Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

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What´s new govna? KF/KF2 Big Comparison, EA KF2 and YOU (English/Updateable)
Por TroesmaJensen TitanDeLDosh
This guide was made for new players and/or "veterans" that enjoy both games however some tips and tricks that work in the original Killing Floor probably won´t work at all in Killing Floor 2 and probably you will die a horrible but amusing DEATH.
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EA= Early Access not Electronic Arts :P
I´m going to point out most of the changes around the game(zeds,players,DOSH,etc), note Killing Floor 2 is in Early Access and not everything is set to stone, that also means anything can be touched after it leaves EA(most likely balance tweaks).
These "important" changes that may help new/veterans to understand that in Killing Floor 2 is more a faster paced shooter than its predecessor. My intentions are not to make another "tips and tricks" but rather to make think you are playing the same fun formula with many things tweaked that the developers wanted you to feel.
I have played KF2 since the beta and collected some pretty bloody good data(not everything) that will help you clear your mind before you go again online thinking your knowledge its more than just shooting things until they die. After reading this guide you will go out shooting and killing things with style X)?
Feel free to write a comment in case i forgot something to add or you want to point out the bloody mistakes I make :P

As a disclaimer, some people think if you are a "veteran" kf1 player then you must be some kind embodiment of god or something. However, that will quickly decay in KF2 and that´s why is this guide for
A helping hand in 2020?
Take a look about the future of KF2 and AGAIN stuff will probably change
Changes affecting Players(Humans)
Current Guide patch (1150) Normal mode
Next Relevant Patch, No more season updates. just KF3

Extra note: SO, IS IT PAY2WIN or NOT? - In my humble opinion, if the new paid weapons offer a very convenient or different gimmick(and they do) comparing to default alternatives then it is considered P2W(at least for me). If you wish to purchase "cool gun models" then be my guest, alternatively most people are considering KF2 DEAD due the "advantages"

- The first thing you notice is that every character has its own voice unlike the first Killing Floor where it only had 2 different voices for male chars(Voicemale1 and Voicemale2) and only 1 voice for female chars. Characters in KF2 communicate their current status like the map is covered of snow or they are running out of ammo. You can reduce the frequency of these by ticking the box in the options gameplay menu. Since 1008 patch by owning KF1, you get 2 classic characters with the same lines and voices from Killing floor 1(Classic Masterson and Classic Briar, not with the same voice pitch but hey it is there at least).
    Added Characters(have their own voice pack)
  • Dj Scully (Digital Deluxe Only) (RIP skully with K)
  • Classic Masterson and Classic Briar(Added 1008 patch, You need to own Killing Floor 1 which it was given for free and bundled multiple times)
  • Anton Strasser(Added on 1009 patch, You need to own Red Orchestra 2/Rising Storm, take note the game was free years ago or KF2 Deluxe.)
  • Tom Banner (Added 1009 patch, You need to own KF2 Deluxe OR Chivalry:Medieval Warfare) and comes with a Zweihander new weapon for the berserker.
  • Oisten Jaegerhorn (added 1014 patch), Free for everyone, you only need to FOLLOW KF2 Based on the guitarist of Demon Hunter
  • Rae Higgins (added 1034 patch) Rae is on the base game, no need to do anything to unlock her
  • DAR 2.0 (will be added on 1060 patch) Dar is free for everyone, the first character added after Early Access
  • Mrs Foster, added as DLC in the KF Store (not in steam´s) patch 1067
  • "Road Redeemer" crossover content with "Road Redemption", another "skin" for the katana. In Road Redemption, you get Scully and Hans as playable riders.
  • Badass Santa , added 1073, Dlc in the store

- You can now customize your characters in the GEAR menu, hats and accessories are limited for now but they make you look cool, does not affect gameplay besides dying in style.

- You can see the current song is playing by a pop up on the right upper corner of the screen, you can change them aswell but it can take some effort to do it(look at other guides). In the option menu you can turn ON/OFF vocals if you wish.

- In KF2 we have the COLLAPSING wave when the music plays Demon Hunter-Collapsing you automatically will play like PRAH and survive the wave(even when you failed to do so)

- You no longer see the character avatar popping in the left side of the screen when it used a voice command or trader reminding you how much she likes the big ones.

- Trader is now a POD with a French woman voice. According to developers the old trader died in the End of the Line Update.

-You can now sprint using the left shift button(bindable) even while holding your current weapon your speed won´t be affected much unlike the original KF you have to pull out the knife or a melee weapon to get your speed boost, this was a risky move since you could get caught with your pants down confronting a squad of zeds turning next corner(except if you were a berserker). In KF2 you MUST stop sprinting to shoot whatever is in front of you.

- The hud has been revamped, now you can see your total ammo you can carry unlike KF1 it only showed your magazine count, total bullets left/magazines left. Your syringe only has 1 charge per use and it takes 15 seconds to fully charge(offperk except medic) if you used it in yourself, if you used on a teammate time to recharge halves. Your flashlight power shows on the right of the hud, it depletes quite fast anyway, also if you take a perk with night vision you will use it like it was a flashlight. The light that emits the flashlight its affected by reloading so you if you reload and point down or up your mouse(depending on your current weapon) you can keep the light on the center. This has been replaced with bodyflashlights and it is always centered(patch 1014).

- Most perks get a health or an armor boost so you can go beyond the 100 limit the original KF1 had and it is a nice feature since the game it is faster paced you will get hit A LOT.

- You have the option to turn ON/OFF crosshairs in the gameplay menu. I am not going to argue about this one but don´t go starting fights about being hardcore or "cashul" here :). If you want kf1 feeling just keep it turned off.

- You can check your weapons by pressing the reload buttons and see some nice animations the developers included, some animations are idle only and only play while standing still. Melee weapons covered with the putrid blood of zeds can be cleaned by "reloading".

-Players can BASH pressing the "V" button(bindable), depending with the current weapon damage and speed varies, it is best used to break grabs or bashing heads to conserve ammo so you do not actually need to pull out your knife

- Melee has been reworked and now we can parry(successful parry reduces damage up to 90%) or block(reduces incoming damage by 5020 %) with perks knives or melee weapons. Melee gets its own "detailed" section below so use the navigation to find it quickly

- As patch 1008, every perk weapon has the same price depending on their Tier(1,2,3,4) and there are not perk discounts. With this you can buy some offperk weapons you want to use and not ask a teammate that has the current perk for the weapon you want in order to get a discount or that genius bought a Husk gun while not being a firebug (unlike KF1), this encourages more offperk gameplay but it is not mandatory.

- Players now spawn with Tier 1 weapons corresponding to their selected perks. No more waiting to be high level in order to spawn with a weapon, this affects grenades aswell.

- Players that join in between waves now will get a generous amount of dosh the next time they spawn(depends on dificulty,wave count) unlike in KF1 it had a fixed amount depending in diffculty. Kinda reduces the amount of stress of joining a late wave and be handicapped with 100 Dosh it had in KF1.

- Perks now level by earning experience, killing zeds( the harder the difficulty the more xp you can get)is the only way to level up. Unlike KF1 you have to meet certain amount of damage AND fulfill another requirement in order to level up, example: support cannot level up if its welding is zero and damage criteria is fulfilled. In Kf2 you still have some objectives but they reward you with extra experience if you do them. Also, you can "tag" a zed with 1 hit from any weapon and if its killed by another player you still get FULL XP counting like an assist and some minimal DOSH reward.

- Every 5 levels(current cap 25 max level) perk get 2 abilities but you only can choose 1 per tier(5 abilities at max level). These abilities can greatly impact your gameplay and your chances of survival so its recommended you try them and see what fits you.

- Welded doors now show blue goo in the center and the larger it is the better it is welded(you can see it from afar aswell), also doors have hidden HP when it reaches 0 the door is destroyed regardless of welding power and they do not respawn in between waves, once destroyed can only be repaired by support perk. Unlike in KF1 you have to get close to the door to see the welded power and if the door was destroyed it will respawn in the next wave.
Changes Part 2
Ran out of space in the other section, changes keep happening!

- Ammo boxes in maps now refill a magazine for every weapon you have in your inventory PLUS 1 grenade.

- Weapons dropped by players have a 5 minute estimate timer before it despawns and it is gone forever. This punishes kiting too much and in order for weapons to stay you can reset this timer by picking the weapons back again. However dropped weapons can last in between waves unlike KF1 a dropped weapon will only last till the next trader closes.

- Maps are more dynamic now. You can fool around with the props(like garbage bags), the floor can be “painted” with zed blood(you are the red team from splatoon *wink *wink) and of course the dynamic lights introduce that some certain areas where lights can be destroyed they will stay dark for the entire session. Some maps have dynamic lighting(ie BlackForest) where the map gets darker as waves pass or have a special event like the volcano from Zed Landing that makes the map cover with ash and the seashore gets more flooded.

- Music between players is not syncronized, someone could be rocking "collapsing" and someone else could get "Not I", currently there isn´t an option for this or a jukebox to pick your music to play

-Upon ending a match, whether by defeat or victory, you're greeted with a results screen. Awards are handed out for various achievements such as killing the most specimens and getting the most assists. You can see which team member is doing the most damage, and how much experience you earned for each perk. (1009 patch)

- ZED time now gets a kinda a white/black tone in order to put blood/gore as an eye candy. The problem here is that bullet speed is reduced and makes them a projectile instead of hitscanIn 1032 update Zed time now only affects projectile based weapons, hitscan weapon like rifles/pistols are unaffected with their speed(mostly). In KF1 this was not the case as the game was just slowed down for easier aiming. This is isn´t Mad World from Wii ~.

- Money has been renamed to DOSH, in addition to that DOSH piles last longer so you can prepare a big pile when teammates arrive, in KF1 money dies quickly when tossed on the ground. Your framerate will take a hit if you make a huge pile of dosh

- You can be clumsy and waste dosh or grenades by tossing them down on the spawn manholes or wallshatfs then realizing how cruel is life.

- Dead players can only use voice chat between other dead people, if you want to help alive players you need to type in the chat normally. This option can now be enabled or disabled by servers admins.

- When there are no zeds around you and the distant team triggers a zed time, you may move at real time speed regardless of perk choice, when you enter the "action zone" where the zed time ocurred you will move slowly unless playing a specific perk.

- Doors(not welded) now can fully stop all kind of bullet damage without being opened(includes hans´ guns,patty´s chaingun,player´s gunfire) however they will open if struck with any explosive type of damege(patty´s rockets, demo´s weaponry). In addititon to explosives, now they can damage a welded door so be careful not to blow up it up. In Kf1 this was not case since you could fire any explosive to a door and not damage it (this excludes perk explosive grenades). Some perks will have trouble breaking doors in KF2 due the grenade unlocks are available since level 0. Bosses can melee destroy closed doors (not welded) if they are blocked.

- Welder,Syringe or Knives can no longer be dropped, instead a dying player will drop their most powerful weapon on death if using any of the mentioned tools. This is less punishing for people dying instead of losing your entire loadout, in kf1 this lead to being in a economic disadvantage most of the time. Now don´t be afraid to pull out your knife to block/parry high damage.

- To favorite servers, now you need to click "Server Details" before joining and click the grey star located in the lower upper right corner(easy to miss with the blended background)

- The game conductor has arrived in 1027 patch, making the game easier or harder depending on the average team´s performance.

- You can no longer leech map completion achievements if you join during boss wave but have not spawned. Spectators also can´t earn achivements

- Basic training or Tutorial introduced in 1034 patch for new players that have no idea about both games, cosmetics awarded upon completing it.

- Zeds now resist different types of weaponry from 1034 patch

- Boss zeds health bars are now available in both modes. This can be enabled or disabled in servers.

- Another addition to boss waves is all ammo and supply pickups are available from the start. Picking any will set a cooldown before another pickup is generated(depends on player count). In short words, infinite ammo for everyone but bosses tend to be bullet spongy.

- The team can now "see" themselves through walls as perk icons moving, this makes finding each other a bit less troublesome however it takes away the "survival" and comunnication aspect of the original game.(Sharpshooter patch)

-Spawn points on maps are now randomized (players will spawn as a team in one of several locations)

- Boss Health and Auto turn on clot grab are now an option in the gameplay menu.

- Money from map drops on early waves have been nerfed, you will only find ammo with the ocasionally tier 1 weapon. Map drops are more frequent in later waves to help the team. In KF1, you could hit jackpot and find a fireaxe or a Deagle since wave 1 and get some sweet cash right off the bat( It is kinda RNG though).

- Due feedback about the auto-upgrade button on the trader, it is now an option in the gameplay menu. The autoupgrade is best used a last resort if you won`t be able to buy your weapon on time. Simply turn it off if ya don`t like it.

- When joining a game in progress, you can`t see the timer in the lobby if the trader is open and how much time is left, I advise that you hit the ready button once you hear the new wave incoming sound unless you want to be handicapped with tier 1 equipment in later waves. I though they were gonna fix this oversight after such long time but ehmmmmmm... yeah.

- Kf2 Players no longer get flamming butts, there i said it...., this is a funny visual glitch from the kf1 engine if you dont recall.

- The tragic Kingdom map is the first map in kf history to have multiple hazards that benefit both players and zeds, these hazards are mostly power dependant so the player can choose if they want to take a risk in order to reactivate them during waves

- In the 1053 patch, player dropped weapons have a red glow if the weapon doesn`t have any ammo left, green ones may soooooome ammo left (hopefully).

- It´s been years since TW hasn´t implemented map preview images on the loading screens tho they added the general tips.

- It`s been known that the Friends history tab on steam had trouble recording steam profiles when playing KF1, KF2 is more reliable in this aspect so it is easier to pinpoint people you have played with though not many people use this steam feature.

-Players can now skip the trader timer on each wave aslong everyone agreeds to it. When trader timer begins, press escape and you will see the "skip wave" button where the "ready" button was instead(below the player avatars).

- Depending how players use the wheel command, their perk icons will change temporaly depending on what they said( like saying "thanks" will change the perk icon to a "thumbs up").

- With the arrival of Weapon Upgrades, upgraded weapons have an orange color instead of the green texture, it is fairly hard to see if they have ammo or not.

Changes Part 3

- Skip wave button will now display a server message when someone presses the button, EVERYONE(including those who didn´t spawn) must agree to fast forward the counter to 5 seconds.

- Vote kick system won´t show who initiated it unlike KF1, this has been since the implementation of the system in KF2. Anon will be so proud...

- Expanding about joining a game in progress above, patch 1064 trader counter now "displays" the actual number of seconds remaining, however, it is not properly worded; it shows "waiting for players XX:XX seconds". Here is an example: 1- you join an online game 2- the people playing on the server already are on the trader wave. 3- You now see the "waiting for players" counter tickling down in the lobby , the number shown IS the actual counter of the trader wave. 4- You either decide to spawn or not just remember before in previous builds you couldn´t guess the remaining seconds. Further testing proves this method is kinda buggy on part of the counter, so don´t rely on it

- Tier 5 weapons are now a thing, power comes with a great price or availability, i guess.

- Double Doors get destroyed as one, ironically, in KF1 you could destroy 1 door and weld the other one so the zeds attack the welded part but leave a big hole for you to shoot them through. Easily exploitable in Kf-Office Map (Kf1).

- Players are now able to goomba stomp any zed or boss(was only possible to crawlers), take note about the knockdown limits before doing stunts.

- In patch 1069, the last 10 remaining seconds in trader time now produce a new warning sound meaning that time is running out, it kinda defeats the purpose of the method above.

- I guess TW really likes NEON stuff so they have changed many colors on the HUD as well as objectives aura and some other stuff, MY EYES!; you can change them back with the "legacy" option in the options tab at the menu.
Steam/Other platforms related stuff/issues
Due steam having trouble it is getting kinda annoying to try to edit the guide without being able to save(I´m not the only one experiencing this). Seems the problem is with newly uploaded images so I will be performing some tests in the guide and see if I find a workaround.
Funny, newly created sections are able to save but old ones not so I will need to redo some parts(hit or miss situation sometimes it doesn´t work at all).

Edit: Found a workaround, take that Steam!

Might as well post steam related things about the game:

- You can use Family Sharing with Killing Floor 2 even if it is Early Access(most EA games do not have this). The person using a shared KF2 has access to the contents of Deluxe Edition aswell(if you purchased it) and it is able to select Dj Scully however if you happen to have the EXCLUSIVE Mr.Foster DOSH Jacket! DLC said person won´t be able to use it. So, YOU ARE THAT SPECIAL due Dosh skin is only tied to your account :>. This has been enabled after return of the patriarch update, shared kf2 can pick Mr Foster Dosh Jacket cosmetics now. After the Alienware Masks giveaway, shared KF2 users can use it without problems.

- Said person has its own perks (all level 0) and it is able to earn achievements aswell. Special Content like Chivalry Medieval Warfare stuff can also be shared to others if you have it via yourself or family sharing.

- A person using a shared KF2 can´t get drops/items until they buy the game (just like CSGO). A shared KF2 can drop items afterall, i think that free weekend on the 9th december 2015 messed up something...

- Free weekend players can drop items during this phase, they get access to the full game temporaly

- Soundtrack from Deluxe Edition does not bring all songs due some copyright stuff and most of them have vocals only(Collapsing only comes with vocals and no intrumental version).

