Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

405 ratings
The Dodo's Field-Medic Guide
By Coco and 1 collaborators
Hi, this guide was made long ago and has been updated until some issues in our lives came and that TWI (the devs) disappointed us. So, with the time, energy and will away, we decided not to continue updating our guides (It's maybe not permanent). That being said, some info are still relevant. Have a nice read if you do read the guide. Last update: 13 Janvier 2018 on the [V1.057]
Hello and welcome to my perk guide! Today, let's take a look at everyone's best friend: the Field-Medic

Using a variety of different medic guns, the Field-Medic distinguishes itself from other perks by keeping their teammates alive with faster and more efficient use of healing darts rather than killing zeds with his weapons. Having a Field-Medic in your team is very important, especially on longer games and higher difficulties.

Your job : Heal, heal, heal. Easy to remember. Prioritize healing over shooting. To be a good Medic, you need to know when to shoot, and when to heal. You should shoot all the little sneaky zeds that your teammates didn't see coming, and also help take down stunned zeds. As for the rest, don't touch them. Thats not your job. You need to focus on healing and you can't do that if you're busy killing zeds. Pay attention to whats going on and be aware of your surroundings so that you can be ready at any moment to help out your mates. Prioritize checking the health of your teammates before checking where the zeds are. And never forget: your best weapon is your healing darts.
Perk Weapons
The 101 Pistol

Your starting weapon is one of the best Tier 1 weapons in the game. Capable of decapping most trash in one shot, the 101 Medic Pistol is like an upgrade to the 9mm. It has the same magazine size, but higher damage and is also able to heal teammates. And thats what makes the medic's weapons so special: Their unique ability to heal teammates with their healing darts. Like all the other medic weapons, the alternative fire of the 101 Pistol shoots a healing dart. After making contact with a player, the dart will GRADUALLY heal a certain amount over time. It's low price, weight, and high efficiency makes this weapon one of the best quality/price in the game and a highly recommended weapon to purchase as any Perk. So don't be afraid to keep this weapon until you have your final arsenal.

Fast Stats
Weight: 1
Price: 200
Damage: 20
Magazine size: 15
Ammo Reserve: 240 (16 Mags)
Healing Darts
Dart Recharge: 7,5sec / Dart
Dart Capacity: 2
Healing Amount: 15

The 201 Submachine Gun

The Tier 2 weapon for the Field-Medic is one of the worst weapons in game. It costs more than the Medic pistol, but has the same amout of damage as the 9mm and the exact same healing capability as the Medic pistol, plus a high recoil. This SMG is a weapon you can skip without problem. The only potential reason to buy this gun is early game, so you can switch to it to continue healing your mates while waiting for the pistol to recharge it's darts. It can also be helpful for levelling while you're a low level, but once you're playing on the higher difficulties, skip it. You'll be lucky if you can kill several zeds in one mag on Hell on Earth.

However, it's a weapon you could definitely use on solo. Attempting to use only your 101 HMTech Pistol to save up enough dosh for the 401 Assaullt Rifle can be pretty difficult on solo. The skills on the right side (increase damage / increase magazine size) will give the SMG some power to actually kill few zeds in a row, even on Hell on Earth.

Fast Stats
Weight: 3
Price: 650
Damage: 15
Magazine Size: 40
Ammo Reserve: 480 (12 Mags)
Healing Darts
Dart Recharge: 7,5sec / Dart
Dart Capacity: 2
Healing Amount: 15

The 301 Shotgun

Although it is less efficient in terms of damage than the other shotguns, the 301 still provides a better healing capability than the Field-Medic's Tier 1 and 2 weaponry. Dealing respectable burst damage, it's a good weapon for medium zeds, such as a husk or bloat that comes looking for trouble. Also, the 301 Shotgun is the perfect weapon for contributing to a takedown of a zed that a teammate has successfuly stunned, assuming that nobody needs healing of course. This shotgun has great stumble power as well. So if a big zed is charging at you, shoot him and he will do a stumble animation, giving your teammates a couple extra seconds to help you.

