

25,513 个评价
Craft Pot [DS, ROG, SW, DST]
867.022 KB
2016 年 7 月 19 日 下午 2:24
2023 年 8 月 27 日 上午 10:40
31 项改动说明 ( 查看 )

Craft Pot [DS, ROG, SW, DST]

Client mod that adds intuitive cook assisting interface to crock pot.

Doesn't matter what server you join, modded crock pots, modded recipes, this mod serves them all on a plate and helps you cook whatever your heart desires by displaying the exact recipe.

What's in this mod:
- 1. All cooking recipes (INCLUDING MODDED) are listed in a slider next to crock pot;
- 2. Hovering over recipe shows ingredient requirements for it as well as food status of the dish;
- 3. Filling crock pot with ingredients will gradually predict dishes you want to cook;
- 4. Recipe turns green if you put all the required ingredients, just fill crockpot with fillers and it's done;
- 5. Recipe disappears from the list, if you put a bad ingredient;
- 6. Once crockpot is full, the resulting recipe will get painted teal. If you see more than one teal recipe, this means result is unpredictable, cooking will result in one of the highlighted dishes;
- 7. Mod works with any pot that takes 4 ingredients (including warly's portable pot and any modded crockpot)
- 8. You do not need to restart game to make the mod work.
- 9. Full CONTROLLER support

Currently mode has following options:
- 1. lock uncooked, enabled by default. This option adds a 'recipe lock' simillar to the one in crafting menu, once you cooked an item, the lock disappears and hovering over the dish in the list will show it's hunger/health/sanity values. You may disable and enable it at any time, the progress of cooking will be saved
- 2. Invert controller - by default craftpot scrollbar works with left wiggle (right wiggle used to move items around), checking invert controller makes it work with right wiggle (left wiggle used to move items around).
- 3. Ingredient Popup - by default it is shown, but you can hide it, so that there is only a slider with dishes, no popup with name or stats.

For modders:
Craftpot exposes the following mod APIs:
1. An API to add images and names for food ingredient tags:
- global 'AddFoodTag' function and a matching FOODTAGDEFINITIONS global dict;
2. An API to registed modded cookpots, for now they do not take extra arguments, but in future they might allow passing custom fields, such as slot number:
- global 'AddCookingPot' function and a matching COOKINGPOTS global dictionary;

It is preferred that during modding you use the provided functions, as they already contain all the safety precautions. But if for some reason the functions are not available during your mod initialization, you can use the dictionaries straight away, but make sure you do not erase the object, that could be prefilled by another mod before you.

DS, ROG, SW version: http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=662872357

For people off steam, here's a secret link[github.com]

中文翻译简介@WendyPan: https://github.com/IMalyugin/craftpot/wiki/chinese

Enjoy :)
热门讨论 查看全部(7)
2 月 15 日 下午 11:12
Known bugs
2024 年 2 月 25 日 上午 4:09
Mod is broken as of May 2023
2021 年 11 月 8 日 下午 8:01
Weird Bug with Steam Controller
1,214 条留言
你好 2 月 24 日 上午 4:23 
Great mod, thank you author
t3xtra 2 月 23 日 下午 12:42 
Aphexamine 2 月 22 日 下午 11:46 
what on earth is "left wiggle" on a controller? do you mean the left stick? so you move the left stick? that just moves the cursor around my inventory.
Aphexamine 2 月 22 日 下午 11:44 
so i open a crockpot and this extra menu opens up to the side with blacked out items and it seems to just give me a random recipe. I put a food item in the crockpot and it gives me another random recipe. I have no way to browse recipes or anything. This mod adds confusion, either that or im not using it right. The wiki is much easier and straight forward as you can type in an ingredient and see everything you can make with that one ingredient.

im not sure what this "hover" is as I cannot move any cursor or anything over to the new menu with blacked out items and a random receipe when i open a crockpot. "full controller support" okay... maybe im not doing something?
theMCwolf 2 月 16 日 下午 3:27 
this causes an issue while loading up the game that causes a repeated line of code
"WARNING! Could not find region 'meatballs.tex' from atlas 'images/inventoryimages1.xml'. Is the region specified in the atlas?
[00:02:57]: Looking for default texture '' from atlas 'images/inventoryimages1.xml'."
This issue is also in common with TooManyItemsPlus, which may be due to an update with meatballs
IvanX  [作者] 2 月 16 日 上午 12:23 
Sounds like a conflict with some other mod that is meant to implement trade?
mccall123123 2 月 15 日 下午 10:21 
What do?
mccall123123 2 月 15 日 下午 10:21 
[string '../mods/workshop-727774324/scripts/widgets/..."]:189: attempt to index local 'a' (a nil value)
LUA ERROR stack traceback:
=[C]:-1 in (field) sort (C) <-1--1>
../mods/workshop-727774324/scripts/widgets/foodcrafting.lua:188 in (method) SortFoods (Lua) <168-204>
../mods/workshop-727774324/modmain.lua: 183 in (local) fn (Lua) <181-184>
scripts/entityscript.lua:1215 in (method) PushEvent (Lua) <1202-1229>
scripts/components/container.lua:385 in (method) Giveltem (Lua) <323-414>1000t(s),
scripts/components/container.lua:1115 in (method) MoveItemFromAllOfSlot (Lua) <1076-1134>
scripts/components/container_replica.lua:553 in (method) MoveItemFromAllOfSlot (Lua) <551-557>
scripts/widgets/invslot.lua:261 in (method) Tradeltem (Lua) <209-268>
Starker 2 月 1 日 下午 8:27 
Can this mod show you all possible recipes with what is in your inventory + open chests? That's truly what I need.
Catafa 1 月 11 日 下午 3:36 
мне нравится. Круто. Еда это круто. :steamthumbsup::corncob: