Day of Infamy

Day of Infamy

Screaming Steel: 1914-1918
Showing 1-7 of 7 entries
Update: 3 Aug, 2021 @ 1:11pm

We've just pushed a small update on the Steam workshop to address some issues with the Endgame update. Below is a short changelog covering what's changed:

August 3, 2021 Changelog

- Fixed a big issue in the COOP Raid gamemode on the new Bailleul map where several territory objectives were "undiscoverable". The issue made it impossible for the attacking players to win.
- Fixed some very bad spots in the NAV-mesh used by bots on the Nimy Bridge map.
- Fixed Ross rifle available for the Marksman using wrong thirdperson sounds.
- Slightly lowered volume and attenuation of the whistle sound used in thirdperson.
- Lowered volume and attenuation of the 'use' sound for the Sentry first aid kits.
- Changed the 'bounce' sound of several grenades in the mod.
- Added a custom HUD icon for the No. 5 Mills Bomb which was mistakenly left out of the previous update.

NOTE: Servers need to be restarted by server admins for them to be joinable after this update. If you are unable to join a server, be patient and wait for it to restart.

Update: 22 Jul, 2021 @ 10:51am

The Endgame Update
Follow this link for the full changelog:

Update: 4 Aug, 2019 @ 11:34am

This small hotfix takes care of some big issues/exploits with the new content introduced in the August 2 update.

- Fixed a reload skipping exploit with the Madsen Muskete.
- Fixed a bugged capture zone on Nimy Bridge Entrenchment mode making it impossible for the enemy AI to capture the last point and for the British to regroup.

Update: 2 Aug, 2019 @ 7:58am

The full changelog for this update can be found by following this link:

Update: 21 Aug, 2018 @ 10:19am

NOTE: All servers will have to be restarted for this patch to apply, and any servers that have not been restarted will not show up in the server browser. For any players confused about not being able to find servers, this is the reason why.

This second patch aims at tweaking and fixing more serious balancing issues (particularly weapon balance) based on recurring feedback and the results of the feedback form we shared after our previous patch. We received a lot of valuable information from this form, and our future patches will also address some of the feedback we gathered from it.

Future patches and updates will contain additional content, though we will for the most part focus on the gameplay balance of our current content in these first few patches. We feel it's necessary to have a balanced build of the mod that the majority of our players are happy with before adding any new and big additions like weapons or classes.

-Slightly decreased spread of normal infantry rifles. (New value = 0.33, Old value = 0.37) Marksman rifles have been reverted to their release accuracy value of 0.15.
-Slightly increased penetration values and damage at long range for bolt-action rifles. These statistics now mirror the statistics from the vanilla game.
-Decreased recoil for the Lewis Gun and MG 08/15, primarily in deployed mode while standing and crouching.

MP18: Increased RPM from 450 to 475. Slightly decreased vertical recoil and aimpunch.

Auto 5: Decreased spread from 3.0 to 2.5. Increased damage per pellet at close and medium range. Adjusted damage dropoff distances to make performance more consistent at close and medium ranges.

MG 08/15: Removed the 200-round belt upgrade for this weapon.
The old placeholder animations lifted from the vanilla Vickers MG have been replaced with a new set of custom animations. Animations by MyDude and MzK.

Webley Mk VI: Increased RPM from 200 to 250.
The old Webley Mk IV .38 model from the vanilla game has been replaced with a Webley Mk VI .455. Custom model + textures made by RedRogueXIII and Hauptman_13, animations by Ky-Ky.

Gewehr 98: The authentic sights are now default, with the older default sight picture being an option called "Alternate Sights".

Wex M1917: The flamethrower has had its range reduced from 700 to 630 units. This range better matches the particle effect emitted by the weapon, preventing cheap kills on enemies that aren't actually touched by the reach of the particles.

-Changed the viewmodel FOV of the Hand-Nebelbombe, making it more visible on-screen.
-Added camera motions for some of the LP08 animations.

Frontline Mode
The Frontline mode in our mod has received some valuable feedback since the release, and the most notable piece of criticism we've received has to do with the momentum of each team in an average match of Frontlines. Before this patch, each team had 15 waves, and would gain an additional 2 waves for each objective captured. If a team captured the second to last objective, it was almost impossible for the "losing" team to fend off the attackers and protect their radio due to the amount of waves the winning team had gained.

In this patch, we're trying out some new numbers: Each team starts out with 10 waves, and will only gain 1 wave by capturing an objective. The round timer is still unchanged (15 minutes), and so is the respawn timer (30 seconds).

Gas Barrage
The Gas Barrage was problematic in the earlier iterations of the mod. The spread values of the barrage often caused the gas shells to land far off-target, giving the enemy good time to react and steer clear of the gas, reducing its deadly potential. This new iteration of the Gas Barrage aims to increase the deadliness and area blocking potential of the gas, creating a smaller but denser cloud which is difficult to traverse through. The first few shells of the barrage also have a higher chance of hitting the intended area, increasing the element of surprise.

- Random shell spread from call-in point changed from 1100 to 900 units.
- Number of shells increased from 17 to 20.
- To better match the particle effects of the gas cloud, a single gas shell now deals damage for 11 seconds (Old value was 16 seconds).

