Garry's Mod
176 人が評価
TTT - Big Content Pack No. 2

Ihr möchtet nicht mehr ewig in Ladescreens hängen und warten, bis alles heruntergeladen ist, oder ihr möchtet einen TTT-Server betreiben, wisst aber nicht, was ihr alles hinzufügen wollt?
Dann ist diese Kollektion das richtige für euch.

Willkommen zurück zum größten Content Pack, was Trouble in Terrorist Town zu bieten hat. Über 330 Addons, Map Vote-System, Texturen für beliebte Source Maps & eine Menge Optionen, um sich kreativ im Spiel auszuleben.

Wenn ihr dieses Pack einmalig komplett heruntergeladen habt, braucht ihr so schnell keinen weiteren Server-Content während ihr auf euren favorisierten Server spielen wollt, herunterladen. Und wenn doch, dann wahrscheinlich äußerst wenig. Ich habe keine Reskins hinzugefügt, dass könnt ihr selber machen. Ich möchte das Spiel nur so natürlich wie möglich halten und trotzdem eine große Ansammlung an Waffen, Fähigkeiten für den Detektiv und die Traitor bieten und natürlich eine ganze Maps vorzeigen.

Es gibt eine große Ansammlung an Waffenmodellen (über 50 Stück), von M9K, bis zu den Akimbo Dual Berettas.

Ihr benötigt etwa 15 GB Festplattenspeicher und etwa 20 Minuten Wartezeit, um alles vernünftig zu installieren. Das gilt zumindest für eine frische Version von Garry's Mod. Ich kann nicht garantieren, dass weitere AddOns mit dem Pack komplett kompatibel sind.

Ich wünsche euch viel Spaß und wenn Bugs, oder fehlerhafte Konfigurationen von Maps auftauchen, bitte lasst es mich wissen!


You want to join a server, but you have wait because of all the custom addons?
You want to host a server, but don't know what addons you want to add in?

For both of those cases, this collection is what you need!
After a minor success of my previous "big content pack" with over 15,000 views, I am back after three years with a new, fresh collection.

Bringing back a collection full of six weapon packs including the popular M9K Weapons, three map packs with the most played maps so far, doing a favour for Zelda, Minecraft & Source Engine Fandoms and last but not least:
Special weapons for detectives and traitors, giving you a lot of freedom to succeed your mission and stop the traitors before they can get you, or eradicate the innocents before they can find you.

This pack includes over 330 AddOns and you'll need to provide approximately 15 GBs of disk space. If you discover any bugs or misconfigurated maps, please let me know in the comments on YouTube or on Steam. Don't forget that you'll have to mount all addons correctly, otherwise, the game might be crashing.

Remember: You can just add this collection entirely, or just download the parts you like about this collection.

Have fun!

Es ist nicht erlaubt, die Grafiken dieses Element auf Steam zu veröffentlichen, außer durch den Steam-Account von Haituga.
Copyright Haituga 2018

It's not allowed to use or publish any graphical materials on this very collection on Steam, besides on the Steam-Account from Haituga.
Copyright Haituga 2018
アイテム (349)
Fps Booster
作成者 -ICE- If you'd like to Support more Addons like this please Consider Donating Via Cash App :) For Singleplayer and Servers! Fps Booster is a easy way to potentially help improve your Clients FPS. Wh...
Hidamari Apartments
In light of having 1000 Subscribers :D Thank you. This is it, the day version of Hidamari Apartments please enjoy : 3 Note!!! You will find it in the TTT category ttt_hidamari_apartments...... :3 ...
[TTT] One Punch Man - Traitor & Detective
作成者 [TS]Luke
Just turned this addon -> into a Traitor and Detective weapon so give him all the props or report him problems , 'cause i have no idea how to fix them N.B. for some reason that i can't explain...
作成者 [ULX] Megiddo
The official latest release version of ULX admin mod (the same you'd get from our website). Please see our website at for information and discussion. Only servers need to use this, not your individual joining players. YOU MUST ALSO SUBSCRIBE...
作成者 [ULX] Megiddo
The official ULib. Please see our website at for information and discussion. For the most bleeding edge up to date versions of ULX and ULib, please download and use our github versions: ULib: ULX: https://...
Gas Grenades
作成者 [π] AnaxMinos
Poison and Health grenades Poison Grenades take health overtime (5 hp/s) Long duration 300 seconds, Short duration 60 seconds Health Grenades give health overtime (1 hp/s) Long duration 100 seconds. Short duration 30 seconds Thumbs up if you like this that...
作成者 ☭ UPS
Map is still VERY BETA. IF YOU HAVE AN ISSUE, PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT SO I CAN ADDRESS IT. Disliking without a reason doesn't really help anyone. I have been busy doing things like school and stuff so I haven't had time to push the update with the fixes lis...
TTT Advanced Disguiser
作成者 ✪ Killberty
This is the Advanced Disguiser for TTT. Contents Advanced Disguiser (Traitor) Steal player's identity. ConVars ttt_advdisguiser_disable_living_players (def. 0): Should the Advanced Disguiser be disabled for living players? ttt_advdisguiser_disable_detectiv...
作成者 Ahava
THIS IS NOT MY MAP. I've only uploaded it into the Workshop for my TTT Server....
TTT Turret with anti-tester feature
Turret for the TTT, traitor weapon with anti-tester feature It is fully compatible with Sandbox and the DarkRP as well. This turret can be used by traitors to kill innocents easily. It works in the Sandbox too. It is now compatible with the TTT_Spectator_D...
作成者 Alex (Old Acc)
***THIS MAP IS NOT FOR SANDBOX, IT IS FOR THE TROUBLE IN TERRORIST TOWN GAMEMODE*** Hello vault dwellers! We at Vault-Tec hope you are enjoying your stay here, and wish you the very best. We have finished constructing a new vault for you all to occupy duri...
TTT Map Pack 1
作成者 Alex Shire
I take no credit for any of these maps, I simply uploaded them because there is a lack of them here on workshop. Maps in this pack: cs_desperados cs_drugbust cs_cliffcabin_s de_doomhouse de_haunts de_livehouse de_nightfever de_nipperhouse de_panicroom_s de...
TTT Map Pack 3
作成者 Alex Shire
I take no credit for any of these maps, I simply uploaded them because there is a lack of them here on workshop. Maps Included: de_westwood ttt_fallout ttt_floatinghouse_v3_b2 ttt_residentevil2_se ttt_siege ttt_slumcity_b2 ttt_urban_ruins_b1 ttt_warehouse_...
TTT Nuketown
作成者 AleXD
REQUIRES: Counter-Strike: Source Original map is dm_nuketown by ThaOmegaCheeseb. Map fixed for ttt by me. I lost the domain with the map file so if any of you want to send me a link to the extracted version of the map I'll put it here so no one has to use ...
[TTT] Explosive Corpse
作成者 Andre | Daywalker
This addon adds an explosive corpse to the traitor shop. It will explode when pressing 'E' near the corpse. When you bought it, you can drop it using the left mousebutton....
[TTT] Melon Launcher
作成者 Andre | Daywalker
This addon adds a melon launcher to the traitorshop in TTT. You can shoot an exploding melon with it to kill innocents in a cooler way :) It also has some small sound effects and a working ammunition-bar....
作成者 AndrewPFJR
A map based on Coe's Quest made for the Buffalo Wizzards/Mindcrack members Features: .Explosive TNT .Spy Cameras .Epic Traps .And Sexy Coe... just click E on the person in one of the beds: I dare you. Music At the beginning of the round short Minecraft Eve...
TTT Detective Boots
作成者 AutomaticFrenzy
Makes the detective move 30% faster ...
TTT Lunar Base
作成者 Awesome Pie
Fight the traitors on the moon! Features -Low gravity -T traps -T tester -Hidden knife -T room -Custom textures/sounds ...
TTT Weapon Placer
作成者 Bad King Urgrain
Trouble in Terrorist Town Weapon Placer tool, for creating TTT rearm scripts. Add TTT weapons and ammo to maps that don't have any, or change them on maps that do. Not sure how to use this? Check out the guide on the TTT site! https://www.troubleinterroris...
作成者 Ben
I did not make this map. I can't really provide any help or trouble shooting either. I recomend going to the Original post here and sorting through comments to find some answers....
Trouble in Terrorist Town ULX Commands
作成者 Bender180
This addon requires that you have ULX and ULIB installed on your client/server. You can get them here This addon is a joint effort from Bender180 and Skillz to bring you the best ulx commands for ttt possible. Admin Commands Respaning Commands ulx respawn ...
作成者 Bender180
Hey check out the festive reskin of this map i made for the holidays here: So this is one of my oldest maps its the second one i created and my personal favorite. - Multiple traitor traps and ...
作成者 Bender180
I recently revamped this map and you can find it here This map is being released as is, unless there is a game breaking issue I will not be making any changes to this map. This is the first map I ever finished. From a design stand point it is very simple a...
作成者 Benissimo
A ttt-map set on a space station with a lot of features and secrets, these include but are not limited to: * Switching gravity * Space promanades * A crazy driveable spaceship * Station self-destruct button * A cozy glassed in space garden * Traitor-checke...
TTT Minecraft Jail
作成者 Beverly
Check out this awesome TTT Map made by yours truly! This is my first map ever made from within Hammer so if you find any bugs or have any suggestions please comment below and tell me! I put a lot of effort into creating this map so thanks for downloading a...
作成者 Lenny
ttt_bunker is a large sized map designed for the trouble in terrorist town gamemode, it's large size is suitable for large amounts of players and features working elevators, multiple floors, detailed outdoor and indoor areas and an exciting objective. Fix ...
Clock Town - The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (trade_clocktown_b2a)
作成者 Biozeminade THIS MAP REQUIRES TEAM FORTRESS 2 INSTALLED & MOUNTED IN ORDER TO FUNCTION PROPERLY This is another map that I'm uploading to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of The Legend of Zelda, one of my favorite video games of all tim...
作成者 Blah
I did not create this map. All credits goes to the original creator. I am merely uploading this to the workshop for convenience (server content). Author: Xitis (franc999_kiwi (a) Source:
作成者 Blah
I did not create this map. All credits goes to the original creator. I am merely uploading this to the workshop for convenience. ...
ttt_krusty_krab with guns
作成者 Blvdnik
i did not make this map. Please give credit to the owner who made this map. I just modified it with weapons....
TTT Chicken
作成者 BocciardoLight
An aggressive chicken, annoy it too much and it explodes Hold primary fire to throw chickens. Max Health = 60 Explode Damage = 40 Explode Radius = 140 Default Attack = 15 (Increasing depending on anger level) CREATED BY Phoenixf129 Edited by BocciardoLight...
作成者 BocciardoLight
Create a spawnscript using the following addon: TTT Weapon Placer Tool You need to add the spawnscript to the following folder of your server: \steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\maps If you don't add a spawnscript there won't be spawns, weapons and ammo...
