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Wrath of the Sea Beasts: Re-Buff the Quacken!
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17 Jun, 2023 @ 8:17pm
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Wrath of the Sea Beasts: Re-Buff the Quacken!

Hello, sailors! Are you complaining about how easy it is for you to defeat the bosses of Shipwrecked? Are you seeking a greater challenge? Look no further! This mod turns the big baddies of the sea into foes tougher than nails! Have a read about the new powers and abilities the bosses gain in this mod!

But beware, the Quacken has become more outraged than ever, and its tactics have changed drastically! During the cooler seasons, it'll seek you out on deep waters during the full moon, or whenever you play the dripple pipes in deep waters on a clear day. It guards new valuable treasures, but do you have the strength to sink the leviathan before it sinks you?

If that doesn't scare you, then there's even a NEW boss breaching the waters! A counterpart of the Quacken, this albino beastie will strike during the warm seasons if you were to do something the Quacken would attack you for! Its loot differs slightly from the Quacken, so it's up to you to decide which monster is worth killing!


Palm Treeguard Buffs:

Thick Wood - That measly 750 health is now 2,000 health! It'll take a while to beat these guys...

Photosynthesis - ...Especially when they regenerate health in the sun!

Mobile - These palmguards are faster than your average treeguard! You may be surprised if they catch up with you!

Bombs Away - Palmguards' projectiles are now EXPLOSIVE! Take cover!

Smoke Bomb - When a palmguard is under attack, it'll throw down a smoke bomb to seek a safer spot! It'll even leave a surprise for its enemies, too!

Nonchalant - These guys won't panic from fire anymore!

Dance of the Coconades - Similar to the buffed treeguards, palmguards will also dance! But this time, they'll be raining explosive Hell upon you!


Tiger Shark Buffs:

Ocean Expertise - Tiger Shark will now keep moving when attacking in water, similar to the Dragonfly. Though, she starts her attacks out of range. Plus, she'll even kite on water!

Suprise Jump - Tiger Shark's jump start in the ocean now goes with little warning, but it's not aimed at the player.

Wide Maw - Tiger Shark's range on land has increased.

Bloodthirsty - Tiger Shark now attacks a bit more frequently.

Acrobatic - Tiger Shark now jumps more often on land, and will jump up to two times in a row!

Fear the Cat - The Tiger Shark has an insanity aura now. Scary, isn't it?

Razor Fangs - The Tiger Shark now does 200 damage to non-player creatures.

Heavyweight - The Tiger Shark's landing after her jump will deal even more damage now (only on land)!

Roaring Intensifies: Tiger Shark's land roars will disarm you! Better stay focused!

Born to Hunt - Sharkittens will now target and attack any creature of its size. This includes players!


Sealnado Buffs:

Raging Storm - The Sealnado now damages most smashable structure it comes in contact with!

CHAAAARGE - Sealnado's charge attack now HURTS, and it'll attempt to charge at you randomly! There'll be a warning animation for when it prepares to charge.

Clingy - Going Somewhere? The Sealnado will attempt to catch up by charging at you!

Tsunami - The Sealnado's ocean tornado attack has been intensified. Cowabunga!

Tearing Twister - Now other living things are affected by the Sealnado's tornado attack. If they're near it, they'll be grounded to dust!

Greedy Winds - The Sealnado's atacks now snatch an item out of your inventory. Give that back!

Focused - The Sealnado can no longer be stun-locked by groups of creatures.

Shielding Winds - The Sealnado will now absorb 80% of damage when it uses its tornado attack!

Shocking - The Sealnado's standard attacks electrocute the player now. Zap!

Closing In - The Sealnado will slowly move toward its target while it's doing its tornado attack! Keep your distance, or you'll be torn up!


Quacken Buffs:




Keep it Down - The Quacken's screech and Tiger Shark's roars shake the screen now. Disorienting, isn't it?

Lifting the Curse - When defeated, the Sealnado will leave a spooky affect.

A Great Chill in the Moonlight - The Quacken will now only spawn during the full moon (the dripple pipes ignores this), but its likelihood of appearing is also increased. A hurricane is also started when the Quacken awakens.

Incoming - The ink bombs now have a warning shadow. The better to dodge them with!

Roaring Waves - Tiger Shark's roar in the sea now spawns 9 waves.

