Final Fantasy IV (3D Remake)

Final Fantasy IV (3D Remake)

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100% Achievements Guide
От ArtificialRaven
Rabbit Chaser, Augments, Beastiary, Summons, Onion equipment, Adamant armor and more are included in this guide. MASSIVE SPOILERS obviously
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Are you trying to 100% the game? Frustrated that you got a ton of augments but didn't get the achievement to pop yet? Can't get those elusive equipment achievements? Well it's a good thing you took time to look this guide up, I got the answers you want. I'd like to note that some users have made other guides that will compliment this one very well and since I'm too lazy to make an entirely separate guide, I'll link to theirs for some sections. It's not for my lack of trying but I couldn't do a guide any better than what they've accomplished.

Achievements that are earned part of the natural story progression (including boss) are not in this guide. You'll get them automatically as you play. And the spoiler warning in the title is your spoiler warning. Well, with that said, let's get started and earn this....

FINAL FANTASY IV MASTER - Earned all achievements

SUPREME FINAL FANTASY IV GRANDMASTER GOD - Rated this guide up if you liked it and/or found it useful
Okay I'm kidding about this one, I made it up. Joking aside, I do hope this guide helps in your endeavor to master this game. It's the reason I wrote it.

I also highly recommend checking out the Missables Guide too, which I reference in this guide.
Augment Achievements
Some augments are earned by giving 2 augments to a "temporary" character such as Edward, Palom, Parom, Cid, Tellah, FuSoYa and Yang. I'll leave more notes on that below. If you're looking at what Augments to give to each character to maximize your stats by your 3rd playthrough you should check these guides:
Stat Maxing Augment Path by Jessamy
Stat Maxing Guide[] by LunarianFuSoYa[]

AUGMENT NOVICE - Obtained 1 Augment

After the events unfold at the little hamlet of Mist, you'll be thrown out into a large desert. Head near the middle of the desert to come across an oasis village named Kaipo. Inside the house in the north east section of town you'll find Rosa resting in a bed. Talk to her and she will give you your first augment, Auto-Potion. This one cannot be missed.

AUGEMENT PRACTITIONER - Obtained 20 Augments

AUGMENT MASTER - Obtained all Augments

Listed below are all the augments and how/where to get them.

Auto-Potion - See AUGMENT NOVICE

Item Lore - Return to the beach in Kaipo where Edward fought the Sahagin to find this on the ground.

Counter - After you fight off the Baron invasion in Fabul, Yang's wife will give this to you at the docks before boarding your ship.

Curse - After beating Scarminglione's true form on Mt. Ordeals, head back down the mountain and you'll find it sparkling on the ground along the way.

Twincast - Return to the Elder (behind the Crystal room) in Mysidia after Palom and Parom turn to stone and talk to him to get this augment.

Bluff - Same as Twincast but you must give 1 augment to Palom before fighting Cagnazzo.

Cry - Same as Twincast but you must give 1 augment to Parom before fighting Cagnazzo.

Dualcast - Again, Same as Twincast but you must give 2 augments to EITHER (not both) Palom or Parom before fighting Cagnazzo.

Tsunami - After defeating Cagnazzo you'll find this glowing on the ground in the middle of the room with all the hidden passages in the Ancient Waterway.

Gil Farmer - In the town of Troia, head to the pub and talk to a lady at the table closest to the entrance. She'll sell you a Member's Writ for 100k Gil. Talk to the guy right above her and show him the writ. You'll get access to the club below, the augment is in the dressing room.

Bardsong - After defeating the Dark Elf, return to Edward in Troia Castle and he'll give this to you.

Salve - Same as Bardsong but you must give Edward 1 augment before you get on the ship near Fabul.

Hide - Again, same as Bardsong but you must give Edward 2 augments before you get on the ship near Fabul.

Whirlwind - Available once you defeat Barbariccia in the Tower of Zot. You'll find it in the Crystal room in Lodestone cave.

Recall - On the ground after Tellah dies in the Tower of Zot. It's best to give him 2 augments before the Magus Sisters fight in the Tower of Zot if you want these next ones.

