Take On Mars

Take On Mars

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Solar Panel Cleaning by Electrostatic Repulsion
Item Type: Modification
Dependencies: Standard
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6.298 MB
7 Jan, 2017 @ 11:52am
7 Jan, 2017 @ 10:21pm
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Solar Panel Cleaning by Electrostatic Repulsion

Dust can be repelled using electrostatic repulsion - this technique was pioneered by NASA specifically for use in solar panels on Mars and has recently entered service on Earth in dusty locations. The system is modeled here for Take on Mars solar panels. Note that this is an active process where electrostatic forces are used to suspend the dust and gravity, combind with the canted nature of the array, as well as local winds sweep the cell clean. Generating an electrostatic charge requires power and the cleaning process proceeds over time.

*How does the process start?*
The self-cleaning process initiates when the dust buildup accumulates to greater than 50% (50% dust build up represents a 25% reduction in power generation on the array). It will not initiate if power generation of the cleaned panel would fall below 18 Watts, thus cleaning is suspended during the night or if the panel is deployed in a location that doesn't generate power.

*How long does it take?*
The process runs for 2 minutes or until the combined power storage of the powergrid the array is part of falls below 20 Watt-Hrs. The process will also terminate if an astronaught cleans the panel manually.

*How much power dues it take?*
The cleaning process runs at 540 Watts, so for its 2 minutes of operation it takes 18 Watt-Hrs. This load is properly reported by the powergrid, and it is distributed accross all power sources exactly like any other load on the grid.

*How good is this process at cleaning?*
Over the 2 minutes of operation, the dust level should be reduced to between 14-30% - it'll be about 30% if the panel was completely covered in dust to begin with. This means you should end up with power outputs between 91-97% of what a clean panel would produce in the same location. This efficacy is relatively close to the real device - it also means that it can still be worth it to sweep the panels by hand if someone is not busy and nearby.

*What's the point of this?*
It provides a near-term realistic method to use solar panels in remote locations. We can now use solar to power your remote equipment, because the solar panels can remain usable (you can also run them down completely though and they'll fail!). It also makes the business of mainting a lot of solar panels less frustrating, without completely removing the dust mechanic.

*What's this incompatible with?*
Anything that modifies the solar array script "power_solararray.h". In practice this means any other mod that affects dust accumulation or power generation levels. It also uses the GenInt on solar arrays, but it's hard, though not impossible, to use that without touching "power_solararray.h".

*What's it compatible with?*
Asside from everything that isn't in the above - it should be compatible with the mountfix mods and I believe the power IO mods that affect solar arrays, but not the versions that combine those features with power level increases. It shouldn't have conflicts with mods that don't directly touch the solar arrays.

If you're interested in the background behind this:
Harbingerman 6 Apr, 2019 @ 12:52pm 
I may look into this again; nice idea. I dont know what affect running off solar only has on the panels; maybe in reality it doesnt; just charged batteries. Also wondering if there is a way not to use this early on; or if when it is used the system has no output during cleaning. I am probly overthinking as usual. Nice Mod might try soon !
riotintheair  [author] 25 Mar, 2019 @ 7:15am 
Hmm. I took a look and this still works as intended in otherwise unmodded tkom. Because of the art asset, 50% covered appears much more covered than you'd think and it doesn't start while power generation of clean cells is below 18 watts. You should see it blow off a ton of debris every morning.
Vas 23 Nov, 2018 @ 6:15pm 
I don't think this works anymore. :P My solar panels are always covered in dust within a few hours.
Harbingerman 6 Jun, 2018 @ 10:09am 
This is a nice idea but I wouldnt not use it in remote locations reason is that it could cause severe power drains on the batteries shortening their life spans; IE many changes or power fluctuations over a shorter period of time; probly not use it all. I could be wrong on charging of batteries but I would go with the idea of letting the battery drain and charging it once, not charging it to many times. It would be a checklist of things to do on the base; ie run power off the batteries not the solar panels.
Vas 26 Jan, 2017 @ 5:22pm 
This doesn't appear to do anything for me so far.
Myst Leissa 26 Jan, 2017 @ 2:27am 
I'm hoping this will work with test branch as I always play on it - but it looks like an interesting mod to include..
riotintheair  [author] 22 Jan, 2017 @ 6:35pm 
Vas 19 Jan, 2017 @ 2:34pm 
If you'd like people to see the science behind this, I suggest linking it here in the description: