ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

Dino Storage [Outdated]
Showing 1-10 of 39 entries
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Update: 11 Jan, 2019 @ 7:25pm

It's time to transfer to v2 guys, as it really is more performant.
• Soul Terminal Item (Cheat Spawnable Only)
• Soul Terminal Structures (They Will Not Poof)
• Dino Souls (Stored Dinos)

• Removed Debuff Gun
• Removed Soul Gun Engram
• Removed Soul Gun Item
• Removed Soul Trapper Engram (NOT Related To Stored Dinos)
• Removed Soul Trapper Item (NOT Related To Stored Dinos)
• Removed Soul Terminal Engram

Update: 31 Dec, 2018 @ 6:46am

• This mod has moved here:
• Fixed a bug causing souls to drop on death and other known bugs.
• Changed item names to to say this mod is outdated.
• There will be no more updates to this mod as it has moved.

Update: 28 Nov, 2018 @ 7:58am

● Dino Souls will now display wild level, and tamed base level in the item description. Sample pic:
● Dino Souls will now display crafting skill stats if the dino uses it (Gacha’s).
*Description additions applied on retrap. Do so leisurely. No visual icon change.
● Stored dinos now gain the dino's natural passive experience gain. Effects are immediate so if you trapped a dino yesterday, you will gain experience from yesterdays time to the time of release. Due to server time differences, the passive experience will only be applied when trapped and released on the same server.
● Added INI config RemovePassiveExp, and it is false by default. This will remove passive experience gains.
● Added INI config PassiveExpMultiplier, and it accepts decimal values and is 1.0 by default.
● Fixed a bug where dinos pooped themselves on arrival.
● Fixed a bug where Desert Titans were having their health be modified on arrival.
● Fixed a bug where Dino Souls would not be dropped when over the limit because it was trying to do it too fast.
● Fixed a UI bug where the mouse would jump to the center of the screen when closing my custom UI's. Mouse will now retain it's position as you navigate through the menus.
● Added visual effects for dino arrivals. Just something I made quickly for now.
● Performance gains by limiting recovery to 1200 of the most recent trapping by default and will trim on first server start after the update. Please use the RecoveryFileLimit ini option to increase or decrease this number, but increasing it will make it harder to read from/write to and effect performance. The ini is clamped to 1800 max due to a large number of reports of lag and it's because they had a bloated recovery file which was not managed well, so this will fix that. This change will not limit how many dinos can be balled, but limit how many entries get stored in the DinoSouls.sav for recovery purposes.
● Removing or using a Soul Recovery entry now creates a log entry in your ServerGame.Log file. Server needs to be started with command line flag -servergamelog for this to work. Logs are generally stored in ShooterGame/Saved/Logs.
● Rephrased "Verify installed mods for modded dinos!" to something along the lines of "Verify installed mods, server settings, and kill zones" as it's a physical spawn validation check used to protect you from losing the Dino Soul in the instance that a dino was not physically able to exist. Whether or not it's from being unable to read the file (mod not installed), said dino is over X level limit (WC ini option), or it just decided to poof for any reason... That's when you get this message and it fail safes to not consume the Dino Soul.
● Renamed Soul Trapper engram from “EngramEntry_DinoSoul” to “EngramEntry_SoulTrapper” to better reflect it’s reference. You may need to relearn the engram and recraft them. Don't worry, this only effects the Soul Trapper item (cheap to make), and not the Dino Soul item (holds your dino).