作成者 BocciardoLight
Isn't the Southpark universe perfect for Trouble in Terrorist Town... Create a spawnscript using the following addon: TTT Weapon Placer Tool You need to add the spawnscript to the following folder of your server: \steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\maps ...
作成者 Brick
作成者 Brick
A map for Trouble in Terrorist Town that I have created. Hope you enjoy it! Greetings, Brick Big shoutouts for helping with the mapdevelopment: - Toni M. - SteVe - Bandit PS: if you find any bugs, feel free to report them!...
作成者 BT-Jaylex
This is a map based on the show Stargate Atlantis. Works in Sandbox, TTT and possibly other gamemodes. You can find this map under Trouble in Terrorist Town. Features: CAP Sounds Working Stargate Fixed Textures Working Transporters TTT Ready with Weapon Sp...
TTT Golden Gun
The Golden Gun is Dedective only. It is pretty simple for TTT, you got one shot and it does one hit if you hit a Traitor with it, but beware if its a Innocent then you're instantly dead. I hope you enjoy the gun :)...
作成者 c.mong
REQUIRES: Counter-Strike: Source -I'm no longer working on any maps, I no longer have hammer installed, and I will be making no changes to any of my uploads- A night version of the classic RP map amsterville adapted for proper play in Trouble in Terrorist ...
作成者 ChEkee
Simple edit - the scope zoom is now that of the zm_rifle so that zoom works in TTT ...
TTT Mine Turtle
作成者 ChriskyBusiness
**ONLY WORKS WITH SPECTATOR DEATHMATCH** THIS IS IT! THE T WEAPON YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR! Well not really, but you know. This is the Mine Turtle! If you've seen the ASDF movies then you'll know exactly what this is. The turtle acts as a proximity mine...
作成者 Cipher
Its a hospital that has been abandoned. There are rooms for patience and a shower room, with a longe hallway, waiting area, laundry room, kitchen, operating room, and another patient room. There is especially an awesome traitor room! The traitor room's pic...
作成者 Citizen_001
REQUIRES CS:S TO BE INSTALLED TO WORK PROPERLY. PLAYER MODELS HAVE BEEN FIXED AND ARE NO LONGER INVISIBLE. Also minor soundscape issues have been fixed. A cliche "Lost Egyptian Temple" map made specifically for the Trouble In Terrorist Town gamemode. It fe...
作成者 Colek
Introducing TTT_Casino ported from the source engine mod Goldeneye Source. I take absolutely zero credit for any textures, models or brushwork within this map. This map currently supports the following: - 32 players (Generally only 16 is needed however mor...
作成者 Colek
Hey! Just uploading another map I like and it's not on Workshop. Here's Bbicotka, based on some Russian district. All I've done is just weapons placements and spawns. Credits: Source version by ~Smith~ Original version by BuZZeR (
作成者 Colek
Hey! Just uploading another map I like and it's not on Workshop. Here's Stalingrad from first Call of Duty. I've just added weapon spawns and player spawns so it works just fine for TTT. Credits: Camarones - original creator of map (http://css.gamebanana.c...
作成者 Colek
Hey! Just uploading another map I like and it's not on Workshop. Here's MW2 Terminal, from Call of Duty MW2. Credits: thegregster101 - original creator of map (
TTT Heaven
作成者 Comrade Stinger
YOU DO NOT NEED HL2:EP2 FOR THIS MAP ANYMORE! Weapon Spawns file: the text save it as: .../garrysmod/maps/ttt_heaven_ttt.txt on the server Originally rp_skyhigh now ttt_heaven!...
作成者 Comrade Stinger
ttt_mc_skyIslands is a medium/large Gmod Trouble in Terrorist town map. The goal of the map from the very start was to make it look as similar to minecraft as possible. We have seen several Garry's mod maps attempting to copy the style of miencraft but mos...
作成者 Comrade Stinger
A large, open rooftop map, left by its developer to deteriorate over time. Counter-Strike: Source is required for the map to function properly. Thanks to adam Todarac for the idea for this map. :D...
Alone - TTT, Homicide, Murder
作成者 Danny Judas
This map requires counter-strike: source! Sorry to those who don't have the luxury of a money bath. ~~~ A map designed for Homicide and Trouble and Terrorist Town. This map is heavily inspired by the apartments from the source mod Alchemilla (which was ins...
Silence - TTT, Homicide, Murder
作成者 Danny Judas
This map requires counter-strike: source! Sorry to those who don't have the luxury of a money bath. ~~~ Please consider downloading Homicide. It's a fantastic gamemode for fantastic people: ~~...
Coder - TTT, Homicide, Murder
作成者 Danny Judas
-REQUIRES CS:S, BUT DOES NOT REQUIRE PORTAL 2- Coder is a medium sized TTT/Murder/Homicide map set in Endless Adventure Studios' coder farms, where the next blockbuster video games such as 'Warground 5', 'Reminder of Obligation: Phantoms', and 'The Group: ...
TTT Remotely Detonateable C4
作成者 Darkrael
This is a remotely detonatable C4 which you can buy as a traitor. Place it with left click on the ground/wall or ceiling and let it detonate whenever you want with a right click. Let me know if you find bugs or/and if you have any ideas for TTT addons whic...
TTT Call of Duty Black Ops II Weapons Pack
作成者 Deadalus
Hello there, some small addon that I ported from sandbox over to ttt. Nothing special about it. Credits Porting to TTT- Deadalus3010 Pictures - Deadalus3010 Ported the models - Megadeth9811 Do YOU want it for Sandbox? There you go -> Sandbox Addon (Origina...
TTT Jump Gun
作成者 Delta7x
A rather basic gun which allows you to push yourself in the opposite direction you fire. For example, if you were to aim at the ground you would go up into the air (At least for a few seconds). This gun is a Detective only gun (As in only Detectives can bu...
作成者 Delta7x
Please Note: This is NOT my map, nor am I the original Author of this map. I am only re-uploading the map for an easier method of download. I agree to remove this submission of the original Author or if Valve decides. ***This map uses CS:S Props and Textur...
作成者 Derens41210
English: This is the taser gun for TTT. Just to the detective. Spanish: Este es el arma taser para TTT. Solo para el detective. ...
Custom Materials for my Maps (Textures, Sounds and Props)
作成者 DerJohn
[TTT] Rainbow Six Siege Map House
作成者 DerJohn
You will probably need "Counter Strike Source" - Content for this Map! The Mapname ingame is "ttt_rbss_haus" This Map is builded and testet for Trouble in Terrorist Town only! It probably doesnt work in other Gamemodes! This map is an approximate reproduct...
作成者 DerpliciousDerpy
No credit to me i just uploaded all credit to (=CG=) Finniesp. A Trouble In Terrorist Town MC beta map. If the owner wants it off the workshop he can just leave a comment. *FEATURES* 1. Realistic minecraft blocks 2. Nether dimension portal 3. Small minecra...
TTT AWP for detectives (Less Damage)
作成者 DerRene
I dont like the AWP with 2 bullets and a damage of 101! Now i modified it with the following changes: - Set damage to 75 - Its not anymore a damage of 50 but i can't change the icon :( - Headshot multiplier 2x - Silenced Sound If you want the "Less Damage"...
TTT VSS Silenced for Traitors fixed
作成者 DerRene
I fixed the VSS Silenced for Traitors. -Fixed world model (no more big errors!)...
TTT Spiderman's Gun
作成者 DeVelox
Modified to be usable in TTT. For personal use only. All credit goes to the original author:
TTT_Outset_Island ⚔️ The Legend of Zelda Windwaker HD Map for TTT
作成者 DeWil();
The Legend of Zelda Windwaker Map Hi! This is a very cool Map, originally made for sandbox by Litronom. I asked him for permission to let me make it work in TTT gamemode, so he sent the data to me and I worked on it! And yes, this Map is a remake of the or...
作成者 dhkatz
A TTT version of the AR-15 with modified code to implement it into the TTT gamemode. Original code not by myself, just modified to implement with this weapon. This is NOT a sandbox version so please do not try using it for sandbox and then complain. Basic ...
TTT Detective Shield Gun
作成者 dhkatz
Left click to charge up ammo - The ammo defines the strength, accuracy and view punch of the SWEP. As more ammo charges, the more bullets you shoot, meaning more damage. Release to shoot your weapon - Fully charged ammo gives a little bonus damage. Right c...
作成者 Die_Schwabbelhaut
Initial release v1 21/2/15 TTT map based on Pokémon Gold. Also has enterable buildings and an underground cave v2 25/2/15 Fixed problems with tree sprites appearing in front of signposts. Added more spawns for weapons, players, ammo. Fixed teleporter in Po...
作成者 dieFaust92
Reupload from Hollistupid ( ) ---Credits------------------------------------------ Original map by Eikester, edited and rearmed for TTT by Hollistupid. ---------------------------------------------------...
作成者 Dooglz
A Trouble in Terrorist Town map based in a swimming pool complex. Small/Medium map (5/10 players) Treacherous Traps for the Traitor to torment Terrorists with. The 2 large waterslides are traitor detectors, a light at the top lights either red or green and...
互換性なしとして知らせる ]  Doppelgänger
作成者 Draindopolus
This is NOT the Doppelgänger addon. This are only the icons for it....
作成者 Duck.
I've edited some Minecraft maps to look better with a new texture pack and may do requests if wanted, all for my main community, Xplosive Network. Come check us out here: TO BE EDITED Credit for textures to: Sphax @ Credit for OG map to...
ttt_waterworld Materials
作成者 Ekuland
Most servers I've been on don't have the textures on download for the map, so I decided to take this matter into my own hands...have fun :D Legacy Addon (Zip File)
TTT Flamethrower SWEP
作成者 Emforus
Hello and welcome to my first G-Mod addon ever made! This is a very basic but working flamethrower swep, made specifically for TTT Credits: Drako2k for original flamethrower and some FX seabeds for the thumbnail Fortress Forever for the freaking awesome we...
TTT Detective Awp
作成者 joe sturged em
Detective Awp not a traitor weapon!...
TTT - Death Faker
作成者 Exho
*** Info: Another Coderhire addon recreated for free! This is the Death Faker for TTT, all you have to do is shoot the weapon to create your fake body or you can mess with the Reload and Secondary Fire keys to configure what your dead body will be like. If...
TTT - Door Locker
作成者 Exho
Ever felt like locking a door and murdering the Innocents inside? Well now you can! **** Info: Billy Mays here, er.. This is a project I've been working on to add a change in gameplay and something cool to do on maps. You can Left Click a door (provided yo...
TTT - Martyrdom (CoD Perk)
作成者 Exho
Jihading is soo 2013 *** Info: This is an Passive Item for Traitors in TTT! Simply buy it and then upon your death, a live grenade will be dropped which can spell disasterous death for your killers. But this can also kill your Traitor buddies and you will ...
TTT - Prop Disguiser
作成者 Exho
-Insert witty Prop Hunt joke here - *** Info: My rendition of the old Disguise SWEP of the same basic function, this time converted for TTT. The SWEP was old and lacked the ability for props to have health so I took it upon myself to fix it up as a fun lit...
