Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Avro Arrow Plane (ploppable)
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7.221 MB
27 Jul, 2015 @ 3:26pm
28 Jul, 2015 @ 7:49am
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Avro Arrow Plane (ploppable)

This is a ploppable model of the CF-105 Arrow – arguably Canada’s most famous plane. The model is 5:1 scale in order to blend in with the larger in-game passenger jets.

Cost: 10,000
Upkeep: 96/week
Service: Level 4 Unique Building
Cells: 4x4
Model: 1,411 tris
LOD: 357 tris

The CF-105 Arrow made its first test flight on March 25, 1958. The plane was cutting edge for its time, capable of flying nearly three times the speed of sound at altitudes of up to 50,000 feet. The Arrow was designed to protect Canadian aerospace from enemy aircraft throughout the Cold War and represented the epitome of Canadian innovation. Unfortunately, the Avro Arrow program was cancelled by Prime Minister Diefenbaker on February 20, 1959 after just five planes were built, as the program was considered to be “too expensive.” Controversy surrounding the decision to cancel the Arrow program still exists to this day.
finnigan7 14 Apr, 2022 @ 6:54am 
It looks great! Can't wait to place it in my airport.
SolitaryHowl 18 Sep, 2015 @ 5:10pm 
This is great!

Although you're missing the cockpit part, and quite a lot of detail. I'm still going to download it though - a piece of Canadian pride!
GhostOfRazgriz 28 Jul, 2015 @ 8:34pm 
Please make more! This is honestly what I need more of!