-KF2 currently does not have VAC like KF1(why would cheat you in this game derp without making it too obvious). So you can screw around with whatever you feel like to aslong you are not actively screwing other people. This doesn´t mean you can´t be banned on servers. VAC can be "enabled" by server admins and tinker with the code as they like, For example: admin can setup an autokick command for people with controllers that use aim assist.

- KF2 does not and will not support 32-bit Os system so don´t bother if you have a pretty crappy PC, KF2 is a CPU demanding game. I suggest you have an i3 at least or an old quad core processor.

- Currently is not possible to join from spectator to a team while joining a server, you have to join as a player via the game browser only(there is not a console command for this aswell).

- For some reason if you Alt+Tab the game, it will make the game to increase your GPU/CPU temperatures and also be susceptible to crashes if you alt+tab again. When you play KF2 just keep it in fullscreen to avoid these problems. It is good if you monitor your CPU/GPU temps while you play just in case.

- Matchmaking always sucked, so it is better that you use the Master Server Browser incase you don´t want to risk threats from random strangers

- Linux Port is "planned" after leaving Early Access( So Kf2 is currently Windows only), so far they haven´t mentioned anything if they plan to include a MAC port. Linux based servers are in beta since patch 1051

- Linux servers may not happen because some critical programmer sleft the company however they may support SteamOS servers in the future.

- A PS4 version is planned after Early Access since TWI signed a deal with SONY. Update, June 2017, kf2 is now part of the free games lineup for PS Plus

- A Xbox version is also planned after John Wilson confirmed the PS4 version is a timed exclusive in a video. Yup, it happened

- If you use an input device (flying stick or driving wheel) the game may not properly let you play without problems. It is better if you stick with mouse and keyboard.

- If you happen to have your nickname with some specials characters/symbols like this skull ☠, the game will not properly display it and most likely will give you a random "Player1234" nickname, this is an engine limitation you need to account for(dota 2 players tend to change nicknames with symbols frequently). If you don´t want to have this problem just use standard letters as your nickname while you play KF2

- Both KF are dependant on steam servers to transfer your perk data, if by any means steam servers are down, you will most likely get level 0 perks or profile changes. You can still play the game anyway.
The Freebies Corner
Do you like free stuff? This section is a small round up of stuff that was given for free like special gear cosmetics or characters

Name= Mr Foster Dosh Jacket
Status= Unavailable(can be purchased from resellers from trading sites or magazine)
How could you get it? = Either buying the PC Gamer Magazine or joining the controversial giveaway PC Gamer did here

Name= Oinsten Jaegerhorn Character
Status= Available for free
How to get it?= Easy, FOLLOW KF2 here However if you are kicked or banned from the community hub or group, you won´t be able to use him anymore. Lazy people can buy the digital deluxe edition,too, but it will instantly make you join the group

Name= Alienware Mask(ehem product placement)
Status= Unavailable(can be purchased from resellers from trading sites)
How could you get it? = giveaway from their site

Name= Tutorial Cosmetics
Status= Available for free
How to get it?= Complete the Basic Training with any perk and these 3 cosmetics are yours to keep, they are non tradeable or marketable.

Name= Horzine Elite Mark 7 Armor and Elite 9mm skins(Loyalty Rewards)
Status= Free but only available to previous purchases
How could you get it?= You had to lauch the game during the SWAT update to get the rewards, after the period expired, due community feedback the rewards are back but only for those who activated their kf2 copy before 18th November 2016 also the rewards are no longer tradeable or sold in the market. Note: while partially true about activation deadline, key codes that were generated before said date, have a chance to give you the rewards as some people were reporting they bought the game from the August Humble Monthly Bundle 2017 )

Name= Mating Ritual Standard Emote
Status= Available for free
How to get it?= Just launch the game anytime, go to the gear menu and select it. Remember is standard and everyone gets it.
More info if you like

Name= Wallpaper for beta testers(different resolutions but i posted the 1080p one)
Status= Available for free if you were a beta player, if you aren`t one well it won`t show as a DLC in your KF2 folder.
How could you get it?= Simply being a beta tester. TWI kinda handled the beta key code giveaway very badly and grabbing one was such a chore before release day. Im just here providing you the wallpaper for free which of course you can just find it in google images >_>.

Name= Rising Storm 2 Vietnam weapons skins for 4 kf2 weapons
Status= Available to owners
How to get it?= You have to buy Rising Storm 2 Vietnam Digital Deluxe Edition, the base version won`t get you the skins. Note: items were given for free for a couple of hours due a bug in Xmas 2017, congratz if you got them

Name= Carnival themed items+ Unlockable Hazmat Suit SummerSideshow 2017
Status= "Limited" to SummerSideshow Event(well let`s just assume you cant get new tickets and prizes when the event is offline since you can buy stuff at the steam market)
How to get it?= For the hazmat suit you need to complete certain tasks in The Tragic Kingdom Map(5 of them and it is missable), the rest of the items you can earn tickets in normal gameplay in order to purchase them

Note: Since lots of people were asking for the items to become tradeable during the event, a post in the forums confirmed they will be come tradeable. Edit2: July 14th 2017, items now tradeable/marketable

Name= Halloween themed items
Status= "Limited" to Halloween Event, stuff are mostly locked via tickets, commando chicken is paid DLC instead you get the dosh vault for free (explained below)

Name= Xmas themed items and Unlockable Pajamas Set
Status= "Limited" to Xmas Event, stuff are mostly locked via tickets.
How to Get it?= For the pajamas you have to complete objectives(missable), tickets are dropped via normal gameplay as always.

Name= Free Vault Crates (instances)
Status: I´ll post those times crates were given for free due X reason.

* You get 1 for free when you enter the vault for the first time
* TW gifted 5 crates due Krampus Christmas and New Year Eve. Can only be claimed during the season update

Freebies part2
Cause running out of space sucks and my code gets buggy when it reaches the limit

Name= Unlockable DAR skins
Status: Free for everyone, skins awarded for reaching wave 5,10,15,20,25 in endless mode(any difficulty/any map). As the cyberpunk event ended, you can´t get the sets anymore. Update 2020, if the epic store's merge works, you will get the set in your steam account but ONLY IF it works.

Name= Cyberpunk and Sci-fi themed items
Status= "Limited" to Cyberpunk Event, stuff are mostly locked via tickets.
How to Get it?= Tickets are dropped via normal gameplay at the end of each match.

Name= Steampunk themed items+ Unlockable Steampunk Outfit (Male/Female)
Status= "Limited" to SummerSideshow Event 2018.
How to Get it?= Tickets are dropped via normal gameplay at the end of each match. For the uniform, complete lockheart´s tasks in the Airship Map.

Name= Unlockable MKB42 Assault Rifle+ Halloween Tickets
Status= "Limited" to Halloween Event 2018.
How to Get it?= Tickets are dropped via normal gameplay at the end of each match. For the weapon, complete the tasks in the Monster Ball Map. Take note, this rifle is the first unlockable weapon in KF2 (the first being the ZED GUN in Kf1). If you can´t unlock the weapon in the event you will have to wait for the next event to unlock it (automatically), however, players that DID unlock it, can share it for you.

Name= Unlockable BattleAxe with its skin and Xmas tickets
Status= "Limited" to Xmas 2018.
How to Get it?= Tickets are dropped via normal gameplay at the end of each match. For the weapon, complete the tasks in the Shopping Spree and Santa's Workshop Map.

Name= CyberPunk Outfit+Helmet and Cyberpunk tickets
Status= "Limited" to Cyberpunk Event 2019.
How to Get it?= Tickets are dropped via normal gameplay at the end of each match. For the outfit+helmet, complete the objectives in the Spillway Map.

Name= Steampunk themed items+ Unlockable Steampunk Outfit "Another Chance"(Male/Female) + Gold Steampunk M99 Skin
Status= "Limited" to SummerSideshow Event 2019.
How to Get it?= Tickets are dropped via normal gameplay at the end of each match. For the uniform, complete lockheart´s tasks in the SteamFortress Map. The skin also unlocks when you complete the tasks.

Name= Beyond Horizon Kriss Skin + Tickets
Status= "Limited" to Halloween Event 2019.
How to Get it?= Tickets are dropped via normal gameplay at the end of each match. For the skin, complete the tasks in the Asylum Map and Nuked Objective

Name= Unlockable FN FAL skin and Xmas tickets
Status= "Limited" to Xmas 2019.
How to Get it?= Tickets are dropped via normal gameplay at the end of each match. For the skin, complete the tasks in the Sanitarium and BioticsLab Objective map.

Name= Unlockable AA12 skin and Cyberpunk tickets
Status= "Limited" to Cyberpunk 2020.
How to Get it?= Tickets are dropped via normal gameplay at the end of each match. For the skin, complete the tasks in the Biolapse Map.

Name= Space Monkey Backpack and SummerSideshow tickets
Status= "Limited" to SummerSideshow 2020.
How to Get it?= Tickets are dropped via normal gameplay at the end of each match. For the skin, complete the tasks in the Desolation Map.

Name= Halloween Voodoo Backpack and Halloween tickets
Status= "Limited" to Halloween 2020.
How to Get it?= Tickets are dropped via normal gameplay at the end of each match. For the skin, complete the tasks in the Hellmark Station map.

Name= Xmas Elf BackPack
Status= "Limited" to Xmas 2020.
How to Get it?= Tickets are dropped via normal gameplay at the end of each match. For the skin, complete the tasks in the Elysium map.

Name= Cyborg Companion Backpack and Cyberpunk themed items
Status= "Limited" to Cyberpunk Event 2021.
How to Get it?=Tickets are dropped via normal gameplay at the end of each match. For the skin, complete the tasks in the Dystopia 2029 map.

Name= Astronaut Companion Backpack and Steampunk themed items
Status= "Limited" to SummerSideShow 2021.
How to Get it?=Tickets are dropped via normal gameplay at the end of each match. For the skin, complete the tasks in the Moonbase map.

Name= DoZ Companion Backpack and Halloween themed items
Status= "Limited" to Halloween 2021.
How to Get it?=Tickets are dropped via normal gameplay at the end of each match. For the skin, complete the tasks in the Netherhold map.

Name= Holiday Shopping Companion Backpack and Xmas themed items
Status= "Limited" to Xmas 2021.
How to Get it?=Tickets are dropped via normal gameplay at the end of each match. For the skin, complete the tasks in the Carillon Hamlet map.

Name= Trident Backpack and Steampunk themed items
Status= "Limited" to SummerSideShow 2022.
How to Get it?=Tickets are dropped via normal gameplay at the end of each match. For the skin, complete the tasks in the RIG map.

Name= Plague Doctor Backpack and halloween themed items
Status= "Limited" to Halloween 2022.
How to Get it?=Tickets are dropped via normal gameplay at the end of each match. For the skin, complete the tasks in the Barmwich Town map.

Name= Train Conductor Backpack and Xmas themed items
Status= "Limited" to Xmas 2022.
How to Get it?=Tickets are dropped via normal gameplay at the end of each match. For the skin, complete the tasks in the Crash map.

Name= Shark Jaw and Steampunk themed items
Status= "Limited" to SummerSideShow 2023.
How to Get it?=Tickets are dropped via normal gameplay at the end of each match. For the skin, complete the tasks in the Subduction map.
Freebies part 3
Name= Volter Precious Gun skin and Halloween themed items
Status= "Limited" to Halloween 2023.
How to Get it?=Tickets are dropped via normal gameplay at the end of each match. For the skin, complete the tasks in the Castle Volter map.

This is probably the last gift we get from a season update

Community Gratitude Giveaway
In gratitude to the community’s many years of support, we wanted to reward you all with a promotional one-time grant available on login that provides the following previously time-limited seasonal reward items and a stack of all 4 seasons’ tickets to enjoy.
The Tragic Kingdom Hazmat Suit- SUMMER 2017
The Tragic Kingdom Hazmat Helmet SUMMER 2017
Christmas | Objective | Pajamas Suit - CHRISTMAS 2017
Christmas | Objective | Pajama Hat - CHRISTMAS 2017
Steampunk Outfit Bundle - - SUMMER 2018 & 2019
MKB42H | Halloween | Precious - HALLOWEEN 2018
Battleaxe | Christmas | Precious - CHRISTMAS 2018
Kriss | Beyond Horizon | Space Elite - HALLOWEEN 2019
AA12 | Jaeger | Dynamic RGB - SPRING 2020
Space Pirate | Space Monkey Backpack - SUMMER 2020
Halloween |Voodoo Backpack - HALLOWEEN 2020
Christmas |Tactical Elf-pack | Precious - CHRISTMAS 2020
Cyborg | Companion Backpack | Precious - SPRING 2021
Astronaut | Companion Backpack | Precious - SUMMER 2021
DoZ | Companion | Precious - HALLOWEEN 2021
Holiday Shopping | Companion | Precious - CHRISTMAS 2021
Deep Sea | Trident | Precious - SUMMER 2022
Plague Doctor | Backpack | Precious - HALLOWEEN 2022
Train Conductor | Backpack | Precious - CHRISTMAS 2022
Shark Jaw | Precious - SUMMER 2023
MKB42H | Volter | Precious - HALLOWEEN 2023
(x15) Cyberpunk Treat Ticket
(x15) Summer Sideshow Prize Ticket
(x15) Halloween Treat Ticket
(x15) Christmas Treat Ticket

Please note that if you had previously unlocked the above seasonal unlockable items from its associated seasonal event this may appear as a duplicate stacked item within your inventory.
Weekly Freebies
I have stopped updating weeklies with their dates due section limits, just keep in mind that weeklies repeat every 2 months and havent changed since 2017(their debut), I will post a new section once TW finally makes new weeklies

TWI implemented the weekly outbreaks in SummerSideShow 2017(separate from the summer event), offering a new challenge every week, completing it rewards an untradeable/uncrafteable/NonMarketable master crafted item (geez that wording) for you(mostly). This item is exclusive to the challenge so it is missable if you don`t play for a while unless the weekly rotation repeats

Please refer your timezone according to this thread, like I said, for me the weeklies reset on mondays wednesdays

Also take note weeklies have moved from Monday to Tuesday after Infinite Onslaught (at least for me)

If you wish to spoil yourself or lookup another dates, just visit this link!.aspx

Name: Mind Blown Player Accessory
Status: Unobtainable, reward from June 13th 2017 to June 19th 2017, August 7th to August 14th 2017, October 2nd to October 9th 2017, November 27th to 4th December 2017, 22th January to January 29th 2018 , March 19th 2018 to March 26th 2018, 16th May to 23th May 2018, July 10th to July 17th 2018, 4th September to 11th September 2018, October 30th to November 6th 2018.
Challenge: BOOM
Description: Zeds may explode when killed. Scrap that "may", every zed will explode regardless, berserkers are in huge disadvantage, weekly benefits any perk with range and good crowd control

Name: Centerfire Skin, Headshot Weekly
Status: Unobtainable, reward from June 19th 2017 to June 26th 2017, August 14th to August 21th 2017, October 9th to Oct 16th 2017, 4th December 2017 to 11th December 2017, January 29th to February 5th 2018)., March 26th 2018 to April 2nd 2018, 23th May to 30th May 2018, 17th July to 24th July 2018, 11th September to 18th September 2018, November 6th to 13th 2018
Challenge: Cranium Cracker
Description: Headshots only, no firebugs or demos allowed X)

Name: Tiny Terror Hat Precious
Status: Unobtainable, reward from June 26th 2017 to July 3th 2017, August 21th to August 28th 2017, Oct 16th 2017 to 23th 2017, 11th December 2017 to 18th December 2017, February 5th 2018 to 12th February 2018, 2nd April to 9th April 2018, 29th May to 5th June 2018, 24th July to 31th July 2018, 18th September to 25th September 2018,November 13th to 20th 2018
Challenge: Tiny Terror
Description: Zeds/Players shrink when they take damage, every perk can enjoy this mode just endure the squeaky sounds and remember, zeds aren´t good pets...
Edit: tw changed the hat somehow, the old one resembles the JFront Baseball cap while the in-game one is the normal baseball. Shame...

Name: Golden Horzine Mark 7 Helmet Precious
Status: Unobtainable, reward from July 3th 2017 to July 10th 2017, August 28th to September 4th 2017, Oct 23th 2017 to 30th 2017, 18th December 2017 to 25th December 2017, 12th February to 19th February 2018, 9th April 2018 to 16th April 2018, 5th to 12th June 2018, 31th July to 7th August 2018, 25th September to 2nd October 2018, November 20th 2018 to 27th 2018 .
Challenge: Bobble Zed
Description: Zeds/Players have huge heads!, a plus for extra challenge is every zed/boss have bigger healthpool (they can take more damage) but waves have less zeds to balance the uhmm tankiness galore.... Firebugs and demos are a big no no in this mode!

