RWBY: Grimm Eclipse

RWBY: Grimm Eclipse

96 ratings
Ruby Rose, Leader of Team RWBY - Character Guide
By Kazuma Satou
Updated for RWBY: Grimm Eclipse v.0.28.02r.

This guide will give you gameplay basics on how to play as the leader of Team RWBY: abilities, stats, achievements, etc. and will attempt to be a "How to play" guide.

Disclaimer: Rwby: Grimm Eclipse is under Steam Early Access, which means that gameplay will change constantly. This guide will attempt to update accordingly under reasonable update times.
Disclaimer: Rwby: Grimm Eclipse is under Steam Early Access, which means that gameplay will change constantly. This guide will attempt to update accordingly under reasonable update times.

This guide will give you gameplay basics on how to play as the leader of Team RWBY: abilities, stats, achievements, etc. and will attempt to be a "How to play" guide.
Prior to continuing with this guide, please refer to the FAQ. Afterwards, if you are interested in playing as the other members of Team RWBY, please check out these guides made by others.
Gameplay Basics


Experience and Leveling
Experience points (XP) are gained from battle via Grimm defeated, from XP orbs and Artifacts found in crates and hidden areas, and from completing tasks and objectives, such as reviving a teammate or bringing dust to certain devices.

Beginning at level 1 at the start of a campaign, the player will discover and battle XP necessary to reach the next level until to level cap, Level 10. Each level resets your Aura Gauge, fills your Special meter, and gives the player one (1) point to use towards their main abilities and attributes.

To reach a certain level, the player has to gain a certain amount of XP. Below are the amounts necessary to reach from a prior level (ex. to reach Lv 3, it requires 300xp from Lv 2)

Lv 1: 0 (The player begins at level 1)
Lv 2: 150
Lv 3: 300
Lv 4: 450
Lv 5: 650
Lv 6: 850
Lv 7: 1050
Lv 8: 1300
Lv 9: 1550
Lv 10: 1800

The basis of combat in RWBY: Grimm Eclipse is that of a Brawler or Beat-'em-up action game on a 3D battlefield, displaying dozens of underpowered enemies on the screen at a single time. This style of gameplay is akin to such games as Dynasty Warriors, requiring the player to "button mash" the attack buttons. While some would argue that such games can be completed by simply pressing the main attack command repeatedly, there are different attacks and styles characters can perform depending on the order and timing of the executed attack commands; this is necessary to know to combat unique scenarios as well as to combo into dashes, jumps, dash/jump-cancels, and Special abilities.

Attack Combos
The following list consists of complete attack sequences, i.e. sequences that cannot continue the combo after the final attack command is executed.

A = Attack (Left Click/X/Square)
S = Shoot (Right Click/Y/Triangle)
(Dash ->) = Dash is optional and does not change the rest of the combo

On the Ground
A -> S
A -> A -> S
A -> A -> A -> S
A -> A -> A -> A -> Auto Jump

Dash -> A
Dash -> A -> (attack combos above)

(Dash ->) S*
(Dash ->) S -> S
(Dash ->) S -> S -> S
* Shooting while dashing will act as a cancel, stopping the dash at the moment shoot is activated

In the Air
(Dash ->) A
(Dash ->) A -> S
(Dash ->) A -> A -> S
(Dash ->) A -> A -> A -> S
(Dash ->) A -> A -> A -> A

(Dash ->) S
(Dash ->) S -> S
(Dash ->) S -> S -> S

To be completed

Cost: 1
Prerequisite: -
Challenge: -
Description: You can survive more damage after your aura is depleted

Aura Regeneration
Cost: 1
Prerequisite: -
Challenge: -
Description: Your aura recovers much faster

Improved Special 1
Cost: 1
Prerequisite: -
Challenge: -
Description: Your special pool increases by 2

Improved Special 2
Cost: 1
Prerequisite: Improved Special 1
Challenge: Specialist - Defeat enemies with special attacks to unlock this ability (Progress: 0/300)
Description: Your special pool increases by 2

Cost: 1
Prerequisite: -
Challenge: Savior - Revive teammates to unlock this ability (Progress: 0/5)
Description: Revive teammates much faster

Increased Aura
Cost: 1
Prerequisite: -
Challenge: Master Hunter - Defeat enemies to unlock this ability (Progress: 0/2000)
Description: You gain more aura (Author's note: meaning "Your Aura Guage increases")

Armor Piercing Rounds
Cost: 1
Prerequisite: -
Challenge: Sniper - Defeat enemies with ranged attacks to unlock this ability (Progress: 0/100)
Description: Cresent Rose fires armor piercing rounds, capable of damaging even the toughest enemies.

