Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

45 ratings
DPS and Damage per Dosh of Weapons (Outdated)
By {ST}Immortal Nub and 1 collaborators
Simple Cat's spreadsheet has pretty much everything you need to know about this game, except for prices on ammo and guns and their DPS. So we writte all of that on this guide to give you informations you might not find anywhere else.
Hello and welcome to my guide! Today, let's take a look at the stats of the weapon to know if a weapon is really strong or cost efficient or not: the DPS and DPD.

What's the DPS and DPD? The DPS is the Damage per Second you'll inflict with a weapon. It's a great notion to know, in order to be aware of the potential of your weapon. Sometimes, a weapon that seems good isn't good, and the DPS can help you know if that's the case or not. The DPS doesn't count the reload time because there are too many variants such as the reload time skill, the increased magazine capacity, the reload cancel animation, etc. ie it is assumed that you have bottomless clip.
The DPD are the Damage per Dosh. It will help you to know if a weapon is cost efficient in terms of its damage vs ammo cost.

Also, there are some things you have to know before you getting started: There are some things that we can't calculate entirely:
- The splash damage of some weapons because it can hurt multiple targets, and that the damage that is dealt is weaker when the zed is further away from the explosion.
- The Firebug weapons, because they do have DOT damage that can vary depending on the base damage they recieved and there's also post-firing for most of them, but we'll talk about that later. Also the ground fire can hurt a lot of zeds with very little ammo, so we can't calculate entirely the DPD in that case.
- Also, some weapons have penetration power, allowing them to kill or simply hurt multiple targets in one shot. So the Damage per Dosh changes if you succeed to kill or hurt several zeds in one hit.
Cost: N/A (150 if dual wield)
Sell: N/A (112 if dual wield)
Ammo Price: 8 (16 if dual wield)
Damage per Dosh: 28.1

Cost: N/A
Sell: N/A
Ammo Price: 40
Crovel Survival Tool
Cost: 200
Sell: 150
DPS (Light Attack): 104.53
DPS (Hard Attack): 86
DPS (Bash): 20.5

Cost: 600
Sell: 450
DPS (Light Attack): 163.2
DPS (Hard Attack): 90
DPS (Bash): 92.93

VLAD-1000 Nailgun
Cost: 600
Sell: 450
Ammo Price: 20
Damage per Dosh: 63
DPS (Single-Fire mode): 75
DPS (Shotgun Mode): 525
Damage per Max Ammo: 11 340

Cost: 1000
Sell: 750
DPS (Light Attack): 111.91
DPS (Hard Attack): 175.5 (165.75)
DPS (Bash): 65.1

Cost: 1200
Sell: 900
Ammo Price: 85
Alt Damage per Dosh: 28.47+
DPS (Light Attack): 112
DPS (Hard Attack without ammo): 132.91
DPS (Hard Attack with ammo): 253.44
DPS (Bash): 20
Damage per Max Ammo: 1 560+

Bone Crusher
Cost: 1500
Sell: 1125
DPS (Light Attack): 160
DPS (Hard Attack): 149.87
DPS (Bash): 145.83

Cost: 1600
Sell: 1200
Ammo Price: 75
Alt Ammo Price: 10
Damage per Dosh (Throwing Blade): 32
Damage per Dosh (Spinning Blade): 29
DPS (Throwing Blade): 504
DPS (Spinning Blade): 241,66
DPS (Bash): 84
Damage per Max Ammo (Throwing Blade): 14 400
Damage per Max Ammo (Spinning Blade): 7 250

*Note: Pulverizer gets a + due to splash damage.
AR-15 Varmint Rifle
Cost: 200
Sell: 150
Ammo Price: 20
Damage per Dosh: 30
DPS: 250
Damage per Max Ammo: 7 800

SA80 L85A2 Bullpup
Cost: 650
Sell: 487
Ammo Price: 30
Damage per Dosh: 30
DPS (Auto): 330
DPS (Semi-Auto): 300
Damage per Max Ammo: 9 000

Kalashnikov AK-12
Cost: 1100
Sell: 825
Ammo Price: 40
Damage per Dosh: 30
DPS (Light Attack): 400
DPS (Hard Attack): 666,66
Damage per Max Ammo: 13 200

Stoner 63A LMG
Cost: 1500
Sell: 1125
Ammo Price: 70
Damage per Dosh: 32.14
DPS: 454.5
Damage per Max Ammo: 17 250

Cost: 1500
Sell: 1125
Ammo Price: 28
Damage per Dosh: 39.3
DPS (Auto): 572.9
DPS (Semi-Auto): 550
Damage per Max Ammo: 19 800
SG 500 Pump Action
Cost: 200
Sell: 150
Ammo Price: 30
Damage per Dosh: 37.3
DPS: 179.7
Damage per Max Ammo: 8 960