Name: King Fleshpound Visor Precious
Status: Unobtainable, reward from July 10th 2017 to July 17th 2017, September 4th to Sept 11th 2017, October 30th 2017 to November 6th 2017, 25th December 2017 to 1th January 2018, 19th February to 26th February 2018, 16th April to 23th 2018, 12th June to 19th June 2018, 7th August 2018. to 14th August 2018, 2nd October to 9th October 2018, November 27th to December 4th 2018.
Challenge: Poundemonium
Description: Fleshpounds variants called Quarterpounds(weaker but they are quite fast unraged) may spawn starting at wave 1, zed wave count is reduced, NO SCRAKES spawn, Normal Fleshpounds are rare in this weekly. Hans and Patriarch are replaced by The King Fleshpound in the boss wave. The King FP features a spinning lariat attack that was removed from Early Access, a chest laser beam that you can easily avoid by crouching, explosive rage mode and the hans` shield at low health, all this with the constant quarterpounds that may overwhelm the whole team. Weekly benefits berserkers,demos and medics

Name: Hans Plushy Backpack (awwwww)
Status: Unobtainable, reward from July 17th 2017 to July 24th 2017, Sept 11th to Sept 18th 2017, November 6th 2017 to November 13th 2017, 1th January 2018 to 8th January 2018, 26th February to 5th March 2018 , 23th April to 30th April 2018, 19th June to 26th June 2018, 14th August to 21th August 2018, 9th October 2018 to 16th October 2018, December 4th to 11th 2018.
Challenge: Up, Up and Decay - Try to make ninety-nine Zed balloons
Description: Zeds inflate like balloons when they take damage and when their health reaches 0 they will float and pop in the sky (at least). Take note all zeds and bosses gain a health boost but they are not as tanky as they were in Bobblehead challenge but they can regen their healthback if you don´t kill them quick, spawns are reduced too. Any perk can enjoy this weekly(until the boss) and remember, WE ALL FLOAT

Name: Standard Fleshpound Visor
Status: Unobtainable, reward from July 24th 2017 to July 31th 2017, Sept 18th to Sept 25th 2017, November 13th 2017 to November 20th 2017, 8th January 2018 to 15th January 2018, 5th March 2018 to 12th March 2018, 30th April to 5th May 2018, 26th June to 4th July 2018, August 21th to August 28th 2018, 16th October to 23th 2018, December 11th to 18th 2018 .
Challenge: Zed Time - All the Zed Time in the world
Description: Zed time activates when players are nearby zeds and doesn´t go off till there are 5 zeds remaining or is trader time. All level 25 skills don´t activate. Surprisingly this weekly is perfect for accuracy focused perks such as gunslinger or sharpshooter, oh and, don´t go melee berserker; everyone will laugh at you.

Name: Golden Horzine Mark 7 Armor Precious
Status: Obtainable, reward from July 31th 2017 to August 7th 2017, Sept25th to 2nd October 2017, November 20th 2017 to November 27th 2017, 15th January 2018 to 22th January 2018, 12th March 2018 to 19th March 2018, 9th May to 16th May 2018, July 4th to July 11th 2018, August 28th to 4th September 2018,October to 23th to 30th 2018,December 18th to 25th 2018
Challenge: Beefcake
Description: Zeds(including bosses) get stronger and taller as long they hit players or are affected by special zed abilities such as, alpha clot rally´s buff, siren scream, gas, etc. Any perk can enjoy this weekly but zerkers should advised not to trade too many blows in close combat. Congratz, you are giving them steroids with your blood...

Weekly Freebies part 2
Finally after almost 4 years, new weekly outbreaks arrive!


While active, the major side effect is known to include the rejection of all healing except from one source, the blood of your enemies. Other side effects include feelings of power for a limited time when larger creatures of slain. So do what you do best mercs, and get out there and kill some Zeds. It may just be the only way you are staying alive, as field reports show that mercs will be gradually losing health out there!

Mercs grab your swords, shields, and other instruments of melee, because these Zeds are out to Gore. Prepare for an increase of fasts and fiends as they will test your skill at blocking and the fine art of the reposite. But fear not Zerkers (and we do mean Zerkers only) and prepare to ‘Battering Ram’ your foes away!

All perks except Berserkers are disabled, you cannot purchase or pick up ranged weapons(eviscerator included). Since there is no medic, I recommend half of the team to purchase the hemoclobber and rest should focus on damage and area of effect(pulverizer) cause things will get ugly really fast and it is super easy to get surrounded. if that wasn't enough, quarterpounds start to spawn on wave 1 and the gorefast/rioter population is too damn high.

Well, aren't you guys entertained?

While the trader pods are still out there, and slightly functional, it appears that they are only armor and grenades. All weapons will have to be acquired in the field, but it has been reported that there is a higher rate of upper tiered weapons lying about in these areas that seem to mix well with the current party perk composition.

So mercs, get ready to scrounge like you’ve never had to do before, as your life may very well depend on it! It may also be helpful to make sure that the right perks grab the right weapons if you have the time and the pressure isn’t too much!

Crawlers, crawlers everywhere, and while they aren’t alone, these ones seem to have been toughened up and take a bit more to put down. We know what you’re thinking... more gun, but may we suggest a good old fashioned stomp?

We are sending mercs into the field equipped with Boomsticks to help them rise above the situation and bring their heels into the thick of it. You’ll find that they aren’t just for killing floors with this outbreak.

Just go firebug and go to town...

Abandon All Hope(The song name of the patriarch theme in KF1 minus the hope)
The last reports we got from the forward scouts that called this one in was to be prepared to run, run and fight. The horde of zeds they found was larger in count than your standard set normally found roaming about, as well as faster, and most of all, enraged.

From the few images that came in, it appears as if more elite Zed variations may also be mixing in. For those mercs that choose to take on this challenge, we are making sure that more ammo has been dropped in. We wish you all the luck in the world, you’re going to need it.

Wild West London(like the map name)
Yeehaw Mercs, it’s time for a fun diversion from the usual don’t you think? Some of the labcoats have been using their “personal” project time to put Cowboy hats on Zeds via drone delivery, and we’ve had just about enough of that.

To clean up this mess, we agreed to issue you only revolvers, bolt and lever actions, and bows (that way the labcoats agreed not to complain too loudly, also you’ve all been issued your own cowboy hats, and they said something about a Sepia filter...). Prepare to fanfire your way through these monstrosities, and do aim for the head for a small heal. So get out there and meet these Zed’s at high noon.

Shrunken Heads
Players and Zeds will spawn with a tiny head, the reverse of the Bobble Zed weekly mode.
Headshots no longer apply critical damage.
Some Zeds will have new vulnerable spots. An indicator FX is displayed to point out these spots.
Squad composition is slightly adjusted to have a higher rate of Rioters, Gorefiends and Scrakes.
Zeds spawn 50% faster but the total amount of Zeds is reduced by 20%.

Firebug,Demo and Support recommended.

Boss Rush
Five consecutive boss waves.
Each boss will be selected randomly, but without repeating any of them along the five waves.
The difficulty of each boss scales up each wave.
A certain amount of set dosh is granted after each wave.

Arsenal Ascend
Players start with a knife and obtain new weapons by killing Zeds.
Each new weapon increases the “Weapon Level”.
The new weapon is randomly chosen from a list per Weapon Level.
Waves are endless until a player reaches the final Weapon Level and completes the wave. Then, the final wave is unlocked, which is a boss wave.

Primary Target
One player is chosen as a VIP.
All Zeds will mainly target the VIP.
If the VIP dies, the full team is defeated.
The VIP can’t heal themselves but start with extra health points.
The VIP will improve their damage output and resistance with low health points.
For each wave, a new VIP is chosen.
Length: 7 waves.

Perk Roulette

Players start with a random perk.
At the start of Trader Time between waves, a new perk is randomly assigned.
Zed spawns are modified.
More dosh per kill is granted.
Length: 7 waves.

Contamination Zone

Go to designated zone in order to avoid damage from the hazard, similar to the nuke objective mode
Length: 7 waves.

Bounty Hunt
Each wave, there will be bounty zeds that primarly run away from players but if players kill too many normal zeds, the bounty zeds will enrage(check progress from the icon, goes from blue->yellow(will sometimes attack)->red(enraged) and seek the players, bounty zeds are more durable and deal more damage.
Length: 7 waves.

Daily Objectives and the Dosh Vault


I´ll summarize for you guys
  • You complete daily objectives and weeklies(or side objectives such as killing bosses, doing stand your ground objectives, just play normally tbh)
  • You earn a SEPARATE currency(dosh)
  • You use it to buy stuff from the dosh vault (mostly crates, woohoo....)
  • Profit (totally not payday)

There are some rules though:

- The money and currency you earn are yours only, this means items can´t be traded or marketable aswell the currency between players.

- There are items exclusive to the dosh vault.

- You can´t buy currency with real money, if you want dosh WORK FOR IT.

- The dosh vault might be tied to TWI/Steam item servers(steam goes down and there goes all your stuff till they are back online). As a small comparison with payday 2 where you could pretty much just exploit all skins and items for free via a DLC unlocker.

- You may break down your unwanted items into craft materials.

- Dailies between players are not always the same.

- Dailies change everyday at the same time a weekly will change too( depends on your timezone)

Doing some math the total amount you can get per week including weekly and you do ALL your weeklies is around=
1.550.000 (every box is 500k currency so it makes around 3 boxes per week also there is a bug losing excess currency if you "level up" twice)

Small tip

Since Kf2 lacks a proper "refresh" inventory button, when you get enough for a crate you dont get it right away. To speed up the procedure, just try to unbox a crate or cancel the key transaction in order to refresh your inventory, if done right, you will get your vault crate right in the end of your items.

Good way to farm Vault Dosh (The legit way)
After you did your dailies but still want to farm or play, you can use the AIRSHIP map in solo 4 waves on normal/hard difficulty. Lockheart will give you objectives even in wave 1 (something that is not possible in other maps). Just play the 4 waves normally(kill the boss if you want) and then quit to restart the map(or use the RestartLevel command in the console). If you do it quickly you can get around 10k vault dosh each 5-10 minutes.

Method No longer works since TW removed the objectives after the SummerSideshow 2018 Event Method only works when there is an event, currently enabled in Halloween 2018

Completely outclassed by objective mode 2.0, since SummerSideshow 2019 maps must give an objective with rewards starting wave 1

Bug that refreshes your dailies or Weekly Outbreak
There is a bug that refreshes your dailies and weeklies randomly (might be tied to connection problems), the good side is a good opportunity to do the challenges again before the daily refresh each day. If you spot one, do it as soon as possible, the vault dosh you get is counted towards your progress.
Perk Prestige

Somebody had to do it


I´ll summarize for you guys
  • You can prestige any perk when it reaches level 25
  • The chosen perk gets a 30% bonus experience
  • You get prestige cosmetics and a really good amount of vault dosh (enough for 4 crates, woohoo again)
  • Profit (totally not payday again)

Now, wonder why the characters aren´t holding a flamming card and looking cooler.

Melee overhaul and difference with KF1
Melee has changed somewhat in KF2, yeah you should still aim at head level but some stuff die in a bodyshot aswell. KF2 introduces directional swings each wth a unique animation and power, hitting with pulverizer while doing an uppercut would probably make a nice flying shower of gore reaching the skies on the maps and it is quite satisfactory to play it this way. It is like the funny little aspect the dwarf axe offered in kf1, it made you feel so you play with the zeds corpses and kill them in a "creative" way.

- There are 4 melee animations:
* Clicking while pressing W(forward key) will do an overhead attact that hits a single target(or more depending of the hitbox of the weapon). Useful to hit heads,it is slower but deals more damage
* Pressing A or D will do a horizontal swing that can hit many targets in front of you and probably the most useful one since you will be facing many zeds at once. It is fast but deals less damage than an overhead attack.
* Pressing S(or backward) will do an uppercut, probably you noticed this while you were backpedalling the first time and makes killing zeds fly upwards for your amusement. You can experiments fun results with any directional hit. No damage changes versus the overhead attack.
* Pressing V(bash) will do a push or thrust/poke depending on the current equipped melee weapon.
* Holding left click will do a 3 fast melee combo and while pressing and holding right click will do heavy attacks. You can combo forever if you stop holding at the second swing and immediately click and hold till the next 4th swing and so on.

Here I show with my awesome paint skills that big melee weapons like the Claymore could hit many targets in front of you AND could also hit low targets(IE crawlers) at the same time. This was one of the things that made the Kf1 Berserker very powerful and effective at trash clearing.

Ok fine i think I might be taking things a bit too much out of place but hope you understand the graphic or go back to kf1 and see the difference.
Oh yeah. The KNIFE got a buff in KF2!, it can now hit multiple targets unlike KF1 you could only hit 1 target .

Well in Kf2 this is not the case since hitboxes have been massively improved(impressive by the way) so you must prioritize what you will hit first with your directional swings. You must aim low or crouch in order to hit both cyst and crawler at the same time or else you will take damage from the crawler.

The zeds just want to hug you(to death)
Zed section!

These nude freaks brought new friends(and probably more in the future) and not only that they know new tricks and even more tricks in harder dificulties so you better watch out or else they will teleport in top of you(not literally but in the next corner they will :D).

Yeah zed teleport is a new thing that many people do not like. It consists the zeds will teleport to a nearby location if they lose line of sight with the player for too long, this kinda punishes kiting too much.

Like I said in melee section, zeds hit boxes have improved a lot in kf2 and they are very accurate. In addition to that zeds stumble to critical/strong damage so they are temporaly slowed down a bit(not in all cases unless they are executing an attack).

Also most zeds health only scale from normal to hard but hold the same health in suicidal and Hell on Earth(zeds include Clot variants,Gorefast,stalkers,crawlers) and the current number of alive players.
This means if you are the last man standing in a 6man Suicidal wave and then a Scrake spawns, it will have the same health as you were playing solo offline but it will inflict full damage(solo offline has reduced damage and the syringe heals for 50 health points even without being a medic). In KF1 this was not the case, the spawned Scrake would still retain the 6man difficulty health and damage IIRC.

So if you die , congrats you just made the game a little bit easier for others ;). This only applies to medium and large zeds head/body health. Trash zeds remain untouched

Sometimes you will notice that nearby zeds just totally ignore you even while you are right next to them and the zeds decide to attack the person that is right on the back of team. This is a change that developers introduced in kf2 and its hard to predict sometimes. Who knows that fleshpound wants to kill your low hp friend that hangs around the back of the team...

Some zeds gained unblockable attacks, you can see this when a part of the attack has a flamey orange outline while the zed is executing it, do your best to dodge these ones.

The worst and most exciting zeds do now it is AUTORAGE, autorage happens when there are only 5 zeds left in the current wave, any zed will try to rush NONSTOP specially dangerous with scrakes and fleshpounds, scrakes and fleshpounds no longer autorage after 1027 patch

One last thing, zeds don´t talk anymore :( (except stalkers,bloats, sirens and fleshpounds) now they just groan, scream but not tell you they like trousers and tenderize you. It is one of the changes people do not like about KF2.
M.E.A.T System, Nvidia PhysX Flex(WIP)

“Massive Evisceration And Trauma” system. The meat system expands how zeds can be killed in KF2. In KF1 zeds could only lose 5 parts of their body(head,arms,legs) that changes in KF2, zeds now can die in many horrible but awesome ways!. The zeds can now be mutilated in 22 different points depending on what weapons are being used against them.

Note that gore can greatly impact your Frames per Second so it is advised you don´t abuse too much about configurations or else you may experience crashes and glitches.

Anyway, you can disable Gore setting in the options menu if you want not so violent gameplay or need that extra fps boost. In the other side, setting the max dead bodies in the config can greatly give you an "unfair" advantage if you set it to low amounts(or just 0 bodies) so zeds dissapear instantly and no longer stop bullet collision. Probably developers will fix this or not.

Nvidia Users Only, required at least a GTX 770 to handle Flex Ingame properly Current Flex Status = enabled in 1029 patch, "stable" perfomance

Due steam limitating gifs and large images I am just going to post the link to the Nvidia website explaining this feature only Nvidia GPU users can enhance their KF2 experience.

News flash, personal opinion incoming: Welp, after that patch i left above, the flex features havent been developed at all in almost all post patches, playing wiith a 1060/70/80 gtx you will still get lag spikes even with just GIBS ON. That draws the conclusion, the flex whole scheme could have been abandoned by Nvidia
Cysts,Clots and Slashers + King Clot"Rioter"

I forgot to add zeds gained new resistances and weaknesses in KF2 since there are a few damage types introduced like Poison(medic grenades), Electricity(zed guns had this in KF1), Blunt damage, Slashing Damage, Ballistic,Piercing, Microwave and Cryo Damage (Ice)

In addition to that zeds resists every type of weaponry making a balanced team a good choice to counter all weaknesses.

Now let´s take a look about the clot variants here:
Resistances: MicrowaveGun(takes 50% less damage)
Weaknesses: None

WeakHitzone: Head
Considered as TRASH ZED

- The cyst is downright stupid, super weak and dumb; the only threat it is that it can grab you forcing to deal with him or sometimes scratch you dealing punny damage. In suicidal and HOE cyst can semi sprint but not as fast the clot or slasher.

- The clot is mad at you, so he walks like Vince McMahon to get to you and try to grab you or scratch you dealing minor damage, it attacks a little faster than the cyst. In suicidal and HOE the clot will sometimes spawn already sprinting towards the nearest target and sometimes does a jump scratching attack with fast hits.

- The slasher is the most powerful clot variant, its faster, can grab, deals fast damage while scratching. In Suicidal and HOE besides spawning sprinting they can do a roll in front of you making a harder target to headshot.

- Clot variants love to spawn from manholes and shafts so be on the lookout for those. Those grab mechanics actually make clots a threat so watch out!

You can´t escape jumping like you could in KF1(only worked on hard and below), you are forced to deal with the clot variant. You seriously don´t want to get grabbed in the worst time possible in KF2.

Gameplay wise in my opinion clots are more dangerous if you have the option enabled. An example: some perks will totally love an easy headshot, right? tell that to the demo that just wasted a RPG round on a clot...

