke going...~)
• Updated G.B.A's idle animation.
• Redid many of the sound files and sound layering. And added a couple of new ones too.
+ Replaced the two portraits with one that's animated.
+ G.B.A has three different Parry Animations.
+ G.B.A has five different Wait Idle Animations.
• Updated the Double Jump sprites.
• Updated the Wall-Jump sprites.
• Updated the SpinHurt sprites.
- Removed the fire buff ability, as it's now a Rune.
+ The Fiery Flare Status's amount has been increased from 5 -> 6 and the dmg rate starts working when it's 3 and beyond instead of 2 and beyond.
• Updated the sprites for the Fiery Flare Status Effect.
+ The Mute Button has become a mini menu for many selectables besides Muting. Togglable specials and Victory Quotes.
+ You can now hold the Taunt button with Taunts 1 & 2.

• Updated FTILT and it's sprites (It now has the same frame data & hitbox stats as Mollo's FTILT).
• Updated USTRONG sprites.
• Updated DSTRONG sprites.
• Updated FAIR sprites (Angle changed from 45 -> 50, KB increased from 6 -> 7, KBS increased from 0.55 -> 0.60)
• Updated UAIR sprites.

• Updated NSPECIAL (Flare Shot) on how the projectile behaviours.
+ DSPECIAL and DSPECIAL_AIR have been completely reworked.
+ Added new NSPECIALs, FSPECIALs and DSPECIALs. Details of them can be found on the description page or on the Muno Phone Tip Section.
+ G.B.A now has two choices for Stage Control Interactions! A 'campfire' and... A Cardboard Cut-Out...?
+ Updated the Final STRONG sprites

Abyss Runes:
• The rune now only uses Year 1 G.B.A’s movement stats.

• NSPECIAL's projectile is a curve ball.
• NSPECIAL2's aerial projectile now shoots out NSPECIAL's projectile when it makes contact with the floor.
• NSPECIAL3's projectile now goes upwards in an arc.

• Now uses the 'Infamous' Burn Heal ability.

• It's now a self-inflicting fire buff/install instead of modifying FSPECIAL's travel speed.

• Updated RuneM Jab sprites.

+ The Razgriz Alt now has a victory background
• Updated the Dialogue Buddy lines against RyeGuy & Beaky and Brella.
+ Added Workshop support to Reiga's The Knight
+ Added Workshop support to Bar-Kun's Sonic Rainbow Ring Trick Pose
+ Added Workshop support to Aperson's Yooka-Laylee
+ Added Workshop support to the Nintendo Wii Stage

Update: 16 Jan @ 3:33pm

v1.77 (steam fix):

Uploading because Steam showed 0.000MB on the description page. Weird bug.
Minor update for the dialogue buddy against Bowsette.

Update: 8 Dec, 2023 @ 5:59am


• Updated the localization files

• Minor reposition for the hitbox

+ KBS has been increased from 1.05 -> 1.10

(front hitbox)
+ KBS has been increased from 0.80 -> 0.90

Update: 1 Nov, 2023 @ 7:12am


Added Custom Chao sprites for Bar-Kun's Chao Buddy.

Update: 10 Oct, 2023 @ 10:22am


• Fixed that odd bug related to the Fiery Flare again, where sometimes opponents respawning would take damage when they shouldn't

- Removed the third hitbox
+ Increased hitbox 1's and 2's lifetime from 1 -> 2

• Repositioned and resized hitboxes 1, 2 and 3 to be more reasonable
+ Increased hitbox 1's, 2's and 3's lifetime from 1 -> 2
- Decreased hitbox 4's lifetime from 3 -> 2
+ Endlag increased from 15 -> 16


• Updated the Dialogue Buddy with Spark

Update: 24 Aug, 2023 @ 11:42am

v1.74 (belated tune up):

• Another update for the sprites and smear.

Update: 19 Aug, 2023 @ 7:50am


• Changed the timer rate for Fiery Flare's dmg outputs
- Removed the Fiery Flare stack limiter for UAIR and FAIR (If this ends up backfiring, I’ll revert it)

+ KBS increased from 1.00 -> 1.05

• Minor update for sprites

+ Start-up increased from 8f -> 12f