Double-barrel Boomstick
Cost: 650
Sell: 487
Ammo Price: 11
Damage per Dosh: 54.54
DPS: 1200
Damage per Max Ammo: 14 400

HZ12 Multi-Action
Cost: 750
Sell: 562
Ammo Price: 64
Damage per Dosh: 50
DPS: 660
Damage per Max Ammo: 19 200

M4 Combat Shotgun
Cost: 1100
Sell: 825
Ammo Price: 38
Damage per Dosh: 44.2
DPS: 931
Damage per Max Ammo: 15 540

AA-12 Auto Shotgun
Cost: 1500
Sell: 1125
Ammo Price: 82
Damage per Dosh: 34.1
DPS: 700
Damage per Max Ammo: 19 600
101 HMTech Pistol
Cost: 200
Sell: 150
Ammo Price: 10
Damage per Dosh: 30
DPS: 114
Damage per Max Ammo: 5 100

201 HMTech SMG
Cost: 650
Sell: 487
Ammo Price: 20
Damage per Dosh: 30
DPS: 200
Damage per Max Ammo: 7 800

301 HMTech Shotgun
Cost: 1100
Sell: 825
Ammo Price: 40
Damage per Dosh: 30
DPS: 600
Damage per Max Ammo: 10 800

The Hemogoblin
Cost: 1100
Sell: 825
Ammo Price: 40
Damage per Dosh: 8.75 ++
DPS: 200 ++
Damage per Max Ammo: 4 200 ++

401 HMTech Assault Rifle
Cost: 1500
Sell: 1125
Ammo Price: 40
Damage per Dosh: 35
DPS: 500
Damage per Max Ammo: 17 600

* ++ Means that this weapon does a lot of poison per bullet, but since it depends on thee damage you'll deal (more DOT damage if you hit a weak spot), we can't calculate it.
HX25 Grenade Pistol

Cost: 300
Sell: 225
Ammo Price: 9
Damage per Dosh: 31.1+
DPS: 135+
Damage per Max Ammo: 8 400+

C4 Explosives
Cost: 650
Sell: 487
Ammo Price: 27
Damage per Dosh: 30.4+
DPS: N\A *
Damage per Max Ammo: 1 640+

M79 Grenade Launcher
Cost: 650
Sell: 487
Ammo Price: 13
Damage per Dosh: 28.8++
DPS: 137.5
Damage per Max Ammo: 10 125++

M16 203 Assault Rifle
Cost: 1200
Sell: 900
Ammo Price (Bullets): 30
Ammo Price (Grenade): 13
Damage per Dosh (Bullets): 30
Damage per Dosh (Grenade): 34.61+
DPS (Bullets): 348.5
DPS (Grenade): 270
Damage per Max Ammo (Bullets): 9 000
Damage per Max Ammo (Grenade): 6 300+
Damage per Max Ammo (Bullets + Grenades): 15 300+

Seeker Six
Cost: 1500
Sell: 1125
Ammo Price: 40
Damage per Dosh: 52.5 +
DPS (Normal mode): 997.5 +
DPS (Lock-on mode): 1 166 +
Damage per Max Ammo: 31 500+

Cost: 1500
Sell: 1125
Ammo Price: 30
Damage per Dosh: 30+
DPS: 131.25+
Damage per Max Ammo: 14 400+

*Note: + indicates additional damage from other zeds getting hit by splash damage. ++ indicates a lot more extra damage due to an insanely high radius compared to the other choices.
We can't calculate the DPS of the C4 because blowing several explosives C4 within 3sec in each explosion will cause a damage reduction of 25% per explosion. So if you don't wait 3sec, the damage are unclear as we don't know how many eplosions you'll explode. And if you wait at least 3sec, the rate of fire is unclear.
The Seeker 6 is a bit weird and seems OP but it's because compare to other Demolitionist weapons we had to calculate his DPS without the reload. All the other Demolistionist weapons we have cover have their DPS calculated with the reload, but we can't do that for the Seeker 6.
Caulk n' Burn
Cost: 200
Sell: 150
Ammo Price: 20
Damage per Dosh: 16.7+++
DPS: 142.8++
Damage per Max Ammo: 5 500+++

Cost: 325 (650 if dual wield)
Sell: 243 (486 if dual wield)
Ammo Price: 13 (26 if dual wield)
Damage per Dosh: 18.5++
DPS: 200 (363,3 if dual wield)++
Damage per Max Ammo: 7 680++

Incendiary Trench Gun
Cost: 650
Sell: 487
Ammo Price: 30
Damage per Dosh: 48.6+
DPS: 352.2+
Damage per Max Ammo: 15 309+