During the Swat update, the clot auto-turn grab is now an option and players can turn it off in the "gameplay" settings menu.

Also, the albino alpha clot from PVP mode is implemented. The albino clot can buff the resistance and damage done of others zeds nearby. It will make up to medium zeds to sprint however it won´t rage a scrake or fleshpound but it will buff their damage and resistance. However it is just a white clot and is easily dispached, you should target them first just in case.

The so called albinoclot evolved in the 1049 patch into KING CLOT. Essentially it is the albino clot with increased health to his body and head hp making quite tanky early waves.

Another buff will come in 1061 patch for the King Alpha Clot. Instead of King Clot now they are named "Rioter". Another plus to this, devs gave him armor that protects against headshots and torso(aim at the legs). Great, more tankyness galore...

Best way to counter them is to use heaving hitting weapons such as shotguns or fire and aim at the legs, you can aim at the head but it will destroy the helmet first exposing the zed for followup headshots. But yeah, firebug is the best perk to quickly kill him(sorting by early usefulness) or risk using ammo of expensive weapons.

When you have access to tier 2 weapons, the SPX or the crossbow are extremely good to kill them with headshots, if you still gonna use shotguns, just aim at the legs, due resistance of metal it can take multiple shots to remove that stupid helmet.
Crawlers + Elite Albino

Resistances: Only take 50% damage from SLASHING and MicrowaveGun
Weaknesses: takes double damage(200%) from Poison, Ballistic(9mm handgun Example) and Blunt Damage.

WeakHitzone: Head
Considered as TRASH ZED

Crawlers changed a bit from KF1, they need to stop a bit to hit you and they do not hit you multiples times while they do their jumping attack. In KF1 crawlers were the nightmare for the berserker since they could easily chip armor .

In KF2 they are harder to see in dark areas, they love spawning from manholes or wall shafts. They can still spawn afar alone or in squads big enough(like 8 crawlers at once).
In suicidal and HOE crawlers´ sprint is really fast and also gain a new cartwheel attack that deals decent damage to the unaware player. Developers wanted crawlers to walk on walls but currently they have not implemented it.

Seriously crawlers are pretty much the weakest zed type in KF2 since they die in 2 shots from the 9mm handgun even in HOE. In KF1 you had to shoot 4 bullets to kill one single crawler in HOE.
Crawler surfing is possible and you can inflict damage with goomba stomping like Mario, still they are the most annoying enemy for berserkers.

After the SWAT´s update, there is a small chance to spawn albino crawlers(white crawlers) which when killed by a bodyshot ,they release a gas cloud that deals small damage and obscures vision, the cloud lasts around 10 seconds and multiple of these can make a team abandon their camping spot. This can be countered by killing the albino crawler with a headshot

Resistances: Poison(only takes 50% damage)
Weaknesses: None (besides being countered by commando Callout Skill and your characters sometimes saying "something is cloaked" ---> THERE IS/ARE stalker/s present)
WeakHitzone: Head
Considered as TRASH ZED

Stalkers have been buffed from KF1. Seriously they were the weakest zed type in KF1(time to brag, I never died to a stalker in KF1) you could still see them far away without being a commando. They dealt minor damage and they have to stop in order to attack you.

In KF2 they changed in a good way. Now they are harder to see(they will sometimes blink a bit), they kick you quite fast and they are the ultimate bodyblocking troll if they don´t remove their cloak while you are being chased by a scrake.

They love to spawn in squads(from 4 to 8) also they can use manholes and shafts. In harder difficulties they run like ninjas and attack faster doing impressive acrobatics making them harder to headshot, they can also hit you while moving(one of the things the original kf1 stalkers were really bad and was "fixed" in custom configs).

If you happen to headshot the stalker with a weak weapon but not kill her, it will remove her ability to cloak making her always visible.

Playing with ULTRA settings makes it easier to see cloaked stalkers than playing with HIgh and below settings(It is the FX detail setting btw, i forgot to add it). Could be considered an advantage over others since not everyone plays with very powerful hardware

Resistances: None
Weaknesses: None

WeakHitzone: Head
StrongHitzone: Blade Arm
Considered as TRASH ZED

Gorefasts remain largely unchanged between both KF, it never needed a buff or a nerf since it is considered trash zed but more like glass cannon, it can rack up damage really fast.

In harder difficulties the gorefast sprint is faster and now these guys can hit you while moving and MULTIPLE times, don´t bother outrunning them you will die tired.

A minor buff they got is their head is more durable taking up to 4 9mm shots to decapitate and I forgot to add they can hit multiple people too, but players really need to be close to each other for this to work

Since early access started, gorefast sometimes attack you skipping some frames if they are close to you, this means that they can hit you without you realizing it before it is too late. Also during these frame skips they are "invulnerable" even if you shoot them they won´t take damage or stumble, this needs to be fixed

On the SWAT update, gorefast have a chance to block headshots with their blades, this chance increases at higher difficulties, life is hard you know...

Resistances: Ballistic, Explosives, Poison and Blunt(only takes 50%)
Weaknesses: Fire,Slashing and Piercing(take double damage, 200%)
Only weak to fire now
Weak Hitzone: Head
Strong Hitzone: None
Considered as Medium to Trash tier ZED, Bruiser

Bloat´s skull got harder now it needs 3-4 SEVERAL headshots in order to decapitate(1-2 depending on difficulty in KF1 with offperk pistol) except if you are using slashing weapons you can easily kill him if you happen to score a headshot, nice if you are berserker with the Crovel bloats are not much a threat to you unless you get puked many times with no armor.

In suicidal and HOE, Bloats will do a sprint charge(they will stop after a while) and can puke while executing the charge making it a bigger threat for the team and people with no armor. Sometimes it will do a belly bump attack that pushes you and does a decent amount of damage.

Bloat´s main purpose now is to act like a wall protecting others zeds

On the SWAT update, bloats have a chance to block headshots with their cleavers, this chance increases at higher difficulties.

Since there aren´t Albino variants in PVE, now the bloat will leave mines if it is killed with bodyshots until it explodes. This can easily be countered by letting it bleed out when decaped or it is killed with fire(firebug or husks). However in dire situations, the decap method can be risky due the bodyblocking body wandering on tight spots.


In update 1056(Halloween 2017), eventually bloats will poop mines, uhm, this was a feature showcased waaay back in the first trailers of KF2 but since now they fixed this "feature" might as well just put it on the guide.

Resistances: Almost inmune to fire(geez devs stop with the nerfs/buffs)
Weaknesses: None
SuperWeak Hitzone: Backpack, a couple of 9mm shots or a strong shot will make him explode
Weak Hitzone(in general): Head
Strong Hitzone: Fireball Husk Cannon Arm
Considered as Medium ZED

Woo!, the husk got ton of love and it is one of my favorites zeds now. The husk became from a nuissance to a real threat now. In ALL difficulties the husk at low health will abandon all hope and rush you then pointing his gun on the ground doing an explotion that deals massive damage to humans and zeds(fatal to unaware players). He can also combo melee attacks on close range.

In suicidal and HOE, the husk gains a flamethrower attack that deals huge damage if you can happen to stay in front of him for too long. Of course you can use to your advantage and let him ignite nearby zeds, on the other side you don´t want him to ignite a scrake and rage him :P .

Pro tip: Husk cannot ignite your grenades now, in KF1 if a husk scored a lucky hit on a grenade or pipe bomb, the explosive will be destroyed and deal damage to nearby targets. So don´t be afraid to use your grenades. You shouldn´t take husks lighty too they can kinda act like those dreads(kf1 custom zed) with their suicidal rush.

Jumping in the last second won´t save you anymore like in kf1, well not always but it is better if you evade by side stepping a lot
Heh when a husk fires a fireball, almost all the zeds blocking the path will move aside leaving the shot to burn you and it is not nice when they do it with absurd accuracy. Zeds won´t avoid the fireball at all times just to keep the surprise so don´t think you are safe!(don´t worry I´m sure that fireball will rage a scrake).

While KF1 Husk would never panic to fire but still take damage from fire, KF2 husk can panic from both fire and microwave making them a little bit more manageable however their spawn is increased opting to work in pairs to the legendary 4 husk squad.

In the SWAT update, the fireball when it hits a target will now leave a small fire trail for about 5 seconds however this only applies to Suicidal and HOE, just don´t stand still.

In the Tropical Bash update, husks got another buff, now they will lean or crouch in different angles while firing. This removes the "predictable always aim at the left side when he fires" habit.

Husks are so hot now they literally burned their pants

Resistances: None
Weaknesses: Explosives(takes double damage, 200%) No longer weak to explosive
Now vulnerable to Microwave
WeakHitzone: Head and Neck level.
Strong Hitzone: Chest and Hips(metal covering her here)
ZED CAN TELEPORT? = YES Can no longer teleport
Considered as Medium ZED

Sirens didn´t change much. It seems her scream radius has become smaller and it is not very damaging until suicidal or HOE difficulties. Despite her slim figure she is quite hard to kill without constant headshots when she is on the move, she is also an expert on hiding behind other zeds.

Funny the KF2 siren is weak to explosives unlike KF1 if you grenade her, she would probably propel to the sides or in the worst case IN FRONT OF YOU making the job harder(especially for sharpshooters).

The siren won´t scream if she is far away so you use grenades safely if she is trying to protect the fleshpound however she can still destroy grenades(even medics ones) with her scream so shoot her at all costs first. Sirens are food for the pulverizer strong attack now.

In the ex-beta(before 21th april 2015) they had the ability to pull you into the scream but it caused many connections problems and almost made you think you were rubberbanding a lot.

You can´t cancel their scream with cheap 9mm shots to the face, once she starts screaming you either kill her or soak up the damage(god how i hate when she runs past you and she still screams). The only way to stop a scream is right before she starts screaming again and you hit her with a powerful enought weapon to stumble her. Siren scream is now interrupted on stumble/knockdown/stunned/panic/poison in addition sirens now scream less frequently, but does more damage per pulse

Regarding siren stacking in HOE, in KF1 if you encountered 2+ screaming sirens you were dead right away(well berserker could stand it,barely) and 3+ sirens was simply the game telling you I HATE YOU. In KF2 you have a chance to make it out alive if you are quick to react to the mechanics of the game however be careful with the siren spam, I have seen up to 8 sirens spawning together and IT IS NOT NICE

Summary: shoot the ♥♥♥♥♥!!!!!!
Gorefiend (New Zed)

Post launch content

Medium to Big Zed Tier

Double the blade, double the pain

The gorefiend arrived at 1049 patch, this time you will be the sushi.

Shares the same weaknesses as gorefasts but can block and deal heavy damage

The Gorefiend is basically 2 gorefasts in 1 zed. This zed can spawn starting at wave 1 replacing some gorefasts or with a mini squad(does not spawn at all in normal mode).

The gorefiend is really fast, able to catch up a sprinting player easily without trouble. While he shares the same AI as the gorefast, the gorefiend opts for wide attacks trying to damage the full party of players.

His helicopter and whirlwind attacks deal heavy damage to multiple people if they are in the cone(the gorefiend shares some animations with hans). Also these attacks are very hard to interrupt.

Easily dispached if players focus on their quite durable head, taking several 9mm shots to kill a single one.

Gorefiends are really to hard easy now to stumble with normal hits or bullets especially when performing their deadly attacks(thanks to the nerf in 1056). Perks with additional crowd control gear are very effective against them so a balanced team is recommended.

This zed forces you to have a cheap heavy hitting weapon early waves such as the lever action rifle or DB shotgun in order to ease counters, in harder diffculties like HOE they can heavily spawn in squads of up to 4 gorefiends, bad news for berserkers!.

QuarterPounds(New variant)

Stats are mainly the same as fleshpounds but they are categorized as Medium Zeds at best(with almost big zed damage)

Another extract from the weekly "Poundemonium".
AKA Fleshpound´s small brother, cute and equally deadly.

Getting sandwiched by quarterpounds in later waves makes people really lose hope and start running like headless chickens cause their main purpose is to gangbang a single person and quickly weaken the human team.

QFPs may start to spawn as early as wave 3 in long games, 2 in medium and 2 in short waves. And boy, sure they do like to bring 4+ friends.

Even if they are medium sized zeds, killing one awards you with Big zed credit in the awards screen.

The best to deal with them(because there is little chance you will see a QP attacking alone) is to simply spam your best weapons at them, yup, just shoot at them, dont bother doing any stunts when there are multiple attacking.

Resistances: Slashing,Explosives(only take 50% damage that includes pulverizer strong attack with ammo)

Weaknesses: MicrowaveGun(200% damage) the head it is vulnerable to 4x impact damage from blunt projectiles from demo´s arsenal
Has unparryable attack? = YES
Weak Hitzone: Head
Strong Hitzone: Chainsaw Arm
Considered as MiniBoss/Big ZED

*Plays Scrake Audio cue*

Yup big zeds now announce their presence with a loud roar everytime a scrake or a fleshpound spawns(audio cue can overslap if multiple biggies spawn at the same time)

Well, the scrake discovered steroids and used them and its not nice. Scrakes nowadays are the main team wipe killer in KF2 and it took that from the fleshpound in KF1(there are MANY comparing with fleshpounds). Sporting a decent amount of health depending of current alive players, scrakes are the top priority threat when raged and can easily kill a player in seconds.

Scrakes love their "spin to win" attacks that can hit multiple players at once and deals high damage(shreds armor aswell). It is generally a really bad idea standing still or backpedalling without dodging its attacks. Remember in KF1 when the scrake´s swings were its most damaging attack but when it managed to catch you and hold the chainsaw still it dealt even less damage, well that doesn´t work here in KF2 and it is the strongest scrake attack(The Gutbuster move). It can kill you before you can even say DOSH(except in solo normal)

Scrakes in harder difficulties just decrease the amount of health missing before they are able to rage.
Normal:50% hp
Hard and Suicidal: 75% hp
HOE: 90% ---> extremely dangerous via collateral damage

Scrakes will waste some beautiful seconds taunting after they killed a player so it is wise that you use those seconds to unload everything at its head and avenge your teammate if the situation permits it.

You can try parry the scrake wtih your melee weapon or your knife but its generally not worthy since other things come into play like LAG, your connection, server config,etc but if you feel confident you can be a life saver.

Currently scrakes are "weak" by Circle strafing rendering him useless cause their turning speed is slow... , probably going to be patched anyway. Just run way past them from their left side(your right side) works 100% unraged and only 50% raged( it is better than nothing). Does not work anymore, if you really want to run past a scrake use your BASH.

Critical Threat when on Autorage and multiple are present, it can get really hard to kite and kill clustered scrakes however since the patch(1013) any perk can outrun a raged scrake aslong they are not in low health and run in a straight line. In KF1 this was not the case, a KF1 raged scrake could catch up anyone and no perk could outrun it.

Since they no longer autorage their spawn rate has been increased, great more scrakes...

Scrakes now are affected by the frame skipping animations that can take you by surprise, just like the gorefast probably will be fixed at some point.

Unraged scrakes can´t perform Unparryable attacks during their calm state, this includes being under the effects of the EMP grenade. If the scrake is already pissed prepare for a world of pain, essensially a raged scrake becomes 100% harder to land headshots with their relentless rampage.

A major change in KF2 is, you cannot simply run past a calm scrake without stumble mechanics since it will perform some of its lunge attacks(you need to do something or take damage). KF1 scrake was so calm you could be on his face less than 3 metters before the scrake magnetized on you, easy to run past in short words.

On the other side comparing with KF1, KF2 Scrake will never die to a "heart attack" (heart attack is a bug from KF1 when a scrake will die instantly from external sources like taking ghost damage from fire or simply the scrake just gets tired and dies for no good reason)

On the SWAT update, scrakes have a chance to block headshots with their chainsaw, this chance increases at higher difficulties and specially if a sharpshooter is aiming t them, life gets worse and worse when scrakes have a small chance to spawn starting at wave 2 in ANY lenght.

Small piece of advice, they will completely stop blocking when they are raged so I hope you get used to land handshots on moving targets

As a small heart attack, SummerSideShow MonkeyMan Scrakes walk and run while crouched making it hard to pinpoint for sharpshooters in big crowds.

Resistances: Everything besides weaknesses(takes 50% less from all sources)
Weaknesses: Explosives (takes extra 50% from these, its not double damage "200%"), MicrowaveGun(Normal Damage depending on your Firebug Level, hey it is better than shooting bullets or fire at him)
Has unparryable attack? = YES
Weak Hit Zone= Head and Chest Power Core
Strong Hit Zone= Grinder Arms(takes even less damage if you shoot here and sometimes ricochets)
Considered as Miniboss/BIg Zed

*Fp audio cue*

The fleshpound went to the gym and decided that huge bottle of steroids was not enough. Now the fleshpound it is more like a huge bulletsponge which main priority it´s to interrumpt your camping and flush you out of it. I believe the developers made these cause camping was super easy to hold in KF1 and little fp spawning from afar was just demolitions or sharpshooter food. Sure the KF1 raged FP was a death sentence to everyone who was not a berserker and not had armor(unless you were blessed by RNG and the fleshpound executed his "one two punch" which could propel you in the first punch and derage after it).