TTT - Speed Boost
作成者 Exho
Have you ever been in a situation where you are probably going to die if you cannot outrun the Terrorists chasing you? Now you can solve that by buying a Speed Boost! On the purchase of this, you will recieve a large boost of speed for 15 seconds (by defau...
TTT - The Vampire
作成者 Exho
An alternate take on Traitor Cannibalism. *** Info: This is the Vampire! Using this you can steal health from other players to make yourself stronger and them weaker. Although you can only make yourself stronger to a certain limit, you can still kill your ...
TTT - The Briefcase
作成者 Exho
The Briefcase is a Traitor/Detective weapon that is designed to supply you and anyone around you, with needed ammunition to either save the Innocents or murder them! ***How it works: When you buy the item, you wont be able to see it until you scroll to the...
作成者 Exho
Hells blazes! Info: The year is 1865 and panic has struck the peaceful frontier town of High Noon! The local banditos have stolen the gold from the First National Bank and in their attempt to flee, scattered the gold all around the town. Its up to to the I...
作成者 ExpertAmateur
I take absolutely no credit for this map, and I am only uploading this to workshop so players who play on the Evocati server have ease of access to it and can download the map faster and more efficiently. The original creator from garrysmod . org is: Rubix...
作成者 ExpertAmateur
I take absolutely no credit for this map, and I am only uploading this to workshop so players who play on the Evocati server have ease of access to it and can download the map faster and more efficiently. The original creator from garrysmod . org is: Benny...
[TTT] ttt_pacman_v1
作成者 Fatisko
- - - - - - - - - - - Welcome to PacMan! - - - - - - - - - - - ● 4 Traitor Traps! ~ Release Blinky - ~ Release Pinky - ~ Release Inky - ~ Release Clyde - ~> Open the Traitordoor and jump in to teleport to the Traitorroom! ● One Button for Innocent's to def...
作成者 faye
Huge 2022 update! A Trouble in Terrorist Town (TTT and TTT2) map based off a real life college campus. Has a library, classrooms, bathrooms, and many other large and small areas. Includes a traitor trap and a traitor room. Medium sized map, supports a lot ...
A spin on Nick Alger's classic TTT map dm_island17! There now is an elevator that takes you to the top of the lighthouse! For those extra lazy traitors. Now has weapons included....
作成者 Flechita
Map for TTT gamemode made by me. Based on some kind of flying ship. Features: · 32 Player spawns. · Traitor tester for 2 players (needs 2 players to work). · Rideable helicopter (fixed path). · 2 traitor buttons. Includes custom skybox texture made by Koma...
TTT Grav Nade
作成者 ForgetfulCat
I TAKE NO CREDIT FOR THIS ADDON. The original creator of this took it off Workshop for some reason, so I have re-uploaded it, for this addon is too amazing to be taken down. (I made a few small changes, but nothing major) Grenade for traitors that has inte...
FY-71 Custom SWEP for TTT
作成者 fortyeightthousand
Here's another custom swep made for TTT. I did not create the model. I fix the crotch gun from CS:S and made it playable for TTT. I have also created a custom icon for the gun and added the lua code. ** Server owners simply add to your collection and resta...
作成者 Frostik
Game of Thrones Trouble in Terrorist Town Map You won´t need CSS to play this map. I tried to copy CastleBlack (Night´s Watch) from the GoT Series. ...
[TTT/TTT2] Spirit
作成者 Fuchsro
This Addon is made for TTT! Source: Spirit on GitHub Stats: Role: Traitor Name: Spirit Damage: 0 - 70 or higher Can be destroyed?: Yes. Health: 200 Range: Medium (-long) Description: Attack nearby innocents or detectives (or an enemy team if you're using T...
Ice Knife (Trouble in Terrorist Town)
作成者 Fuchsro
Gamemode: Trouble in Terrorist Town Source: Ice Knife on GitHub This traitor item will freeze your victims. Primary Attack: Freezes your victim on close range for 5 Seconds and deals 15 DMG overtime. Secondary Attack: Throws the Ice Knife instead, will fre...
TTT Weapon Collection
作成者 Fuzzik
THIS IS NOT A SANDBOX/SINGLE PLAYER ADDON! This content is for TTT servers only (listen and dedicated). None of these weapons will show up in sandbox. TTT doesn't take advantage of all available CS:S guns by default, so this addon takes those unused models...
Traitor Harpoon
作成者 GasStationGandalf
This addon adds a throwable harpoon to the traitor menu. When thrown this is a one shot kill. This will stick into bodies on a kill. If you miss it will be able to be picked back up. Also, can kill multiple people with one harpoon. Have fun killing Innocen...
TTT Banana Bomb
作成者 GHXX
This Addon adds a Banana Bomb which releases many small, explosive Bananas. It was originally made by schnul44. I updated it. Causes error in Sandbox, but you can just ignore them. This addon works for both Sandbox and Trouble in Terrorist Town (trouble to...
TTT SW 500
作成者 girrrrrrr2
Just the gun from the TTT weapon pack, but by itself so that some servers can use it that way. Thats the pack...
GMN TTT Snowball
作成者 GMN | TheClonker
Yada yada OP Item / TTT & GMN ist tot ... Sagt wenn ihr nen Bug findet! Frohe Weihnachten zusammen :^]...
作成者 GoodOnYaLad
I have armed this map so it works on Trouble in Terrorist Town for 5HeadGaming! It has 45 Player Spawns and 92 random weapon spawns. Credit: Original Map Maker - MDS31781 Screenshots - VoodooRaisins Important: Requires Counter Strike : Source...
作成者 Gourou
Even terrorist need summer vacation. But it would be a shame if some traitor were to end it. Also beware of the shark. Map by me. +30 spawn and enough weapon. Use HL2 and CSS content. B2: changed brithness and ambiant, sand is not grey not workshop link: h...
TTT_Nightmare_Church - HD Version - Trouble In Terrorist Town - 35 Players Spawns - Final
作成者 gtamike_TSGK ➔ Note: If you're looking for the Horror Map/Jump Scare Version Click Here: A TTT Version of Nightmare Church was requested this is the Final Version! Nightmare...
作成者 Gushiavo_N2
Credits Creating map to :Masked Mapper maps reupload my too to credit addons likes comment Please Description Not sure how this will be received, but the map is made out of mario textures, I ripped them from Super Mario Bro...
TTT Advanced Disguiser
作成者 Hagen
This is the Advanced Disguiser for the Traitor. ( Doppelgänger in german) And you can "knife" someone to steal his identity. If you steal an Identity your name changes ( if someone looks at you ) I fixed it and reworked it. If it will be asked I will Remov...
TTT Desert Eagle V2 For Traitors and Detectives
作成者 Hagen
This is NOT a sandbox version so please do not try using it for sandbox and then complain. Only Buyable in the Traitor and detective shop Basic Info: Magazine: 16 Damage: 50 ShotDelay: 0.4 Recoil: 3.5 All models from him: Gamebanana The Map is ttt_waterwor...
TTT Door Buster
作成者 Hagen
This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town"-Gamemode. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features: The Door Buster is an item for the Detective and the Traitor. It is placable on doors. If somebody that's not you then the door will...
TTT Randomat
作成者 Hagen
This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town"- Gamemode. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features: The Randomat is an Item for the Detective which will, after it was used, do something random. I will try to add new things every we...
TTT Homing Pigeon
作成者 Hagen
You can only shoot it if you look at a Player. It will fly automatically to him and explodes him. The map is ttt_waterworld. I take no credits for the Code Originally its from Ownage. I also fixed it up a bit....
[TTT/2] A Second Chance
作成者 Hagen
This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town"-Gamemode. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features: If you buy this Item you will respawn 5 seconds after your death. The Chance is affected by your kills. Even if the Round normally s...
TTT Homerun Bat
作成者 Hagen
This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town"-Gamemode. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features: Its a HomeRun Bat, you guess what it does. If you hit a Player ist loses 1 Ammo and he will fly away instantly. Only loses Ammo If y...
TTT Mirror Fate
作成者 Hagen
This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town"-Gamemode. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features: After you buy it, you can choose a time and a method how and when your killer should die. Then after your death this will happen to ...
[TTT/2] Slowmotion with Icon
作成者 Hagen
I TAKE NO CREDITS FOR THIS I only uploaded it to use it for my Server. I only fixed the icon. To use it you need to type into the console : bind x "SlowMotion" and then press x The original is:
TTT Sawed-Off Shotgun
作成者 Hagen
I just fixed the fixed the Physics of the Normal one and made an Icon. The Original addon is : from fortyeightthousand This is NOT a sandbox version so please do not try using it for sandbox ...
TTT Prop Exploder
作成者 Hagen
This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town"-Gamemode. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features: After you buy it, you can choose a valid prop that you want and left click it. Then you can press right click and the Prop will expl...
TTT Space and Time-Manipulator
作成者 Hagen
This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town"-Gamemode. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features: The Space and Time-Manipulator (short SATM) can change many things. Rightclick to change mode. Leftclick to activate. Type: Equip 2 ...
[TTT/2] The Little Helper
作成者 Hagen
This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town"-Gamemode. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features: After you buy it, you can press a key bind in the console (bind "a key that you want" "thelittlehelper" Then you get invincible for ...
作成者 Hagen
This is NOT a sandbox version so please do not try using it for sandbox and then complain. Basic Info: Clip: 60 Damage: 20 Recoil: 1.75 ShotDelay: 0.08 All models from Gamebanana The map is ttt_waterworld....
TTT A-3000 Pistol
作成者 Hagen
My First GMOD Addon I coded 100% Myself This is NOT a sandbox version so please do not try using it for sandbox and then complain. Basic SWEP The models I do have from Gamebanana The Map is ttt_waterworld ...
[TTT/2] Blue Bull
作成者 Hagen
Features Try the New Blue Bull! For Traitors and Detectives! Its a passive Item so it doesn´t takes a slot. With it you can jump higher then ever before! And you can Jump in the Air again! Two Times! You can also run 50% faster! ConVars: ttt_bluebull_det =...
作成者 Hagen
This is NOT a sandbox version so please do not try using it for sandbox and then complain. Zooms like a sniper. All model credits to modderfreak from Gamebanana The Map is ttt_waterworld...
TTT Cassidy (McCree) Peacekeeper (Its High Noon)
作成者 Hagen
This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town"-Gamemode. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features: It´s McCrees Revolver, if you use it with PrimaryAttack, you will start to walk realy slow and it will get announced in chat. Then a...
TTT Walther-2000 Autosniper
作成者 Hagen
This is NOT a sandbox version so please do not try using it for sandbox and then complain. Basic Info: Clip: 12 Damage: 45 Recoil: 1.5 ShotDelay: 0.35 All models from Gamebanana The map is ttt_waterworld....
