Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

417 ratings
OldStyle Office - L3 2x2 Office
Assets: Building, Office
File Size
2.679 MB
14 Mar, 2016 @ 9:30am
1 Change Note ( view )

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OldStyle Office - L3 2x2 Office

Bring on the light !!

This building is a rework of an old asset that was never updated with nightlights.

Here's the original one :

I'd like to thank Golonka for his work, this was a very cute building. Sadly It was missing lights and a LOD.

Aaaand here are the boring facts :

The building is a level 3 office, standing on a 2x2 lot (the original was a 2x3 but I made it a 2x2 to add more variety.).

It is 40m tall... not a highriser but on this lot size it's quite ok.

It uses only 796 tris and the lod is 50 tris.
Textures are 1024* and LOD textures are 128*

Oh yep... and I added a custom LOD ;)

And... the building grows in 4 different shades.

OOOOooooooh and let me remind you of how many Lvl 3 vanilla assets of this size are in the game... 2 ! XD

If you liked this building, do not forget to leave me a little comment, or to upvote (or both ;) )

Enjoy your game, have fun!

Cool_Z - Zed68
Woody_WU 17 Jun, 2016 @ 9:40am 
im sorry im a new gamer. how can i build or find this building in game? thx a lot :)
aMiyafuji 19 Mar, 2016 @ 12:29pm 
Reminds me a lot of Simcity 4. I like it~
Reaper 19 Mar, 2016 @ 2:07am 
thx man
tony_r_68 (Zed68)  [author] 19 Mar, 2016 @ 2:06am 
Modtools to extract the buildings, photoshop to rework the textures, blender to correct the models.
Reaper 19 Mar, 2016 @ 12:59am 
what program you use for this?
Reaper 19 Mar, 2016 @ 12:54am 
nice building but i have one question how you donwloading fbx file with textures ??
iki_balam 17 Mar, 2016 @ 7:40pm 
WalrusInAnus 16 Mar, 2016 @ 4:29am 
I am guilty of blindly subscribing to everything you release.
Pickled Rik 15 Mar, 2016 @ 5:27pm 
Always nice to have more variation amongst the smaller buildings!
Benny Beanpicker (NL) 14 Mar, 2016 @ 12:28pm 
btw if yu gnna do more the passanger ships almost none got lights and the ferry could use some actual cars on it or sim props from sven , or are buildings a priority ?