Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

88 vurderinger
Templates for self-made Paintable Ad Truck
Af stmSantana
This is a Truck template model, for who doesn't have 3D graphic software.
You can paint it, or paste photos by yourself !!
You can download source files from following URL, Repaint and share it.
Please feel free to use this.

(Google Translate, Japanes -> English)
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Paint It Yourself


Easy 3 steps.
  1. Download template files.
  2. Edit "Lorry_d.png" and "Lorry_lod_d.png".
  3. Use Cities: Skylines Asset Importer.
Share your asset!

4th step
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Example of use
Download Source files
Google drive (New download link)[]



"*.fbx" - 3D Polygon model file. *required*
  • Lorry.fbx --- Main model of Truck

  • Lorry_lod.fbx --- LOD model

* Textures (PNG)
The material for Buildings supports up to 6 textures, each needs to use the same filename as the FBX file with a texture type suffix.
All main model textures have to have the same resolution.
  • "_d" suffix stands for the diffuse texture (RGB)
    - 3 color channels texture defining the albedo. *required*

  • "_a" suffix stands for the alpha texture (Mask)
    - 1 color channel mask specifying per pixel transparency. *not use*

  • "_c" suffix stands for the color texture (Mask)
    - 1 color channel mask specifying per pixel where the color variations can be applied.

  • "_i" suffix stands for the illumination texture (Mask)
    - 1 color channel mask specifying per pixel if the diffuse color should be considered emissive. *required*
    • This has a unique usage for vehicles: 0.5 (50% gray) is the neutral color. 0 (Black) is used for turning signals and 1 (White) is used for braking signals and headlights.

  • "_n" suffix stands for the normal map texture (RGB)
    - 3 color channels tangent space normal map.

  • "_s" suffix stands for the specular texture (Mask)
    - 1 color channel mask to specifying per pixel specularity.

* LOD (Level of Detail)

You may notice your custom models sometimes gets very distorted when viewed from far away : that's because the game automatically generates a low poly version (LOD) of your model and your texture in order to save resources.
To solve this problem, you need to provide your own low poly version of the model (the fewest polys the better) and name it yourModelName_lod.fbx

For example
Main model name : 'Truck-Unity.fbx'
LOD model : 'Truck-Unity_lod.fbx'
Main diffuse texture : 'Truck-Unity_d.png'
LOD diffuse texture : 'Truck-Unity_lod_d.png'
and other textures, 'Truck-Unity_c.png' , 'Truck-Unity_lod_c.png' , 'Truck-Unity_s.png' , etc.

* 'optional' folder
Samples for reference.
You don't need to Import those files.
Repaint, Edit
Edit files
You can edit all files freely.
First, Edit only diffuse textures. (Lorry_d.png & Lorry_lod_d.png)


after (easy sample, paint white area.)


You can use a optinal UV map image for repaint the other places. (e.g. tyre, number plates, lights,)

Use Layer.

(When You save it, turning off the UV layer)

Save image
Remember, needs to use the same filename as the FBX file with a texture type suffix.
Tips of Edit



Change Logo and Number Plate
If you want to change the Logo or Number plates, edit other files.
  • Logo (CHIRPER)
    • Lorry_c.png , Lorry_s.png , Lorry_n.png
  • Number Plates (Cities:Skylines)
    • Lorry_n.png

Import and Save
Copy files
  • Copy all files (*.fbx , *.png) to the Import folder.
The model import user folder is located at: *On Windows C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines\Addons\Import *On Mac /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Colossal Order/Cities_Skylines/Addons/Import *On Linux /home/<username>/.local/share/Colossal Order/Cities_Skylines/Addons/Import

  • Main menu > TOOLS > ASSET EDITOR > NEW

  • Select Theme > (Temperate) > SELECT

  • Asset importer > Vehicle

  • Select template > Lorry > Continue

  • Select the fbx file.
    Scale=1, Bottom-Center Pivot=OFF.

  • Edit Lights position.

  • Menu (ESC key) > Save asset

  • Input save asset file name, asset name(ingame).

  • You can change the snapshot image.
    • Click small folder icon.
    • Replace snapshot.png (use same resolution) .

  • Save

Use the your truck asset
Main menu > CONTENT MANAGER > ASSET > on/off checkbox
Share and Publish

  • Select the your asset > SHARE

Change PreviewImage.png
If you want to change the default preview Workshop will display, simply edit or replace the snapshot.png. More than one picture can be put in the folder, and one chosen before publishing. The new image will reload automatically in the Steam Workshop game panel. When you are ready to upload, click the Publish button. An indicator showing the upload progress appears, and the panel closes once the upload is complete.
By publishing items to the workshop, you agrees to the Workshop terms of service.

Click the small folder icon

Replace the image file, same resolution.


Content folder
YourAssetFileName.crp is the packed asset file.
More Paintable assets

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32 kommentarer
Wind of Changes 12. okt. 2021 kl. 8:54 
The link to download a sample is closed. I cant get the file(
LJMiranda 26. sep. 2020 kl. 2:56 
ok, got it
stmSantana  [ophavsmand] 26. sep. 2020 kl. 2:16 
>>What's the exact value of brightness and contrast we need to put?
There is no exact value as this game changes colors strangely.
Try setting the brightness to -30 and the contrast to -20 in Photoshop.

>>can you have multiple models at once? If so, how can I do it without replacing one on the other?
To bring a car with multiple texture patterns into the game, prepare multiple textures. Then save the assets with different names for each. (Example: Lorry-McDonald, Lorry-UPS, etc.)
If you don't quit the game after saving one asset and before creating a new one, you may get a memory bug. In my experience.

>>Do we need to turn on the "Bottom-Center Pivot"??? What is it for?
Turn OFF the"Bottom-Center Pivot", As the sample.
LJMiranda 25. sep. 2020 kl. 22:10 
Do we need to turn on the "Bottom-Center Pivot"??? What is it for?
LJMiranda 23. sep. 2020 kl. 19:12 
can you have multiple models at once? If so, how can I do it without replacing one on the other?
LJMiranda 23. sep. 2020 kl. 19:11 
What's the exact value of brightness and contrass we need to put?
Lord of the Hold 21. juni 2018 kl. 10:51 
snakesbrother 8. mar. 2018 kl. 7:06 
Thanks, will give it a try :)
stmSantana  [ophavsmand] 8. mar. 2018 kl. 6:32 
If you only want to only change the color of the tractor (trailer head,artic cab), only change color variations (0,1,2,3) in the asset editor.
If you want to draw a pattern on the tractor, edit _d.png directly.
snakesbrother 8. mar. 2018 kl. 6:08 
Already had some fun with this! One question: I only edit the _d.png file and paint the white squares but how do you get the rest of the truck (front side etc) the color that you want?