[TTT/2] Zombie Perk Bottles
作成者 Hagen
This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town"-Gamemode. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. The normal version is this one: I just fixed it. Features: Juggernog - You wi...
作成者 hakdog
YOU NEED CSS FOR THIS -FLYING HELI!! Prefab by Aurora -This is a TTT version of my de_vessel_beta1 map, except with improved stuff. Improvements/Updates -Optimized as much as possible (20-30 more fps compared to de_vessel_beta1) -TTT Version -HDR -Deeper w...
作成者 Hamhock
A trouble in terrorist town map made of Lego. No need for Counter Strike textures! Please leave suggestions of what to add or change in the map. UPDATE: Works for multiplayer dedicated servers, no broken textures. Models from the 2001 game Lego Island 2....
TTT Ray Gun
作成者 Haven King
This is a traitor weapon for the gamemode TTT. It fires a pulse of energy and has infinite ammo, high fire rate, a small cone but low damage. Secondary attack plays a loud squeak instead of the default sound. Model and textures from http://css.gamebanana.c...
Holy Hand Greande + TTT
作成者 Hds46
Donate to support me and for more stuff Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch(Worms). Made for Sandbox/TTT. Features Worms: Armageddon style explosion effect. Custom sounds and models. Nice icons. Big damage and radius. Sandbox/Trouble in Terrorist Town(Traitor) su...
Realistic Blood
作成者 Head Creeps
This addon replaces the default blood textures with HD and more realistic blood textures. All credit goes to hiphopopotomus...
作成者 HectorWiz
Hello! Maybe you've already seen this map here, but you're not suscribed to it now, What happened? Well, let me explain. The previous map had some bugs I've been forced (By myself) to polish. This map now has better lighting, more props, a better skybox, w...
Black Ops Zombies Perk Bottles (Sandbox/TTT)
作成者 Hoff
If you have any questions/comments/concerns, feel free to ask in the comments! These are a series of perk bottles from Black Ops Zombies! You can get them in sandbox and ttt. Current bottles: - Juggernog - PHD Flopper - Double Tap - Stamin-Up - Vulture-Aid...
作成者 Ice
A much needed revision to one of my personal favorite TTT maps. A few rooms, 2 secrets, a teleporter (part of a secret), and 2 hallways were added....
Super Discombobulator (TTT)
作成者 Ikkou@:)
Works exactly like a normal discombobulator, but on a much much bigger scale. Throw it and watch people fly. (Warning: No Cape included.)...
Weapon Disabler Grenade (TTT)
作成者 Ikkou@:)
Step 1: Throw grenade. Step 2: Watch as everyone in the radius is losing all the ammo in all of their weapons clips. Step 3: Shoot everyone in the face while they reload. Step 4: ??? Step 5: Profits and happy Traitors. Enjoy....
作成者 ioculator
Welcome to Grove Street , most popular place in Los Santos. Houses of : Ryder , OG LOC , CJ and Sweet are enterable Map features : -Few Traitor Traps -Working radio with radio stations -Traitor Tester -Traitor room -32 spawns Write your opinion in the comm...
TTT Barrett M82
作成者 enaf
I DO NOT OWN ANY CREDITS OF THIS WEAPONS I HAVE ONLY MODIFIED THE WEAPONS TO USE THEM IN TTT IF THE AUTHOR WANTS I DELETE IT, I´LL DELETE IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This Weapon is for TTT Serv...
Cyrus Bomb - TTT(Fixed)
作成者 Jase
A fixed version of the Cyrus Bomb for TTT, the old one had a missing model. This one uses the base model for C4 ingame, so no extra addons needed! Essentially this is a Jihad Bomb for TTT, that instead plays Wrecking Ball while blowing up. Original addon h...
作成者 Jase
This is the updated version of ttt_ski_resort_a1. This version does not change much, it however fixes prop physics and fixes the fatal crash bug with C4 and explosives. I know there is an alpha 3 version of this map, I however chose to base this version of...
TTT DeathFaker
作成者 jayjayjay1
TTT DeathFaker Addon - The Traitor can buy a death faker in the Traitor shop - but beware! The Detective can easily identify a fake body with the visualizer Big Update! Scoreboard now updates and configuration of the killed person, weapon used to kill and ...
TTT Minecraft-Island
作成者 Jenes
Welcome! Feel free to add this to your TTT server! You don't need my permission. (As long as you don't modify the map or claim it as your own.) TTT Minecraft-Island is a large Map made for Gmod TTT, it will be updated regularly, and ill respond to feedback...
作成者 Jesus Fistus
作成者 Jimonions
*************************************************************************************************************** 12/10/20 UPDATE: I notice a lot of comments are asking about missing textures. This map requires Counter Strike Source. If you do not have it th...
作成者 John
A map made for the gamemode Trouble In Terrorist Town. Made by Chicken. Based on the hit game "Minecraft"! No need to download any textures, they're all included in the .bsp :) Supports up to 40 players Note: If you are a long time subscriber and run this ...
TTT Asylum
作成者 Karnage
Asylum, originally created by netwalker for the popular Half-Life 2 modification Zombie Master, has been ported and remastered as a horror map for the Garry's Mod gamemode Trouble in Terrorist Town! Asylum combines the paranoia and panic of TTT with the da...
TTT Hidden Blade
作成者 KäseT0T
For TRAITOR-ASSASSINS. I did not make this! I modified it only a little bit....
TTT - Portalgun ( Portal Gun ) - ✯ Updated & Lag Free ✯ Detective Only
作成者 Keigun
This is a Trouble in Terrorist Town Portalgun! Thx for "ώħèâţļèŷ" a Russian coder, maper, modeler, game developer with very good English skills for the Base code of the Portalgun. I ported it to the Gamemode TTT with bug fixes and some extras! His steam Pr...
TTT - Portalgun ( Portal Gun ) - ✯ Updated & Lag Free ✯ Traitor Only
作成者 Keigun
This is a Trouble in Terrorist Town Portalgun! Thx for "ώħèâţļèŷ" a Russian coder, maper, modeler, game developer with very good English skills for the Base code of the Portalgun. I ported it to the Gamemode TTT with bug fixes and some extras! His steam Pr...
TTT | Minecraft - The Muffin Cinema
作成者 Keksuccino
++ PROJECT ABANDONED ++ This map was created back in 2015 for some German YouTubers called MafuyuX, Bronzebeard, PayZed, Herr Currywurst, LennoTV, Major Swift, TobinatorLP, Taros and Sarazar. The movie posters and other weird stuff you'll find on this map ...
Enhanced Audio Resources: Vehicles
作成者 BDSMR Enhanced Audio Resources is a sound pack for the source engine that aims to completely overhaul the hl2_sound_misc_dir.vpk file that most games and mods that run the source engine run. The results? A...
Enhanced Audio Resources: Player
作成者 BDSMR Enhanced Audio Resources is a sound pack for the source engine that aims to completely overhaul the hl2_sound_misc_dir.vpk file that most games and mods that run the source engine run. The results? A...
Enhanced Audio Resources: Physics
作成者 BDSMR Enhanced Audio Resources is a sound pack for the source engine that aims to completely overhaul the hl2_sound_misc_dir.vpk file that most games and mods that run the source engine run. The results? A...
Enhanced Audio Resources: NPCs
作成者 BDSMR Enhanced Audio Resources is a sound pack for the source engine that aims to completely overhaul the hl2_sound_misc_dir.vpk file that most games and mods that run the source engine run. The results? A...
Enhanced Audio Resources: Ambient Part 3
作成者 BDSMR Enhanced Audio Resources is a sound pack for the source engine that aims to completely overhaul the hl2_sound_misc_dir.vpk file that most games and mods that run the source engine run. The results? A...
Enhanced Audio Resources: Ambient Part 2
作成者 BDSMR Enhanced Audio Resources is a sound pack for the source engine that aims to completely overhaul the hl2_sound_misc_dir.vpk file that most games and mods that run the source engine run. The results? A...
Enhanced Audio Resources: Ambient Part 1
作成者 BDSMR Enhanced Audio Resources is a sound pack for the source engine that aims to completely overhaul the hl2_sound_misc_dir.vpk file that most games and mods that run the source engine run. The results? A...
Enhanced Audio Resources: Weapons
作成者 BDSMR Enhanced Audio Resources is a sound pack for the source engine that aims to completely overhaul the hl2_sound_misc_dir.vpk file that most games and mods that run the source engine run. The results? A...
TTT Jihad Bomb
作成者 Keydose
This is a TTT compatible Jihad Bomb. Everything you need to get this up and running on your TTT server is in this addon, no need to change anything, it is also rather balanced. Want to make sure all of your players can hear it coming? Download this and dra...
[TTT] Bouncy Ball Launcher
作成者 Kochsalzlösung
The Bouncy Ball Launcher shoots bouncy balls that inflict damage on other players. Designed for Sandbox and TTT. Usage In Sandbox, spawnable via the ID "weapon_ttt_bblauncher". In TTT, purchasable by Traitors. Launcher shoots bouncy balls. On impact, these...
[TTT] Thunder Thighs
作成者 krrrrrrk
Alternative Transportation Method for Terrorists and Detectives. -Slot 8 -3 Uses This will probably kill you. Left Click launches you towards where you are aiming. Right Click will launch you upwards only. Some form of fall damage reduction is advised. (Fo...
[TTT] Iron Boots (WIP)
作成者 krrrrrrk
These boots are made of iron. This somehow negates fall damage. For: Trouble In Terrorist Town -Detective and Traitor passive item. -Makes noise during landing Known Bug: Buying other passive items gives you boots as well. Should be fixed ...
[TTT/Sandbox] SlowMotion Gun
作成者 kuma7
This is an unique traitor weapon. You have a single shot, but it is instant kill and slows time for 10 seconds! You can spawn it in Sandbox too. This addon requires Counter-Strike: Source mounted and installed. Configuration for server owners (LUA file mus...
[TTT] Star Wars - The Force
作成者 LeBroomer
This is an addon for the mode "Trouble in Terrorists Town". Pls don't report errors or leave negative comments if you tried it in another mode.
[TTT] Boomerang
作成者 LeBroomer
This is an addon for the gamemode "Trouble in Terrorists Town". Please do not try to use it in any other gamemode and report errors or downvote it due to that reason.
[TTT] Rotationgun (fixed and improved)
作成者 LeBroomer
As mentioned in the description i just fixed various things: added a viewmodel, added a sound for shooting and removed the annoying "Hello Dhalucard :D" text when the youtuber Dhalucard shot. So obviously it is not my addon, all credits go to the initial m...
[TTT] Demonic Possession
作成者 LeBroomer
If you have ideas on how to improve the item or run into technical issues, feel free to post here to let me know about it. I will try to improve and fix it to the best of my abilities. This is an addon for the gamemodes "Trouble in Terrorists Town". Pleas...
[TTT/2] Glowing Teammates
作成者 LillyPoh
This small addon adds a glow effect to players in your team. This helps to prevent RDM and keeping the overview in large groups. Have fun! For bugs / ideas use the forum or comments. This is fully compatible with TTT2! Icon by Mineotopia...
