Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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600k Population Challenge
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8 Jan, 2017 @ 4:19pm
16 Jan, 2017 @ 5:17pm
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600k Population Challenge

In 1 collection by rovaira2
My assets and mods used from other creators for scenarios I create.
685 items
Can you get the population over 600k with less than 3% unemployment, and get your $$ over 10 million? The coming end of the world has put some obstacles in your way mayor, but with your intense fanatical focus on the end of days, you shall not be defeated! This is a pretty fun scenario for me at least; hope others enjoy it as well. :) (In this scenario you start out with a small population; around 30k. I also have a 400k challenge where you start out with a larger population.)

** If you'd like to donate it would be appreciated. Thanks. **

TIP: Make sure to use the 'high density elementary & high schools & university' as your population per building is higher with some of these active mods.

1 ** IMPORTANT: Here is the collection of assets/mods I used with this scenario. (I'm assuming you'd need to subscribe to many of these; there are custom schools, buildings, some mods I use, etc.) <---- Subscribe to these.

2 Rush hour settings for commecial/residential, etc. demand should look like this (press options in the main menu, click rush hour, and on general have your settings as shown below. (NOTE: In my game I currently have random events turned off as they go to the stadium when there is a game anyway.): --- SEE note above.

3 Also please activate the mods below once you've loaded the game (might work without some of these, but some affect populations in each building, allow larger buildings, more tile options for building, the option to turn up or down graphics (which can increase/decrease performance by pressing F10 once the city is loaded; be careful not to turn it up much if you have an older computer; this is the 'Dynamic Resolution fixed for 1.6' mod.):

My Activated mods:
Unlock All (ID=18446744073709551615) activated
No Border Limit Camera (ID=446764406) activated
Sub-Buildings Enabler (ID=553501635) activated
Winter Buildings Unlocker (ID=627047745) activated
Enable Achievements (ID=407055819) activated
Fill The Houses (ID=409069482) activated
Clouds & Fog Toggler (ID=523824395) activated
Sub-Buildings Tabs (ID=608517757) activated
Workshop RICO Settings (ID=629850626) activated
WG Citizen Lifecycle Rebalance v2.1 (ID=654707599) activated
Ploppable RICO (ID=751732442) activated
Infinite Oil And Ore Redux (ID=580335918) activated
Network Extensions (ID=812125426) activated
81 Tiles (Fixed for C:S 1.2+) (ID=576327847) activated
Dynamic Resolution (Fixed for 1.6) (ID=812713438) activated
WG Realistic Population v8.2.1 (ID=426163185) activated
Remove Seagulls [Fixed for v1.6] (ID=813835673) activated
Rush Hour (ID=605590542) activated

The Mods below are 'not activated' in my game:
Hard Mode (ID=18446744073709551615) deactivated
Unlimited Money (ID=18446744073709551615) deactivated
25 Spaces (ID=403798635) deactivated
All Areas purchaseable (ID=405810376) deactivated
Chirpy Exterminator (ID=405791507) deactivated
LOD Toggler (ID=561888259) deactivated
CrossTheLine (ID=498386331) deactivated
EuropeanBuildingsUnlocker (ID=456408505) deactivated
Sharp Textures (ID=793176674) deactivated
Environment Changer (ID=611254368) deactivated
Daylight Classic (ID=530871278) deactivated
Ultimate Eyecandy 1.3.4 (ID=672248733) deactivated
Skylines Overwatch [Fixed for v1.6] (ID=813833476) deactivated
CSL Music Mod (ID=422934383) deactivated
Sim City (2013) Music Pack (ID=634216395) deactivated
Sim City 4 Music Pack (ID=633993845) deactivated

Popular Discussions View All (1)
15 Jan, 2017 @ 1:24pm
Your screenshots
rovaira2  [author] 8 Jan, 2017 @ 4:40pm 
Please read steps 1-3 above, and have fun. And don't forget to remind everyone you told them the end of days was coming, they wouldn't listen, and you still won!