Fast Stats
Weight: 6
Price: 1100
Damage: 120 (20 x 6pellets)
Magazine Size: 10
Ammo Reserve: 80 (8 Mags)
Healing Darts
Dart Recharge: 4,8sec / Dart
Dart Capacity: 2,5
Healing Amount: 15
Perk Weapons (Continued)
The 401 Assault Rifle

In terms of healing and damage, the 401 is by far the best Medic weapon. The damage, recoil, and magazine size are comparable to the Commando's AK-12, making it great for trash cleaning, plus it has the best healing capability in the game. However, due to it's high recoil, I recommend that you use bursts of 1-3 shots. You will miss most of your shots if you just hold the Mouse 1 button. Like the 301 Shotgun, this assault rifle has a great stumble power. So if a big zed is charging at you, shoot him and he will do a stumble animation, giving to your teammates a couple extra seconds to help you.

Fast Stats
Weight: 7
Price: 1500
Damage: 40
Magazine Size: 30
Ammo Reserve: 390 (13 Mags)
Healing Darts
Dart Recharge: 3sec / Dart
Dart Capacity: 3,33
Healing Amount: 15

The 001 Healer
The Healing Syringe isn't technically a Field-Medic weapon as every other perk in the game has it and it doesn't deal damage except when bashing. But it's worth mentioning because it benefits from the passive bonuses of the Field-Medic and it has much more utility with this perk than the others, especially in early waves and at low levels. This free, weightless, and valuable tool is worth knowing the ins and outs of. It heals more HP than any of the darts in the Field-Medic weapons, and when using it on a teammate, it recharges twice as fast as if you had used it on yourself. It's basically a close range 101 pistol or 201 SMG as far as recharge goes, but heals more, which is why you should always try to use it on others before using it on yourself when playing as any perk, but especially Field-Medic.

On early waves, you won't have your full arsenal so you might run out of darts pretty quickly if your team is in danger, especially on lower levels when the dart recharge is very slow. So if you run out of darts, use your Healing Syringe to heal a teammate. A good medic should always be near his teammates anyways so it shouldn't be too difficult to run within the syringe's range. Don't forget that at level 5, you have the skill Symbiotic Health that heals yourself whenever you heal someone else, so always be looking to heal others with it when possible for the best efficiency. Also, like many of the weapons and tools in KF2, you don't have to wait for the full animation to complete when using the Healing Syringe. As soon as the healing effect starts, cancel the rest of the animation by switching back to your weapon so that you can get back into the action ASAP. The Healing Syringe is essential on early waves and/or at lower levels, but it is also an important backup to remember to use even at level 25/Hell on Earth matches.

Fast Stats
Syringe Recharge: 15sec / Syringe
Syringe Capacity: 1
Healing Amount: 20

Healing Grenade

One of the best grenades in the game! Besides being able to quickly heal every player (including yourself) that makes contact with the blue smoke, it also poisons every zed that makes contact with it. The grenade cloud will pass through doors and objects as well. Even though the poison damage is quite strong, you should primarily be throwing them for the purpose of healing your teammates, not to deal damage. I recommend that you throw it at the feet of a Berserker who is dealing with a big zed, or at the feet of teammates who are surrounded by zeds, as it will kill trash very quickly and heal your team at the same time. But be aware of when and where you throw your grenade. It is only helpful if you throw it when you're sure that your team can hold the position of where it lands. If you're moving or escaping a horde of angry zeds, don't throw a grenade, you are better off just using your darts. You can only carry a max of 5 of them, so throw them strategically. You don't want to run out of grenades if things get bad.

Fast Stats
Heal: 5hp / sec
Poison damage: 50 / sec
Healing Cloud Duration: 8sec
Radius: 3,5 metters
Fuze Time: 0,5sec after reaching the floor
Experience and Skills
As a Field-Medic, you earn XP by killing enemies with Field-Medic weapons of course! You also earn extra XP by healing teammates.
Earn enough XP and you'll gain a level, which will upgrade the perk bonuses.