This doesn´t mean you should take KF2 FP lightly, his attacks deal huge damage in harder difficulties(cannot 1 shot you in full health though but can 1 combo you, at the moment you see a fp on your face,retaliate and shove him off with a bash or knee cap). He now rages every 10 seconds and derages after another 10 seconds have passed or has hit a player fp will rage after 10-14 seconds have passed if it doesn´t have line of sight of a player and won´t stop until it has hit a target(includes others zeds/doors) or 30 seconds have passed without line of sight, note that fp has gained new attacks like the jumping forward hitting twice(anti-kite attack) and his "spin to win" attacks that can hit multiple people aswell. Most likely the FP as it rages will protect its power core.

The fleshpound will waste 2 seconds entering rage mode(or more if he uses the pound the ground rage), worst case he instantly rages if he doesn´t have enough space. In melee terms he is harder to kite but shooting and kiting it is quite easy, just keep your distanceDoes not work anymore.

Like the Scrake, the fleshpound will also waste time after he killed a player so it is nice way to make him eat all your explosive grenades.

ULTRA DANGEROUS with AUTORAGE ON, the fleshpound will not calm after it has hit something, you either kill it fast or die. No longer autorage but don´t forget a FP will rage after at least 10 seconds have passed after it saw you, so prepare your melee weapon to parry or block

A small change in Long wave games(10 waves),fleshpounds will start coming in wave 6 5 onwards, in KF1 they started at wave 7(with a chance of no fps the whole wave)

Fleshpounds are more like a teamwork zed for now due the bulletspongey health, it is ok if you can´t take down a single fp by yourself(but not impossible to solo). A Single fp it´s not much hard to take down with a team. The problem when duo fps show, it is safer to take down 1 by 1 but when you done killing the first fp most likely the other has raged already -_- along probably has some backup from other zeds.

After Sharp´s Update, when a fleshpound rages it becomes 75% resistant to all type of afflictions(stuns,knockdown,stumbles,etc). This means it is really really hard to stop him on his tracks and someone has to pay the toll and get hit(dont forget zeds can get hit and derage fps). It´s not impossible to stop him but any perk that has some kind of affliction in zed time will automatically trigger(unless it bugged). Like Medic´s sedate skill or Sharp´s Ranger Skill.

The good solution is to inflict a stun in his calm state so the team can focus firepower on his head and kill him quick

On the SWAT update, fleshpounds have a chance to block headshots with their mallets, this chance increases at higher difficulties, bad news for demo and double bad news for the team since they now have a chance to appear in early waves (5th in long game).

On SummerSideshow 2017, fps have been buffed with an instant rage the moment they spawn depending in the difficulty. This applies per FP, you can get 3 mad FP right off the bat if you are super lucky and not dead.

Spawn Enraged chance
Suicidal=50% 20%
HellonEarth=75% 33%
E.D.A.R.S(aka douchebag)


Sigh, TW decided to add these PITA robots in SummerSideshow 2018, 3 kinds of enemies are now added in normal survival maps in order to make your life miserable. Keeping it short, all three EDARS are now a new ranged enemy.

As they are robots, decapitation against them isn´t really a solution, i suggest bodyspam them on the legs shoot their chest armor to reveal the core and do surprising amounts of damage, firebug can kill them quick with the microwave gun or fire in general.

EDAR Boomer:
It is the EDAR that features shoulder mounted micromissiles, the missiles can be dodged or used against other zeds. Or as I like to call it, "I´m the edar that is about to screw your takedowns by moving the zeds aside or knocking them down".

EDAR Blaster:
pew pew, it has some laser blasters. Or as I like to call it, "I´m the edar that is about to rage every scrake,husk or fleshpound with my dps volley, stand still please". Also, be careful when traversing long tight hallways.

EDAR Trapper:
Your worst nightmare, if you thought Siren Vortex Pvp ability was OP, wait until you experience a spawn of 3 of these guys. Or as I like to call it, "I am just a ranged clot grab and I hope you can´t shoot me back from here".

When close quarters, all edars will be able to melee you and they sure love dodging all the time. Anyway, their primary behaviour is attacking from behind the zed horde and then attempt to pursue players.

In patch 1068, ebolars were nerfed a bit, and now, when killed they will "explode" in a emp blast, treat them like free walking emp grenades, i guess.
Hans Volter(Rework Updated with SWAT Tweaks)

Resistances: Everything not counting weaknesses
Weaknesses: Microwave Gun extra 50% damage, Fire Weapons 10%, Extra weak to RPG-7 damage 20%
Has unparryable attack? = YES
Weak Hitzones: Head ,Chest power core and Backpack POWER CORE
Strong Hitzones: Arms and Legs and his suit in general
ZED CAN TELEPORT? = NO (unless stuck)
Considered as BOSS ZED

*drops like a ninja*

Hans is just Hans, he is not the patriarch so stop referring as him. there are plenty guides showing good approaches to fight him so another one is redundant..
A small tip is to memorize his audio cues so you know if he is gonna throw gas/grenades or he will use his guns. Hans would be a blatant cheater in fps games cause he uses no recoil, wallhack and aimbot.

The main problem about Hans is he cannot be bursted down and letting him heal/leech for each phase is required(unless you DO want to kite him during his shield/hunting mode) this makes fighting Hans kinda time consuming(or simply a snooze fest). Since he is the only current When you get him as a boss is normal to feel bored or angry at him.

Hans´ shield can now be broken however when he activates it , he will run away and leave you alone with his backup after a while he will try to ambush a person and try to heal. Healing can be interrupted if you break his shield, hans will be knocked down with a nice confetti-sh explosion

In addition to the sharp´s update, hans gained a new move where he lobes all his explosive grenades in a circle pattern surrounding him and detonating them really fast. This can take some people by surprise and deal fatal damage for people nearby.

He is also vulnerable to circle strafing..., probably going to be patched so don´t rely on it! Does not work anymore, told ya it would happen
If you happen to die fighting him and your team kills him in the end you will get XP for the perk you had before so don´t think everything is lost unless you are level 25 already.

Current nerfs and buffs to Hans made him a cakewalk IF you keep your distance, his melee REALLY HURTS and he will mercyless kill you in combos depending on his current phase(he gets really agressive in dark orange stage). Gas grenades and bullets are easily tanked but DON´T tank the explosive grenades.

Note that since the Inci and Deto update, mobs spawned during hunting mode(aka hans needs to heal) will spawn in AUTORAGE regardless of difficulty; super annoying in Suicidal and HOE where they can spawn many sirens and husks.

After the SWAT update, Hans now can evade gunfire or simply block it for a small amount of time. In addition to that, depeding on his current phase hans will attempt to fake out explosives grenades and rushing to a player. Basically he can carpet bomb an escape and will try to corner a player( this behaviour is a lot more common on the last phase).

Finally, when there is only 1 player left on the team, bosses gain a 20% speed boost meaning the last player should clutch or simply call it quits. Certain perks can manage the tension like berserker or gunslinger. Anyway, this change was due the PVP mode where a boss would always lose to a kiting perk, ending with the punishing bleedout.

Hans´s most powerful attack is when he is using his guns to do a very powerful lunge forward followed by a upper slash, this attack hits multiple times and can easily 1 shot a player. This attack can be avoided by not staying close to him when he is firing(especially first phase), berserkers should on the lookout for this since the attack cant be interrupted and you will easily die if you don´t block.

In patch 1065, hans received another buff/nerf, since he is very old, he had his health reduced and now big zeds are able to help him (yes, it includes scrakes and fleshpounds/qps)

Small difference when you get hans instead of patty: Hans is a lot easier to make him susceptible to aflictions(knockdown,stumble,etc) however he can´t be bursted quickly, so the boss fight is more like an endurance fight rather than just a rush to win
The Patriarch (v2.0 with SWAT tweaks)

Resistances: Pretty much everything not counting weaknesses
Weaknesses: Microwave Gun(takes extra 25% damage from this) and Electricity(EMP grenades)(it is really easy to stun him with berserker) No longer weak to anything
Has unparryable attack? = YES
Weak Hitzones:Shoot his Giant Right arm( The claw one), takes normal damage from headshots. Dealing damage to his uhm stomach(♥♥♥♥) tentacle when he uses it deals a whooping extra 50% damage
Strong Hitzones: Metallic leg and Chaingun Arm
Considered as BOSS ZED

He´s BigBald , Angry and He shaved his moustache a little(and he knows kung fu)

Welp, the new patty got some nasty moves. He hits you like a truck with his shoulder bash, can use his stomach tentacle to grab you from afar and pull you into him and will give you a nice punch(you can break free if you fire him a very powerful weapon on his face). His rocket launcher now fires in burst of 3 rockets and if the patty sees you in cover he will lob those rockets in the air protecting him from melee attackers(mortar), it has limited range though is you better run the hell out of that place. His minigun suffered a lot, he no longer needs a long time to wind up it up but it deals less damage and no longer "roots" you(makes you standing still or heavily reducing your running speed), this doesn´t mean you should tank it.

Patty loves giving everyone a hug, so he likes to change targets quickly after he hit someone, with a medic you can be safe mostly but the really thing you should watch out for are the rockets since kf2 patty is very fast performing his attacks.

After all this, he can be bursted down but you need pursuers when he goes to the other side of the map to heal since his health is a bit out of the roof(really hard to pull off since patty runs very fast) or he gets stuck in something. With a little luck all perks can outrun his attacks or make him miss.

He doesn´t change much from KF1 besides his look, it has a 50/50 chance to spawn instead of hans in all maps. On the other side he can be stunlocked with parries if you time it right like in KF1 but due IA changes, patty can simply ignore a berserker that is trying to protect its team .

Oh yeah, use headphones his footsteps are really loud, so its easier to locate him while KF1 patty had some ninja training and could give you a hug out of nowhere. KF2 patty can´t 1 shot with melee attacks even without armor in HOE while KF1 patty could give you the kiss of death(unless berserker of course). Avoid at all costs clustered people near him, patty will execute his very powerful roundhouse move multiple times(due a bug) and will outright kill you if you don´t back off(shoud be fixed in other updates). This bug was fixed but damn the roundhouse move hits like a truck too

A new mechanic you need to lookout for is ENDLESS SUMMONING, this happens when patty is below 40% health but hasn´t ran off to heal yet. Patty will keep summoning zeds if you don´t damage him enough so it could spell trouble in higher difficulties(Suicidal and HOE) where patty can summon up to sirens and husks. Specially dangerous when soloing a 6man health patty with no backup, you will be in constant pressure PLUS patty himself. You have been warned

Quotes you need to lookout for:

3-Burst Rockets: "You are driving me Ballistic" , "One in The Pipe", "Wait Right there(laughs)", "You may want to run right now(laughs)".

Mortar Rockets: "NO SHELTER FOR YOU", "Shelter hidey-ho, WRONG", "It´s raining Missiles", "THE SKY IS FALLING", "NOWHERE IT´S SAFE".

In addition to this, sometimes his quotes tend to overlap when someone kills a zed in front of him either when fleeing or returning back to strike your team again, when you hear "don´t hurt the children, you filth!" someone has killed a zed in front him and this person has high chance to be attacked first. With the audio overlap the problem is patty can cast his minigun or 3burst rockets really quick and you may never see it coming as they say. Be on the lookout and take cover.

I´m sure you have noticed that dealing headshot damage from behind it´s impossible now due how big patty´s back is. Sharps and gunslinger are in a indirect disadvantage against him. Comparing with KF1 patty this never happend, right? (oh yeah those wonky hitboxes when firing his minigun)

After the SWAT update, patty will attempt to block gunfire and gained a new upgrade that makes him walk when he is firing his chaingun(hug those corners in order to escape or quickly run as far as you can cause the minigun has a lot of spread at long range).

As an emergency, patty will heal if he can´t find an escape or is bodyblocked a lot(not always). Patty will kneel in front of the whole party making him an easy target however if you fail to kill him in time he will succeed in healing and already is nearby your team to cause trouble.

Finally, when there is only 1 player left on the team, bosses gain a 20% speed boost meaning the last player should clutch or simply call it quits. Certain perks can manage the tension like berserker or gunslinger. Anyway, this change was due the PVP mode where a boss would always lose to a kiting perk, ending with the punishing bleedout.

Small difference when you get patty instead of hans: Patty is a lot harder to make him susceptible to aflictions(knockdown,stumble,etc) and different tactics are needed rather than just spam to win, however his more easily dodgable.
King Fleshpound (n´ minions)

Resistances: Everything
Weaknesses: None
Has unparryable attack? = YES
Weak Hit Zone= Head and Chest Power Core
Strong Hit Zone= Grinder Arms
ZED CAN TELEPORT? = No (unless stuck)
Considered as BOSS ZED

Originally a special boss designed for the Weekly "Poundemonium", KingFP(n ´minions n
) makes his debut as the third boss of the franchise.

If you didn´t play the weekly first, the big problem about this boss is not the boss itself, instead it is his minions doing the dirty job. Just the like the trope says that "the boss is really easy but his minions are not"

That is right, KingFP replaces all the zeds available for quarterpounds making them a stampede with a 6-man team. Up to 10-12 quarterpounds may spawn in a 6-man team, wiping on the first wave of quarterpounds is pretty common in pubs but not hard if the team has the correct perks. Another problem since there is now a 33% chance for the King Fp to spawn instead of Hans or Patty it makes meta perks to shine the most and never bother picking the other ones.

The King FP himself isn´t really a threat as long as you have:

- A Medic or 2
- A Berserker or 2
- A Demo or 2
- Lots of space to run(very bad in closed maps like catacombs or Biolabs)

and that´s pretty much it, just dont rage him over and over before fully recovering from the hits and of course always crouch his laser beam, be careful when going up slopes or stairs crouching wont help you here, fight in flat battlegrounds!.

It is a really bad idea to quickly burst him down since the faster you do it the more quarterpounds will spawn, best strategy is to deal with the quarterpounds first.

The main mechanic about this boss is how well you can move as a team, KingFP and minions are very good to cause chaos on disorganized teams and killing them 1 by 1, divide and conquer i guess.
The Abomination(4th Boss)

Resistances: Armor protects base health until it breaks, fire and explosives can damage multiples armor pieces.
Weaknesses: None
Has unparryable attack? = YES
Weak Hit Zone= Head mostly if you don´t count the unarmored zones.
Strong Hit Zone= Axes and any armored zone.
ZED CAN TELEPORT? = No (unless stuck)
Considered as BOSS ZED

The abomination debuts as the 4th boss of the franchise, a fully armored bloat with giant axes like he came from the warhammer universe.

Back to topic, he sports quite the tricks that some bosses don´t have. First, he will try to pursue someone and try to vacuum for extra damage(it gives him some range), after this he will start spawning bile filled "zeds", oh and i am sure he left a "surprise" if you know what i mean.

If you try to get close to the abomination you will take constant damage from his uhmm "gas aura" so it advised to constantly kite him and shooting him at the same time. The problem here is, if you let him spawn many bile zeds and bile mines, eventually it will cover the entire area you are fighting. It is very bad if you are body blocked by timebomb bile zeds and they will easily wear down any perk.

While it is true that it shares most attacks as bloats, the ♥♥♥ can do a belly bump followed by shooting many bile mines from the front giving him a nasty suprise plus the gas aura has the ability to deny map section for a limited time.

When an armor area is destroyed, the ♥♥♥ will start sprinting, become more agressive and will start speeding up all of his attacks (aka a rage mode). It is advised that you kill him quick unless you want to be covered in bile costantly(just remove the helmet and go full headshots). He snowballs the more you let him live.

Bile spawns can be "killed" but mostly they are there to annoy the team and make you waste ammo on them. Also, when it reaches low health, trash zeds will spawn to support the ♥♥♥; best thing is the ♥♥♥ can only summon clot variants.

The big "weakness" about this boss is simply having a good medic with Coagulant booster, it makes taking damage more manageable and decreases chances of dying, if you don´t have one then you are almost screwed unless you kill the ♥♥♥ really quick(he´s really weak to kiting and big open maps).

I like to categorize the abomination as a "time bomb/pursuer/summoner/trapper" boss

You were always on the menu but this time you are the main dish.
The Matriarch (5th boss)
A female boss, that´s all. Damn patriarchy.....

Besides being teased since the beta, she is finally here and ready to screw your runs.

The matriarch is a mix of all bosses, she has shields,extra armor to further reduce damage, can summon edars, can cloak, can kill any perk real quick with her cannon, loves to chase and she is fairly fast.

Sounds horrible right?, welp not really. The main weakness about her is simply COVER, however, she loves to pursue lonely players and killing them quick with the cannon; she needs to stop to shoot though; if you get caught you will possibly die or take heavy damage, AVOID TIGHT LONG HALLWAYS AT ALL COSTS!!!!.

After losing both head and cannon armor shields whatevers and half of her health, she will start running like an animal and in this state her main focus is to melee you to death. She will start using her tentacle similar to patriach and then give you a kiss. She can still cast her nova so staying close can be devastating.

You want to finish her fast, but since she is so fast she won´t give you any breathing room, a good strategy is to save your best weapon with plenty ammo so you can burst her down., things escalate really bad if you left some edars hanging around.

After all, in a team with medics anything is possible, furthermore she is pretty weak against the strategy to toy her around cover while everyone else shoots her from safety.

She has enough tools to counter any perk and trying to solo her with multiplayer buffs(when playing with a dead team and you are the last man standing) is like the most buttclenching clutch if you manage to pull out a win.

What I cannot simply stand in this fight is the constant robotic screeching of REEEEEE of the edars, due this it can mascarade the sound when the matriarch uses her cloaking device and furthermore a free hit on you.