Last Stand - On the ground after Tellah dies in the Tower of Zot but you must give him at least 1 augment beforehand.

Fast Talker - On the ground after Tellah dies in the Tower of Zot but you must give him at least 2 augments beforehand.

Draw Attacks - King Giott will give this to you after you defeat Calcabrina and Golbez during your first visit to the Dwarven Castle

Reach - Head to the Developer's room in the Dwarven castle. Located in the Pub, just walk through the wall to the right as soon as you enter. Talk to all the NPCs and finish the fights that some of them start. The last one I talked to was on the lower floor and he looked like Scarminglione, I got it after defeating him and doing as I said above.

Analyze - You'll get this after Cid leaves the party when you attempt to fly out of the Underworld the first time. When you return to theUnderworldlater, seek him out in the infirmary in the Dwarven Castle and he'll give this to you after he upgrades your ship.

Upgrade - Same as Analyze except you must give Cid at least 1 augment.

Adrenaline - Same as Analyze except you must give Cid 2 augments.

Eye Gouge - Namingway will give you this in the Dwarven Castle Pub if you've completed his subquest up to that point. See Rabbit Chaser Achievement section.

MP+50% - Head to to the northwestern house in Mist after Cid upgrades the ship.

Inferno - After beating Rubicante, return to where you seen him and Edge duke it out in Eblan Cave and it should be there glowing on the ground.

Darkness - You must have Edge steal this from Odin before you kill him at the east tower basement in Baron Castle.

Focus - Given by Yang in the Sylph Cave when you meet him there, talk to him then return to his wife in Fabul. She'll give you a frying pan to whack Yang over the head with. After that he'll give you this augment.

Kick - Same as Focus but give Yang at least 1 augment before you go to the dock north of Fabul early in the game.

Brace - Same as Focus but give Yang at least 2 augments before you go to the dock north of Fabul early in the game.

Level Lust - Once you get to the moon head to the Hummingway Abode. It's in the Abode somewhere on the ground

HP+50% - After defeating the CPU, head over to Baron Castle and you'll find this glowing on the roof. However, that's for the 3ds version which I'm basing my info off of. In the steam version there's a soldier up there who gives it. Thanks joeust7

Piercing Magic - Click HERE to check out the Piercing Magic Augment guide by Interesting Output.

*Here's another note by steam user Interesting 0utput*

"You can streamline the Piercing Magic augment and have the augment ready for pickup as soon as you defeat the Giant of Babil. As soon as you breach the surface, go for Kaipo, Black Chocobo Forest and Mt. Ordeals. Then go back underground and go Sylph Cave, Dwarven Castle Bar, and Kokkol's Forge. Get the Lunar Whale, then go to Hummingway's; gain Fusoya and complete Lair of the Father, meet the last Eidolon before facing Bahamut."

Bless On ground where you met FuSoYa on the moon after you defeat the CPU in the Giant of Babil.

Omnicasting Same as Bless but you must've given FuSoYa 1 augment before the CPU fight.

Phoenix - Again, same as Bless except you must've given FuSoYa 2 augments before the CPU fight.

???? Love - Namingway will give this augment to you in Mysidia before his wedding if you've gotten that far in his quest chain. See Rabbit Chaser Achievement section for more info.

Safe Travel - Namingway will give this to you as a reward for finishing his quest chain. See Rabbit Chaser Achievement section for more

Treasure Hunter - 100% ALL maps, including World maps.

Limit Break - You'll start with this on New Game+
Beastiary Achievements
For these you will need Bestiary Guide Part 1 - (Enemies 001-100) and Bestiary Guide Part 2 - (Enemies 101-200) both by Hawaiian Feeling

You will not be able to get a complete Beastiary in your first playthrough because you need to kill Super Bosses Geryon and Proto-Babil in New Game+

SEEKER - Complete 10% of the Beastiary

CATCHING ON - Complete 30% of the Beastiary

AFICIONADO - Complete 60% of the Beastiary

KNOW-IT-ALL - Complete the entire Beastiary
Character Level Achievements
There are achievements for Cecil reaching certain levels. Both Dark Knight and Paladin have achievements but there is ONLY ONE that you need to worry about missing because people do miss it if they speed through. That one is....