Update: 30 Oct, 2018 @ 10:55pm

● Sorry, but you need to retrap souls. Certain changes require "refreshing" the item which can only be done when made anew. As such, there will be a visual indicator of a caution sign on the souls that need to be retrapped.
● Trapping and releasing has less impact on the server and is more seamless.
● No more overflow buffer limit crashing from remote inventories (with newly trapped souls, IE no caution sign)
● Added water drop symbols for water dinos and wing symbols for flyer dinos:
● Added INI config PlayerSoulLimit, and is the max Dino Souls that the player is allowed to have. Due to the items data weight when on a player, this will be clamped to 30 max.
● INI config SoulLimit remains in effect for remote inventories and remains 102 as default. For single player users, you can now increase it to 300 if you desire. I don’t recommend going past 102 in dedicated as it can have a desync effect for the client (resolves over time depending on how many is processed).
● Any inventory that is forced to hold more than the Soul Limit allows will now drop the Dino Soul instead of causing it to poof. While not normally possible to exceed the limit, this is a fix for external transfer tools that do not check against some "can add" functions.
● Added a total count display to the recovery UI for those who are curious on how many actors/dinos this mod is storing, that the server world doesn't have to process.
● S+ mutation buffs are blocked by default now to prevent abuse. Don't like the balance change? You can utilize the new buff inclusion INI config to forcibly allow those buffs.
● Added INI config IncludeBuffs and is a comma seperated array for buffs that you want to not be excluded from being reapplied when releasing your dino. Please use the full path. If you need help, you can utilize the DebuffGun to get the string needed.
● Added INI config TrapImmobile and, if true, it allows trapping of dinos that are immobilized.
● Transfer Soul UI will now display both the tribe ownership and personal ownership names if they differ based on tribe settings.
● Terminal MU options now require meeting personal ownership checks if personal ownership is set in tribe governance. All options, other than Pull Souls, are controlled with tribe structure activation ranks in addition to the team/personal ownership checks.
● Terminal MU option Pull Souls is now controlled with tribe inventory access ranks, and still requires meeting the team/personal ownership checks.
● Soul Gun's Pull Souls feature reflects the changes and required checks mentioned above for the Terminal.
● Added a confirmation box when using the Terminal's transfer feature.
● Made the flyer check also consider ride ability so that it blocks flyers like Argents and Quetz that can be ridden, but doesn’t block pets like Dimoprhs or Featherlights that can’t be ridden.
● Changed Terminal MU name "Recover Soul" to "Admin Soul Recovery" to help define clarity on it's use.
● Terminal's Dynamic Text can now be colorized using RGB values:
● Terminal's Dynamic Text will now populate UI with current settings on opening.
● Mod size reduced by 2.6 MB in total.

Update: 3 Oct, 2018 @ 1:31am

● Dino Souls can be slotted in the hotbar.
● Improved boss arena detection.
● Debuff Gun can now target Unclaimed or Wild dinos as well.
● Soul Gun will now enable input properly on relogging if you log out with the Soul Gun equipped.
● Soul Gun no longer overrides input. This fixes an issue where you couldn't cancel placement of a structure with the Soul Gun equipped using default targeting keys (right click).
● Soul Gun's Admin mode toggle is now persistent through unequip events and is tied to the individual player, not the weapon itself. It does not persist when relogging to prevent abuse if your Admin priveledges were to be revoked at some point.
● INI config GunPullRange added and supports decimal placements. This is the range, in foundations, of the Soul Gun's targeting key ability to pull Dino Souls from remote inventories owned by your team. Default is 0.66 which is roughly the standard inventory access range.
● Added logic to handle liopleurodon's remaining tame time. It counts down while stored and will reflect the correct time remaining on new servers.
● Pre-existing DinoSouls.sav files will be 3% smaller in size on first load after the update. Background worker converts data into variable types requiring less storage space. If you're curious, this is what I mean:
● Soul Terminals can now be placed on platforms, with various INI to exclude them as you desire.
● INI config TerminalIncludePlatforms added and is a comma seperated list of dinos that are force allowed to have Terminals placed on their respective platform saddles (rafts are considered a vehicular dino). It checks the ending of the blueprint path found in the spawn code when spawning a dino.
● INI config TerminalExcludeAllPlatforms added and, if true, will prevent Terminal placement on all platform types. Default is false.
● INI config TerminalExcludeFlyerPlatforms added and, if true, will prevent Terminal placement on all flyer type dino's platform saddles. Default is false.
● INI config TerminalExcludeNonFlyerPlatforms added and, if true, will prevent Terminal placement on all non flyer type dino's platform saddles. Default is false.
● INI config TerminalExcludeVehiclePlatforms added and, if true, will prevent Terminal placement on all vehicle type dino's platform saddles (rafts are considered a vehicular dino). Default is false.
● INI config TerminalExcludeDinoPlatforms added and, if true, will prevent Terminal placement on all non vehicular type dino's platform saddles (essentially only allowing rafts and boats, etc.).
● INI config TerminalExcludePlatforms added and is a comma seperated list of dinos that are excluded to have Terminals placed on their respective platform saddles (rafts are considered a vehicular dino). It checks the ending of the blueprint path found in the spawn code when spawning a dino.
This bullet point only effects cross server interactions as each server has different time states so a delta needs to be applied initially: When trapping a dino, it now stores the delta remaining time for mating in the Dino Soul. It does not rewrite this delta time at any other interval other than when being trapped in an effort to keep the game performant. It's recommended to retrap any Dino Soul or dino before you transfer them to get a 100% accurate reflection of mating time remaining on the new server.