One thing about the maps, if you play on widely open areas, the matriarch has the advantage due the cannon laser being vertical(ergo harder to dodge and crouching does not work); on the other side, if you play inside closed spaces, the Edars WILL BOTTLENECK evey single escape route you may have, seriously.

After the nerfs, she will rely too much in melee damage. It is almost considered a win situation if you manage to get rid of the laser cannon.
Main Zeds Summary

I took it from Doom 2016 btw(does not apply to Edars)
KF2 Perks and MultiPerking (New)
Perk section!

Not going to list everything but some opinions I have regarding certains weapons from each perk. Remember perks are just playstyles and you can use any weapon you want but expect people to do your job if you are playing medic for example, you are expected to keep the party alive.

All perks may get new balances on their skill trees, some abilities could be turned to a passive for the perk or an unlockable. I will hold on a bit before I post my opinion on the "best abilities".

In a post on TWI forums, TWI will put more emphasis on balancing the perks and gameplay when all perks are released(or possibly new zeds too) so going full meta on these during early access could be a little troublesome

Update Nov 2017
It has been a long way of balance thru Early Access, from crappy skills to no brainer ones. I think it is safe to assume that most perk skills are now final, so I am going to write an opinion on each one depending on their utility.

About Multiperking

Multiperking is a brand new gameplay change to ALL perks abilities in game. It was added on the 1049 patch after 1 month official release of KF2.

I´ll keep it short, multiperking expands loadout choices by making other perks´ weapon benefit from a selected perk abilities.

Example: Gunslinger can benefit sharpshooter weapon Lever Action Rifle with some of his own abilities like speed reload or firerate.

See, many combinations are waiting for you to try out.

As a bonus, perks that get multiple weapons such as the spitfire revolvers, can yield xp for all perks that share the weapon. Also, the xp isnt halved, it stays equal and distributes the same xp for every perk.
The good weapon for me, the variant for thee (placeholder)
As shown at the end of the SummerSideshow Trailer 2019, TW will make a new experiment for new variants of the weapons for different, STAY TUNED TM

Commando(Rework Updated)

Role= trash clearing, eyes of the team, zed-time extender(can greatly turn the tide in favor of a team if you keep extending zed time). Favors big open maps

Perk weakness: Not very good taking big guys or other tanky zeds(not always), lack of penetration in assault rifles makes fast trash clearing a little hard unless you always go for headshots and have good aim. Pretty much almost useless for boss fights after sharp´s update since now we can see the boss´ health bar and assault rifles perform very poorly against huge hp pools

Skill Ceiling: medium to high. Depends on the player´s general aiming at targets and picking priority targets at the right time.

Game Sense Ceiling: Medium to high. Depends on the map spawns and distance covered. Needs to be on the lookout and check the team surroundings often.

In 1009 patch, commando and berserker have gained NightVision instead of a flashlight(from a skill choice to a passive) HOLD F for Nightvision now however you can pull the flashlight of one of your weapons by tapping the F key twice once

The commando changes a bit in KF2 comparing it with KF,still specializes in assault rifles. You cannot see a zed health unless you or someone else shoots it first but at level 25 you gain a 60 meter detection. You gain extra XP if you kill stalkers but they are not required to level up. The current extra % weapon damage is a bug and it does not apply to ALL weapons, only assault rifles.
The commando lost its Recoil reduction per level and total rifle ammo from KF1 aswell his reload speed with all weapons(tactical reload only affects perk weapons including the 9mm pistol).

With the Rework Commando, now it has the skill "Callout" as a passive and deals extra damage to cloaked zeds(patty says hi). Now commando can focus in 2 playstyles either be a precision shooter with good damage or be a bullet spitter with large magazines never bothering reloading too much.

Don´t forget you can share spotted zeds ONLY if you see them first, being near around the team doesn´t mean they will see cloaked stalkers meanwhile you are looking at some other way, you need to frequently look your surroundings. If someone kills a spotted stalker you also get XP, no need to tag.

Having a commando on team helps you a lot on conserving money(their ammo is cheap, well not so cheap after the nerf), letting you see stalkers with the callout skill or extending zed time and making those zed time only abilities more useful(commando is the only current perk that can extend zed time by 6 seconds/times at level 25).

Since Kf2 trash zeds health don´t scale much across difficultties, commando is on an advantage since they are weaker to dispatch with low damage weaponry. hell, in KF1 a level 6 commando couldn´t even dispatch a gorefast(and removing the body) with its SCAR.

Opinions on the weapons:All deal Ballistic Damage
Ar Varmint rifle: Burst fire sucks and use the single fire mode instead. Top it with the 20% extra damage ability and you can 1 bodyshot crawlers or instant decap clots while removing their corpses. Note: ZED time Autofire skill does not work at all with this gun Bug has been fixed.

Bullpup: woo!, the bullpup got some love its not longer the commando weakest rifle(not like KF1), it holds the largest ammo pool. It has the same damage as the varmint but the bullpup packs the full autofire mode which is nice to rain bullets

AK-12: Holds less more ammo and it has a big recoil but once you master it, you can kill medium zeds really quick, burst fire mode is faster than full auto if you click really fast in a timely manner(fastest rate of fire of the game).

Scar: Hey big belgian, commando´s bread and butter, has some recoil in full auto but it is the best rifle after all.

Stoner 63A: it is a lightmachinegun, go nuts with it, oh nice name!, ehm. The Stoner is the first official LGM on the KF universe(KF1 didnt have any except if you count the ZED GUN Mk1). Solely for commando, it packs a high magazine,ammo pool and design. The big cons of this weapon is weight and funky accuracy aslong the long reload time and low damage. Oh and it doesnt have a single/burst fire mode either.

FnFal: finally, a very fast and powerful assault rifle from KF1, however, sharpshooter gets it as in "canon" weapon now instead of commando but i ran out of space in that section. Just like in Kf1, the FNFAL ACOG biggest is strength is insane full auto mode with very big recoil, it allows commando or sharp to perform a fast headshot decap on big zeds. Oh, and now, it is the only assault rifle with penetration.

Thompson: another wep from KF1 and a cheaper/better stoner in kf2

MKb42 Not So (H)ans Edition: if it had the bayonet we could say it was Hans´ favourite. You will need to complete the objectives in Monster Ball map. It is fairly slow but accurate rifle.

HE Grenade: A decent explosive grenade has fairly large radius, nothing expectular about it though. One thing in KF2 is actually harder to accidentaly kill yourself while using grenades(unlike KF1) and yes Support grenades are stronger than Commando grenades. After the sharp´s update this grenade now has a very short fuse, very useful to kill lots of trash in a few seconds

Taking Large Mags not only expands your "potential" ammo pool, it also makes ammo boxes give you an entire mag instead of giving you 50 % less than not taking the skill.
Commando Skills- Le opinion

Tier 1

Tactical Reload: to be honest, once you get to know how to reload cancel technique(quickly press your bash button then fire as soon as you see your magazine count fills up) you dont ever need to resort to tactical reload again. Only use it to look cool or if you aren´t confident enough so you are those people that likes to reload every single bullet. Even with reload cancelling gone, i still don´t feel inclined to use this skill. Reload cancel is back, up to you anyway (geez TWI, make up your mind)

High Capacity Mags: clear winner, more bullets means more dps and more damage without having to reload, also it makes ammo boxes give you more ammo rather if you took tactical reload, combine this with reload canceling and just go nuts.

Tier 2

Fallback: useful early waves, resorting to the 9mm is very risky in late waves but the weapon switching speed is very convenient for commando that thinks fast and shoots fast. A matter of preference to be honest also it helps a lot when zed time hits and your gun is empty.

Impact Rounds: only use this if you are going to hunt Scrakes or you wish to cancel enemy´s attacks(stumbling a husk that is about to shoot can be lifesaving) but since the multiperking update and great DPS that offers the ak-12 and the stumbling power of the Medic Rifle this skill is entirely useless at least for me(but not is you are using the Scar).

Tier 3

Tenacius: a survival skill, nothing bad about it, most people take this cause once again KF2 is a fast paced game and YOU WILL GET HIT, A LOT.

Prepared: take this if you are still learning or your aim is bad, commando has more than enough ammo to last long waves of active zed trash clearing.

Tier 4

Hollow Point Rounds: a no brainer skill, recoil reduction, more damage means you will reach very important breakpoints in order to quickly down zeds(that means saving ammo). Combine with crouching and ironsights and you can easily shoot in straight lines with zero effort.

Eat Lead: besides benefiting from the extra ammo from ammo boxes, this skill is barebones and you should not take it unless you plan to use the Stoner Lmg and heavily focus on trash clearing.

Tier 5

Tactitian: wow, a free reload during zed time..., hint: your job IS to extend zed time. Could be useful if you never bother bringing backup weapons.

Machine Gunner: ding ding ding, this skill turns commando into a bloody beast, you can easily kill scrakes or fleshpounds if you keep extending zed time shooting trash, however always have your backup guns ready in case the weapon you are using is empty.
Support(Rework Updated)

Role: Jack of all Trades perk, can do trash clearing and deal heavy damage to large zeds. Free walking ammo box and armor(using resupply pack). Pretty good on bosses since they are a bullet sponge, support has a really high dps weapons. Huge economic boost for teammates taking the free ammo/armor.(Resupply works better on early waves and DURING the harder waves, the more weapons you carry the more ammo you get for each one.

Perk weakness: Support lacks long range weaponry so you are good for close/medium encounters but staying too close to the zeds can get messy really quick sometimes. Damage fall-off, all shotguns have decreased damage if fired from afar. Very weak in open field maps where zeds don´t funnel. Can´t use own ammo backpack to restore ammo or armor(leave supply crates for this perk or armor if the medic doesn´t need it OR give your weapons to your teammates and then they use your ammo pack to fill YOUR weapons, risky in pubs tho).

Skill ceiling: Medium, supports favors bodyshot and headshot damage(optimal for taking out big guys)

Game Sense Ceiling: Medium. Protect funnel spots mostly and don´t let tresspasers alert your teammates.

Support got a few changes. It lost extra ammo carrying for shotguns/grenades aswell carrying capacity increase per level(moved to an ability). You no longer need to weld doors in order to level up so no more staring at boring doors.

Support used to be TOP DOG in KF1, in KF2 well lets just say the bad things kinda outweight the good things

Another zero to hero perk. With the reworked support, some abilities became a passive and now it is the only perk that gives free armor. With passive extra carry weight and ammo supply, support became a wise choice rather than a just "meh" perk. Very good early waves and extremely powerful in closed maps(containment,catacombs,etc)

Also, is the only perk that can repair broken doors and synergizes with demo´s booby-trapped welding. Anyway, don´t forget doors have the hidden HP before they are destroyed even with 100% weld strenght.

The reworked support has 3 playstyles:
1- Be a glass cannon, low health but high damage, stupidly powerful at the expense of being squishy so you have to be really really careful not to die but man you can kill big zeds in record time.
2- Be tanky and more supportive-ish, give your teammates more love, pick the skills that benefit their survival and provide supporting fire when you should.
3- Be an hybrid, the all jack of all trades fits any situation and you can be on your own mostly, of course stay with your team. Use good offperk weapons to cover your weakness with your trusty shotguns.

Opinions on the weapons:ALL deal ballistic damage(except the grenade)

Mossberg SG 500: Your starting shotgun it is ok for trash clearing and it has a tight spread, the higher your level the better penetration it gets so line up all those headshots.
HZ12 Multi-Action: inspired design from the HSG, this shotgun can shoot twice before having to pump a new shell. After playing with it for a while, this shotty is great on perk and offperk, specially good as a breach/panic mode gun,
Double-Barrel: Now we are talking!. You can reload now after you fire 1 shell(still reload animation ejects 2 shells >_>). It no longer has the bug that dealt multiple damage like in KF1(in KF1 this was a bug of the engine and it made the double barrel godlike at scrake clearing for example). It is also very good for hitting scrakes and fleshies. Topped with tactical reload it is really good. Wide spread. No more 1 shotting sk with an uppercut(unless solo). Pretty useful as a minijetpack too, you can get away from harm by firing downwards or while backpedalling
M4 Shotgun: Sigh, again this shotty it is useless, costs too much,weights too much and does not deal enough damage to be considered good. Avoid for now After the buffs the M4 has the best stumbling power of all shotguns(AA12 can´t even stumble scrakes). Same weight as AA12 and decent ammo supply After the buffs it weights 8 blocks and has the same ammo pool as the SG 500 Mossberg, still i never bother purchasing it xD. It has a really tight spread not very good for scattered groups. For the millionth time this weapon was buffed in 1033 patch it is now worth carrying it due high shell capacity. Yet another buff in 1053, extra 20% damage was added, geez another buff in 1054(just stop TWI pls)
AA12: your bread and butter. Just fire and forget but don´t burn your ammo too fast and leave for the big guys or those situations trash clearing hallways are more important. AA12 has very small stumble power don´t even think shooting at the legs with this.
The Doomstick: if you thought double barreled shotguns were cool, try this quad one, you may kill 1 zed or 4 at least. But ouch, it is really heavy; good thing our characters don´t have back problems.
BuckShot Revolvers:eh pocket shotguns , they are not powerful or accurate, mostly opens more loadout choices
Fragmentation(Frag) Grenade: sporting a pineapple design, the frag grenade deals more damage with support´s passive damage and when grenade explodes it will also release metal shards(shrapnel) that deal extra damage to nearby targets(that includes you), these shards do piercing damage. The fragments are quite hard to notice in normal gameplay but you can see them in Zed time.

A small thing I do with the lvl20 support. I run the 10% extra damage on Normal and Hard(hence easier difficulties and everything dies fast) and take the extra 5 space in Suicidal and HOE( so you can carry 3 shotguns) where ammo is an issue. Safeguard with a 25 commando is 30 free armor to nearby teammates but it does not stack so it is useless to have 2 safeguards supports on team.

Note. Slight nerf to supplier skill. It will no longer give 1 grenade after 1009 patch
Support Skills- Le opinion

Tier 1

High Capacity Magazines: a decent skill, beside the benefit of getting more ammo from ammo boxes. This skill is better for trash clearing support that plans to use mag-fed shotguns(HZ12,AA12,Medic Shotgun), also useful for boss fights since you mostly just use the AA12 to pump damage, extra shells from infinite ammo boxes is always nice.

Tactical Reload: a must if you plan to use shotguns that must reload every shell(Sg500,M4,DBS) it turns the Double Barrel into a beast. Since any weapon that needs to reload each bullet/shell, they can´t fully benefit from the reload canceling technique(like the SPX).

Tier 2

Fortitude: use this if you think you are getting hit a lot or you are not confident enough to stay alive for long. You can make more mistakes with 150 hp but more hp won´t always save you rather killing your prey before it kills you.

Salvo: this skill turns support into a glass cannon, with extra damage you can easily kill scrakes and fleshpounds before they are able to react(if you know the takedowns). You cant really make a lot of mistakes and burst damage will quickly lead you into the grave. I recommend to use this once you are confident enough in your skills.

Tier 3

Armor Piercing Shot: support already has bullet penetration, more is just overkill so just skip this.

Tight Choke: this skill turns some shotguns into sniper rifles(M4/Sg500) and makes a tad easier to score headshots with the big spread shotguns(Hz12) however you will have to get used to this since the spread could be really small, lining up zeds for trash clearing is very important but you might have trouble killing hordes of different sizes.

Tier 4

Resupply Pack: very useful early waves but i recommend switching after Fleshpounds start to pester the team.

Concussion Rounds: this skill allows the double barrel to almost guarantee a stumble a raged fleshpound(because your team sure does love screwing up your takedowns) or you can easily kill a scrake with the AA12(since the aa12 has very poor stumble power)

Tier 5

Penetrator: more penetration?, just skip this. I only find this useful if the DB shotgun is the only weapon you are using(since it can´t fully benefit from the other skill).

Barrage: you aim your AA12 to a Fleshpound´s head, it suffers a horrible death, period.
Berserker(Old and New Rework Updated x100000000)

Disclaimer: Bsk had a lot of nerfs/buffs, that´s the x4 for

Role: be in the front line but remember you are not godlike like in KF1. . Act like you are some sort of bodyguard due "be near teammates extra xp bonus"

Perk weakness: Not really good at long range and close quarter combat means you will take damage AKA you are most likely to die quickly if you take bad decissions or you get cocky. Since healing is slow, you will hate trash zeds since they are very good in chipping your health little by little PLUS teleport

Skill Ceiling: High, one of the hardest to master perks in the game.

Game Sense Ceiling:: High, be on the lookout and don´t make stupid choices.

In 1009 patch, commando and berserker have gained NightVision instead of a flashlight(from a skill choice to a passive) HOLD F for Nightvision now however you can pull the flashlight of one of your weapons by tapping the F key twice once

Berserker is fun to play if you have all those Gore effects turned ON with extra bodies configuration. However he was a shadow of his former self in KF1 and it has the least survivalbility of all current perks. You should try to master parries in order to be less medic dependant or use vampirism at a cost . You can save people lives if you EMP scrakes or fleshpounds, also you are the easiest class that can stumble/knockdown with their weapons.

Since berserker "lost" its extending zed time ability from KF1, a level 25 bsk can move freely and unleash doom upon its enemies making it even more powerful than his prequel counterpart.

You can "manly" battle scrakes 1v1 but most likely you will spend a lot of time and during those moments you allow other zeds to reach the team or yourself, unless you use eviscerator and quickly kill them making your life a lot easier.