Cost: 1
Prerequisite: -
Challenge: It's also a gun - Reach level 10 as Ruby to unlock this ability (Progress: 0/1)
Description: Reduces the number of sequential hits needed to gain specials (Author's note: Reduces from 12 hits to 8 hits)


Cresendo I
Cost: 0
Special Cost: 1
Prerequisite: -
Challenge: -
Description: Ruby quickly spins the Cresent Rose in a circle around her, knocking all nearby enemies backward.

Crescendo II
Cost: 1
Special Cost: 1
Prerequisite: -
Challenge: -
Description: Crescendo becomes rechargable; when fully charged, Ruby will spin 3 times and Crescendo's range will be greatly increased.

Crescendo III-A
Cost: 2
Special Cost: 2
Prerequisite: Crescendo II
Challenge: -
Description: When fully charged, Crescendo's final hit smashes enemies backward for a very high amount of damage.

Crescendo III-B
Cost: 2
Special Cost: 2
Prerequisite: Crescendo II
Challenge: Crescendo Mastery - Defeat enemies with Crescendo to unlock this ability (Progress: 0/300)
Description: Crescendo pulls enemies toward Ruby with each hit.


Reap I
Cost: 0
Special Cost: 1
Prerequisite: -
Challenge: -
Description: Ruby teleports into the air and spirals downward with the Crescent Rose, hitting enemies with each spin and smashing into the ground when she lands.

Reap II (Improved Reap)
Cost: 1
Special Cost: 1
Prerequisite: -
Challenge: -
Description: Reap becomes chargeable. When fully charged, Reap's damage is greatly increased.

Reap III-A (Cleaving Reap)
Cost: 2
Special Cost: 2
Prerequisite: Reap II
Challenge: Reap Mastery - Defeat enemies with Reap to unlock thits ability (Progress: 0/100)
Description: When fully charged, Reap creates a wave of rocks around Ruby which smash nearby enemies backward.

Reap III-B (Lunging Reap)
Cost: 1
Special Cost: 2
Prerequisite: Reap II
Challenge: -
Description: When fully charged, Reap launches ruby forward, pushing enemies aside.

Dust Blast

Dust Blast I
Cost: 0
Special Cost: 1
Prerequisite: -
Challenge: -
Description: Ruby fires a bullet made of Dust which explodes on impact, dealing damage to all enemies within the explosion.

Dust Blast II-A (Fire Blast)
Cost: 3
Special Cost: 2
Prerequisite: -
Challenge: Dual Blast Master 2 - Defeat enemies with Dust Blast to unlock this ability (Progress: 0/400)
Description: Dust blast uses Fire dust, which greatly increases the explosion's damage

Dust Blast II-B (Electric Blast)
Cost: 1
Special Cost: 1
Prerequisite: -
Challenge: -
Description: Dust Blast uses Electric Dust, which chains lightning between enemies near the explosion. Very high range.

Dust Blast II-C (Ice Blast)
Cost: 2
Special Cost: 1
Prerequisite: -
Challenge: Dust Blast Master 1 - Defeat enemies with Dust Blast to unlock this ability (Progress: 0/200)
Description: Dust Blast uses Ice dust, which freezes enemies hit by the explosion.
Crescendo Mastery
Challenge: Defeat enemies with Crescendo to unlock this ability
Progress: 0/300
Reward: Crescendo - Crescendo III-B

Dust Blast Master 1
Challenge: Defeat enemies with Dust Blast to unlock this ability
Progress: 0/200
Reward: Dust Blast - Dust Blast III-C (Ice Blast)

