Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number

Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number

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PHOENIX | Custom Sprites | Jacket (All Masks Approved)
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18 Feb, 2017 @ 5:16am
18 Feb, 2017 @ 5:56am
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PHOENIX | Custom Sprites | Jacket (All Masks Approved)

PHOENIX is a level that will put your reflexes and eyes for secrets to the test with combining elements of both Hotline Miami and Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number similar in style to another level called BURNOUT:

* CARL is able to get high scores, execute the majority of enemies and survive the level with drill (Only excluding fats/dogs). CARL APPROVED!
* Every mask has a benefit depending on the floor.
* Each floor is completely different depending on what weapon you are using and how much ammo you've got.
* Each floor can be entered unarmed (Though can't be cleared unarmed)
* Features the Skorpion Sub Machine Gun from the first Hotline Miami (pickup) and also a silenced version with laser sights for Richter.
* Features a traumatized vehicle.

* Clear the second elevator floor without bringing a weapon with you (The tiger fur floor).
* Execute every non-fat enemy on the balcony floor with CARL's drill.
* Complete the level using Nigel.
* Play the level in Hard Mode (To do this, simply complete the main storyline of Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number then hit space in the level select screen to trigger hard mode for the main game levels. Then you go to the editor and select this level right afterwards).

* You are able to keep your combo window from the first floor to another floor.
* The sewers has a X17 combo, if you enter the sewers with a first floor combo window you get 17+4 = X21 Combo.
* The left staircase and the left staircase elevator floor has a X32 combo together, if you enter with a first floor combo window you get 32+4 = X36 Combo.
* The right staircase and the drug floor has a X33 combo together, if you enter with a first floor combo window you get 33+4= X37 Combo.
* No full combo but you can get high scores by getting a 17/21 combo on Sewers, 32/36 combo on left staircase/elevator and 33/37 combo on right staircase/drug floor.
* The S rank score is 56500 and was done with Richard (Full combo on each part of the level).

* Tony can be useful on the second elevator floor to be able to take out enemies alot more quicker if you were to enter unarmed and you won't need to cycle through melee weapons on the ground anymore (saves time and life).
* Aubrey can be useful on the first floor for the sake of being able to kill the fat and the other shotgun enemy to save up 1 or 2 bullets in the pump shotgun that you may/may not pick up.
* Don Juan is able to lure alot of enemies to doors.
* Graham and Brandon both makes the first floor easier in terms of dodging bullets. Also puts away alot of the effort on the second elevator floor when evading bullets as well.
* Dennis can make the process of clearing the first floor alot faster if you manage to land a throw-kill with the knife on the shotgun enemy.
* George is great for observing the floors since alot of floors are opened up by windows. If you use George then you're able to take a look at each part of the map without needing to be worried about getting shot from a distance.
* Ted can avoid the dog on the pre-elevator floor which can be crucial if you fire your gun and alot of enemies come at you.
* Rufus and Earl is great if you get shot from a distance because you'll have more time to head to cover.
* Rami is useful because you can clear the first part of a floor much faster if you for example have 6 bullets left in the shotgun at the start of the level (You use 1 bullet on the fat in the first floor).
* Willem simply makes all killing faster and is very great if you manage to stand-execute a firearm user.
* Peter is very useful in open areas and can reduce the amount of heat you get.
* Zack is incredibly useful because you don't have to rush to get inside the elevator to save your combo.
* Rick is great on the balcony floor because you can snipe the enemies patroling through the windows easily.
* Louie is really useful on the second elevator floor because you enter the floor very tightly with the enemies, making it easier to infiltrate instead of being chased immediately. Also great if you are sneaking around to look for enemies because you'll most likely spot them before they spot you.
* Carl offers a whole ton of points. The level becomes very slow paced but you'll be awarded greatly in the end if you execute grounded enemies with your drill.
* Jake can simply kill off the shotgun user if you throw a pipe at them which saves you the time and effort of taking them out later. You are also able to kill off the silenced pistol mafia at the second elevator floor if you enter with a melee weapon/empty firearm.
* Richter gives a big push at the first floor since you are able to kill off all enemies without using any bullets from the skorpion/shotgun pick ups. You can also silently take out almost all enemies in each floor without being noticed at all.
hesoinehrazy1g 25 Aug, 2019 @ 1:58pm 
i LOVE this level, it made a huge impact on my skill, hard mode on this really is a fun challenge, (unless you play alone) overall a solid 9.9/10 in my book
swaggot ✰ 7 Sep, 2017 @ 1:51pm 
ghoulb 7 May, 2017 @ 8:08am 
Many maps just focus on looks and forget about the challenge, but I can see you kept both in mind here too, which I really liked.
ghoulb 7 May, 2017 @ 8:07am 
Wow, thank you for the detailed response! I'll give the level another shot and try some of the challenges, actually never knew about the whole hard mode thing, so thanks for the telling me about that. Keep up the great work! :8bitheart:
𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙎𝙝𝙞🖤  [author] 7 May, 2017 @ 3:54am 

The elevator floor is possible without any starting weapons at all.
I'll have you know as a nice little note that I did every floor without any starting weapons and also using only Carl's drill (But killing fats with firearms) so I can confirm that it's possible.

-No weapon on elevator floor-
Run upwards, right, knock out the enemy and take their weapon.

-Melee weapon on elevator floor-
You can throw the melee on the silencer mobster or possibly any of the lunch table enemies.

-Firearm on elevator floor-
Shoot the silencer mobster and then shoot the lunch table enemies one by one and use a single bullet/slug on the fat. Walk down there to grab the guns.

-No weapon in sewer-
QUICKLY run to the right to the generator room until you reach the skorpion SMG gun on the ground to pick it up.

-Firearm in sewer-
Shoot the fat patroling on your down-right, this will make the enemies behind a wall to come at you. That's when you grab the pipe melee weapon to kill them.
ghoulb 6 May, 2017 @ 4:12pm 
I feel like some parts are impossible if you don't grab the right gun before entering (elevator with the silenced pistol guy past the window right as you start), and the sewer is impossible to play without holing up in the starting area which has odd colision. Other than that, a lot of the floors had pretty great design and the map looked great, keep it up!
𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙎𝙝𝙞🖤  [author] 13 Apr, 2017 @ 11:39am 

SuperChaosKG 12 Apr, 2017 @ 7:32pm 
This is both a frustrating and EXTREMELY well made level. You're crazy man. It's great.
𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙎𝙝𝙞🖤  [author] 25 Feb, 2017 @ 5:33am 

Alot of focus was on making it more difficult and put more weight on both reflexes and thinking. Hopefully that was achieved and it played out well! Made sure the level could be played with all masks just to add alot more options for playstyle and also offer a chance to get S rank with all masks :)
dan 25 Feb, 2017 @ 5:29am 
Took me 31 mins to clear it with Tony, great level!