You can play berserker as a
1- Tank able to defend your team but kinda medic dependant.
2- A skirmisher to trade off your tankiness for more speed/regen. With a lot of skill you won´t need a medic ever again but you are still squishy against burst damage types

Currently berserker is at least 10x more powerful than KF1 berserker and once again the strongest perk to achieve victory in harder difficulties(unless the person playing it sucks but move on)

Opinions on the weapons:
Crovel: I love the crovel, it is 2 in 1 weapon. Deals slashing damage with light attacks(useful for clots and nightmare to bloats) and Blunt damage from heavy attacks(useful to 1 shot crawlers). You start with this.

Vlad Nailgun: berserker steals this weapon from the KF1 support so he can use it for those pesky crawlers. Deals ballistic damage and has 1 single fire mode(beside the shotgun mode). The Vlad has absurd stumble power with decent penetration. Perfect pair for the pulverizer. Currently there is a bug that you don´t get your speed bonus while holding the Vlad Nailgun. I suggest you use the Vlad to level up your berserker quicker and tag everything cause there is a high chance people will kill the zeds you target before you even lay a finger on them. Since nails are not hitscan instead they are projectiles, you may need to adjust your aim/timing for headshots but that doesn´t really matter when you use the shotgun mode to thicken an incoming horde.

Pulverizer: We always wanted hammers in KF1, the pulverizer has a slower swing speed than the crovel but deals more damage(blunt damage), right click will do a heavy explosive attack if it is loaded, very useful for crowds and will 1-shot sirens. Also is the only weapon that the fleshpound fears since it deals explosive damage and can stumble him, learn those parries and you will be a fleshpound worst nightmare!. After an update, the pulv was the only weapon with knockdown power until now.

FireAxe: The cheapskate Zweihander but cool nonetheless

Zweihander:anybody who owns Chivalry will also make the Zweihander (a new Berserker tier 3) available for everybody in the server that they are playing on! Yes, important point here - if one player on the server owns the Zweihander, then everyone on the server gets to play with it. What does this mean for you, the player? If one player on your team (random person, good friend, clanmate, etc.) everybody in the server will have access to the Zweihander to use and purchase from the trader pod. If nobody in the server owns that content, it will not show up in the trader pod. I will post how good the wep is here, the zweihandy as I like to call it is a USED TO BE a powerful sword with long reach,power,stumble chance probably you will dump the crovel for this beauty but note this is a slashing only weapon BUT the stab(Bash or V button) it is classified as a piercing attack.

Bone Crusher: The mace and shield is the favorite defensive melee weapon for tanks, almost equal in terms of defense with the eviscerator and matching zweihander stats with knockdown added. It reduces projectiles dmg too

The Eviscerator: the chainsaw made a baby with the Buzzsaw Bow from Kf1, note this weapon is heavy and is a slashing only weapon. Firing the saws are trash nightmare, can decapitate bloats,husk and sirens reliably. You can use it as a chainsaw with its own fuel metter besides the saws ammo count.Y ou cannot can parry with this weapon(buffed on 1009 patch also now features a laser sight), bashing with it does an attack that doesn´t consume fuel so its useful for clots and the like. Currently the eviscerator saw blades when fired have a chance to "ghost" this means either no saw blade come out and consume 1 ammo OR saw blades come out but do no damage, this is a problem the developers need to fix. During 1013 the evis even buffed it is a fun weapon UNTIL big guys show up and it is NO FUN ALLOWED mode cause the evis doesn´t benefit from many berserker bonuses and skills(alas you can´t knockdown a fp with it). After all, the safest weapon to deal with scrakes. After swat´s update the eviscerator is a good wep taking 2 headshots for sk and 4 for fp 6 man HOE.

Static Strikers: i guess TW really likes that superhero, with these gauntlets you will give a shocking experience to the zeds along with the amusement, where did i leave that powerfist from Fallout ,hmmm. Anyway, SS are very fun to use at cost of range and power, spamming light attacks makes you go atatattatatatatata.

EMP Grenade: berserker changes grenade type in KF2, the EMP grenade is not an explosive instead qualifies as Electric. EMP grenades are not very useful to kill zeds(they do very small damage) instead they are best used to stun zeds preventing them from using some of their abilities(they can still hit you while stunned but you have to be close to them). Best used to stun scrakes and prevent them from raging(you only need 1 grenade) or derage a fleshpound 4 consecutive grenades, it was 2 before). However spamming EMP grenades is a total waste cause the stun effect does not stack to stun the zeds for longer periods, however you can chain them in a timely manner for scrakes. EMP grenades bypass armor if you use them on yourself.

BattleAxe: Zweihander 2.0 with added knockback, OPness comes with a prize

Ion Thruster: A paid dlc weapon i guess, we will seeeeee.

One thing i note about KF1 berserker is when you are level 6 you at least had the fire axe so you were good to go after joining a server(i now the fire axe is not really good for trash clearing), in KF2 you will have some trouble killing scrakes and fps with the crovel so small amount of money is needed for you to be effective.
Berserker Skills- Le opinion

Tier 1

Dreadnaught: really useful once you reach level 5 aka the tank skill. This skill is really useful on holdout based maps and closed ones like catacombs where kiting becomes almost impossible due the sheer numbers of zeds. Taking this skills makes you somewhat medic dependant if you are not going take vampire. Combine with bonecrusher and the parry skill and you can survive a full blown of patty´s rockets. But in general maps you will hate being slow so just pick the other one.

Skirmisher: the bread and butter of the pub hero berserker. However this skill suffers a lot in holdout maps where the regen won´t be able to outheal the endless assault of trash, it also makes the berserker more burst damage prone so you should use that speed boost to avoid high damaging attacks. Once you master berserker you won´t ever need a medic with this skill mostly.

Tier 2

Vampire: more survival against trash zeds(since they are very good at chipping health). You should take this if you are rocking dreadnaught or be simply unkillable with skirmisher(almost). Most people consider this as a "crutch".

Butcher: more damage is always nice, it helps hitting some interesting breakpoins on quickly killing zeds. You must always change this skill for boss fights tho since trash zeds are just mere "adds" in them.

Tier 3

Resistance: makes you more resistant to fire and bullets and even more against sirens and bloats(you can safely tank them without fear). It also makes your armor a tad better but i take this skill mostly because i´m too lazy to activate the parry bonus(hey, my middle click button thanks me everyday)

Parry: pretty OP skill if you are going to parry every zed on your sight, a must for boss fights but take note if you screw up, you will take heavy damage or possibly die. Funny, the bonecrusher can parry bullets and rockets whilst activating this skill.

Tier 4

Smash: smash is better overral skill than massacre, more damage helps you reach more breakpoints and rewards zerkers that go for headshots, it also turns the eviscerator into a walking machine of death(it sucked so bad in early updates). To be honest just with the katana is more than enough for your general trash clearing also your mouse will thank you for saving it from spamming left click.

Massacre; bassically a le noob left click berserker spammer paradise. Take it if you are going to focus on trash but it is not worth it if you are going to kill large zeds.

Tier 5

Berserker Rage: super useful with a commando and in holdout maps, however the fear effect can make it hard for your gunslingers and sharps to inflich head damage.

Op just OP, leave nothing standing or save someone, i guess...
Field Medic(Rework Updated)

Role: Heal and buff the party, Tank damage when possible, help at trash clearing, divert attention with high speed or hang in the back/middle. In my opinion, medic is one jack of all trades perk now if you use certain weapons in exchange to lose a tad of your healing power capabilities. In short words, a great clutcher in skilled hands. medic can be a great clutcher if you are using good offperk weapons to survive and revisit ammo spawns.

Perk weakness: No damage boosts means tanky zeds will take longer to die and you are not just as good with most weapons as you weren´t using the correct perk. Get yelled cause someone did something stupid and ran off by their own. Stacked Sirens spells doom for you.

Skill Ceiling; low to high, healing teammates is easy with the new mechanics, however you should train your aiming and recoil compensation to kill stuff without getting bored. When you get better at the game, you can even carry with the whole team dead considering the odds aren´t heavily stacked against you(like 4 fleshpounds with 6 man-health and 200+ zeds left)

Game Sense Ceiling:: High, despite having an easy job. Medic is one the best sentinels in the game to lookout after their teammates. You have more time to callout bad situations before your team engages. If a medic says is better to run, do so, probably you are fighting a lost battle.

Medic got tons of love in KF2, medic darts will notice you with a sound when they have acquired a damaged teammate, shooting homing darts is a great asset in KF2 since in KF1 dart detection was buggy and often lead to blame the poor Medic for something the game engine was limited. Medic perk is the only one that has access to poison grenades or darts.
With your increased armor per level you can tank a bit but now you can also repair other teammates armor with your darts or grenades and armor is really important in kf2. Medic is no longer stuck with submachineguns in KF2.

Medic has 2 focuses:
1- Being a party buffer, gives everyone absurd buffs to further extend their survival
2- Be a combat medic and trade some healing powers for more self-defense against the zeds. Of course, people will hate you for choosing this role in online multiplayer

Anyway since medic can no longer regenerate armor, your best bet is to avoid combat until it is necessary cause your armor is super expensive and decays fast.
Medic can fix wounds and repair your armor but can´t fix stupidity, if your teammates decide to facetank 2+ scrakes and 2+ fleshpounds at the same time, you are gonna have a bad time.

Medics became a necessity/must in suicidal/HOE in KF2 rather than a luxury in KF1, medic is the most valuable perk now since how fast mobs can be in KF2, using your syringe to heal others is just damn slow(ergo always buy medic pistols).

Don´t forget you can also buff yourself via using the Symbiotic Skill or popping 1-3 medic grenades quickly. Your damage boost(not the skill) is applied to the weapon you are carrying so grab something powerful and kill some zeds.

It´s common to see people on a team with a medic being careless despite their knowledge, this doesn´t mean you should play bad or do stupid stunts. You are not rambo pal, you will die if you get in a bad spot even if it seems the whole world hates you that day , don´t get that mindset and move on.

Often considered as a "commando that heals".

Opinions on the weapons: All deal Ballistic Damage
Medic Pistol: It is a headshotting machine, will always decapitate trash in all difficulties, uses 50 power to fire a dart. Currently the best sidearm and only weights 1 block. Ballistic damage

Medic Smg: Either hate or love it. Super high dps but lose some power(2 shots to decapitate on hard+ clots). The smg is a crawler/clots nightmare and useful at trash clearing. Only weights 3 blocks and uses 50 power per dart.

Medic Shotgun: A little expensive but it is an OK burst damage weapon, double weight of the SMG and with 60 90 shells you can run out of ammo really fast. Almost no penetration makes think it´s not worth so I just skip it mostly and save for the rifle.

Medic Rifle: Your bread and butter. A Scar that can heal, it has high damage, dart consuming power is 30 so you can fire 3 darts quickly in 1 full charge topped with armor regen buff skills your teammates will love you. However has tremendous recoil after the first bullet so trigger discipline is required.

Hemogoblin: a "new" weapon designed for teamwork. In KF1 we had the bile thrower which was essentially a really crappy flamethrower for the medic(with no healing darts). The hemogoblin fixes this while still being useful for team oriented parties. This weapon gives the medic a little more edge against big zeds/bosses and still able to deal decent damage to them. Take it as debuff medweapon mostly and deliver love with it.

Big Rifle with Grenade Attachment(HTM501): eh no darts but more grenades, your choice. It is a superweapon after all. The best about this weapon, it is an excellent choice for holding a tight spot, it allows the medic to carry a total of 14 grenades, popping them at the right time can turn the tide in favor of the players with constant buffs.

HemoClobber: Do you hate your braindead teammates as well as zeds?, just smack them to show them how much you love them. As an actual review, the weapon relies too much on light attacks to make it worthwhile for berserker, it is a meme weapon -.-" .

Healthrower: Oh look, its the overused model of the freezethrower and an horrible homage to the bilethrower, like really... welp, at least it has darts. On the bright side, it the best weapon to constantly keep the party buffed at all times.

Healing/Poison Grenade: A small thing about your precious medic grenades. In KF1 when a medic grenade already popped the Zeds will totally avoid it at all costs(especially FPs), in KF2 they take them like a champ and will get past it if they don´t die in the progress, as patch 1008 you cannot regen absurds amounts of armor with them so a medic best friend is another medic for now. Be careful wtih scrakes. Also once your grenade popped, sirens can´t destroy the cloud like they could in KF1

With current buffs and nerfs, medic´s armor is pricey but can still heal via taking damage(hurt yourself falling some cliffs or pull out the syringe and press your ALT-FIRE key) and now all medic weapons can stumble zeds if you shoot them in the knee/leg, it is so funny canceling a fleshpound attack with the medic smg.
Medic Skills- Le opinion

Tier 1

Symbiotic Health: it saves you the trouble of pulling out your syringe in dire situations, makes you a little more tanky and healing injured teammates will heal you and also boost you if you are using any boost skill. SH is the perfect skill for team oriented medic and leader. However, this skill is useless for solo play and your teammates are all dead cause they thought they were rambo or something(it happens dont worry). If your team is dead you can still buff yourself via your grenades.

Resilience: turns the medic into a tank the lower its health is, being at 50 hitpoints maximizes armor absorption. But being low health means stacked sirens have a chance to quickly put you into the grave so extra caution is required, since you don´t get healed when healing your team, you will have to waste time to pull out your syringe in case you reach critical health or simply your team trolls you and heals you regardless on what you tell them.

Tier 2

Adrenaline Shot: very useful in allowing injured teammates to quickly reposition before they are killed, i have saved a lot of people cause they managed to escape from harm just in time. Team oriented skill.

Combatant Doctor:
a skill for the forever alone medic, the speed bonus is very small so i just pick adrenaline shot and be happy with it.

Tier 3

Focus Injection: more damage means your teammates can potentially kill large zeds easily, you can just shoot darts at them even if they are not injured so why not?. The best about this skill is that it will buff any weapons you have even if they are offperk.

Acidic Rounds: a "XD le memes" skill, if you want to troll or simply rage your gunslingers or sharps take this skill then!. After the buff or fix in patch 1060, medics can use this for trash clearing if they run out of ammo, of course, you can still troll your gunslingers/sharps if you fire at large zeds.

Tier 4

Coagulant Booster: damage resistance on everyone?, it suddenly turns them into pseudo berserkers but at best, this skill allows them to survive from getting wombo comboed by quarter/fleshpounds, so i just always take it.

Battle Surgeon: this skill benefits the rifle and shotgun at best, since the nerf of the medic rifle you can take back the special breakpoints to kill trash by taking this skill. But taking a more different approach you can just buff yourself to kill stuff.

Tier 5

Airbone Agent: aka the medic fart, it protects you from trash zeds but it doesn´t heal you but it literally turns into a walking healing grenade. It also buffs the team even if they are at full health.

Zedative: just no. Seriously, it is a very unreliable skill with awesome potential in zed time, but never rely on zed time to become a good player.
Firebug(Rework Updated)

Role: Trash clearing, Apply DOT and panic zeds to further make zeds´effort vain to reach the team, area denial. Prefered as an "Area of Effect" Perk or Sweeper of low level zeds. Lower the framerate of other people.

Perk Weakness: Firebug has to conserve its ammo very wisely and it is not a very good perk to take on fleshpounds(with the microwave gun you can solo scrakes with the alt fire/splash skilll lock), killing husks with your perk weapons just sucks... Inability to inflict consistent headshot damage aka you excel at dealing body hp damage. Comparing with Kf1 firebug, Kf2 firebug has become quite the frontline attacker due flamethrowers´ short range.

Skill Ceiling: Low. Just pour flames in the general direction of the horde and you will be fine.

Game Sense Ceiling: Medium. It´s pretty easy to kill stuff as firebug, however you shouldn´t light scrakes and fleshpounds unless in dire situations or else everyone will probably be mad at you(and kick you). Also you will need to learn to handle other weapons to kill husks and sirens without getting damaged.

Firebug kinda redeems itself in KF2, aaahhh.. those days you have to scream at others igniting that scrake and fp was a huge mistake cause it made hitboxes "unstable" and the fire was too much invasive in terms of line of sight. Well, those days are gone in my opinion and you can light everything at your heart´s content, don´t try to take over fleshpounds by yourself or you will waste a lot of ammo(or your life).

Fire works in 3 different ways in kf2. Impact,afterburn and ground damage, the best of all it is they do stack you can do absurd damage if you combine them at the same time.

Firebug essentially has 2 focuses but they are most likely the same:

1) Be a time waster, can panic/slow the zeds with fire so they have trouble reaching the backlines and works better to protect other perks like demo or medic

2) Actually focus on killing stuff, firebug can handle large amounts of trash with no fear since due the AOE is pretty good, something no other perk can without feeling threatened (pff berserker or demo have to think twice before they throw themselves into a huge horde)

Even being level 25, YOU WILL NOT BE 100% invulnerable to fire(husk´s fireball hurts but does very small damage) however should not underestimate Husk´s suicidal attack, it will kill you if you are not careful.

The best thing about KF2 firebug is that teammates don´t block your fire(it pierces them) in KF1 this was not the case and often lead to waste ammo. However Kf1 lvl 6 firebug always starts with full armor and lvl 25 firebug does not.

Note that Firebug and Demo don´t have health or armor/speed buffs, this means they are the most frail class to survive as(the total damage they can take before they die).