[TTT2] Silentstep
作成者 LillyPoh
This is a Traitor item, which removes the footsteps of a player. Thats it, i hope you enjoy my addon. For bug reports | improvements use the forum / comments This item requires TTT2! Icons/Graphics by Mineotopia & EntranceJew...
作成者 Linuka
This is my first map and I hope you will like it. It is inspired by the laketown "Esgaroth" from the books and movies "The Hobbit", but it is no exact recreation of any scene in the movies. You need the CS:S Files to see all models and textures. You can us...
作成者 Littlehavok
Office Space for up to 8-16 players. There is a traitor button that will switch off the lights for some spooky attacks. Enjoy and let me know what needs to be fixed! You need to have CS installed, along with Half Life 2 for the textures and some props. Add...
作成者 LMM
All credits to Duke of Welling from Preview:
MapVote - Fretta-like Map Voting
作成者 Lucien
MapVote is a Fretta-like map voting system for Garry's Mod 13, with a few added features. It was originally created by Willox and released in the facepunch thread here. I have received permission from Willox to continue this and release it here. Features +...
TTT - Cloaking Device
作成者 Lykrast
I'd first like to thanks v_hana for helping fixing bugs. A functionnal cloaking device for our dear traitors in TTT. For 1 credit (like all equipments), you can buy this wonderful piece of technology. Simply hold it in your hand to be nearly invisible (loo...
TTT - Jetpack
作成者 Lykrast
This device can be bought by both traitors and detectives for 1 credit. Simply hold your jump button while holding it in your hand and watch yourself fly upward ! Just be careful, as getting up is easy, but going down or changing direction mid air is a rea...
TTT - Minifier
作成者 Lykrast
WARNING : it's buggy for reasons I don't know, it will requires multiple clics to (de)activate and will print scripts errors in the user's console. Other than that it works fine. A real tool to annoy those pesky innocents, for 1 credit any traitor can affo...
TTT Assault Pack
作成者 Lykrast
Requires CS:Source (for the hands). Includes 3 new weapons for the TTT gamemode, all 3 using SMG ammo. Honey Badger and PP19 spawn along with other weapons if the current map has random weapon spawns, while the Gold Dragon is a traitor weapon buyable for 1...
TTT Assault Pack 2
作成者 Lykrast
Requires CS:Source (for the hands). Includes 3 new weapons for the TTT gamemode, all 3 using SMG ammo. All spawn along with other weapons if the current map has random weapon spawns. MR-CA1 High damage and low rate of fire with very little recoil, with an ...
作成者 MaD-.^
The Map is a rebuild of the Kakariko village from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, I tried to stay as close to the original as i could. Complete Remap with v4 thanks to Shanks. As a Traitor you can: -Break the stairs to the windmill and people that fa...
[TTT] Brain Parasite
作成者 Marc1944
This is the Brain Parasite Gun for the gamemode Trouble in Terrorist Town Description: - If a Player was hit by the shoot from the Brain Parasite he can not stop shooting until the infection killed him. - The Weapon has only ammo for one shot - The Weapon ...
Remote Sticky Bomb [TTT]
作成者 Marcuz
The Remote Sticky Bomb General information The Remote Sticky Bomb is a traitor weapon for TTT that allows you to plant a C4 on a target player, doing so requires a lot of stealth as the traitor can be seen holding a C4 in his or her hand. When successfully...
作成者 Mathearny
Hello! This is my first map upload, so please don't be too harsh... ttt_mc_mineshaft is a minecraft themed map for the Trouble in Terrorist Town gamemode and is completely based underground. It may be pretty small and simple, but it makes for a fun and enj...
作成者 Mathearny
Hello, this is a map I made to help out my good friends over at Moff. In honour of them completing their Minecraft series I turned their home (known as the Jondome) into a fully functional Gmod map. ttt_mc_jondome is a small Minecraft themed map for the Tr...
Molotov Cocktail for TTT
作成者 Maul Pax
Left click throws it and right click drops it, it then explodes after 4 seconds. The secondary attack causes a bit more damage as it is more difficult to place the molotov unseen. If you want to change the damage yourself: -The addon folder contains a sent...
Bloody Knife
作成者 MidZM
The Bloody Knife is a Trouble in Terrorist Town traitor weapon that will cause a yellow trail of blood to follow someone who kills an another person for 5 seconds. The color of the blood can be changed if the server owner so wishes. All you have to do is o...
作成者 mighty baby
Blink for TTT
作成者 Minty
Woosh. This is a T weapon. Features - It blinks you (leap, not teleport because this is nearly impossible to do properly) - It's fancy - You can goomba-stomp innocent with it - 99% abuse-proof CVars - ttt_blink_range; range of blink swep - ttt_blink_maxcha...
Defibrillator for TTT
作成者 Minty
Zap zap people back to the living. Recode of the well-known defibrillator. This is a D and T weapon. Differences to the original - Makes noise - Succes-rate - Doesn't show a T as alive when they get defibbed CVars - ttt_defib_successpct; % of success at en...
作成者 Minx
well this is my first map... give some feed back maybe Update log -fixed buggy loud cars -added fog -added terrain -added teleports in traitor room -just made the map look a little better...
Drowning Indicator for TTT
作成者 Moe
Places a bubble indicator over your health bar when you start diving. Press F1 to change settings like size and position. You can install this addon on your server and every client will then load it as well. This addon is open source!
TTT Identification Bomb + Defuser V2.0 [ID Bomb]
作成者 Molagsan
VERSION 2.0 A pretty neat traitor + detective item for Trouble in Terrorist Town -New Icons! -Added visual identifier for all current traitors. -No more bugs or addon collisions! -Compatible with the Addon 'TTT Death-Faker' -After purchasing it from the tr...
TTT Fart Grenade (Traitor)
作成者 Mr.Dark
This grenade creates a big deadly fart. Every player inside it will lose health over time....
[TTT] M2 Flamethrower
作成者 Munkey
A M2 Flamethrower for TTT. It is a buyable traitor weapon, spawnable through console using "give weapon_ttt_m2". I did not make the actual weapon, it has been ported for TTT by me. I got both the actual weapon and models from here All screenshots have been...
B4 is out! Now with rain, downloading this: addon is highly recommended because it's ment to be played with this one. !ONLY SERVER OWNER'S NEED TO ADD THIS ADDON! A Minecraft themed Trouble in...
A "towny" themed Trouble in Terrorist Town Map by Kirby95. This is the first version of this map, it contains ~20 Player Spawns and a bunch of weapon spawns in the center of the map. atm. it got no special traitor traps or something like this it may change...
作成者 n0:name
I DON'T TAKE ANY CREDITS FOR THIS MAP! I only uploaded this to workshop so that I can install it on my Server. Original Creator: TC224 (
TTT - P99 NightHawk for Detectives
作成者 Nahte
A Prototype weapon made for the detectives (It's a very OP gun) Features: -It burns you enemy -It stunts your enemy -Is silenced -Has a Scope Like the Flare gun, but for the detectives Have fun! Credits: (Model, Textur...
作成者 Nahte
English: This is my first map, based on the BF3 game scrapmetal from Close Quarters DLC. Sorry if isn't the same but, i tried my best, hope you like it <3 Content: 2 Traitors Trap 1 Secret Traitor Room a Traitor Tester Moving Trains! (You CAN'T ride them) ...
TTT Maps: Minecraft City V3
作成者 Natolikin+
This is not mine, but it is used on many servers and I was surprised noone had uploaded it here yet. Please Enjoy this map, again, IT'S NOT MINE. ~Natolikin...
TTT - Spielerinfo
作成者 nerzlakai96
Dieses TTT-Addon zeigt zu Beginn jeder neuen Runde die aktuelle Anzahl an Verrätern, Unschuldigen, Detektiven und Zuschauern sowie die Namen aller Verräter am Ende der Runde. Zum Beispiel: In dieser Runde gibt es 3 Verräter, 5 Unschuldige und 2 Detektiv(e)...
作成者 Nyrb
TTT weapon that spawns 5 manhacks. Throw or attach and in 30 seconds 5 manhacks will spawn. Does not need to be armed and can only be disarmed by hitting with the crowbar ...
TTT Special-Weapons Pack
作成者 Ongart™
IMPORTANT: PLEASE IF YOU SUBSCRIBE TO THIS ADDON: Don't tell me if you don't like this addon. I didn't made this addon, I just REUPLOADED it. If the author or Valve whishes to remove that addon, I will do that. TTT Special-Weapons Pack comes with: - Banana...
作成者 Pan Sartre
Introduction: The scenery is a typical tenement with courtyard in a german big city. The map is relatively small but is slightly interlaced. Its a perfect map for smaller groups of players (less than 12 players). There is a winter version of this map (with...
A map for Trouble in Terrorist Town based off of de_stadium from Counter-Strike: Condition Zero. (Fully armed) Contains L4D models included in the BSP for playability but does not include the textures for file size....
TTT Detective Model
作成者 Peter
This addon will make the Detective in your Trouble In Terrorist Town server have a unique police officer model every time. ===INSTALLATION=== Simply drag the the addon folder (ttt-detective-model) into your addons folder. If you don't have one, make a fold...
作成者 Pinhead Larry
A map for ttt - does not include memory leak like my last map. This is a beta so it still needs a little detailing, but is ready for play. Weapon placements are a little scarce but there is definitely enough for around 16 players. Server Owners: I do not r...
TTT Defibrillator for Detective
作成者 PixL
Detectives can buy it in the equipment menu.It's just like the traitor defibrillator, so it revives a corpse. Original by Willox:
TTT Teleport Gun for Detective
作成者 PixL
Change your position with the player you aim at! Buyable in the equipment menu of the detective.Only for trouble in terrorist town Could create errors,but it should work...
TTT Homing Pigeon - Nerfed
作成者 Pop
Original : I didn't make this weapon, i simply reduced the damage and the explosion's radius :)...
TTT DeadRinger
作成者 Porter - This is a DeadRinger SWEP for Trouble in Terrorist Town - It's converted into TTT by myself from the DeadRinger SWEP of Niandra Lades. I asked her if i could Uploa...
TTT Flashbang
作成者 Porter That's a Flashbang for TTT. - Buyable for the Traitor - repeatedly buyable - no beep, still flashed! but enough - I Fixed the Prop & Entities Problem! , they also bl...
TTT Handcuffs
作成者 Porter - This is a Handcuff SWEP for Trouble in Terrorist Town - > HOW DOES IT WORK? < - You can buy it as Detective in the Shop. - Choose the Handcuffs and Click with the ...
TTT MyatrophieGun
作成者 Porter > This is a MyatrophieGun for Trouble in Terrorist Town < Defaults : - Buyable for the Traitor. - Only one time per round for every Traitor buyable. - 1 ammo clip in...
TTT SpartanKick
作成者 Porter > This is the SpartanKick for Trouble in Terrorist Town < It's converted into TTT by myself. I don't make the original and if the Owner wants, I will take it down. -...