Passive Bonuses
Syringe Recharge Rate (8% / Level) - 200% at Level 25
Syringe Potency (2% / Level) - 50% at Level 25
Bloat Bile Resistance (2% / Level) - 50% at Level 25
Movement Speed (0,4% / Level) - 10% at Level 25
Armor Bonus (3% / Level) - 75% at Level 25

Every 5 levels, you unlock 2 new skills to choose from:
The left side of the skill tree allows you to buff your teammates when shooting them with your healing darts. Ideal for multiplayer.
While the right side allows you to poison and deals more damage to the zeds. Ideal for solo matches.

Level 5
Symbiotic Health
Increase total Health 25%. Healing teamates will heal you 10% of your total Health.

Increase damage resistance 1% per Health point lost, up to 50%
Use Symbiotic Health for Multiplayer and Resilience for Solo.

Level 10
Adrenaline Shot
Shooting teamates with healing darts increases their movement speed 10% for 5 seconds. This can stack up to a 30% bonus

Combatant Doctor
Increase magazine capacity of perk weapons 50% and movement speed by 10%
Use Adrenaline Shot for multiplayer and Combatant Doctor for solo.

Level 15
Focus Injection
Shooting teammates with healing darts increases the damage they inflict 5% for 5 seconds. This can stack up to a 20% bonus.

Acidic Rounds.
Perk weapons can poison Zeds, inflicting poison damage over time.
Use Focus Injection for multi and Acidic Rounds for solo. Some people take Acidic Rounds in multi for the Boss wave or for helping to take down Scrakes and Fleshpounds, but I really recommend that you don't do this. You only deal 1dmg per second for 4sec. A single bullet is about 10x more effective. All you need to know is that this skill won't help your team. But Focus Injection will. So only take Acidic Rounds on solo. I'll get more in detail about this skill in the Let's Get Deeper section.

Level 20
Coagulant Booster
Shooting teamates with healing darts increases their damage resistance 10% for 5 seconds. This can stack up to a 30% bonus.

Battle Surgeon
Increase damage with perk weapons 20%
Use Coagulant Booster for multi and Battle Surgeon for solo, but I'm sure you already knew that.

Level 25 – This Skills only affect Zed-Time (Slow-Motion)
Airborne Agent
You release a healing gas during Zed Time, healing teammates close by.

During Zed Time, damaging Zeds woth perk weapons will slow them 30% and do massive amounts of damage.
Airborne Agent is amazing. Its like having a healing grenade on your feet. It can heal teammates and poison zeds near you, but it won't directly heal you :/ You can run around, healing everyone while also taking down trash very quickly without even shooting one bullet or dart. It also lasts for 8 seconds, so it continues to work even after zed time has ended. Zedative is like the Acidic Rounds but for Zed-Time. It does more poison damage than Acidic Rounds but only against trash. Like Acidic Rounds, its quite complex and I don't want to overload you with information. So I'll go more in detail about Zedative in the Let's Get Deeper Section for those of you who want to know more about it. Like the other skills, take Airborne Agent on multiplayer and only take Zedative during your solo matches. However, due to Airgborne Agent's helpful AoE damage, it might even be worth taking during solo games as well.
Recommended Loadouts
Here are my recommended Loadouts, as the title says, with the appropriate skills and weapons choices.

Multi – All the skills on the Left side
Solo – All the skills on the Right side, except for maybe Airborne Agent if you prefer

401 Assault Rifle
301 Shotgun

That's it. You have enough space to fit a 101 Pistol or a Desert Eagle, but believe me, you won't use them; you'll be too busy healing. Plus, the Field-Medic benefits from having as much movement speed as possible, so don't carry weapons that you won't use, it will only slow you down. Also, I recommend that you purchase your 401 Assault Rifle before your 301 Shotgun. The 301 Shotgun isn't a weapon you need to have as quickly as possible, the 401 Assault Rifle's superior healing makes it a much greater priority. Use your 401 Assault Rifle most of the time and only use your 301 Shotgun against medium zeds or stunned big zeds.

