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Yuri's Revenge - Floating Disc [DRAEGAST'D] [UPDATED]
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Yuri's Revenge - Floating Disc [DRAEGAST'D] [UPDATED]

En 1 colección creada por Shadé
Shade's Skycruisers
66 artículos
Featured by Draegast!
Featured by Play Games!

I wait for them to fix the workshop bug, they fixed it on 0.25 so I can finally upload this.

This is the Floating Disc, a flying craft used by Yuri's forces from Command and Conquer Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge.

Basically a helicopter, except its entire body is also spinning. Yeah, what differentiate this Floating Disc from other UFO creation in Besiege was the entire craft also spinning. Not just for cool reason, it stabilize itself by its spinning.

Should have armed with laser, but Laser Block Mod wasn't updated so I put a circle bomb there.
Oh and it fit in the bounding box.

Controls --
  • Movement: T/F/G/H
  • Turn:R/Y
  • Ascend: X
    (Wait for it to reach maximum rotation speed before ascending.)
  • Descend: C
  • Release Circle Bombs: V
Block count: 490

EDIT.31.12.2016 Fixing block collision, replacing all block #52 into block #55
41 comentarios
!Master_Conquest! 28 JUL 2017 a las 7:32 a. m. 
Bless your heart yuri. even if it is black. Yavule comendant.
Nox 30 DIC 2016 a las 10:05 p. m. 
Well, I didn't be exact. NOW I figure how it works a bit better:

My problem is HOLDING down any direction button.

I try to explain myself:
Mates, this is a great creation, but you need to drive it with short pulsations

I find if I hold any direction button the wole thing ends spinning. I solve this in 2 ways:

-Slow time because you need constantly short rectifications

-Only use one mevement key: T is better because it faces you to the front (notice the 5 markers in the top of the green block, T is the center one)
Use R + Y to rotate your "front" part to the point you like to go, and use (again) short pulses of T

It needs constant C rectifications (seems to any directional movement produces a lot of momentum and it ends ascending a bit)
If you let it alone (stationary) it rises slowly ascendig more and more

5 KEYS : R/Y to point it, T to move ascend with X and descend with C

Thanks you, for your time, realy nice creation

Fits on the bounding box, useful for campaing mode!
Shadé  [autor] 30 DIC 2016 a las 9:47 p. m. 
I remembered 0.32+ updates some of the block collision.
I will see if I can fix it.
Nox 30 DIC 2016 a las 9:04 p. m. 
First of all: Nice creation

I don't use any mod, And I can say:

For some reason it turns incontrolable for me. I can up and down altitude, but it seems for me that the inner parts spin as the outer, Because of that, movement keys T/F/G/H doesn't respond.

I end floating up and down.

R/Y seems do nothing for me. TURN? I can see 5 atach points in the top, on the green block rotating all the time

I see the internals, is no secret, it is a helicopter with 4 movement vents pointing cardinal points, all with a power of 20 (I didn't know how you can up it more than 2)

If you look the woden blocks you can see lot of work in positioning/gliching it in half to half positions

Baybe I need any mod for to make it work properly? or maybe it becomes broken afther a game update?
Viking Bunny 27 DIC 2016 a las 12:04 a. m. 
Shadé  [autor] 25 DIC 2016 a las 7:56 p. m. 
I always put creations links on the video description. Go check it out
Viking Bunny 25 DIC 2016 a las 4:11 p. m. 
can i have that tank if it doesnt use mods?
tceo 10 DIC 2016 a las 2:34 p. m. 
WOO RED ALERT 2 WOOOOOOOOOO, I love that game :)
Magiskarp 25 AGO 2016 a las 12:04 a. m. 
is this modded?
STICKY 12 AGO 2016 a las 2:49 a. m. 
The fact that that thing can get off the ground terrifies me. I love it.