Quiver in Pain - The Quacken's tentacles now make noise when they're leaving/defeated.

Gone Means Gone - Removed the Quacken and its tentacles' physics when they're underwater. While the Quacken and its tentacles are submerging/submerged, they cannot be attacked. saves your cutlass durability, huh?

Sound the Alarm - Characters will now comment on the Quacken's approach (except for full moon ambushes).


So, what are you waiting for, daring sailors? Do you have what it takes to defeat the "mightiest creatures in the sea"? If so, then download this mod now and get your *Ship Wrecked* today!
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8 Aug, 2018 @ 3:35am
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BrokenCD 5 Feb @ 4:11pm 
is there a way to check the changed loot-table? Curious to see the different possibilities that you can get with the quacken.
Lexford  [author] 18 May, 2024 @ 11:05pm 
@Maxwell Gaming OK, from test-fighting buffed palmguard, it turns out all his explosives destroy objects! Oops! It's been forever since I played this mod, ahaha... When I have time, I'm definitely going to tweak this monster, and adding shadows to his bomb shower attack will definitely be a priority!
Lexford  [author] 18 May, 2024 @ 10:57pm 
@Maxwell Gaming I see you've sailed to meet the beefy tropical baddies! It was fun making the palmguard a bigger threat! My favorite move is the "smoke bomb", hee.

1) The dark needles don't quite work for the vibrant palmguards, but why didn't I change it sooner...?

2) I should definitely limit the intensity of their bomb shower attack depending on how many mad palmguards there are nearby. 1v1 and 1v3 make a huge difference!

3) I hope I didn't make palmguards able to wake other trees up! Their bombs, unless it's the decoy, shouldn't damage objects, but nonetheless, I'm glad you're enjoying my evil entourage! Beware the buffed Quacken!

Fun fact: Vanilla Quacken inspired me to mod! Back then, I was disappointed in the lack of fight the Quacken gave, so I went to make my own "ultra" version of the Quacken! ...But in hindsight, it was probably feedback like this that led to some of the more tedious bosses we can find in DST... Oops!
Professor Prostate, PhD 12 May, 2024 @ 5:44pm 
The Palm Treeguards gave me a heart attack when I was chopping down trees for another boat! Those bastards were made much faster and that raining coconades attack was super fun to see (and painful to die to)!
A few comments:
1) The particle effect when the Palm Treeguards do their dancing attack is really black. Maybe making it greener / brighter would make it look more appropriate than just the regular buffed Treeguard?

2) I haven't gotten to survive a long time but if I remember, the more days you survive the more Palm Treeguards show up. That raining hell attack would be the like a nuclear strike with 12 of those things around. Maybe it could work like only 2-3 Treeguards can dance at a time? Still a big blast, but less overtuned.

3) Was I seeing things or did a regular coconut summon another Palm Treeguard?
Either way I'm excited to see what else this mod cooked up (And will give me a lot of anxiety chopping palm trees down in the future lol)
CN ZGH 10 Feb, 2024 @ 7:50am 
Palm Treeguard It's too strong. Please weaken it.
WALTRUS 18 Jun, 2023 @ 6:45am 
Lexford tnx you)
Lexford  [author] 17 Jun, 2023 @ 8:24pm 
@WALTRUS The game should no longer crash after defeating the Quacken. Have fun, and enjoy the future Quacken hunts!
WALTRUS 14 Jun, 2023 @ 5:10am 
I had a bug when killing a kraken. After killing him, the game freezes (time stops, everything freezes, ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING!!! Even the character’s characteristics) and the character moves to a random side of the world (the same problem with monsters) and this turned off all the mods and turned them on only this mod, and if I turn on the rest of the mods, the world crashes and the game asks either to exit the game or turn off the mods. I was able to fix this problem only after writing a command in the console to delete the object + after viewing the boss chest it was empty + to this it was not destroyed by a hammer (there was an animation of destruction, but the chest did not disappear), and the backpack-chest was full, and that’s all I like the bosses that have been updated and added) I hope for feedback soon).
simon247 7 May, 2021 @ 12:02pm 
Sharkittens turn into ashes when they are on fire.
M0thim 26 Apr, 2021 @ 8:34am 
sorry for that i just wanted to make a suggestion for your mod based on my vanilla experience since this mod focuses on improving the shipwrecked bosses but i think i made it all confusing, also i was very mad that time