Space Engineers

Space Engineers

212 ratings
Hydrogen_Oxygen Pack
Type: Mod
Mod category: Block, Modpack, Production, Other
File Size
54.481 MB
14 Nov, 2015 @ 10:55am
7 Mar, 2019 @ 1:24pm
16 Change Notes ( view )

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Hydrogen_Oxygen Pack

This mod includes

Other gas storage tanks and the thrusters uses the RS-25D (Space Shuttle main engine) as scale base.
The Oxygen tank has the same volume as the Hydrogen one.
Hydrogen Farm
V8 Hydrogen Engine

>>>V8 Hydrogen Engine<<<

MaxPowerOutput: 1.0 MW 3x2x3
FuelCapacity: 20000
Consumption: 200 L/s

>>>H2/O2 Generator<<<

Ice Consumption Per Second: 50 1x2x1 (Vanilla)
MaxPowerConsumption: 0.5 MW
Produces: 500 L/s

Ice Consumption Per Second: 400 2x4x2
MaxPowerConsumption: 3.0 MW
Produces: 4000 L/s

Ice Consumption Per Second: 10 3x3x2 (Vanilla)
MaxPowerConsumption: 0.1 MW
Produces: 100 L/s

Ice Consumption Per Second: 30 3x3x4
MaxPowerConsumption: 0.3 MW
Produces: 300 L/s

>>>H2/O2 Farm<<<


Operational Power Consumption: 0.02 MW (Vanilla)
Max Output Per Second: 0.03 L/s (Vanilla)

Operational Power Consumption: 0.5 MW
Max Output Per Second: 15 L/s

>>>RS-25D Large<<<

(Large) 3x3x3
ForceMagnitude: 15.0 Mn (Vanilla 7.2 MN)
FuelConsumption: 12 (Vanilla 7.5)

(Small) 1x1x1
ForceMagnitude: 2.2 Mn (Vanilla 1.0 MN)
FuelConsumption: 3.0 (Vanilla 1.25)

>>>RS-25D Small<<<

(Large) 3x3x3
ForceMagnitude: 1.5 Mn (Vanilla 0.48 MN)
FuelConsumption: 1.2 (Vanilla 0.6)

(Small) 1x1x1
ForceMagnitude: 0.22 Mn (Vanilla 0.098 MN)
FuelConsumption: 0.3 (Vanilla 0.125)

>>>Hydrogen Tank Large<<< 5x5x5

Capacity: 15000000 (Large)
Capacity: 160000 (Small) (Vanilla)

>>>Hydrogen/Oxygen Tank Medium<<< 3x3x3

Capacity: 5000000 (Large) (Vanilla)
Capacity: 50000 (Small)

>>>Hydrogen/Oxygen Tank Small<<< 1x2x1

Capacity: 150000 (Large)
Capacity: 3000 (Small)

RS-25D Real World:

lengh: 4,24m (13,9 feet)
width: 2,29m (7,5 feet)

Hydrogen: 3000 L/s ( 73 kg/s)
Oxygen: 1100 L/s (441 kg/s)

Thrust(vac): 2279 Kn
raz334 8 Dec, 2024 @ 4:45am 
> NEEDS UPDATE < Sort of works, but causes the blocks with + symbols that are mutli-blocks to malfunction when this mod is running, not just the blocks it directly effects but anything hydrogen or oxygen related may become stuck during scroll and unable to change at times even preventing you from accessing certain blocks.
Reloading save or removing this mod fixes it. The former temporarily the latter permanently.
ob1kinobi1999 15 Apr, 2024 @ 11:23pm 
This looks good, but it overwrites my vanilla stuff. I would rather have it as an option.
Hadies_Alchemist 23 Jun, 2023 @ 5:09pm 
im getting an error some missing textures error having to do with this mod how do i post a log?
chill guy 3 Oct, 2022 @ 2:39pm 
does this change the fuel burn rate to burn faster?
|RD| OneSki 15 May, 2022 @ 3:47pm 
Hydrogen farms now produce oxygen only.
Veles 4 Feb, 2022 @ 2:11pm 
what do you want, I've redone this mod here it's not working and not relevant, look at its stock, it's lower than that of vanilla
Veles 30 Jan, 2022 @ 7:24am 
mod_warning: Hydrogen_Oxygen Pack, in file: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\244850\554786414\Data\CubeBlocks_Hydro_Tank.sbc
Obsolete default definition of mount points in MyObjectBuilder_OxygenTank/SmallHydrogenTankSmall
HiPeopleIDKwhatIsGoingOn 23 Jan, 2022 @ 12:57pm 
like for buoyancy
HiPeopleIDKwhatIsGoingOn 23 Jan, 2022 @ 12:55pm 
do these work with the water mod from jakaria