Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

158 人が評価
Webb Financial Center
5.494 MB
2017年6月4日 14時22分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Webb Financial Center

KingLeno 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Bluff City Assets
524 アイテム
So nice, I made it twice. This is the same model as The Crescent Center. It has a more modern and brighter facade and windows. I decided to leave the park in front off of this asset to allow for even more customization. However, that does mean a mostly empty lot when you plot it.

A modern mid-rise office building with 65 workplaces with the RICO mod.
Triangles 1380 - Texture - 2048 x 1024 d,n,i,s
Custom lod and textures
Size 14 x 10

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2 件のコメント
reillycat23 2017年6月11日 13時15分 
I love this design so much also. You do great work. I put the Cresent buildings (2 facing each other) in my district that started expansion in the 1960s and it ads so much to that Beatnik vibe I'm going for and so I shall place this in another region to tie everything together. :D :D <3 <3
CityDave 2017年6月4日 18時43分 
Wow KingLeno this looks great.