Portal 2
10,111 次評價
Free fall
6.366 MB
2012 年 6 月 5 日 上午 2:36
2012 年 7 月 6 日 上午 12:42
7 項更新註記 (檢視)

Free fall

在 УМА 的 1 個收藏中
Collection of logical tests
32 個項目

In this test, it will be necessary to recall the original portal, and then the test will not be difficult for you:) Use F6 to quick save! Waiting for comments and feedback.

Thanks for playing.
69 則留言
glenmcd[AUS] 2023 年 12 月 25 日 上午 3:39 
Simple yet fun factor is exceedingly high. Very well designed chamber, highly recommended.
F1n1sher 2021 年 11 月 23 日 上午 7:09 
fun map
bruhinb 2021 年 3 月 23 日 上午 9:58 
Took me a bit.....
co3pE 2020 年 8 月 25 日 上午 1:46 
really love that aerial faith plate :)))))
Sophronius 2019 年 7 月 3 日 下午 1:33 
I think you did a fine job, fun map, not that easy which is a good thing.
2B 2018 年 10 月 2 日 上午 6:55 
Nice test chamber. Thanks!
d'Artagnan 2018 年 1 月 25 日 下午 7:58 
Fairly easy test, and mostly faithful to the original Portal ideas.
shaggath 2017 年 6 月 25 日 上午 10:33 
Easy, but fun map, thxs !
Petutski 2017 年 2 月 25 日 上午 5:33 
Nice map. The free fall is not too bad since I did not have to be in the free fall. Only the cube needed to fall once. Portal bobbing is widely used and I disagree that it is an accidental mechanic. Fun map... thanks!
dmuk 2015 年 10 月 13 日 下午 3:48 
Lots of ways to solve - all "valid" - I like that! I didn't think it was too easy; sometimes these are nice too, as "palate cleansers" between the ballbusters...