DEEP INTO DARKNESS - Raised Cecil (Dark Knight) to level 25

This is the one people miss. You'd think it'd be over after getting the level 20 achievement 5 levels prior. But nope, they throw this one at ya. The easiest and best place to get this one is right outside Mt. Ordeals. Fight the monsters around there in the grass or forest until you reach 25. Best part is if you run low on MP, you can run into the nearby Chocobo Forest and get your MP back by talking to the white chocobo. No return trips to the Mysidian inn needed.

That's it for Dark Knight Cecil. For Paladin Cecil just go through the game as you normally would and hit level 70 by fighting behemoths and dragons in the final dungeon, Lunar Core. The Level Lust Augment you get later speeds this up.
Equipment Achievements
Some achievements will require you some certain hard-to-get gear. Some tougher than others but I'll tell ya how to get it.

FORM REBORN - Obtained Excalibur

This one isn't hard to get but it's pretty late in the game. In the underworld head to the Passage of the Eidolons. Go in as far as you can until you reach the Eidolon town of Feymarch. There is a treasure chest in the middle of the room that has a Rat's Tail that you will need to take to the Adamant Grotto cave east of Mythril town. You'll need your hovercraft. Trade it in for a piece of Adamantite and head to the underworld. Once there go straight south from where you enter and you'll end up at Kokkel's Forge. Go to the 2nd floor and give him the Adamantite and he'll forge the Excalibur.

UNSEALED - Obtained Ragnarok, Holy Lance, Murasame and Ribbon (and Masamune!)

The Original achievement description is incorrect, it leaves out the Masamune. But you DO need to get the Masamune in order to get this achievement to pop.

Murasame- Enter the Lunar Subterrane B1 and head immediately to the left through a hidden passage. Keep following that path and it'll take you all the way to an altar where the Murasame and White Dragon are.

Ragnarok - Make your way all the way down to Lunar Subterrane B6. Just south of the entrance are 2 bridges next to each other. Head south from those to the closest treasure chest and immediately head to the left. There's an invisible bridge you can cross. Once you're across follow that linear path all the way to the altar where Ragnarok and Dark Bahamut are.

Holy Lance - in Lunar Subterrane B7 Head south from the entrance. At the south part of the screen there are 3 caves you can enter, the Holy Lance altar is in the middle one. Be care though you'll have to fight the Plague Horror first.

Ribbon - Same as Holy Lance but it's in the rightmost cave. When you enter you'll see 2 treasure chests. As you move in closer you'll be greeted by their guardian, the Lunasaur.

Masamune - In the southern most part of Lunar Subterrane B8 there is an altar with the sword on it. Opogogo will be guarding it.

TO THE END OF MISERY - Obtained the Adamant Armor

Ugh this one really is miserable. Make sure you have plenty Sirens (purchased from Hummingway Abode shop, 3000gil ea.) in your inventory and Treasure Hunter augment before starting this one. Head to Lunar Subterrane B5. There's a cave in the south east corner on the bottom tier. Head in there and there should be a chest with a red fang, if there is, you got the right cave. All you have to do in here is use a Siren and you'll get attacked by 3 Princess Flans who want to throw a dance party. You'll need to fight them over and over until you get a Pink Tail. Once you get the Pink Tail head to the surface world and fly your hovercraft over to thetown of Mythril. Use the hovercraft to get to the Adamant Grotto and trade the Pink Tail for the Adamant Armor there.

THE ONION SWORDSMAN - Obtained all the Onion items

This one can be extremely frustrating because of the Onion Sword. Time for some more Tail gathering. This time you'll need to get at least one of each of these if you want to fully gear 1 character and get the achievement. Sirens are required so bring as many as you can. They can be purchsed from the Hummingway Abode shop on the moon for 3000gil each..

Red Tail - Red Dragons in the Lunar Subterrane floors of B8, B9 and B10 will drop this. Take it to the Adamant Grotto and trade it in for an Onion Sword.

Blue Tail - Thunder Dragons in the lower floors of Passage of Eidolons will drop this. Take it to the Adamant Grotto and trade it in for an Onion Shield.

