Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

Showing 1-2 of 2 entries
Update: 15 Jun, 2018 @ 9:41am

Lots of changes in v1.1:
- Added player clipping to stairs and other parts of the map to keep players contained and prevent any exploits
- Two new areas that are located outside
- Moved CT spawn farther away from T spawn to increase the time to intial contact
- Certain textures around the map have been updated to give players a better sense of direction and create depth
- Lots of minor bug fixes and adjustments
- Added more minor cover additions to change the gunplay
- Improved some lighting in areas

- If you find any more bugs or suggested changes, please send them off to me!

Update: 28 May, 2018 @ 4:29pm

Inital release of Elysium