Against the Boss
Use the exact same skills and weapons. During the Boss wave, you won't shoot the Boss that much. Your priority is to keep your teammates alive, especially the Berserker if you have one in your team. He should be tanking a lot of damage in order to protect the rest of the team, so be sure to always keep him healed and buffed with your healing darts. But don't forget about the rest of your team, they'll be taking damage from the Boss's bullets, explosives, and poison too!
Tips and Info
Before Getting Deeper into the Field-Medic, here is some tips and information I want to share with you:
  • What to do during Zed-Time: Even if your priority is to heal, Zed-Time is the moment when you can take advantage of your weapons to their full potential. You'll be able to shoot without being annoyed by the high recoil of your weapons.
  • The Optic: All the Field-Medic weapons have an excellent optic. Useful for headshots and also shooting healing darts with better precision. It also gives information about your remaining munitions in your magazine and healing dart recharge. You don't need to press your aiming button to see the information on it.
    • To be sure your healing dart arrives at a player, check the iron sight. It will detect a player in front of you and if you shoot a dart when the iron sight detects someone, the dart will follow the player. Even if he moves, the dart will try to reach him. When the iron sight detects a player, it will notify you with an icon and by a little sound.
    • If you don't see that icon, it means that your weapon doesn't detect any player that needs health. So be sure to see or hear it before wasting a dart.
    • Even if you shoot healing darts at a player that is already full health, it will still give all the buffs that you have equipped, but it won't give any extra health.
    • Shoot a healing dart at a zed that has grabbed you or a teamate, it will immediately let go. It's maybe less effective than bashing but you can help a teamate who's being grabbed at a distance. In fact a zed cannot grab a player for 0.5 seconds after shooting a healing dart.

  • You'll recieve the buffs of your skills by healing yourself with the syringe or by receiving health from healing a teamate with the Symbiotic Health skill (Level 5)
  • If you see a player dealing with a big zed, help him by shooting darts at the player, not by shooting bullets at the zed; your weaponry isn't ideal for that purpose. It is much more beneficial to give the player speed, damage, and resistance buffs, everything he needs to optimally deal with the big zed.
  • All medic weapons heal the same amout of HP (15hp at level 0 / 22hp at level 25), the only difference is their dart recharge rate and capacity. The one exception is the healing syringe, which heals 20hp at level 0 / 30hp at level 25.
  • Also, the healing grenade benefits from the Syringe Potency passive bonuse. So, at level 25 the healing grenade should recover 7,5HP/tic instead of 5HP.
  • Shooting several darts won't heal someone faster, but will heal more total HP and stacks the buff bonuses
  • The Field-Medic has a great resistance to the bloat's puke bile, but not to all poisons. So watch out for the albino crawler and Hans' gas.
  • The dart cooldown is separate for all medic guns and syringe. So when you have fired all the darts of a medic weapon, you can switch to another and use those darts while waiting for the first weapon to recharge.
  • Reload Faster:
    • You may have noticed on your HUD that your weapons are reloaded before the actual reload animation is finished. There are ways to begin shooting before this animation completes which can save a lot of time. Melee bashing or switching weapons are common ways that can sometimes speed this up, but there is a more advanced trick that is even faster. To do this, hold Shoot (Mouse 1 by default), and when you see the number of bullets in your magazine refill, press Bash (V by default). This will cause your gun to fire instead of bashing, which immediately cancels the rest of the reload animation. Its difficult to get the hang of doing this, and if you do it too early, you have to completely restart the reload again which wastes a lot of time. But if you can get in the habit, it saves a significant amount of time and is immensely useful.
    • Also note that it works with your healing darts. Hold Alternative Fire (Middle Mouse by default) and then press Bash (V by default) when your magazine is reloaded.