Update: 24 Sep, 2018 @ 1:24am

● Fixed an issue with the Terminal's Transfer and Destroy options not working.
● Overhauled the new Dino Soul Pull feature:

Update: 21 Sep, 2018 @ 7:58am

● Pegomastax and Ichthyornis are no longer able to steal Dino Souls.
● Light pets will now retain it's charge when being stored.
● Added a personal owner check when trapping if OwnerRelease is enabled.
~ If using this ini and you need to swap personal ownership around than you can do so by having the owner release the dino with tribe taming set in the governance. This will remove personal ownership and allow you to trap it. Than switch tribe governance to personal taming and it will be released with you as the personal owner.
● Additional MU options for the terminal are now in sub-category [Options]
● You no longer need to select an item for the recovery button to appear. You still need to select a Soul for the destroy and transfer options to show, respectively.
● Added MU option to pull souls from the Terminal, in case you put too many in there.
● Targeting key (right click by default) of the Soul Gun will now open a UI to pull Dino Souls if a container is being targeted, in case you put too many there.
● Minor performance improvement on trapping.
● Dropped item bags from trapping now use the dino's corpse decay time. Before it was a manually set time, but now it gives a item bag decay time as if the dino was naturally killed.
● I liked the orange on the Dino Soul, so I reflected that change on all of my other items. I feel that it contrasts against the blue background really well for easy reading.

Update: 14 Sep, 2018 @ 8:15am

● You can no longer trap immobilized dinos. This includes hitched dinos from S+ hitching post. Admin mode of the soul gun bypasses this (for quick clean-up) so be aware that the hitched immobilization will be readded on release when bypassing it. You can completely block out the hitching immobilization buff using the ExcludeBuffs ini array.
● Dino Soul description will now get the proper name for stats. There was a case where light pets use "Charge Capacity" instead of "Stamina" or "Charge Regen" instead of "Oxygen" so this fixes that:
● Dino Soul description stat values are now accurate to the decimal value.
● Added persistence logic for imprinting to show on dinos that were forcibly allowed to be imprinted.
● Minor performance improvement on trapping.
● Debuff Gun hit detection improved.
● Debuff Gun UI now displays target's name.
● Debuff Gun can now add buffs to dinos using blueprint paths, and it saves the last copied one so you can quickly apply it to multiple dinos. It copies when clicking the buff name to print the path or when entering a valid custom path. Path for adding uses same path logic for the ExcludeBuffs ini array:
~ This lets you print the buff path, remove the buff, test out retrapping with the buff removed, go back in and quickly readd the same buff you removed if that wasn't the buff causing an odd result on release.
~ It also lets you add custom buffs to the dino from other mods. Things like cosmetic buff rewards and other such things. If needed, this guide should help you understand how to build a path:
Note: Some buffs will not function as desired depending on how custom they are. Some variables in a buff are referenced and changed from external sources which is impossible for me to account for. An example of what I mean is: A dino painting gun will open a UI to change colors and the UI sends values to an applied buff to actually change the dino color. In this case, the buff would be applied but there is no paint UI to send values to the buff so the dino is unchanged in color.

Update: 3 Sep, 2018 @ 11:36am

● Dino Souls are now compatible for auctions in the Auction House mod.
~ Special thanks goes to the Ghazlawl for allowing you guys to auction Dino Souls by storing custom item data in his new update.
● Dino Souls now capture the server name it was captured on.
~ Old Souls in play will not have a stored server name, and will have their mating times refreshed to allow mating. Free one-time 100% cooldown for all currently stored females when the update lands!
~ New Souls containing the stored server name will:
• If stored on server matches the released on server, mating timers will continue to count down and behave normally. Only effects females that can breed.
• If stored on server does not match the released on server, mating timer will behave like the Obby where the new server will set a mating cooldown time between the dino's `New Female Min Time Between Mating` and `New Female Max Time Between Mating` which is on the dino BP itself. The item will say "Trap again to get new server mating time!". Only effects females that can breed. Can be changed to not set a mating cooldown timer with INI config NewServerCanMate.
● INI config NewServerCanMate added and, if true, will make female dinos able to mate immediately on new servers. Default is false.

Update: 29 Aug, 2018 @ 12:17am

● Number of mutations is now displayed on Dino Souls. Requires retrapping.
● Various performance improvements. Special thanks to Woeful (ACM Author)
● Various minor bug fixes.
● Dino Soul visual overhaul. Hopefully it looks better for you guys: