Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Prop Line Tool: FAQs
Alterran 님이 작성
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and answers for the mod Prop Line Tool.
즐겨찾기 해제
Quick Links

These are commonly asked questions for the mod Prop Line Tool:

How To Use - Tutorial Video
This video runs through how to use most of the features of PLT:

You can use Ctrl-F to search this guide.
Place props/trees on roads
Q: How to place props on roads and through buildings?
Q: How to get this mod to work with Prop Anarchy?

A: You must enable both PLT Anarchy and Prop Anarchy. Refer to this screenshot.

PLT Anarchy settings can be accessed from the Options tab of the PLT Control Panel.
Recommended Setup
Q: What is the recommended setup for Prop Line Tool?
Q: Which mods do I need to pair PLT with?

A: Recommended Setup
To ensure items align properly and perfectly when placed:
- Subscribe to and enable Prop Precision.

To place items overlapping roads and buildings:
- Enable PLT Anarchy either via the in-game PLT control panel or enabling PLT Anarchy ON by default from the main menu PLT settings.
- Also subscribe to and enable Prop & Tree Anarchy either via the in-game keyboard shortcut (Shift-P) or enabling "Anarchy ON by default" from the main menu Prop & Tree Anarchy settings.

To access props to be placed in game:
Install either or both:
- More Beautification: access props via landscaping menu.
- Find It!: access props via search query.

Mod and/or UI is not appearing
Q: PLT is not showing up in game. How do I fix it?
Q: How do I get the UI to appear?

A: Read the Troubleshooting Guide.
Where is "Bike Middle" prop?
Q: Where can I find the "Bike Middle" prop?
Q: What are some good props/decals for road lines?

A: The bike middle prop is included in the DLC After Dark.
It is located in the decals tab of More Beautification.

Alternatively, Moog has created some similar lines:
댓글 2
Alterran  [작성자] 2019년 10월 13일 오후 9시 14분 
@SeaSharp, can you please provide a screenshot?
Dreaminway 2019년 10월 8일 오후 1시 40분 
Question: I've used lane line props and decals before, and they always, ALWAYS float above the road leaving a very clear and ugly shadow under them. How do you prevent this? No matter what I do or what mod I use (use all the recommend ed mods) they still float.