Cost: 1100
Sell: 825
Ammo Price: 83
Damage per Dosh: 25.3++
DPS: 299.9++
Damage per Max Ammo: 12 600++

Microwave Gun
Cost: 1500
Sell: 1125
Ammo Price: 100
Damage per Dosh: 14++
Damage per Dosh (alt fire): 20++
DPS: 199.97++
DPS (alt fire): 200++
Damage per Max Ammo (Primary attack only): 8 400++
Damage per Max Ammo (Alt attack only): 12 000++

*Note: Post-firing of Caulk n' Burn and Flamethrower will boost its damage per dosh by 125%. Doing this for Microwave gun will boost its damage per dosh by 166.66%. Post-fire bonuses, for that reason, represent a +.
The other + comes from dots.
Caulk n' Burn gets another + because it is more cost efficient to sell it and buy it than to get more ammo if you used at least 125 ammo, a feat that is not difficult to achieve.
The Spitfire doesn't have post-firing, but it has afterburn and 33% creating a residual flame than can do additionnal damage. That's why it has ++.
1858 Revolver
Cost: 100 (200 if dual wield)
Sell: 75 (150 if dual wield)
Ammo Price: 6 (12 if dual wield)
Damage per Dosh: 30
DPS: 150
DPS (dual wield): 272.5
Damage per Max Ammo: 5 760

M1911 Pistol
Cost: 325 (650 if dual wield)
Sell: 243 (486 if dual wield)
Ammo Price: 13 (26 if dual wield)
Damage per Dosh: 30.8
DPS: 285
DPS (dual wield): 500
Damage per Max Ammo: 7 200

.50 Desert Eagle
Cost: 550 (1100 if dual wield)
Sell: 412 (824 if dual wield)
Ammo Price: 21 (42 if dual wield)
Damage per Dosh: 30.3
DPS: 455
DPS (dual wield): 826.6
Damage per Max Ammo: 10 192

500 Magnum Revolver
Cost: 750 (1500 if dual wield)
Sell: 562 (1124 if dual wield)
Ammo Price: 25 (50 if dual wield)
Damage per Dosh: 30
DPS: 625
DPS (dual wield): 787.5
Damage per Max Ammo: 15 750

Note: Ammo cost doesn't double if you dual wield; the mag size is doubled, so you buy twice as much ammo at a time. You also lose out on 1 dosh when selling the pistols compared to the other perks; sucks to be you.
Winchester 1994
Cost: 200
Sell: 150
Ammo Price: 32
Damage per Dosh: 30
DPS: 200
Damage per Max Ammo: 7 680

Cost: 650
Sell: 487
Ammo Price: 11
Damage per Dosh: 31.8
DPS: 245
Damage per Max Ammo: 12 250

SPX 464 Centerfire
Cost: 650
Sell: 487
Ammo Price: 50
Damage per Dosh: 36
DPS: 450
Damage per Max Ammo: 14 400

Cost: 1100
Sell: 825
Ammo Price: 60
Damage per Dosh: 30
DPS: 408
Damage per Max Ammo: 12 600

Rail Gun
Cost: 1500
Sell: 1125
Ammo Price: 25
Damage per Dosh: 30
DPS: 400
Damage per Max Ammo: 15 750
Cost: 200
Sell: 150
Ammo Price: 16
Damage per Dosh: 30
DPS: 253.9
Damage per Max Ammo: 5 760

Cost: 650
Sell: 487
Ammo Price: 33
Damage per Dosh: 30.3
DPS: 372.9
Damage per Max Ammo: 9 000

Cost: 1100
Sell: 825
Ammo Price: 50
Damage per Dosh: 30
DPS: 428.5
Damage per Max Ammo: 12 000

Heckler & Koch UMP
Cost: 1200
Sell: 900
Ammo Price: 45
Damage per Dosh: 30
DPS: 450
Damage per Max Ammo: 14 400

Kriss SMG
Cost: 1500
Sell: 1125
Ammo Price: 35
Damage per Dosh: 31.1
DPS: 660
Damage per Max Ammo: 17 424
Tier 1
Cost: N/A
Sell: N/A
Ammo Price: N/A
Damage per Dosh: N/A

Tier 2
Cost: N/A
Sell: N/A
Ammo Price: N/A
Damage per Dosh: N/A

Tier 3
Cost: 1100
Sell: 825
Ammo Price: 45
Damage per Dosh: 22.22
Damage per Dosh (alt fire): 31.11
DPS: 142.83
DPS (alt fire): 233.33
Damage per Max Ammo (Primary attack only): 5 000
Damage per Max Ammo (Alt attack only): 7 000

Tier 4
Cost: N/A
Sell: N/A
Ammo Price: N/A
Damage per Dosh: N/A

You disappoint me, TWI...

