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Title Screen Redone [900p]
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23. juli 2016 kl. 15:29
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Title Screen Redone [900p]

I 1 samling af Tatsu
Title Screen Collection
3 genstande
Warning: This mod only works when your resolution is 900p, anything else will result in weird and unreachable button positions. If you have a 1080p or 720p screen,
be sure to check out my other versions!

Just like my 720p version, I don't have a 900p monitor so testing this mod was difficult for me. If this mod dosen't work in 900p for anyone, then I will gladly remove this mod off the workshop.

Spruces up the title screen with some icons over the buttons!

Bugs: Resolutions other than 900p will result in weird button placement. As far as I know, nothing can be done about this.
21 kommentarer
Kerik 11. sep. 2022 kl. 11:50 
can anyone do this for 1920x1080?
Ravemaster99 9. juli 2018 kl. 18:46 
@Soul A combination of praying and crying.
blubird 27. mar. 2018 kl. 2:43 
Eh... My screen resolution is 1680 x 1050. What do you recommend?
Patrikera 18. feb. 2017 kl. 16:02 
Another awesome cool stuff, thx Tatsu!
Tatsu  [ophavsmand] 20. jan. 2017 kl. 19:04 
@BlyndHyro, no problem :)
GoobRGoaT 20. jan. 2017 kl. 18:56 
@Tatsu Ah, okay. Thanks, though!
Tatsu  [ophavsmand] 20. jan. 2017 kl. 17:43 
@BlyndHyro, no, sorry :( the game will have both mods installed and it might glitch out or crash
GoobRGoaT 20. jan. 2017 kl. 9:26 
So, if I play this game on two different computers, one with a 1920x1080 monitor and the other with a 1440x900 monitor, can I install both the 1080p version of this mod and the 900p version and work without having to uninstall one version for the other?
Tatsu  [ophavsmand] 8. aug. 2016 kl. 16:32 
@Beninator053, like my other interface mods, it's not compatible with any mods that changes the interface that my mods are replacing.
Demonlord Dragonoid Rozza 8. aug. 2016 kl. 15:28