Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

617 ratings
TFlippy's TTT Legacy Weapon Pack
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Weapon
Addon Tags: Fun, Realism
File Size
23.392 MB
15 Jul, 2014 @ 10:22am
29 Jul, 2014 @ 5:41am
9 Change Notes ( view )

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TFlippy's TTT Legacy Weapon Pack

In 1 collection by TFlippy
TFlippy's Fancy TTT Addons
4 items
TTT Exclusive!

Experimental version download - incompatibile with the Workshop version[]

If you want to use this Addon on your server, follow this tutorial.
In order to make the players download the content, make a resource file in your lua/autorun/server with resource.AddWorkshop("286533896") in it.

Also, these weapons work only in the Trouble in Terrorist Town gamemode. Using them in Sandbox and other gamemodes causes severe problems.

General Information

TFlippy's TTT Weapon Pack contains 31 new weapons for your TTT server - ranging from assault rifles to an automatic shotgun. Most of the weapons models and sounds are from M9K Weapons, Counter-Strike: Source + Global Offensive and, while the code is roughly 95% custom. More detailed credits for each gun are inside the weapons' shared.lua files.

If you have found any issues with the weapons, post them as a comment or contact me privately.

What's so special about these guns?

This weapon pack contains more enjoyable and unique weapons for the Innocents, Detectives and Traitors to spice up the gameplay. Each weapon has certain advantages and disadvantages, such as the Locomotive 12G being only efficient at close range, or the Minigun needing to be spin-up. Some weapons also have restricted usage - M24 and AWP are supposed to be long-range weapons, so using them unscoped makes them inaccurate.

All of the icons (except for the Silenced M16, as it uses default TTT icon) are custom. None of them are missing either.

Weapon List

TMP [Traitor]
A silenced SMG. The high rate of fire is compensated by inaccuracy.

MP5 [Detective]
SMG stolen from some poor CT, possibly acting as some sort of a trophy for the Detectives.

Krieg 550 [Detective]
This weapon has the biggest magazine of all sniper rifles at cost of lowered headshot damage.

Silenced M16 [Traitor]
A silenced assault rifle. Addition of the silencer made it slightly weaker than the M16, but also reduced the recoil. Headshots are also somehow more powerful.

AK47 [Traitor]
An assault rifle. While dealing high damage, handling the high recoil makes it more difficult to use.

AWP [Traitor]
A heavy sniper rifle similiar to the M24. Being shot in the chest results in instant death.

M24 Rifle [Innocent]
A very powerful and accurate sniper rifle, but only on long range. On close range, its accuracy is worse than shotgun's.

Striker 12 [Detective]
An automatic shotgun with an extended clip for Detectives.

USP [Innocent]
A fast firing semi-automatic pistol.

KRISS Vector [Innocent]
An accurate SMG with laser sights.

TEC-9 [Innocent]
A powerful fast firing semi-automatic pistol.

G3SG1 [Innocent]
Fast firing sniper rifle with small magazine.

Silenced G3SG1 [Traitor]
Similiar to G3SG1, but silenced with lower recoil

The BuII$hite [Innocent]
A dangerous revolver. Aim carefully, as the high damage is compensated by huge recoil and low rate of fire.

Vulcan Minigun [Traitor]
A minigun with 250 bullets - becomes extremely effective against crowds once spinned up. However, because of the weight, the carrier is slowed down to walking speed, making him look suspicious and unable to run.

Tranfusion Kit [Detective]
An utility weapon for Detectives that gives you an ability to drain / inject health from other players.

M14 Shooty [Innocent]
A semi-automatic mid-range rifle. Requires good accuracy, as the magazine holds only 6 bullets.

Luger [Innocent]
The traditional gun for popping heads. Gerard DuGalle and Hitler can confirm!

Locomotive 12G [Innocent]
Special shotgun for close-range fights. While being extremely inaccurate, it can easily kill a player with one shot at point-blank range.

HK MP7 [Traitor]
A secondary SMG with a scope for Traitors.

Dragon Eagle [Traitor]
A modified Desert Eagle that shoots incendiary bullets that set players on fire.

Neurotoxin Gun [Traitor]
A gas-powered pistol that shoots neurotoxin-filled projectiles. Poisoned players will experience a painful death.

Ares Shrike [Innocent]
Similiar to H.U.G.E, but has smaller magazine and deals higher damage.

Krieg 552 [Innocent]
A fast firing rifle with a scope.

AUG P [Innocent]
Semi-automatic rifle for fast mid-range fights with a large clip.

P90 [Innocent]
Sprayer's dream.

Galil [Innocent]
An assault rifle with a very large magazine.

FAMAS [Innocent]
An assault rifle with high rate of fire.

M3 Super 90 [Innocent]
A pump shotgun. More accurate than the normal Shotgun, but slightly weaker.

Dual Elites [Innocent]
Double the firepower!

P228 [Innocent]
A pistol similiar to the USP, but more powerful and slower.
HitexGaming 23 Dec, 2023 @ 11:04am 
hey for some reason a few of the weapons in this pack dont have any sound
tomasolero 24 Sep, 2021 @ 7:10am 
tomasolero 24 Sep, 2021 @ 7:10am 
Barkin 3 Jan, 2020 @ 6:42pm 
Scopes for snipers are buggy mor and black texture
Postino 7 Jul, 2019 @ 5:29pm 
Holdtypes are buggy
Zhen Nirvana 9 Jun, 2018 @ 7:31am 
And how did you removed the dragon eagle?
Fappy McFaperson 9 Feb, 2018 @ 7:32pm 
I've found an issue with the dragon eagle. It breaks burning bodies. I removed the dragon eagle and burning bodies works anew.
Feldma_ 13 Jan, 2018 @ 8:11pm 
Hi TFlippy, I just have a question regarding muzzle flashes:

Although the models aren't made by you, would you happen to know why it seems that some weapons (bullshite, m24, etc.) do not have muzzle flashes? I've decompressed and looked at the model files, but nothing is jumping out at me as being incorrect. It's quite annoying to not have muzzle flashes on some weapons (especially snipers) so if possible I'd like to fix this.

Also, where is the world model file for Krieg 552? It has a working muzzle flash so I could use it as a comparison model, however I cannot find the .mdl file.

Thanks in advance.
Kochayuyo 10 Jan, 2018 @ 7:16am 
were is the P90?, i cant see it in the random spawn system :/
St. Addi 12 Sep, 2017 @ 5:56am 
Hi! Can you add the "Tranfusion Kit" to the workshop as a sepatate addon?