TTT BasteBulletBomb
作成者 Porter - That's a BasteBulletBomb for Trouble in Terrorist Town - > THINGS TO KNOW < - This is a Traitor Item. - Buyable only one time per round. - 1 Ammo clip. - Is Silenc...
TTT Trigger Finger Chip
作成者 Psychotrickser
A super cool advanced traitor weapon to trick your enemies Attach this device to the back of your victim's head, run off to a secure location and press the button to fire the victim's weapon. Watch as the players blame the victim! Has 8 charges. Console Co...
作成者 Pufulet
My very own minecraft map for trouble in terrorist town! The map was originally created using World Painter, then worked on in creative mode in minecraft, ported over as a vmf and a lot of work to fix it up. There is a traitor tester which needs to be acti...
作成者 Puna
Note This map is not mine, all rights belong to SCAR (15). I am uploading it to the Steam Workshop for other people to use. If the owner wants me to take it down, I will. If you would like to know more about this map visit
作成者 Puna
Note This map is not mine, all rights belong to MrLate. I am uploading it to the Steam Workshop for other people to use. If the owner wants me to take it down, I will. If you would like to know more about this map visit
作成者 rafuet
Author and credits Map originally created by digitalstimulus. You can view this map in GameBanana by clicking here Description This map is designed to work with the Garry's Mod gamemode Trouble in Terrorist Town.
TTT Waffenkollektion
作成者 Ralle1998
Eine TTT Waffenkollektion zusammen gestellt und bearbeitet für den ehemaligen TTT Server "Taverne zum kleinen Zwerg". Ich betone auch gleich mal, dass ich keiner dieser Waffen selbst erstellt habe, sondern nur bearbeitet. Links zu den Originalen stehen wei...
[Rands11] Map Icons Pack
作成者 Rands
Map Icons Pack adds custom icons to over 380 maps for your Gmod map selection menu. For almost ten years, Map Icons Pack has been providing new custom icons for maps that would otherwise be blank. With over 99,000 subscriber...
作成者 Rangasoup
A Christmas edit of the map ttt_island_2013 (Which in itself is an edit of dm_island17 by Nick Alger). EDIT: SeaNanners has played it! I'm can't believe it! - Changes: *Christmas lights! *Snow and snowfall! *Christmas songs on r...
TTT Terrorception
作成者 raubana
BSP DL MIRROR: www(dot)mediafire(dot)com/?r2ds37zchssfirw A map for Trouble in Terrorist Town that's lightly themed on the movie "Inception". This map has been in development for over a year, and is designed with gameplay in mind. This map is currently sti...
作成者 RoflBlast
zm_countrytrain_b4 remade for "Trouble in Terrorist town" gamemode. Changes: -You can no longer go outside of the map or throw away suitcases. -Removed "roof glitch" in radio station. -Slightly optimised -You can no longer open locked doors with crowbar. -...
TTT - Portable Tester
作成者 mouse bites
The New Improved Portable Tester! This item was inspired by two items on 420server's TTT server. This addon includes two items: A Portable Tester, and a Fake Portable Tester. The Portable Tester is dropped by a detective, and has max of ...
Orbital Bass Cannon + updatet Picture
作成者 rotzfrech
I only edited the old Orbital Bass Cannon from the Workshop with a better Picture in the Traitor Shop. Credits to Burn But first the best man who made the best TTT weapon in the world :) BROLY Schreibt mich ruhig an wenn ihr ein Problem habt oder etwas bes...
作成者 rotzfrech
A cool map with many traitor traps for a big server version 9 I only uploaded the map in order that everyone can play the map without much work to do, BUT I am not the owner of this peace of art. Credits to Jackal Warwick ...
TTT Akimbo Berettas
作成者 rotzfrech
Zwei Berettas, die sich spawnen lassen, überarbeitet und schneller gemacht, damit sie sich auch wie akimbos anfühlen Schreibt mich ruhig an wenn ihr ein Problem habt oder etwas bestimmtes sucht :)...
TTT - Medkit (Traitor)
作成者 Roy301
Medkit for TTT ----------------------------------- Controls: Left-Click: Heal people! Right-Click: Heal yourself! ----------------------------------- It's for the traitor! ----------------------------------- Made by Roy301...
World War II weapons for TTT
作成者 Royal
I take no credit for the assets used or some of the code. original creator: assets from day of defeat. If asked I will remove it from the workshop. This is not meant for sandbox or any other g...
作成者 Rumo
[Gamemode: TTT] Traitor Harpoon
作成者 RustyPrime
This is for TROUBLE IN TERRORIST TOWN only! DON'T DISLIKE IF YOU ARE TRYING TO USE THIS FOR ANOTHER GAMEMODE THAN TTT ! This Addon adds a throwable harpoon to the traitor shop in Trouble in Terrorist Town. Please report any Bugs you encounter and I will tr...
CSS Weapons Retexture
作成者 Rymd
Replaces your old low-res CS:S weapons textures with a new high-res one also includes HD Worldmodel textures. I know there's already one uploaded but that has some textures that just doesn't fit the vanilla style. Besides, that pack is really old, time for...
TTT Suburb / ttt_suburb_beta15a [Reupload]
作成者 Saint Baron
Remember to rate guys! It is appreciated very much! :) Re-upload for all of the TTT servers out there. YOU WILL NEED COUNTER-STRIKE: SOURCE TO SEE ALL OF THE TEXTURES! This is not my map. I am just re-uploading....
作成者 saintblue52 CONTAINS TTT AND SANDBOX VERSION Welcome human! This map is a full recreation of Undertale's MTT resort, Designed to be played in Sandbox or Trouble In Terrorist Town gamemodes! Months of work w...
作成者 sardonicWarrior
A recent update in Garry's Mod broke the trigger from teleporting players to outside the starting room, I suggest reporting it to the Garry's Mod issue tracker. In the meantime you can use TTT2 where it still works. Original TF2 version made by MrJBeetle, ...
Traitor Defibrillator - TTT
作成者 Saty
Donaldkababs Map Icons
作成者 SBDT
Fed up of seeing grey square after grey square on your maps menu? Ever wished you could get rid of them? Well now you can with Donaldkabab's Icons! This mod replaces all those pesky grey squares with over 200 map related pictures! Gives map icons for alien...
作成者 Scandisk7
This is and improved and the second version of my ttt map the_room. Its bigger than the first version and contains 2 rooms. -Get the .bsp for servers here: -Light has also been improved and this map is ...
作成者 Scotty ffa_ns_streets but it's ttt version - Traitor Tester - Traitor Room - 5 Traitor Trap - Fog Controller (1 Credit) - Secret Knife Original Map by Raven Software Recreating by Scotty...
UPDATE: 8/18/16 - Added guns to map, script no longer required - fixed spacing of map particularly near the gunshop - fixed traitor room door sometimes getting stuck - fixed pig leak that I didn't even notice was happening - other small changes/material ch...
[TTT] Orbital Friendship Beam
作成者 SgtConti
- Notes - Modified merge between OFC and OBC. Added custom MLP: FiM sounds. Original OFC: Original OBC: Sandbox Version (Spawnab...
TTT Fixed Golden Gun
作成者 Sir. Mighty
A Version of the addon "TTT Golden Gun", where it doesn't use ammo, if you shoot, when there is nobody in shooting line....
TTT - Thriller (Dart)(Still working but discontinued)
作成者 SithLee This is the Original Thiller Addon and is very old, I do not update this anymore. Last time I checked it was still working as of 11/23/2022 The TTT Thriller SWEP is similar to a Dart Gun. The traitor may buy this weapon only o...
Explosive Melon Launcher TTT Edition
作成者 Skate
I got requests on my original melon launcher for a TTT one. This SWEP is a traitor weapon that launches one explosive melon. If you have any suggestions or comments post them in the comments! Visit ...
作成者 skee ball
The second version of a TTT map I've been working on. Enjoy! Includes a traitor trap. A info about the map I made, as requested: It's a map for the Trouble in Terrorist Town gamemode, and made to look like an interesting sci-fi structure. It is made of mai...
MC TTT - Beach
Mad Chronic TTT map....
作成者 SovietZombie™
Set in a museum at night you the innocent must try and stop the traitors from stealing three out of the four artifacts to stop them winning. Features: Four exhibits to explore; Egypt,Dinosaurs,military and Space. Multiple traitor traps Objective for Traito...
作成者 Spider
To try the map out on my server join this IP: Small little dev TTT map I edited for my community. My server has wallrun, and other advanced movement so I'm not sure how well it will work for vanilla TTT but, I figure...
TTT Cannibalism 2016
作成者 spiderbob
This is an updated version of the TTT Cannibalism mod by Luke. How it works: LMB on a corpse and eat it, you will gain 30hp and it doesn't matter how much hp you already have. Now you can eat 2 corpses and you can drop your knife for your fellow traitors. ...
TTT Killer Notifier
作成者 StarFox
Tells you the name and the role of the player who killed you. Thanks to brandonj4 for the help....
作成者 Stefe144
This is my first map. ttt_Killville is a small outside map with many secrets. Can you get on top of every roof or find the chamber of the demonic babydolls? You can play TTT, Murder (no loot) and even prophunt or many other smaller gamemodes. Even though y...
作成者 Stefe144
It's like the map name says: elevator and stairs. The map is a hotel with 5 floors,a basement and a receptoin. It also has some secrets and a big secret room. Like in a hotel you can acces only one room. It's ment to be not a big map so you can play with s...
TTT: Advanced Body Search ( Fixed )
作成者 Syntaxator
An addon for the gamemode Trouble In Terrorist Town Provides a lot of additional information about the crime scene, when searching a body. You can disable the indicator that shows if the body has been moved, by setting the console command "ttt_body_search_...
作成者 tc
ttt_magma_v2b is an improved version of v2a, with features and suggestions taken by the community. Map Changes: • Cafeteria changed to a more fitting lab area. • HDR enabled, as well as new cubemaps. • Better optimization, map is no longer sealed by a big ...
TFlippy's TTT Legacy Weapon Pack
作成者 TFlippy
TTT Exclusive! Experimental version download - incompatibile with the Workshop version If you want to use this Addon on your server, follow this tutorial. In order to make the players download the content, make a resource file in your lua/autorun/server wi...
作成者 TFlippy
A spaceous TTT map! -- Requires CS:S Content in order work properly! -- (If I'd have to include all the used content from CS:S with the .bsp, it's size would be 250 MB instead of 130 MB.)
作成者 The Sneaky Spy
Hello again, it is I, The Sneaky Spy! And today I bring you another Trouble in Terrorist Town map: ttt_traitor_express! Inspired by Resident Evil 0, on this map, you battle on a double-decker train roaring down the railroad. It has a variety of cars to fig...
Thomas The Tank Engine TTT Weapon SWEP
作成者 Thendon
well... it has 5 random songs! I guess the model was made by that guy according to this upload Might upload more songs x...
