Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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Terra ARC by TwoPheat
Type: Blueprint
Mod category: Exploration
File Size
818.916 KB
9 May, 2016 @ 11:19pm
1 Change Note ( view )

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Terra ARC by TwoPheat

This is my Terra Cat Chassis outfitted for welding/grinding. Whille it is capable of Jumping, it is limited to 2000km at this point. It does, however, boast the highest payload of any Terra Cat model. This unit can weld for days before needing to be refilled, it is also cpable of crafting more parts at a high rate of speed to augment the weld/arc array. In a Pinch it can wield any manner of 3-4 weapon arrays. Currently it is similarly equipped to the Rock Cat with two pulse rockets a few extra weaps and a tail turret for watching your back. All Terra Cat models carry jumps, assembler, Stereo, MedBay, and a sealed pressurized hand-built cockpit with complete HUD compliments to MMaster for his scripting Mastery.