Green Tail - Green Dragons near the Sealed Cave will drop this. Take it to the Adamant Grotto and trade it in for an Onion Helm.

Black Tail - Armored Fiends in the lower floors of Lair of the Father will drop this. Take it to the Adamant Grotto and trade it in for an Onion Armor.

Yellow Tail - Yellow Dragons in B3 of the Sealed Cave will drop this. I'm told they're outside of the Passage of Eidolons cave too but you need to use a Siren. Take the tail to the Adamant Grotto and trade it in for an Onion Glove.
Gil Achievements
All 4 of these will be earned throughout your entire play of the game. Using the Gil Farmer augment helps and most enemies later in the game will drop weapons and armor you can sell.

POCKETS FULL - Earned 10k Gil

FAT PURSE - Earned 50k Gil


TIME FOR A VAULT - Earned 500k Gil
Miscellaneous Achievements
These are the achievements I was too lazy to make sections for.

TRAINING COMPLETE! - Talked to everyone in the training classroom

You can find the classroom in the town of Baron. It's in the basement in one of the buildings.

BRONZE HUNTER - Defeat 100 enemies

You'll get all the hunter achievements by fighting battles throughout the game. Enough said.

SILVER HUNTER - Deafeat 500 enemies

GOLD HUNTER - Defeat 1k enemies

PLATINUM HUNTER - Defeat 2k enemies

DEVELOPER'S PAL - Talked to everybody in the Developer's Office

The Dev's office can be found in the Dwarven Castle. Head into the Pub which is in between the weapon and armor shops. Once in, head immediately to the right and through a hidden passage. So you're in the office, like the achievement says, you have to talk to every NPC in there.
Perpetual Wayfarer Achievement
PERPETUAL WAYFARER - Traveled across the entire map

The achievement description for it is vague. Actually you need to map out 100% of every dungeon in the game. I'm not sure it's the same for the World maps but you might as well get those too.This one is incredibly annoying for 2 reasons, there are dungeons that you can never enter again and if ya get to the end of the game and still didn't get it, you're gonna go crazy combing through every dungeon over again to find that missing %.

Missable dungeons are Tower of Zot, Tower of Babil (all of it, there are 2 times you'll visit but different sections each time) and the Giant of Babil. The monsters there are missable too so remember to fill up your beastiary there.

Fortunately for you readers Jedo has already posted a guide called The Perpetual Wayfarer - Map Supplement that you can use.
Rabbit Chaser Achievement
RABBIT CHASER - Played through all Namingway events

As you progress through the game you'll find Namingway at various locations throughout the game. They have to be completed in this order but at any time in the game, this sidequest is not missable. Here's where he is and what to do.

1st Sighting - Baron Castle in the west tower. Just talk to him.

2nd Sighting - Mist Cave. Talk to him and he'll give you the wayfarer's map.

3rd Sighting - Rosa's room in Kaipo village. Once again just talk to him and he'll show you the Bestiary.

4th Sighting - Fabul inn. I can't remember if it was before or after the invasion so do both. Talk to him and he'll show you the Event Viewer.

5th Sighting - Head to the Chocobo Forest south of Mt. Ordeals. He's in the middle. Talk to him and and he'll buy ALL your tents for 300gil, do so. *note* Better to sell your tents except for 1 before doing this to recoup some money.

6th Sighting - Return to the town of Baron. He's in the locked Weapons & Armor shop. You'll get the key when you return to Baron after the events at Mt. Ordeals.

7th Sighting - Town of Troia to the right of the Pub (brothel?). He has dates with 2 women but he set their dates to be at the same time. Also he doesn't want them knowing about each other. I guess he should have thought his cunning plan all the way through. Anyways he wants you to distract one of them so head to the Pub and talk to the bartender lady. After that event happens he'll move to the next place.