TTT Traitor Turtlenade
作成者 TheTrueLor
I'm no longer providing updates or support, anyone is welcome to re-use the code or concept. A grenade for traitors that spawns several hostile turtles (using the headcrab npc) on detonation. Requires Trouble In Terrorist Town, CSS. Legacy Addon/Scripts: h...
TTT - Lord Charles Mansion
作成者 Thigoron
This is Lord Charles Mansion. It has a lot of traps, custom paintings, secrets and spooky rooms. Perfect for TTT. Credits: Map: Thigoron Music: "Danse Macabre - Busy strings", "Fig leaf rag - distressed" Kevin Macleod (INCOMPETECH.COM) In game paintings: w...
TTT Goldenplix Prison (Prison Architect)
作成者 Tobeh
Prison Architect TTT map, featuring traitor traps, custom textures, physics fun and objectives! Featured on SeaNanners' channel! Key Features: -11 Traps, 3 traitor doors, 21 traitor buttons! -Traitor and innocent objectives, featuring multiple options for ...
TTT Poison Dart
作成者 T0m3kk
This is a Traitor item for TTT. With the Poison Dart, it is possible to shoot people, to poison them. Then they will slowly die. This Weapon addon was removed from the collection "TFlippy's TTT Legacy Weapon Pack" and uploaded separately. Credits: TFlippy ...
作成者 tsjost
This is the town it all started in. The terrorist are in the process of preparing to go to de_train on some mission, but they soon realize that their transport has been sabotaged. They must now work together to fix the train, by collecting various parts th...
TTT Weapon Turret
作成者 TTT Weapon Turret
This is a Weapon Turret for Trouble in Terrorist Town (TTT). This is accessible via the Traitor menu....
作成者 ttv/PAL_AU
ttt_forest by Shifty Pete (originally ttt_forest_final) Changelog: - Improved visuals - Fixed minor bugs and glitches - Completely remade the spectator course - Tweaked the skybox - Optimization (Higher FPS) Overall, everything is fixed and finished, there...
作成者 ttv/PAL_AU
Welcome to the town plaza. We have radios that traitors can telepathically explode, freezers where we lock up naughty people, and a holy machine which turns corpses into watermelons. Survive the traitors and their tricks - if you can. Changelog: - Fixed 'b...
作成者 unobtanium
Go on an expedition and experience the adventure of your lifetime A brand new Minecraft Map for the Trouble in Terrorist Town Gamemode. Check out the new version of this map. === Feature List === Theme: Expedition Location: on top of a jungle mountain ledg...
***ATTENTION*** IT'S NOT MY MAP. I only uploaded it into Workshop, so it will be easier to download for everyone. I agree to remove this item from Workshop if original author or Valve decides. ORIGINAL: *...
***ATTENTION*** IT'S NOT MY MAP. I only uploaded it into Workshop, so it will be easier to download for everyone. I agree to remove this item from Workshop if original author or Valve decides. ORIGINAL: ***ATTENTION**...
A very nice underground map for TTT Features: - There are a couple of dangerous things to be aware about, especially the moving train - Traitor's traps - Lots of rooms - Much fun ***ATTENTION*** I only uploaded it into Workshop, so it will be easier to dow...
***ATTENTION*** IT'S NOT MY MAP. I only uploaded it into Workshop, so it will be easier to download for everyone. I agree to remove this item from Workshop if original author or Valve decides. ***ATTENTION***...
***ATTENTION*** IT'S NOT MY MAP. I only uploaded it into Workshop, so it will be easier to download for everyone. I agree to remove this item from Workshop if original author or Valve decides. ORIGINAL:
***ATTENTION*** IT'S NOT MY MAP. I only uploaded it into Workshop, so it will be easier to download for everyone. I agree to remove this item from Workshop if original author or Valve decides. ORIGINAL: ...
作成者 Vandal
Gamemode: Trouble in Terrorist Town Island consists of small single-storey houses are sea _______________________________________ Аfter the map verification honestly rate the map. Thank you very much! #TTT IP: ¯¯̿̿¯̿̿'̿̿...
After traveling for endless miles through the intense fog of an ocean unknown, the terrorists find themselves shipwrecked and stranded in a mysterious place- A network of piers, walkways and cliffs that have signs of civilization and unknown tests that app...
Mr. X's majestic cruise ship the Cotopoxi is brought to life in a new exciting way, designed for the Trouble in Terrorist Town Gamemode. ----- The Terrorists embark on a journey they soon won't forget- The cruise of a lifetime on a top of the line ship, Th...
作成者 Vizzys
ttt_fastfood is a medium sized trouble in terrorist map fun for around 10-20 players. The map takes place around a fast food place that is inexplicably unnamed (yet) This is version a6. (May 21st, 2013) Probably final version ...
BioBall - TTT
作成者 Welcome To Heck
ONLY INSTALL ONE BIOBALL Sandbox version: This adds the BioBall, a Traitor weapon buyable thru the little Traitor menu. You can throw it on someone to infect them, and after a bit they turn in...
作成者 WireTeam
A collection of entities connectable by data wires, which allows for the creation of advanced contraptions. Wiremod Landing Page: Github: Discord: Ultimate Guide to Fixing Wiremod: ht...
作成者 wisd0m
67thway is an iconic map for the popular gamemode "TTT", so I decided to do an overhaul, in which I add some things I would like to see in the map! Some things added are... -Extra T room exits -Disco -Pyro Shrine -More T traps -Extra Rooms -Extended T room...
TTT Medkit
作成者 Yashirmare
Medkit for traitors and detectives. Heal your friends for 30HP or heal yourself for 20HP. Feel like donating? Click here ...
TTT Traitor Bulldozer Armour
作成者 Yashirmare Bulldozer Armour from Payday The Heist. Uses elements from hl2 and CS:S so the only download is the icon. Item Description: "The deadly Bulldozer Armour. You get +50HP and a Shotgun, but it comes at a cost" Upon buying the i...
TTT Christmas Panic Room
作成者 Yashirmare -=REQUIRES COUNTER-STRIKE: SOURCE=- This is a re-imagining of the level Panic Room from Payday: The Heist. This is a Christmas version made in about 2 days. (Fun fact: I managed to watch the entirety of Attack On Titan S1 wh...
作成者 youmenow1
ttt_rooftops_2016_v1 has arrived, bringing with it an immense number of additions, enhancements and changes to both the visual and mechanical. After years of development, I am glad to finally introduce ttt_rooftops_2016, the definitive ttt_rooftops version...
[TTT/2] Traitor AK47 (CS:S)
作成者 Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon is buyable once per Traitor. Type: Equip 1 Ammo: Rifle-Ammo Firemode: Automa...
[TTT/2] Traitor Silenced M4A1 (CS:S)
作成者 Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon is once buyable per Traitor. Type: Equip 1 Ammo: Pistol-Ammo Firemode: Autom...
[TTT/2] G3SG1 (CS:S)
作成者 Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon is silenced and spawns random on the map. Type: Rifle Ammo: Sniper-Ammo Fire...
[TTT/2|Sandbox] Gauss Rifle
作成者 Zaratusa
Features This is the Gauss Rifle from Crysis 3, but it has glowing symbols on it. It has 2 shots, but you have to reload after every shot and it is buyable once per traitor. The Projectile explodes on the target, unlike the Gauss Rifle in Crysis 3. TTT Sta...
作成者 Zaratusa
A medium sized map based around an large passenger aircraft for Trouble in Terrorist Town (TTT). A large passenger aircraft is seized Mid-Pacific by a highly trained, heavily armed terrorist cell. Unfortunately for them, intense training and large weapons ...
作成者 Zaratusa
A small map which takes place on the three upper floors of a skyscraper for Trouble in Terrorist Town (TTT). Features: 8-24 Players are recommended good C4 spots many rooms only close and medium range combat areas You need Counter-Strike: Source or downloa...
[TTT/2] MP5 (CS:S)
作成者 Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon spawns random on the map. Type: Rifle Ammo: Rifle-Ammo Firemode: Automatic M...
[TTT/2] M4 SLAM (Tripmine + Remote C4)
作成者 Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. It's already included by default under "Half-Life 2" Category. Features The M4 Selectable Lightwe...
[TTT/2] AUG (CS:S)
作成者 Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon has a sniper like scope and spawns random on the map. Type: Rifle Ammo: Rifl...
[TTT/2] Detective P90 (CS:S)
作成者 Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon comes with a sniper like scope and is buyable once per Detective. Type: Equi...
[TTT/2] Famas (CS:S)
作成者 Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon spawns random on the map. Type: Rifle Ammo: Rifle-Ammo Firemode: Automatic M...
[TTT/2] Galil (CS:S)
作成者 Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon spawns random on the map. Type: Rifle Ammo: Rifle-Ammo Firemode: Automatic M...
[TTT/2] M3S90 (CS:S)
作成者 Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon spawns random on the map. Type: Shotgun Ammo: Shotgun-Ammo Firemode: Pump-ac...
[TTT/2] TMP (CS:S)
作成者 Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon spawns random on the map. Type: Rifle Ammo: Rifle-Ammo Firemode: Automatic M...
[TTT/2] SG552 (CS:S)
作成者 Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon has a sniper like scope and spawns random on the map. Type: Rifle Ammo: Rifl...
[TTT/2] Traitor AWP (Unsilenced)
作成者 Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This AWP does not one-shot on every part of the body (125 damage). It is buyable once pe...
[TTT/2] SG550 (CS:S)
作成者 Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon spawns random on the map. Type: Rifle Ammo: Sniper-Ammo Firemode: Automatic ...
[TTT/2] P228 (CS:S)
作成者 Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon spawns random on the map. Type: Pistol Ammo: Pistol-Ammo Firemode: Semi-auto...
[TTT/2] Dual Elites (CS:S)
作成者 Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon spawns random on the map. Also have a look on my Dragon Elites for Traitors ...
[TTT/2|Sandbox] Dragon Elites
作成者 Zaratusa
Features This weapon doesn't replace your default Dual Elites, it is a weapon buyable once per Traitor and Detective. It deals 10% more damage than the Dual Elites and come with an extra magazine. Type: Pistol Ammo: Pistol-Ammo Firemode: Semi-automatic Mag...
[TTT/2|Sandbox] Mine Turtle (Proximity Mine)
作成者 Zaratusa
This is the Mine Turtle! If you've seen the ASDF movies then you'll know exactly what this is. Features The Mine Turtle is a item buyable for Traitors and Detectives (configurable via ConVars) once per round or spawns at random grenade spawns, if both ConV...
[TTT/2|Sandbox] Sandwich (Medkit)
作成者 Zaratusa
Features The sandwich is a simple Medkit for Traitors and Detectives (configurable via ConVars), it heals 25 (configurable) life per use and can either be used on yourself or every other player. Primary attack to heal other player, secondary attack to heal...
