Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Prop Line Tool: FAQs
Készítő: Alterran
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and answers for the mod Prop Line Tool.
Quick Links

These are commonly asked questions for the mod Prop Line Tool:

How To Use - Tutorial Video
This video runs through how to use most of the features of PLT:

You can use Ctrl-F to search this guide.
Place props/trees on roads
Q: How to place props on roads and through buildings?
Q: How to get this mod to work with Prop Anarchy?

A: You must enable both PLT Anarchy and Prop Anarchy. Refer to this screenshot.

PLT Anarchy settings can be accessed from the Options tab of the PLT Control Panel.
Recommended Setup
Q: What is the recommended setup for Prop Line Tool?
Q: Which mods do I need to pair PLT with?

A: Recommended Setup
To ensure items align properly and perfectly when placed:
- Subscribe to and enable Prop Precision.

To place items overlapping roads and buildings:
- Enable PLT Anarchy either via the in-game PLT control panel or enabling PLT Anarchy ON by default from the main menu PLT settings.
- Also subscribe to and enable Prop & Tree Anarchy either via the in-game keyboard shortcut (Shift-P) or enabling "Anarchy ON by default" from the main menu Prop & Tree Anarchy settings.

To access props to be placed in game:
Install either or both:
- More Beautification: access props via landscaping menu.
- Find It!: access props via search query.

Mod and/or UI is not appearing
Q: PLT is not showing up in game. How do I fix it?
Q: How do I get the UI to appear?

A: Read the Troubleshooting Guide.
Where is "Bike Middle" prop?
Q: Where can I find the "Bike Middle" prop?
Q: What are some good props/decals for road lines?

A: The bike middle prop is included in the DLC After Dark.
It is located in the decals tab of More Beautification.

Alternatively, Moog has created some similar lines:

2 megjegyzés
Alterran  [készítő] 2019. okt. 13., 21:14 
@SeaSharp, can you please provide a screenshot?
Dreaminway 2019. okt. 8., 13:40 
Question: I've used lane line props and decals before, and they always, ALWAYS float above the road leaving a very clear and ugly shadow under them. How do you prevent this? No matter what I do or what mod I use (use all the recommend ed mods) they still float.