Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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High Density Entrance/Exit
Assets: Intersection
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910.574 KB
7 Jun, 2015 @ 6:04am
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High Density Entrance/Exit

In 1 collection by Zam!
Zam's intersections, hubs and interchanges
8 items
Entrance/exit junction for high density areas.

- all directions available
- pedestrian connection in the middle section
- stacking these one after another should not cause jams due to exits and entrances placed inside/outside to force lane changing

Remember to fill the inside with two types of trees for some Yin Yang harmony in Your traffic ;)

This does not work that good if it's the only entrance to a highly populated district in a larger city. Tested it on my 70k+ pop city and it works best if You just put a couple of these in a line. :)