TTT Minecraft Floating Fort v1.6
作成者 Zero-PAiN
This is "ttt_fortcrafted" The TTT Version of the original! This is my first attempt at making a TTT map, so bare with me. Features: Traitor Tester (To Be Activated by Redstone!) Lava Trap Hidden Pathways To be Included Soon: Traitor Rooms More Traps ++++++...
作成者 Zion Fox
Almost identical to ttt_clue, however this map adds various sound effects. From eery music being played from a jukebox in the attic, rain and thunder happening outside, to various radios and gramophones playing music in different rooms, and even a recordin...
The Flare Gun
A Working Flare Gun with extra's ! ***Contains*** - flares disappear after 1 minute - Custom hud/entities picture - Custom run and aim animation - Press "r" on a full magazine to change the firemode +++ - Use The command "flaregun_mode2 1/0" to dissable or...
TTT Detective Shotgun
作成者 Zuko
A Detective Shotgun I made for TTT. Only Detectives can buy it. Use it to kill those pesky Traitors! I made it using models I got from the M9K Heavy Pack....
PWB Sniper Rifles
作成者 Полковник
This is modified version of my Titanfall weapon base. I will create another packs next time. Weapons models are taken from Included: HK417 L96A1 M98B SR25 SV98 CREDITS: Me - Weapon base and porting weapons to GMod. L96A1: ImbrokeRu - Animation ...
作成者 Полковник
This is modified version of my Titanfall weapon base. I will create another packs next time. Weapons models are taken from Included: MP5 MP7 P90 TMP Uzi CREDITS: Me - Weapon base and porting weapons to GMod. MP5: EA Los Angeles - Model ImBrokeR...
PWB Shotguns
作成者 Полковник
This is modified version of my Titanfall weapon base. I will create another packs next time. Weapons models are taken from Included: M590A1 Remington 870 Saiga 12 SPAS 12 XM1014 CREDITS: Me - Weapon base and porting weapons to GMod. Remington 8...
PWB Pistols
作成者 Полковник
This is modified version of my Titanfall weapon base. I will create another packs next time. Weapons models are taken from Included: CZ75 Desert Eagle Glock17 M9 P99 CREDITS: Me - creating weapon base and porting weapons to GMod CZ75: Arby26 - ...
PWB Miscellaneous
作成者 Полковник
This is modified version of my Titanfall weapon base. Weapons models are taken from Included: F1 Knife M320 RGD5 Tomahawk CREDITS: Me - Weapon base and porting weapons to GMod. Knife: Kopter M320: Inter - Animations SentryGunMan - Compile, Worl...
PWB Assault Rifles
作成者 Полковник
This is modified version of my Titanfall weapon base. I will create another packs next time. Weapons models are taken from Included: AKM HK416 L85A1 SG552 TAR21 CREDITS: Me - Weapon base and porting weapons to GMod. AKM Frimenitnet - Model, Tex...
Day of Infamy Heavy Weapons Pack
作成者 Полковник
Pack of Machine gunsand Assault rifle from Day of Infamy (DoI, originally mod for Insurgency). Included: Browning M1919 The Browning Automatic Rifle MG 34 MG 42 Lewis Gun Bren Gun StG 44 Made by me. P.S. e...
Day of Infamy Pistol Pack
作成者 Полковник
I will make other packs (like rifle pack, smg pack). This is Day of Infamy (DoI, originally mod for Insurgency) Pistols. Made by me. Included: C96 Mauzer Colt M1911 Luger P08 Webley Revolver Welrod P38 and PPK not included, because they got broken animatio...
Day of Infamy Rifle Pack
作成者 Полковник
Bolt Action, Semi Automatic and Sniper rifles pack from Day of Infamy (DoI, originally mod for Insurgency), made by me. Included: M1 Garand Gewehr 43 Karabiner 98k Springfield M1903 Lee Enfield P.S. k...
Day of Infamy SMG Pack
作成者 Полковник
Sub Machine Guns pack from Day of Infamy (DoI, originally Insurgency mod), made by me.Included: Sten C96 Carbine M3 Grease Gun Thompson M1928A1 MP-40 Next time I will make rifles or machineguns pack. P.S. e...
I take absolutely NO credit for this map I uploaded it to the workshop for Servers Fast-Download I don't know who the Original Author is. And I agree to remove this item if the Author or Valve wishes to. Thanks for Reading and Have Fun...
Courtyard (TTT/2)
作成者 лесенька
I called the public utilities and warned that winter is coming. Let them just try to say later that the snow fell suddenly. A small courtyard in a post-Soviet residential area in the midst of a raging winter. On the map there is a courtyard, an entrance, 2...
Denizen (Sandbox + TTT)
作成者 veightyfive
An isolated island village, accompanied by a lighthouse on a smaller island connected by a bridge. An old mysterious complex exists under the island, and some parts have been converted into storage areas. Concept came to me in a dream. Does not require any...
Emerald Empire (Minecraft TTT Map)
作成者 Xenthio
Made by Xenthio and Network50 Emerald Empire (Minecraft TTT Map) Features 32 spawns (Best for 12-32 players) water is functional glass breaks wooden doors open and close, iron doors remain locked landing on hay bales has a chance to negate fall damage gun/...
gm_oxxo_redux (compatible with TTT)
作成者 Seitan
This map is compatible with Trouble In Terrorist Town *This map is noded and navmeshed Credits Seitan - Level design, creation, model edits, additional textures and sounds rluquin - Additional models and textures PPPHéctor - Don Semen art Dreamywolf - La P...
gm_burgershot TTT and PropHunt
作成者 Skate6788
gm_burgershot Hey, this is our map inspirited by the burgershot restaurant. About This map is based on the GTA San Andreas Burgershot restaurant, the whole interior was remade, and a completely new outside area was built. You don't need any content packs! ...
Rebel Basement (Sandbox + TTT)
作成者 veightyfive
A lived-in and well-kept resistance base somewhere in the outskirts of City 17. Does require CSS for the grate texture on the armory cabinets, as well as some props. Includes a TTT version with traitor rooms and traps, as well as hand-placed weapon spawns....
Station Square - Sonic Adventure (Sandbox+TTT)
作成者 xinus22
Map name: ttt_stationsquare I noticed a lack of a good port of station square for gmod, so i decided to make my own. Includes: -All areas from the game combined into 1 map (with the exception of the small twinkle park entrance room) -TTT support -Nodes + N...
Surface (TTT/2)
作成者 лесенька
A small town on the edge of the world, shrouded in endless cold winters ... Features: -Removed all unnecessary scripts and NPCs. -All the necessary content is embedded in the addon, no content is NEEDED) -2 open entrances, 2 open apartments, 2 open utility...
TTT Lego Treasure Island
作成者 Caro
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Please be so nice and ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ This is what Zirconium created for Gamebanana"s Trouble in Paradise mapping contest (Counter-Strike: Global Offensive). This Lego map was originally a s...
ttt_Al'sToyBarn - Toy Story 2 - 2024 UPDATE
作成者 Skate6788
ttt_Al'sToyBarn Hi, This is my second and first TTT map. About This map is recreation of Al's Toy Barn from game "Toy Story 2: The game". Map it's pretty big. From player for players. - can be played on sandbox. Special features: Anti exploits/stuck. Custo...
作成者 *Squint*
A TTT map based on the Among us map, Skeld This is version 1, please do let me know if anything needs changing/fixing/adding V1_1 updated Weapons spawns, info_nodes, table button functionality, Other notes: To use Vents and doors you will need to be a play...
作成者 WAX | Hillrop
PORT OF THE CSGO MAP BY Squeezit and GenoCide WIth enhancements and features exclusive to this version. Works in Sandbox and Murder Features * Spongebob's House, Squidward's house, and Patric...
作成者 cool breeze
You do NOT need to install any extra assets! Just load the map and enjoy! ***You might need CSS The map file is quite large, it may take just a little while to load! {リンクが削除されました} {リンクが削除されました} https://...
作成者 Bro Pikapi
TTT_byperbasedome: This map is a small village, with a castle on the center, the castle itself is full of highly detailed rooms. In the outside, there's a coastline, a sunk ship, lots of little houses, and a tower with a tester inside, this map is availabl...
作成者 Buzzcut
THIS MAP DOES NOT REQUIRE ANYTHING! Welcome to the classic dust 2 of your childhood! This time, I took the trouble to adapt it to the famous game mode "Trouble in Terrorist Town". The map contains slight modifications from the classic dust2, plus, a T Room...
作成者 Skate6788
This isn't my map. I just edited this map for our server: Stary Dobry TTT - Check original creators on the bottom of this post. I spent many hours on this edit, everything is polished and tested on our community servers. Changes: Heavy optimalization. - be...
ttt_GreenBelt Bank - Postal 2
作成者 Mariusz
ttt_greenbelt Hi, This is my recreation of the postal 2 map. AboutThis map is a recreation of the part of Greenbelt in Postal 2. It was slightly updated visually, and some new paths have been added. From player for players. - can be played on sandbox. Map ...
作成者 Skate6788
ttt_libertycity Hi, This is my abandoned ttt map that i stole from a friend. About This map is based on GTA:San Andreas "bistro mission in liberty city" but heavly upgraded. Map it's pretty big. From player for players. - can be played on sandbox. Map high...
作成者 Mitch
TTT MinecraftCity V5 ᛜ About Based off of V3, this version adds some optimization, re-imports the MC textures at more efficient sizes, adds a couple small fixes, and compiles with CS:GO style AO in the lightmaps, producing something visually closer to the ...
作成者 Matt2468rv
If you'd like to support my work, please give it a which really helps me out! You will need Counter-Strike: Source (CS:S) to properly use the map. This is a requirement for the Trouble in Terrorist Town gamemode that the map...
ttt_pizzeria - The Well Stacked Pizza Co.
作成者 Skate6788
ttt_pizzeria Hey, this is our map inspired by the pizzeria in GTA. About This map is based on the GTA San Andreas The Well Stacked Pizza Co. restaurant. The whole interior was remade, and a completely new outside area was built. This included Big Smoke Hou...
作成者 XaZ ⚣
A map based around walking through Vangoghs paintings Map Author: NIPPER
This map is a small to medium sized TTT map. Themed on the back alleys of Tokyo. The map can support about a max of around 32 players. The map has a T room with a water trap, a car trap and features a metro station with trains passing through. Map contains...
作成者 Skate6788
ttt_waterworld_tropical Hey, this is my version of remastered the popular Waterworld map by Dooglz. More below. About This map is based on tropical waterparks around the world, most of the maps is created from custom props and textures. You can play ttt, s...
作成者 DoctorGurke
TTT_Waterworld_Remastered_2020 Disclaimer: This is NOT a complete "remake" of ttt_waterworld, but an overhaul! CSS Content might be needed to see everything on the map. Changes: - Optimizations in structure, lighting, gameplay and texture application - New...
[TTT] ttt_mc_treehouse
作成者 CynCeyd
This is a little map we've created in Minecraft and ported it to Garry's Mod. Please understand that this map is still in beta and there might occur some issues with it. Feel free to report any bugs or suggest ideas to implement. I'll take a look on it as ...