Recurrent Tips you might see in other Perk Guides I've done:
  • Communication is the key to victory. You don't need to say much, just a few words or letters to bring awareness to your team of a danger or your current situation. This can help prevent your team from being attacked by surprise by a threat that only you saw coming. You can write:
    • Sc for incoming Scrake
    • Fp for incoming Fleshpound
    • no amo when you're Out of Ammo
    or use the quick chat menu, z button by default, which will bring up some suggestions. Just use your mouse to select the one you want, it takes only 1 sec and can save your team's life.
  • Its not advisable to deal with the big zeds alone unless you ABSOLUTELY have to. Wait for your team to be ready before engaging. If you try to kill them before your team is ready, you'll have raged a monster that will decimate your team by surprise. So, inform your team of the incoming threat, make sure everyone is ready, and then fire together. GG ez win.
  • Crouching will decrease the recoil.
  • Healing decreases damage and duration of fire DOT by half.
  • Losing Health will slow your movement speed at a linear rate, up to 15%.
  • Carrying more weight will slow your movement speed, 0.533% per weight block up to 8%.
  • Be very careful where you weld. Sometimes it doesn't help at all and will only make things worse. Remember that zeds can teleport, so don't weld a door unless you're absolutely sure that it will help your team survive and that its not a door that could provide an escape if things get messy
  • If one or more of your teammates are dead, leave the last zed alive (preferably a low zed if you can). Grab their weapon, throw it at the trader, and repeat for all dropped weapons, but be careful, a weapon can only stay on the floor for 5 minutes before disappearing. You can reset the timer by picking up and throwing the weapon, even if it is at the same place.
  • Healing a teammate with your own healing Syringe will recharge your Syringe twice as fast.
  • Don't forget to share your money. If you have all your weapons, munitions, grenades and armor, you won't need money anymore, give it to your teammates. In a way, that will help you survive.
Let's Get Deeper
This section is more for advanced players (Level 25 – Playing Hell on Earth)

Is gaining resistance instead of health a good idea?
On online matches, I can still see people using Resilience (Increase damage resistance 1% per Health point lost, up to 50%) instead of Symbiotic Health (Increase total Health 25%. Healing teamates will heal you 10% of your total Health.). They take armor and try to take falling damage in order to have only half of their health. So when they get hit, they only take half of the damage. Even if that method isn't a good one to use, I still continue to see people doing that on Hell on Earth. So let me explain whats wrong with it.
First, with Symbiotic Health: if you are a good medic, your health will always be up because you'll constantly be gaining health when healing teammates. Plus, you'll have 25% more health, and when you recieve health by healing your teammates, you'll recieve the resistance, speed, and damage buffs too. So you won't need Resilience At all. The Resilience technique can still kill you very quickly, especially if theres a siren. With Symboitic Health, if you are getting swarmed by zeds, you can still escape by healing your mates and getting those heals and buffs for yourself, allowing you to escape a deadly fate. With Resilience, you're screwed.

To make it shorter: With the Resilience technique, exposing yourself to a big threat that can kill you very fast (raged Big zeds, Sirens...). With Symbiotic Health, you'll be able to evade this danger (regen from healing mates, buffs). Also, you're THE perk that needs to play as safe as possible. If you die, the rest of your team is screwed, so don't take that unecessary risk, its not worth it.

The Acidic Rounds skill (Level 15) allows you to poison any zed with any medic weapon (even the scapel).
For the trash, the poison can deal 1 to 3 damage per second during 4sec depending on the weapon you use :
  • Knife - 1 dmg
  • 101 - 2 dmg
  • 201 - 1 dmg
  • 301 - 2 dmg
  • 401 - 3 dmg
For medium and big zeds, the poison only deals 1hp per second during 4sec, and thats with any of the Medic weapons you're using. It only deals 4 dmg, its USELESS. Adding buffs to your teammates will be much more useful when fighting a big zed than poisoning with your weapons will.

Also, when recieving a certain amount of poison damage, the zed will enter into a panic state, similar to the fire or EMP panic that other perks can cause. While in this state, zeds won't be able to attack you and will wander around randomly for a brief time. This may sound good, but due to the zed's random movements, it is very difficult for you and your team to land headshots. So thats only helpful should you need to save your team from a raged zed, but the problem is that you can't control when the poison panic triggers and you can't poison panic a raged Fleshpound.

The Zedative skill (Level 25). If you hit a zed during Zed-Time, he'll be poisoned.
The poison will instantly kill a trash 1sec after shooting them, but for the medium and big zeds, the poison only deals 1dmg per second during 4sec. That's the exact same thing that Acidic Rounds, but it only works during Zed-Time. Zedative works even if you don't have Acidic Rounds and combining these two skills don't appear to stack. Its still 1dmg per second for 4sec.

