Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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TreeHouse Park v3
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5.999 MB
15 Jul, 2015 @ 3:12pm
5 Dec, 2015 @ 11:57am
3 Change Notes ( view )

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TreeHouse Park v3

In 1 collection by SimoG
RockField - Assets & Props - SimoG
669 items
A beautiful park with a tree house. Offers a restaurant and a particular viewpoint on the city through the branches and leaves. It also offer a picnic area and a playground for children.

- Added Windows Lights for Night Time

- Refined and corrected some issue on the model
- Added texture to the lod model.
Amazon Guard - Circular City 12 Jan, 2021 @ 5:06am 
Its a great tree house! Thanks! Is it possible to have just the building with the house on the tree? Please!
SimoG  [author] 7 Dec, 2015 @ 4:36am 
@kawei Many thanks! :)
I have already added a couple of your screen.
co-wie 7 Dec, 2015 @ 12:36am 
@SimoG: I've just added castle walls to the boundary of the park :D I made six shots from various angles, hope at least one of these six are good enough for ya. Here's the link (40mb) [].
SimoG  [author] 6 Dec, 2015 @ 1:07am 
Fine! :)
Thanks for your offer, why not...

Nice the district like Las Vegas.
co-wie 5 Dec, 2015 @ 6:39pm 
@SimoG It works!!! Thank you so much! Here's a photo of the beautiful Tree House restaurant lit up at night . If you wish to update your Workshop photo, let me know and I'll be more than happy to take a few more screenshots for you to choose from :)
SimoG  [author] 5 Dec, 2015 @ 12:09pm 
New update loaded. Now it should work. Until I do not change my PC, I have no way to test it during a normal game. In the editor however, it work correctly but the windows do not turn on immediately. Try to let it flow the time for a couple of cycles.

I hope to have solved.

PS. thanks for the guide

co-wie 5 Dec, 2015 @ 7:09am 
@SimoG. Hey I found an even better guide to updating assets on Steam Workshop here.
SimoG  [author] 4 Dec, 2015 @ 4:40am 

Thanks for your feedback. As soon as I can, I'll try to understand what has gone wrong
co-wie 3 Dec, 2015 @ 5:53pm 
Hi SimoG! Thanks soooo much for responding! I appreciate it a lot. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to have worked; not sure if Steam has updated the asset correctly? Some people seem to have trouble updating assets and here's step-by-step instructions how to do it correctly []. I unsubscribed from the asset and subscribed to it again, and the file date shows today's date, so I think I have the "latest" version. Here's a screenshot anyway to show you what my amusement park looks like :D Thanks again for doing this!!!

SimoG  [author] 3 Dec, 2015 @ 11:00am 
I have updated the Park with the windows light. Since I can not test it thoroughly cause my obsolete PC, if you happen, let me know if it works.