8th Sighting - This one is annoying if you're unlucky. He's in the entryway of a house (not a house you can enter) in Agart. He's asking you for a Rainbow Pudding but unless you're really lucky this will take time to get. it has a very rare chance to drop from the family of jelly-like monsters. I recommend fighting Yellow Jellies (drop chance 0.4% normally and 0.8% with Treasure Hunter Augment) at Antlion Cave B2 as they are common run-ins. If you want to wait till waaaay ater in the game, in the Lunar Core 5th floor using Sirens you can fight Flan Princesses (drop chance 1% normally and 2% with Treasure Hunter). When you get one, give it to him. Don't forget to search the house for a Phoenix Down once he moves out of the way.

- 9th Sighting - Inside at the Dwarven Castle at the Pub. If ya can't find the pub it's inside a hard-to-see door that's in-between the weapon and armor shops. Talk to him and he'll start a fight. Beat him up and talk to him when the fight is over.

- 10th Sighting - You can find him down in the Underworld at the Eidolon town of Feymarch. I forget the exact location he's at so search every everywhere until ya find him. All ya gotta do is talk to him this time and he'll tell you to enter a name. This name will be later used for the title of the "????'s Love" Augment. ???? being whatever the name is you decide to enter.

- 11th Sighting - In Mysidia at the Elder's house.

- 12th Sighting - On the surface of the moon there's a cave to the south of that giant crystal palace. He's in there so talk to him and he'll randomly locate to one of these next locations.

- Final Sighting - He can be in any one of these areas: hidden room in the eastern part of B1 Lair of the Father, Any Chocobo Forest, northern part of Troia township, somewhere in Sylph cave B2, Underground Lake B1 near Damcyan and Summit of Mt. Hobbs. If you can find him somewhere else, let me know but these places have been confirmed by friends.

That's it. Complete this and he'll give you the Safe Travel Augment which prevents enemy encounters. And congrats on getting the Rabbit Chaser Achievement.
Summoning Achievements
MASTER SUMMONER - Acquired all Summons

When you get Rydia back later in the game she already comes with Chocobo, Shiva, Ifrit, Dragon, Titan and Ramuh. These others you'll have to earn.

Odin - He becomes available after you take back Baron Castle from Cagnazzo. Basement of the east tower. Not really much of a battle strategy other than he's weak against lightning and he must be killed quick.

Asura - In the Underworld once your airship is able to fly over magma there is a cave in the western part of the map. Make your way through it and eventually you'll end up in the Eidolon structure of Feymarch. on the second floor make your way into the library and head all the way to the lower floor which will be the Eidolon throne room of the King and Queen. Asure is on the left, talk to her to start a battle.

- Battle Strategy - First off, have Cecil cast protect on the party, Rosa cast slow on Asura. the next time Rosa is up have her cast Reflect on Asura, preventing her from healing herself and healing you instead. From that point on Hammer Asura with weapon attacks and have edge throw shurikens or weapons, have Rydia summon Dragon. Asura hits hard so keep your health up and remember to recast reflect on her if you notice that it's gone.

Leviathan - Found in same location as Asura

- Battle Strategy - Cast Protect on everyone with Cecil, have Rosa cast slow on Leviathan. The next time one of them is up to bat, cast shell on the party. That takes care of defense. Now, for offense. Cecil should attack while optionally covering Rydia or Rosa. Edge should either throw Shurikens or use some of those ninja skills and cast Blitz. Rydia is best off using Thundaga or summoning Ramuh. Leviathan will occasionally bring down an AoE attack on you so remember to stay healed up.

Sylph - Sylph can be found in a cave in the north-western corner of the Underworld. There is a prerequisite you must accomplish before you get her help though. When you first get into the house that Sylph lives, talk to yang on the bed, you'll notice he's unconscious. Leave via teleport or exit on the 2nd floor and head back to Fabul and talk to his wife in the top of the western tower, she'll give you a frying pan. Head back to the Sylph house and talk to Yang again and you'll be able to recruit the Slyphs into your summoning list.

Bahamut - Once you're able to go to the moon, head to the cave on the eastern part of the map, it looks like a doughnut...sorta. It's called Lair of the Father and Bahamut is at the end of it. You'll have to fight him though.

- Battle Strategy - I didn't bother will shell or protect this time. I had Rosa cast Slow and cast haste on everyone (dual omnicasting ftw). I had Cecil attack, Kain Jump and had Edge throw Fuma Shurikens I found in chests or bought from Kokkel the blacksmith in Underworld. Keep it up and you'll defeat him before he blows you away with megaflare. If you don't and happen to survive it, revive the dead, heal up and repeat.

