Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

59 ratings
Central European Home 1 - 1 - v2
File Size
2.664 MB
3 Apr, 2016 @ 9:26am
3 Apr, 2016 @ 10:54am
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Central European Home 1 - 1 - v2

In 1 collection by YpsilonEule
Central European Homes by YpsilonEule
4 items
° low density residential
° wealth level: 1
° lot size min: 2x2
° Model: 501 tris, LOD: 86 tris;
° with color variations
Chamëleon TBN 27 Oct, 2016 @ 1:43am 
Thanks the third time :D
YpsilonEule  [author] 26 Oct, 2016 @ 11:37am 
@unsereins: yes
Chamëleon TBN 26 Oct, 2016 @ 10:46am 
Is it with night lights (AD)?
SaintDamien 16 Apr, 2016 @ 5:39am 
I would use your houses just closer together garden on the back.
but that's not why i commented.

I really like these detached houses you made.
YpsilonEule  [author] 16 Apr, 2016 @ 4:35am 
well, those are whole different houses then ;) I will consider it, thx
SaintDamien 15 Apr, 2016 @ 9:57pm 
I have a whole country full of them here ;-)
I know you may not have intended them to be used as 'Dutch', but they look rather good for for this. I prefer your texture and style.

But to be honest, many would be attached houses, or semi.
But I can use the UK set for them, but if you would ever make these into attached versions.
You would for ever have my praise.

Here some links as requested. ;-)
(and delete the previous messages)
YpsilonEule  [author] 14 Apr, 2016 @ 11:50pm 
@SaintDamien: one floor higher is rather uncommon. I can't imagine this to look real. But with a pic you can always proof me wrong ;)
SaintDamien 14 Apr, 2016 @ 9:59pm 
Hope you make more of these.
Would you be able to make it one floor higher?
Halpaviitta 4 Apr, 2016 @ 8:59am 
@Avanya indeed
Avanya 3 Apr, 2016 @ 1:47pm 
Love it! Makes me feel so at home. :P I'm looking forward to seeing more like it :D