Also if you hit a zed with your healing darts, you'll see some green particles on him which looks like the zed is poisoned. But this is not the case, the zed won't be poisoned or take any damage at all; the green bubbles floating in the air is purely aesthetic :/
Thank you for reading my Field-Medic Perk Guide, I hope it was helpful. Let me know if there is anything wrong in my Guide, if I forgot something, etc... I'll keep this guide updated as much as I can and I'll do another Perk Guide as soon as possible. If you like it and want to see more, here are my other Killing Floor 2 Guides:

Perks Guides

Other Killing Floor 2 Guides

I'm not the creator of this guide, I'm simply a contributor, but it's a guide that have similarities with the Dodo's Guide and that can still help you, so I link it.

Want to know all the stats their is to know about Killing Floor 2? Check this site

25/11/2016: Release Date

27/02/2017: Aesthetic Changes:
  • New Aesthetic of the Fast Stats + Added Reserve Ammo
  • New Aesthetic of the Skills in Experience and skills

01/03/2017: Small missed info I added in the Tips and Info section. The healing grenade benefits from the Syringe Potency passive bonuse.

19/03/2017: Added in the Tips and Info section: a zed can't grab the player for 0.5 seconds after shooting a healing dart.

21/06/2017 Added The Healer in the Perk Weapons section.
Added sentences about the 201 SMG. It's weapon you can use properly on solo.
Added Healing Amount in the Fast Stats of all the Perk Weapons.
Teriven verien 19 Oct, 2023 @ 4:43pm 
honestly i play with all left side even on solo since you still buff yourself when you heal so it just makes good practice for if you end up being the only one alive on the team.
benji2290  [author] 8 Oct, 2022 @ 2:18am 
Thank you so much Windows Vista User! I'm glad the guides are still somewhat helpful after all these years, we put a lot of work into them. And hey Coco :)
Coco  [author] 3 Oct, 2022 @ 8:46am 
We're doing fine actually, thanks for asking. We've just moved on while having good memories of the old days. I sometimes want to update all that and maybe release guides for the Perks I haven't covered yet even tho I'm not sure to have that much time or if it's going to be that helpful considering the age of the game and player count. Who knows...

but yeah, we're fine :Batcat: and even if we send each other messages with benji, Immortal Nub and I from time to time, I just realized we haven't played together in a while. I'm gonna send some messages to the boys tonight. Thanks for the message, User, hope you're doing fine as well
Carmine 2 Oct, 2022 @ 8:52pm 
I know it has been quite awhile, but I do hope you're doing okay. Still lovely guides after all these years.
Coco  [author] 2 Jun, 2020 @ 3:47am 
Thanks mate :Batcat:
.Angel❌Hope. 1 Jun, 2020 @ 11:28pm 
this guide is fab <3
Coco  [author] 26 Nov, 2019 @ 9:16pm 
@Fall Damage, no, I'm sorry. My feelings about the game are really low right now. I don't feel happy to writte or even play the game anymore. So, no, my guides won't be updated and no guides will be added.

If I had that kind of power, I'd rather make a mod with balanced perks, weapons and game mods than guides.
Fall Damage 26 Nov, 2019 @ 8:33pm 
Any chance that you'll be making guides for the Firebug, Sharpshooter and, Survivalist perks soon-ish?
Coco  [author] 30 Jun, 2019 @ 5:09am 
Thanks for your comment Drakezer0, I always appreciate support and feedbacks from my guide. I'm really glad I helped

I'm no better, but there's only one way to go once you're at the bottom. I'd like to come back and update everything. But I have to focus on healing right now. I'll give update once I'll be fine. And thanks for caring about me
Drake0sugar @ 28 Jun, 2019 @ 3:58am 
Hey man,
I read about your depression, hopefully, you are better now.
Just wanted to mention your nice work. Helped me a lot and its written great, especially your berserk guide :)
Thanks man!