EXPERT SUMMONER - Acquired all hidden Summons

These are lesser summons that are dropped from specific monsters.

Bomb - Very rare chance to drop from Balloons (Tower of Babil, Lunar Surface) and Dark Grenades (Lunar Surface)

Cockatrice - Very rare chance to drop from Helldivers (Baron), Cockatrice (Mysidia)a d Fledgling Rukh (Eblan)

Goblin - Very rare chance to drop from Goblins (Baron, Kaipo Desert, Antlion Cave) and Lil' Murderers (Lunar Subterrane)

Mindflayer - Very rare chance to drop from Mindflayers found in B2 of Lodestone cave.

Super Boss Achievements
Ah the super bosses. Sounds fun right? Before you fight these monstrosities there are 2 things required of you. You NEED to steal Dark Matter from Zeromus during the final battle. And these bosses can only be found in New Game+. Unfortunately I can't personally give advice on how to beat them because I haven't yet, but I do know where to find them. MetalSmaher86 created guide you can refer to on how to beat them. Here it is.

GERYON - Defeated Geryon

Geryon is in the Giant of Babil where you defeated the 4 Arch Fiends. Can also be found where Cecil changes into a Paladin at the summit of Mt. Ordeals after you take down the Giant of Babel.

PROTO-BABIL - Defeated Proto-Babil

In New Game+ mode you'll need the Dark Matter you stole from Zeromus from your previous playthrough. On the very northern sector of the moon there's a grouping of rocks. There's one standing alone that has a face. Go up to it and you'll be prompted to use the Dark Matter on it to start the fight against Proto-Babil.
If I left something out, please let me know in the comments. I'm open to constructive criticism and willing to fix any errors. If you wish to share any tips or more efficient ways to earn achievements, feel free to post that in the comments too.

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Please rate up this guide and other steam guides you've found useful.
78 коментара
ArtificialRaven  [автор] 21 септ. 2024 в 4:28 
@Dogavir Good eye. Thanks for pointing that out, I just updated the guide with that error corrected.
Dogavir 20 септ. 2024 в 18:49 
Small oversight in the guide, in the "Unsealed" achievement you mixed the names of Murasame and Masamune.
Murasame is the one you get from the White Dragon, Masamune is from Ogopogo.
Gengarbey 23 февр. 2024 в 12:17 
Hello, thanks for this wonderful guide. How many hours does it take to finish the achievements? :Froglet:
ArtificialRaven  [автор] 19 март 2023 в 18:38 
Yeah I agree. I hit the character/word limit as far as steam guides go, otherwise I would have have made it more complete. Best I could do is reference other guides along the way.
Meadow Daydream 18 март 2023 в 18:30 
I kind of wish this was a follow along guide. As Final Fantasy is notorious for having missable enemies, items, bosses, etc.
ArtificialRaven  [автор] 18 окт. 2022 в 10:04 
All the rare summons will still drop. They just have a ridiculous % chance to drop. If you get one and use it, she'll still have it when she grows up. I hope that answers your question.
Shoggoth25 18 окт. 2022 в 6:25 
on my second playthrough. Will rare summons drop if Rydia is still a kid, or should I not bother until after she grows up?
Отиум 21 авг. 2021 в 12:24 
The gold achievements are extremely easy to get. Soon as you get a megalixir for exploring the Sealed Cave, save the game and go sell it, then reload your save. The megalixir is worth like 300,000 or something and you should have more than enough gold and loot by the time you get it that it shouldn't be a problem.
wLegendarY 14 апр. 2021 в 6:42 
Keep in mind that you might need to restart the game to unlock 'FINAL FANTASY IV MASTER'.
COVFEFE 3 ян. 2021 в 23:54 
I've found that outside the Passage of the Eidolons (the small island out in the middle of the lava in the underworld) is great for farming dragons, no sirens required. Just walk circles around the island and I'd say around 75% or more of the encounters are eggs that hatch into dragons.