Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Petrol Station
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877.848 KB
22 Aug, 2015 @ 5:42pm
24 Sep, 2015 @ 9:06pm
2 Change Notes ( view )

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Petrol Station

Its the default 1X1 petrol station building but on a larger lot so the cars can actually pull up next to the pumps. It will spawn on 2X2, 2X3 and 2X4 lots. If it is on a 2X2 lot it will have the petrol station itself with some advertising signs. If it is on a 2X3 lot it gains a row of parking spaces at the rear. On a 2X4 lot it also gains a substation and billboard behind the parking spaces. It will spawn in red, green, black and yellow. It is a level 1 low density commercial building, but you can use the building themes mod if you want it to spawn on other levels.

Added some lighting for After Dark.
Lordwarblade 1 Apr, 2022 @ 2:34pm 
Now that is clever.
[IT] cristakey 19 Sep, 2015 @ 7:42pm 
Thanks, this is the thing that missed in the game