Anarchy Arcade

Anarchy Arcade

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360 Videos on Expo Floor
TYPES: Items, Cabinets, Saves
File Size
2.299 MB
28 Aug, 2015 @ 6:42am
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360 Videos on Expo Floor

This save has a bunch of 360 videos to watch in the E3 PAX map!
benjierex 3 Nov, 2015 @ 5:41am 
to all those who don't understand what the use is, there's actually a 360 camera which takes footage from all directions- this is a cabinet for displaying these
Johnny!! 22 Oct, 2015 @ 5:43pm 
You stand in the bubble and it simulates a 360 enviroment through a video. Just stand in it and look around, I would highly recommend Occulus for this.
2D мама S3xxxy'ка 4 Sep, 2015 @ 8:31pm 
I don't compute, what's the use to this?
Mooseman 4 Sep, 2015 @ 2:12pm 
Thanks sith lord! you and the dev team are doing great!
jaspersauce 1 Sep, 2015 @ 6:59pm 
The use is so confusing bro.
What's the use?
Medieval Nerd 1 Sep, 2015 @ 3:53pm 
SM Sith Lord! Thanks for putting your video in the previews here! I'm sure this will answer all the questions that people had about what is this. And then they'll immediately realize how awesome it is! :O

To be fair I personally thougth this was a 'Xbox 360' video collection. LOL I was sooo wrong! Thanks again. -RK
jaspersauce 30 Aug, 2015 @ 3:11pm 
I don't even know the use bro.
Bungo FuckNuts 29 Aug, 2015 @ 7:10pm 
What dose this even use
2D мама S3xxxy'ка 29 Aug, 2015 @ 2:25pm 
But the use, what is it?