Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

932 ratings
Penguin's Eye Candy
Eye candy mods by BloodyPenguin

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Items (28)
Adaptive Prop Visibility Distance
Created by BloodyPenguin
Prevents large props (like planes, containers etc.) from disappearing on zooming out. Adjusts LOD distance for trees depending on their size. The larger is prop/tree, the further it is visible! For small props visibility distances should remain the same as...
American Traffic Lights (from Cities in Motion 2)
Created by BloodyPenguin
Replaces traffic lights with kind of North American-looking versions from Cities in Motion 2 These traffic lights appearance is based off traffic lights found in another Colossal Order's game 'Cities in Motion 2'. They bear some resemblance to New York tra...
Boats Pack (Requires After Dark)
Created by BloodyPenguin
A pack of 5 floating boat assets (decorative buildings). Add a realistic touch to your harbor! Each boat is an individual decorative building that can be found in Landcaping->Water Structures panel. This pack contains 5 boats: - Yacht - Houseboat - Motorbo...
Clouds & Fog Toggler
Created by BloodyPenguin Disable clouds and distance fog that blocks your view when zooming out. Also allows to disable industrial smog and edge fog. (configurable) I made this mod because clouds & fog rendering changed in After Dark update complete...
Daylight Classic
Created by BloodyPenguin Brings back original daylight color and fog settings from pre-After Dark versions of C:S IT'S A MOD, NOT A LUT! This mod doesn't require After Dark DLC! Are you annoyed with that yellow tint that turns days into permanent ev...
Extra Landscaping Tools
Created by BloodyPenguin
Allows to place natural resources in-game + provides configurable tree brush&pencil, terraform and water tool. Provides some Map Editor tools in-game (like Resources Tool) and movable 'Brush Options' toolbar. Available throu...
More Diverse Crowd (a.k.a. Service People on Streets)
Created by BloodyPenguin Adds more diversity to the crowd: brings service people and workers to the streets! This mod brings service people (police officers, paramedics, firemen, hearse drivers etc.) to the streets depending on where citizens work. ...
More Flags ( + flags replacer )
Created by BloodyPenguin
Adds more flags props and also allows to replace stock flags with any of those flags This mod requires Prefab Hook by @boformer to function properly!. Like stock flags (United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain, France) prop, most props this mod provi...
No Radioactive Desert And More!
Created by BloodyPenguin
Brings sanity to ground color and makes trees lush green no matter how much pollution there (Configurable) IT'S A MOD, NOT A THEME! YOU CAN USE IT WITH ANY THEME YOU LIKE In addition to pollution and shoreside colors this mod can disable natural resources ...
No Tree Brush Slope Limit
Created by BloodyPenguin
Allows to place trees on any slope no matter how steep it is when using tree brush Useful when using a tree brush provided by my Extra Landscaping Tools or by @Destroyer's Tree Brush or map editor's tree bursh. GitHub repository This mod uses awesome detou...
Not So Unique Buildings
Created by BloodyPenguin
Now you can plop unique buildings and wonders (a.k.a monuments) as many times as you wish This mod doesn't unlock any landmarks, it just allows them to post them more than one time. GitHub repository This mod uses Harmony ve...
Prop & Tree Anarchy
Created by BloodyPenguin
Place props & trees wherever you like With this mod enabled you can place props & trees: - under water - on roads - within building's footprint This is useful when placing props with More Beautification mod. I also recommend to use Prop Snapping to snap pr...
Zen Garden Cherry Blossom Unlocker
Created by BloodyPenguin
Unlocks for placing the Cherry Blossom tree that is bundled with Zen Garden Unlike custom tree assets, it simply makes Cherry Blossom tree that's bundled with vanilla game to be possible to place using Beautification panel. This mod doesn't provide any cus...
Surface Painter
Created by BloodyPenguin
Allows to change terrain surface Are you tired of endless list of filler assets cluttering your parks panel and exhausting your buildings limit? Then this mod is for you! This is a plugin for my Extra Lanscaping Tools mod th...
Quay Anarchy
Created by BloodyPenguin Allows to place quays and flood walls anywhere. Also fixes 'Height too high' for quays, flood walls, cargo and passenger harbors For those wondering what quay is, word 'Quay' means the same as 'Wharf'. Draggable quays were a...
Prop Remover
Created by BloodyPenguin
Removes most annoying and unrealistic props from all vanilla buildings (configurable) Are you annoyed with your high-tech industrial zone looking like it came from XIX century? Or with steam on roof tops? Or maybe with scary clown heads? Or silly squirrels...
Prop Snapping
Created by BloodyPenguin Allows to snap props to buildings and elevated roads - just like in asset editor! This mod does the same job as Tree Snapping, but for props. This mod won't break your save games, and can be safely disabled at any time. But ...
Ambient Sounds Tuner 2.0
Created by BloodyPenguin
Tune your ambient sounds volumes individually This mod is a fixed version of original Ambient Sounds Tuner mod. Read description there. In particular, you may be interested in how to create a sound pack You MUST unsubscribe original Ambient Sounds Tuner be...
Tree Snapping
Created by BloodyPenguin
Allows to snap trees to buildings and elevated roads - just like in asset editor! This mod does the same job as Prop Snapping, but for trees. This mod won't break your save games, and can be safely disabled at any time. But without it enabled, tree Y-posit...
Prop it Up! 1.4.4
Created by Judazzz
About this mod Prop it Up! is a mod with a number of features that allow you to access and replace props and trees that are free-standing and embedded in buildings - in real-time. These features can be divided in global and asset-based tools. So, how do I ...
Ship Converter
Created by BloodyPenguin Converts regular ships into Mass Transit ferries and patches ship/boat buildings shaders for them to properly float on water + allows to place steam boat manually Converted 'ship' buildings are available in Landscaping->Wate...
Sun Shafts
Created by BloodyPenguin Adds stunning Sun Shaft effects! Note: At the moment it's for Windows only, I'll learn how to support Linux and Mac later You can toggle the effect in the F8 menu. Please note that you will probably lose a couple of fps usin...
Cubemap Replacer (Read description!)
Created by BloodyPenguin
Replaces daytime skybox & reflections in windows and water surfaces. Photorealistic clouds without Photoshop, yay! NOTE: To see sky texture change like on screenshot you must have Daylight Classic installed with 'Classic fog effect' option enabled! That mo...
Pastel Cubemap Pack
Created by BloodyPenguin
Pastel Cubemap Pack This is the first cubemap pack for my Cubemap Replacer mod. Provides two daytime skyboxes based on ones taken from there on imgur. You can select one of them from the options manu of Cubemap Replacer. Please read Cubemap Replacer's desc...
Created by BloodyPenguin
Allows to use the whole wealth of your park buildings as Park Life modules If you want to place your park in campuses, you also need my Campus Parks mod. In options you can check the option to also convert some of vanilla Un...
[DEPRECATED] Change Loading Image 2
Created by BloodyPenguin Replaces stock loading images with random pictures from ! This is a fixed and improved version of permutation's ChangeLoadingImage mod. It's not really broken ATM, so if you used it you can con...
Campus Parks
Created by BloodyPenguin
Allows to place all parks on pedestrian paths in campus, industry & airport zones This mod requires Parkify to function properly, but doesn't require Parklife DLC! Campus DLC satisfies Parkify's needs even if Parklife DLC is...
No Vanilla Citizens
Created by BloodyPenguin Prevents vanilla citizens from spawning. Don't forget to enable in Content Manager after subscribing! Should be compatible with all other mods and won't break your save games :) Important: If the mod finds no custom citizens...