Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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Atualização: 19/jun./2020 às 0:54

-Minor Bug Fix

Packed the old file with vide to include the CC and fix a couple texture bugs

Atualização: 29/jul./2019 às 9:59

-Improved contrast between cts and their background at A long by changing the texture and adding lighting
-Tweaked clipping around the map
-Fixed a bug with debris displacement slowing movement (steep slope)
-Altered lighting/clipping/lightmap scale in various parts of the map - for the most part this should be unnoticeable but is a nice quality of life

Atualização: 28/jul./2019 às 18:53

-bug fixes in mid namely around the new vending machine
-minor tweaks to stump height
-Improved clipping around ladder
-General clipping improvements
-fixed strange bug involving long b railing
-other minor bug fixes

Atualização: 28/jul./2019 às 15:33


-Closed Zen Garden
-Patched Zen floor
-Turned B tree into a stump
-Adjusted render distance of props in mid
-Adjusted A floor mat render distance
-Swapped alt mid tarp for a less saturated one and switched it from blue to red
-Removed 1 ping pong table
-Closed bubble tea
-Labelled bubble tea Boba
-Smoothed mid tv screen
-Removed wire from B shipping container
-Changed the train over b for a dangling truck
-Split A windows into 3
-Removed tiny house and car from mid boost
-Altered cover around boba
-Fixed 2 rendering issues in mid fountain
-1 additional vending machine to mid to improve interaction distance
-Tweaked cover in alt mid to slightly encourage defensive play
-Many prop reductions and tweaks to improve visual consistencies
-Removed and reworked crates on b
-Adjusted clipping on boba
-Altered render distances of props around boba
-Labelled bubble tea Boba
-Simplified the flower bed outside ct entrance
-Removed visibility from underneath b shipping
-Cleaned up CT ladder both for movement and visibility
-Removed unmatching tables and chairs from mid, an flipped one remaining table to improve ct mid hold (might patch this out later down the line)
-Narrowed mid bar to give cts cleaner movement
-Removed 2 chairs from A site and tucked the others under the desk, they created confusion with players trying to hide behind them and generally made movement through A site less satisfying
-Tucked fridges and fire extinguishers in a little bit
-Adjusted and simplified Mid T pillar cover
-R E D U C E D P R O P S
-Improved consistency of A drop (If you do a long crouch jump you will still take damage, but it's so much easier than nuke a drop so I don't think it needs to be changed any further)
-Tweaked props at the back of A for cleaner movement
-Added more clipping around B site for smoother movement specifically on the crates
-Widened Long tree's planter base to significantly improve aggressive play for both sides
-Lowered triple railing on long to improve visibility
-Improved clipping T spawn
-Reduced the size of T spawn
-Improved spawn positions and angles for both teams

++Might have missed some changes that I have done hopefully I have listed most of the important ones.

Atualização: 27/jul./2019 às 12:01

small bug fixes


Atualização: 26/jul./2019 às 12:49

bug fixes
visual improvements around b site
radar patch
sparks to the control unit + added boost spot
More advertisement screens
Updated workshop thumbnail

Atualização: 22/jul./2019 às 13:02

Bug fixes
Minor visual improvesments
Improved optimisation around t spawn
Made mid doors visually consistent with model and colour, slightly toning down the saturation and increasing the fire exit from the cellars saturation - hopefully the part under mid now feels a lot more connected to mid

Played around with glass textures to try to make sure the breakable and unbreakable ones have some visual consistency

Places where there are hacked advertisement screens that show tv static have frosted glass to reduce contrast and improve visibility.

Raised and reduced the size of the flower bed by A site

fixed solar panels near t spawn

tweaked lighting and dust mote properties

Added more playful decals around the map

Improved popping distance of props and decals

Most noticeably on the route to b and around the coffee shop 'COF E'

Please submit any feedback or bug reports, trying to get this playtest ready for a proper match and I don't want people to fixate on something silly when there could be more important changes added.

Atualização: 22/jul./2019 às 11:08

Atualização: 16/jul./2019 às 11:17

I optimised a lot especially around T spawn, just to then increase the visual fidelity of the map which should mean there is no difference to performance or a minor increase in performance.
Added dust motes
Improve jenny beams
Changed the big ping pong paddle into a func rotating.
Other lighting and texture tweaks.
T spawn props adjusted
Improved fade distance for props
Pushed most of the lights on A site into the ceiling - forgot one but as I have rendered my map 3 times today I think I should give my pc a rest. (Expect this to be changed soon)
made certain props feel more natural through repositioning and improved clipping
Swapped b crash couch for mattresses

Atualização: 7/jul./2019 às 10:42

After a playtest session with friends I listened to their feedback and tried to apply it. I'm going to paraphrase what they said.

-try smoothing b ramps even more +check

-Add a pool table to mid to make it feel more like a bar -unfortunately there is no pool table asset and it would look gross if I tried to model it in the hammer editor

-fix alt mids vent -I tried fiddling with a lot of perameters and couldn't fix it, genuinely stumped on this one so I will leave it in saying that the feature is to try to teach people the possibilities of my unique vent mechanics

-make under mid more cellar like by adding more props and crates -check

-Make the cellar door at the ct entrance to mid a little bigger +check but also I decided to make it a partially rolled up door making the visual connection to underneath mid more clear.

-Your sun is in the wrong place +Well now there's two suns huh whatcha gunna do about that, only one sun is the real sun the other simply a part of the skybox texture. Valve please fix.

Other than that
I have re adjusted the highway foliage as there was a little too much.
Re adjusted some lighting
Improved clipping
Some more optimisation around mid which should improve framerates in t spawn
Improved ct spawn aesthetically by making the back wall match up the front.
Altered some graffiti
Tweaked short railings outside b
Fixed popdog decal - it decided to die in a render
General lighting and prop tweaks.
Might have done something to choke connecting cellar to sewars, either that or it will be in the next update.
I have set up sounds for every un openable door in the map but I want the to play on use and for some reason if I do that with a trigger brush the brush becomes solid and visible, so in time I hope to figure out a work around for this.
Also need to think a little harder about ambient noises, I know I definitely want the T spawn van to hum.