Dust Blast Master 2
Challenge: Defeat enemies with Dust Blast to unlock this ability
Progress: 0/400
Reward: Dust Blast - Dust Blast III-A (Fire Blast)

It's also a gun
Challenge: Reach level 10 as Ruby to unlock this ability
Progress: 0/1
Reward: General - Hyperballistic

Master Hunter
Challenge: Defeat enemies to unlock this ability
Progress: 0/2000
Reward: General - Increased Aura

Reap Mastery
Challenge: Defeat enemies with Reap to unlock this ability
Progress: 0/100
Reward: Reap - Reap III-A (Cleaving Reap)

Challenge: Revive teammates to unlock this ability
Progress: 0/5
Reward: General - Medic

Challenge: Defeat enemies with ranged attacks to unlock this ability
Progress: 0/100
Reward: General - Armor Piercing Rounds

Challenge: Defeat enemies with special attacks to unlock this ability
Progress: 0/300
Reward: General - Improved Special 2
Secrets & Trivia
To be completed
To be completed
Uniqu 22 Jan, 2018 @ 7:56am 
Aquatic Lotus 11 Apr, 2017 @ 6:16pm 
Dust blast 2-B should've been the one with a challange, just because i find it to be so overpowered.
Mega 3 Jul, 2016 @ 8:49am 

Reap is Ruby's Team attack. It can only be used when the E prompt appears above enemies. I've got a more in depth explanation on my Weiss guide.
OrcGirlSammie 1 Jul, 2016 @ 1:03pm 
I've checked through all the forums and several google results but there is one thing I've noticed: There's no guide or tip on triggering the specials used by the "E" button, at least not for Ruby. What I need to know is: How can I trigger the Reap special, rather how do you trigger the pop-up to perform Reap?
Nyte;Fire ;wf 10 Feb, 2016 @ 11:53pm 

Yep just spamming shift+w+mouse2 will create a Ruby Machine Gun
Skyrah1 4 Jan, 2016 @ 12:25am 
Not sure if this works for everyone, but if you dodge after shooting with Ruby's gun twice, you can reset the combo and you don't need to keep waiting for Ruby to finish backflipping after her third shot. Like this:

S -> S -> Dodge -> S -> S -> Dodge -> S -> S -> Dodge -> Repeat

So, it'll increase the ranged DPS. (Might not work if you dodge too quickly)
Jay 1 Jan, 2016 @ 3:29am 
Ruby's Basic Attack Damage

A = 35
A -> A = 35, 35
A -> A -> A = 35, 35, 60 (counts as 5 combo)
A -> A -> A -> A = 35, 35, 60, 120 (counts as 7 combo)

A -> S = 35, 95 (counts as 3 combo) + knockback of enemy
A -> A -> S = 35, 35, 95 (counts as 4 combo) + knockback
A -> A -> A -> S = 35, 35, 60, 95 (counts as 7 combo) + knockback

S = 20
S -> S = 20, 20
S -> S -> S = 20, 20, 20

A = 35
A -> A = 35, 35
A -> A -> A = 35, 35, 35
A -> A -> A -> A = 35, 35, 35, 70 (counts as 4 combo)

A -> S = 35, 95 (counts as 3 combo) + knockback and knockdown of enemy
A -> A -> S = 35, 35, 95 (counts as 4 combo) + knockback and knockdown
A -> A -> A -> S = 35, 35, 35, 95 (counts as 5 combo) + knockback and knockdown

Ruby's longest attack sequence ( A -> A -> A -> A -> A -> A -> A -> S ) should net a 12 combo and do 450 damage
Ridennator 20 Dec, 2015 @ 8:06am 
Rubys ranged atack does 20 damage if anyones interested
Kumachi 12 Dec, 2015 @ 11:08am 
Don't know if this is useful or not, but i found that she could climb higher ground with the shooting attack. And also found that she could get stuck on the wall with the same method @@
Mega 8 Dec, 2015 @ 12:14pm 
Hey, for trivia I'm thinking about putting in which fights each of the special attacks originates from.