17/04/2017: Hello, I'm Dodo la Saumure, the new contributor of this guide. I had the honor to be part of this guide and I'm now able to update it and change it if needed. And that's what I did. With the entire agreement of Immortal Nub (the creator of this guide) I changed this guide in order to improve it as much as I can. So what are the new changes I've made?

Guide Changes:
Now, this guide features the Damage per Second.
Title and Guide's Description changed to fit with what new this guide can offer.
Guide's Picture. The old one had black border on the bottom and top.
New Sections: Introduction and Updates. So now you'll be clearly informed of what this guide presents you, what are the things to know before reading it and what we changed recently.
Pictures for every weapon.
Aesthetic and naming changes have been made as well.

Weapons changes:
New Weapons: Spitfire and Stoner 63A LMG
Double-barrel Boomstick: Ammo Price: 11 (was 10), so the Damage per Dosh changed too.

18/07/2017: Added the Damage per Max Ammo feature in all weapons. I also added the Microwave Gun alternative fire.

28/10/2017: Added new weapons:
The Hemogoblin (Field-Medic)
Seeker 6 (Demolitionist)

old weapon changes: 401 Assault Rifle:
DPD: 35 (was30)
DPS: 500 (was 433.3)
Damage per Max ammo: 17 600 (was 16 800)

25/12/2017: Added New Weapons
Heckler & Koch UMP (SWAT)
Freezethrower (Survivalist)

And changed the M16 M203 stats due to its buff:
Damage per Dosh (Grenade): 34,61 (was 28.8+)
DPS (Grenade): 270 (was 108.3+)
Damage per Max Ammo (Bullets): 9 000 (was 7 200)
Damage per Max Ammo (Grenade): 6 300+ (was 4 500+)
Damage per Max Ammo (Bullets + Grenades): 15 300+ (was 11 700+)
{ST}Immortal Nub  [author] 25 Jun, 2018 @ 8:13am 
This guide's outdated, and I doubt I will update. Sorry.
iCameHereForTheMusic 25 Jun, 2018 @ 3:55am 
Thanks for this it's very helpful. Could you add a little note about the ammo retrieval feature for the crossbow and launched eviscerator blades?
It is inconsistent sometimes but can give them rediculous DPD as long as you don't hit anything made of metal (robots, rioter torso/head, siren torso, arms of gorefast/gorefiend/fleshpound).
ℍ𝕚𝕔𝕜𝔻𝕖𝕒𝕕 6 Jan, 2018 @ 3:37pm 
Well I've only made a few so far, but yeah I guess that makes me a modder. The reason I checked the dragonsbreath numbers was to make sure I'm calculating the stats right (with the pellets and all) for this one . And thanks to your efforts, they feel pretty well balanced already (oh did I say very usefull? I meant extremely usefull :)).
{ST}Immortal Nub  [author] 6 Jan, 2018 @ 2:07pm 
You a modder? Nice
ℍ𝕚𝕔𝕜𝔻𝕖𝕒𝕕 6 Jan, 2018 @ 1:53pm 
From the 0.69 fire interval (seconds per shot) in the code, so 1/0.69 is the shots per seconds, times 60 makes shots per minute.

And before I forget (again) thank you very much for puting in all the effort, I find this resource very usefull to balance other weapons.
Coco  [author] 6 Jan, 2018 @ 1:09pm 
On the spreadsheet I see 86. How do you know it's 86.95 instead?
ℍ𝕚𝕔𝕜𝔻𝕖𝕒𝕕 6 Jan, 2018 @ 11:56am 
86 should be 86.95..., so that seems to be a rounding error to me
Coco  [author] 6 Jan, 2018 @ 9:29am 
I have this:
Damage X Rate of Fire / 60
243 (9X27) X 86 / 60 = 348.3
ℍ𝕚𝕔𝕜𝔻𝕖𝕒𝕕 6 Jan, 2018 @ 4:11am 
Shouldn't the Dragonsbreath (Trench gun) have a DpS of: 27 (damage) * 9 (pellets) / 0.69 (fireinterval) = 352.2 ?
Coco  [author] 17 Jul, 2017 @ 7:41pm 
Hi everyone. Due to people request, the Damage per Max Ammo has been added into this guide. It's a great idea. This feature was really needed in this guide, so if you have more good ideas like that, let us know. I'm sorry it took me a bit of time to update this guide, but it's finally done, so enjoy and thank you for your ideas and feedbacks.

I also added the alternativ fire of the Microwave Gun, which I completely forgot to talk about.