-Added some more ramp exits out of the rear German trench.
-Made some exits out of the front German trench clearer.
-Fixed some broken ladders across the map.
-Added a sandbag emplacement high in the terrain between the front and rear German trenches, mirroring one of the British emplacements.
-Adjusted the terrain in the German half of No Man's Land, it should be easier for Germans to navigate, take cover and make their way to the B objective now.
-Removed part of the barbed wire blockade in front of the German trenches, making it easier to navigate in/out of.
-Adjusted direction and angle of the sunlight, CW soldiers will no longer be well hidden by dark terrain behind them when standing in their trenches.
-Altered the color of the dirt texture used across the map, it no longer hides the CW playermodels as well
-Reduced the amount of foliage sprites close to British trenches.
-Increased size of the spawn exit artillery blockers.

-Changed the layout of the CW “radio building” in the Frontline game mode. Defending the radio should be an easier task now, and more measures against “cheap” radio kills have been added.
-Made the sandbag line near the church jumpable, mounting MG’s here should also be easier now.
-Fixed a balcony handrail model with a faulty collision mesh in the A-objective building.

-Changed the positioning of the CW radio in the Frontline game mode. Defending the radio should be an easier task now, and more measures against “cheap” radio kills have been added.
-Slightly increased the ambient brightness of the map.

-The maps have had their NAV-meshes refined by Custo, improving the logic and movement of bots. There are still some iffy spots in some of the maps where bots will bunch up in certain game modes, though we believe this comes down to how the bots have been programmed to behave in these PvP modes.
-Adjusted the default bot behavior via console commands in the playlist files. The bots should be more aggressive in general, with advances and pushes happening more often. Their aim and reaction time have also been improved.

Update: 31 Jul, 2018 @ 11:31am

July 31 patch

After a very good launch weekend and a lot of valuable feedback from the playerbase, we're ready to release our first patch. This patch is mostly aimed at fixing and adjusting gameplay and balancing issues, with little actual new content.

NOTE: All servers require a restart for these updates to apply. Server hosts, update your servers as soon as possible. The servers running the older version of the mod will NOT show up in the server browser until they have been updated.


- Slightly increased the accuracy of the SMLE and Gewehr 98, both the standard and marksman variants.
Standard: Old spread value = 0.46, New spread value = 0.37
Marksman: Old spread value = 0.15, New spread value = 0.12

While the accuracy of bolt-action rifles is still not pin-point like in the vanilla game, these changes should be a noticeable difference ingame, certainly at medium ranges. The current values sit between the vanilla values for the bolt-action rifle accuracy and our older values in the release build. The reasoning behind our change in rifle accuracy compared with vanilla follows here, it can also be read in our FAQ:

"The focus on close quarter combat in vanilla Day of Infamy has been replaced with more long range fighting, with bolt-action rifles and light machineguns being very common weapons. Due to the the open nature of most of the maps, some long range weapons have had their pin-point-accuracy decreased to add more longevity to firefights. This has the benefit of preventing everyone from becoming static snipers dropping everyone at extreme ranges with 1 shot, adding actual value to the limited Marksman class meant for extreme ranges, and also encouraging people to push across open ground in order to capture territories and get in close with the enemy."

In addition to the increased spread, the rifles in Screaming Steel also have increased sway. Crouching or holding your breath while aiming are good ways of reducing sway.

Bomber Class
- The "Grenade Pouch" geartype for the Bomber class now gives an extra explosive of the one equipped in the first explosive slot (except for the No. 12 Hairbrush).
- The default amount of Mills Bombs for the Bomber class has now been upped from 2 to 3 due to the change mentioned above.
- The total amount of explosive slots is now 4 instead of 5 because of this change
- Made two-handed melee weapons for the Bomber class free (0 supply points). The new default melee weapon is the Trench Club.
-Updated the VGUI icon for the Grenade Pouch.

Mustard Gas
- Reduced the random shell spread from call-in-point from 1250 to 1100 units.

Strafing run
- Increased the cooldown period from 75 to 85 seconds.

- Removed some broken bodygroups on the German playermodels.
- Changed the playermodel of a CW class in early war maps, two classes previously used the same model.

- Tweaked the terrain in the German half of No Man's land. It should be easier getting to the objective without exposing yourself to enemy fire now.
- Slightly increased the size of the middle cap zone towards the German half of the map.
- Removed the advancing spawns in the Frontline mode. Due to the relatively small size of this map, the side who first captured the middle objective got an overly powerful advantage when their spawn moved forwards.
- Added artillery blockers above the spawn points, protecting players and the radio points in the Frontline mode.
- Marked the top edges of the CW spawn point with barbed wire and foliage to show that you cannot go in these directions.
- Potential fix for some broken soundscape activations.

- Fixed a spot where it was possible to get out-of-bounds.
- Repositioned the German radio point to be further inside the town hall building.
- Tweaked a spawn protection zone for the Offensive/Invasion modes to get rid of spawncamping (German spawn protection, Objective A).
- Various small visibility tweaks.
- Optimization tweaks.

- Slightly increased the size of the B capture zone towards the CW side of the canal. This should make retaking the zone a bit easier for the defenders.
- Increased the size of the artillery/fire support blocker around the D objective.

Update: 26 Jul, 2018 @ 2:11pm