Self damage from fire is really low even offperk you can use the flamethrower at point blank without taking too much damage unlike KF1 if you did this most likely you will end up killing yourself. At level 25 you can´t hurt yourself with your own fire.

Opinions on the weapons:
Caulk n’ Burn: It is actually a mini flamethrower with less reach and magazine/ammo reserve, however is very cheap and it is good for the price it asks, aim for the head to the ground and you will be killing trash in no time. Fun run n gun weapon it also leaves fire trails that last a short time if another zed steps on it, it will ignite. Oh, even offperk this weapon doesn´t have self damage :).
Spitfire Revolver aka Kf1 FlareRevolver: yup, they are back and are actually decent for sniping zeds. It is not as good as KF1 in the aspect to solo scrakes with the spam to the face but they are balanced due the small price and great offperk fidelity. While the spitfire doesn`t create groundfire, any zed killed by it will leave residual flames that damage zeds that step on them
Trench Gun or DragonsBreath: A mossberg that shoots flame rounds, it is ok for crowds but it seems not very good honestly so i just tend to skip it. With the recent buffs it is actually good since the penetration works really well and the damage is good for long range encounters, it is really good to stumble/panic sirens. The shotgun got nerfed and renamed in 1064 and now, it is a bit weaker but still, it is decent for being a tier 2 weapon, recommended to kill gorefiends.
Flamethrower: ITS TOASTY TIME, with the buffed flamethrower everything up to trash to medium zeds(except husk) will die quickly, an absolute beast in terms of trash clearing/panic management.
Microwave Gun= ooo shiny and spacey, lose some of your effectiveness in trash clearing for sustained damage and heavy hitting. The microwave gun is good for pretty much everything and it also comes with an alt tab fire that pushes enemies away so it gives you more breathing room. Don´t burn your ammo too fast tho. Tap your mouse clicks for more damage(fixed in 1015 patch) and you will also save some ammo along the way. Since scrakes are weak to the microwavegun you can solo them or kill them really fast with your team. Unlike flame weapons, the microwave gun can´t pierce targets but can double its damage with the skill that doubles impact damage, now it benefits from ground fire skill choice. Also, it doesn´t have self damage even offperk.
MAC-10: overall is a good balanced weapon for firebug, almost no weaknesses besides being bad for big zeds
Husk Cannon: very powerful but also slow, it makes the firebug a decent fleshpound killer, comparing with kf1 the huskcannon makes a complete 180.
Helios Rifle: more microwavey stuff, it is another weapon to headshot the zeds, it is decent and at least it saves you from spamming clicks than using flare revolvers. With the rebalance it is now a tier 5 weapon and it is more than justified for the price and power
Molotov : An area denial grenade, hitting zeds wil ignite them and will leave a small fire trail that last around 5 seconds before it evaporates, you can take the skill(flaratov cocktail) to make it last longer. Any zed killed by the molotov will leave their corpses on fire that also deal damage(residual flames). Careful while using these in short distances if you have low fire resistance

Firebug Skills- Le opinion

Tier 1

Bring the Heat: wow, you kill stuff faster...

High Capacity Fuel Tank: wow, you can spam some more...

Tier 2

Barbecue: afterburn sucks in KF2(but it was useful in KF1), dont bother.

Ground Fire: actually kill the floor simulator, yup a no brainer skill but boring too.

Tier 3

Napalm: it is way better early waves where mostly only trash spawns but in the later ones it can set off scrakes and fleshpounds so it is recommended to change.

Zed Shrapnel: at least knocking stunning them down buys the team some time to reposition or heal rather than raging 5 scrakes at once.

Tier 4

Heat wave: it is your only defense from getting punched, it even triggers at a fully raged fleshpound! since the stumble combined with fire panic you can remain untouched from small zeds mostly. A no brainer skill imho.

Firestorm: meh, even with the extra range you won´t be able to escape if you are cornered so just skip this.

Tier 5

Pyromaniac: free ammo basically, just fire at your heart´s content. Turns the flare revolvers or Trenchgun into a barrage of fire.

Inferno: more damage and slow is nice but it feels so weird using flame weapon in zed time, it is just a matter of preference

Demolitionist(Rework Updated)

Role: Trash clearing WHEN necessary(demo is expensive to maintain so don´t waste ammo on single weak enemies), Fleshpounds´ main enemy. Save teammates that become surrounded and don´t become surrounded yourself

Perk Weakness: Scrakes, screaming sirens(not taking the anti siren skill) and getting overwhelmed by trash, perk weapons mostly are single fire and slooooooooooooow reload. Perk can show a low performance in closed areas maps(catacombs,prison,etc). Can´t get the free grenade on its own.(leave ammo crates for this perk if no one else needs them, when i say demo is expensive, I MEAN IT)

Skill Ceiling: Low to Medium. Just fire at general direction of the horde with your explosive weapons. You skill ceiling increases when you know how to deal with scrakes and fleshpounds ALONE without a scratch.

Game Sense Ceiling:: High, as a demo is pretty easy to get surrounded by trash. Adopting a paranoic playstyle could be an advantage. Otherwise, there is little you can do after you get gnawed to pieces so don´t be too harsh on you if you die.

After sharp´s update, demo does have 2 focuses:
1- Focus all your skills to kill medium and small zeds while doing little to no damage against big zeds
2- Focus on losing all your trash clearing capability in order to kill scrakes and fleshpounds easily

Either way you are dependant in your team composition

Demo is the weakest close quarters perk and in KF2 this is no exception(i mean defending itself with its own perk weapons), you need to be more careful if you don´t want to end up surrounded by trash. In kf2 demo spam is not visually intrusive like it was in kf1 with the whole screen covered in smoke, you can boom stuff at your heart´s content just like firebug and use your ammo wisely at huge crowds and not single enemies. Always carry a good sidearm for pesky targets not worth a grenade, talking about grenades you no longer have extra grenades per level it is always just 5(Kf1 level 6 demo could bring 11 grenades) . Often demo needs babysitting from its teammates you should stick with good trash clearing perks like Firebug,Medic and Commando, try to hide somewhere where zeds don´t have a direct line of sight of you .

Note that like in KF1 firing the grenade launcher or RPG too close to your target will make them shoot a dud that deals impact damage but it will not explode, it is not "the grenade bypasses enemies and doesn´t do damage" sorta feeling. If you learn this and the certain distances to make your weaponry explode , you can easily turn the upper hand for you team.

The worst that can happen to demo weapons is they sometimes bug out and projectiles don´t fire or just simply dissapear(kinda the same as The eviscerator). Probably will need to be fixed by the devs

Note that Firebug and Demo don´t have health or armor buffs, this means they are the most frail class to survive as(the total damage they can take before they die). Demo is heavily in a disadvantage in KF2 cause everything is faster, comparing with KF1 demo where everything was slower and it was easier to react if it was worth firing or not you will struggle with trash a lot(unless you are covered or behind a zerk+medic wall with no spawns behind you)

After Swat update, demo now has the "Reactive Armor" skill as a passive(used to be optional). This means demo can "die twice". After your health reaches 0, you will release a powerful explosive blast surrounding you, enough to kill medium to lower tier zeds but you will be left with 1 life point after that. If you get hit again in that short amount of time you will die for good and have to respawn next wave. Be careful, being inflicted by other status like Poison or fire afterburn make your second chance useless.

Opinions on the weapons:
HX 25 Grenade pistol: it is ok(somewhat) for demos but it is pretty meh offperking it. In my opinion not a very good sidearm with that much weight and increased price. Shoot zeds´ feet, it is easier to kill low level stuff like this. Besides all that, it is the only explosive weapon that you can use on close range and not take damage even off-perk.

C4: first, C4 are not pipe bombs, you can control them with the detonator as you place them, these stick to surfaces and zeds(not on teammates,boo!), they are ok when purchased for fleshpound waves. DO NOT SPAM THEM, c4 has a penalty just like kf1 pipebombs so you don´t obliterate everything in a pinch, wait 3 secs before detonating another c4.(Consecutive c4 spam it is 25%damage reduced, 100%--->75%--->50% and so on) also if you happen to die and you leave some C4 on the ground no one would be able to make them explode at least they serve like some sort of light. Current max c4 limit undetonated per player is 10 and 40 in a team.

M79 grenade launcher: Doesn´t change much from KF1, single fire, great power and decent ammo pool however you will need choose if taking this with offperk stuff or save for the RPG-7.

M4-M203: just like in the first KF, this weapon it is an assault rifle with a grenade launcher attachment. It is meant to fix demo´s poor close range perfomance and self defense. Comparing with kf1 counterpart, what made the m4 suck in kf1 it that was always burst fire with no option to deal a single shot and laughable bullet damage asking for it price. Kf2 is a lot better upgrade and you can carry it with the rpg-7.

RPG 7: LAW´s brother, huge power, huge weight and low ammo count. Firing this takes a few rockets to kill a fleshpound without much hassle. Due the weight you have to think what suits you for the 5 6 blocks of free space to carry and fend off trash. Go for headshots for scrakes it may save your life...
Seeker Six: coming from the KF1 DLC, seeker 6 is another tackle to give him a little more of close range defense but still have the crowd control aspect. It sucked bananas in KF1 for a DLC weapon to be honest .

1/2 Dynamite: Things go boom, the dynamite has a bigger radious but it has a fuse won´t automatically explode until 3 seconds have passed unless you take the skill to make it explode on contact now it has the on contact "skill" as a passive however if you miss your target will have to wait for the fuse to go off, in a very weird way it does apply the same "sedated" effect , with better stun skills you can "sedate" the fp making him a cinch(you can sedate scrakes too now in 1043 update)..

M32: back from Kf1, it "can" replace the RPG but careful with that ammo pool.

Seal Squeal: eh another long range weapon for the demo, it may be a good sidegrade if you plan to hunt scrakes or takedown fps safely. Unlike the seeker six you can dump all harpoons first then detonate them at once like ranged C4

You can´t act like a mortar in KF2 :(, in KF1 you could shoot at the sky and your grenades eventually will hit the floor (and inflict damage)
Demo Skills- Le opinion

Tier 1

Bombardier: extra damage is always nice nothing spectacular about it tho.

Shock Trooper: very useful since your weapons need constant reloading and combining them with reload canceling you can rain rockets at your enemies. A matter of preference between these skills.

Tier 2

High Impact Rounds: i believe this skill is still bugged, if not, well the boost it is not that good since demo weapon already have good damage.

Extra Rounds: more ammo means more spam, more damage and more money problems but useful nonetheless.

Tier 3

Sonic Resistant Rounds: no brainer skill, you can forget about being careful about sirens completely something that KF1 demo always wanted to.

Fragmentation Rounds: wow, it is the only skill in the entire game that has an active negative side, dont bother with it. Ok, they finally removed the negative side but the skill still sucks.

Tier 4

Armor Piercing Rounds: you need to take this if you want to 1 shot scrakes with the RPG.

Concussive Rounds: if you want to make zeds fly just take this, making them fly really high is an instant kill in KF2.

Tier 5

Destroyer of Worlds(formerly Nuke): the best trash clearing and time waste skill in the game. Shoot at your feet to make a very nausea inducing shield. It used to be VERY OP before but it is fine now.

Mad Bomber: optimal for taking out multiple big zeds aslong there is a decent commando in your team. A matter of preference to be honest.


This is using a "balanced" gunslinger info from KF1 custom servers(this is temporary and does not reflect the actual perk in KF2)
Kf1 Gunslinger from Scrn mods

Role: Jack of all Trades perk, can do trash clearing and deal heavy damage to large zeds. Using the speed bonus you can take unwanted attention from teammates. SPAM i mean shoot at everything.

Perk weakness: Gunslinger has a little trouble aiming in wide open maps(if you have good aim this does not applies to you), perk is frail and often relies in self-buffs(low armor/health) to be useful, the perk can do very good bodyshot damage but headshots are required to save ammo and maximize potential. Playing gunslinger will reduce your mouse lifespan due massive clicking

Gunslinger always existed in KF1 just its perk name was "Sharpshooter using handguns", TWI decided to split Sharpshooter in 2 perks. KF1 Gunslinger focuses solely in akimbo handguns and it is considered a DPS perk. The KF1 gunslinger has speed bonus in low armor and it is the only good perk that does "Run N Gun" tactics work. Kf1 Gunslinger is an absolute beast in skilled hands capable to solo scrakes and kite Fleshpounds while maintaining a decent safe distance from harm, a really good perk for those LEG IT moments. Afterall it is not a really good perk to take on boss waves unless you plan to kite for longer periods.

KF2 Gunslinger

Role: Jack of all Trades perk, can do trash clearing and deal heavy damage to large zeds. Using the speed bonus you can take unwanted attention from teammates. SPAM i mean shoot at everything (yes it´s the same as above)

Perk Weakness: Once again, aiming in wide open maps could be difficult. You don´t have any armor/health bonuses but you still have speed bonus at all times, this means gunslinger is just as fast a berserker/medic however you are frail so your primary focus should be avoiding damage. Not very good for boss fights tho, bosses tend to move a lot and have big hp pools, you will basically run out quicker than you think. Teammates getting the aggro instead of you, so it gets 10000% harder to land headshots.

Skill Ceiling: High, another one of the hard to master perks in the game. Requires both good aiming and positioning.

Game Sense Ceiling:: A surrounded gunslinger that needs to reload equals a dead slinger.

We got ourselves a cowboy!

Weirdly gunslinger gets bonus XP from headshots so it is just a hint where you should always aim if the situation permits it, bodyshotting is fine if you have crappy aim but you will be a force to be reckoned with if you practice with headshots(Specially with the 70% extra damage on headshot skill).
Gunslinger is also resistant to enemies that shoot bullets(Hans´ Guns, Patty´s chaingun) and with recoil reduction you can have a steady hand as you level since most handguns kick like a mule.

Gunslinger brings a handful of very powerful handguns for you to tinker with, these greatly expands your loadout options since all handguns are 2-3 weight(unless dual wielded). Ammo reserve, magazine count,dps,power, you name it; everything is crucial for you to experiment which handgun is good for you. In the other side, you dont really need to dual wield to get your bonuses unless you dont want to act like a cowboy.

The main problem(s) about going akimbo or single is up to you really. Going akimbo increases your magazine count(not ammo reserve) and gives you better DPS but you lose accuracy and recoil can be uncontrolable with longer reload times(use the exploit if you want,lol). Going single gives you better accuracy and better recoil reduction with normal reloads. You always have a set ammo reserve in both forms.

Just like a commando using "Large Mags" skill, dual wielded handguns get a full magazine from ammo pickups, if you only single wield you only get 7 Deagle Bullets instead of 14 for example. Been Fixed, you can single dual wield and get 2 full magazines, however THIS ONLY APPLIES TO GUNSLINGER WEAPONS (excludes 9mm, Medic Pistol)

Currently there is a bug if you pick up (not buy) another 9mm it will make it disappear from your inventory, not gamebreaking but annoying in those moments when you dont have anything to defend yourself. Bug has been fixed

Gunslinger has a very powerful early game because you can purchase a single deagle/.500 Magnum right off the bat in the 2/3 wave, that´s enough to cause trouble for husks and sirens.

Opinions on the weapons: ALL handguns deal ballistic damage
Model 1858 Remington Revolver: Decent sidearm, will kill in a 1 headshot against crawlers in all diffculties and has the biggest ammo reserve, however it adds 2 weight blocks ,the penetration is not very good for a revolver(it is very low to non existant) and the slow reload is not very good for you, well at least it is cheap. After the buff in 1060, the 1858s are fairly decent due the 1 shotting capabilities against crawlers.

M1911 .45 Colt Handgun: basically a buffed up 9mm with less magazine capacity, will also 1 shot crawlers and penetrates decently(can only penetrate crawlers and stalkers offperk) with good recoil and ammo pool.

.50 Desert Eagle HandCannon: A beast, trash has no chance with this, it kicks like a mule but the power and the satisfaction it brings it is too good honestly. With only 2 weight blocks is one of my favorite sidearms. Good all around handgun with good penetration, will always 1 bodydshot crawlers and stalkers. It needs 3 bodyshots to kill a gorefast and 2 for clot variants(offperk)

.500 S&W Magnum Revolver (T&W The Zed Collector): The big deal, pretty much everything will stumble, 1 headshot husks and sirens and with the rack em up skill you kiss scrakes goodbye quickly. With low ammo pool make every shot count. Currently there is a bug that if you fire from afar, the damage falloff will kick off and will no longer deal full damage on headshot, this another thing that needs to be fixed. It only works on close range Bug has been fixed. This revolver will 1 shot clot variants, crawlers and stalkers, it needs 2 bodyshots to kill a gorefast(offperk)

AF2011-A1 very powerful and expensive, good ammo pool but the big drawback about this cool pistols is they are not very good for long range battle due the horizontal output of the bullets(depends if your target has a big headshot hitbox).

NailBomb Grenade: Good for those groups you don´t feel like wasting bullets. It is best used on closed spaces like support´s grenade, deals explosive/piercing damage. Awesome for fleshpounds too!. The Rack´em Up skill works with grenades too, free extra 70% damage for you however the damage multiplier only kicks off when the grenade explodes and not when it is tossed. After the sharp´s update, the damage has been nerfed but now has more STUN power which means it is easier to stun large mobs or even better stun fleshpounds(takes 1 or 2 grenades unraged) so you can quickly dart in and unload your magnums on their heads for an easy kill. Sucks for scrakes due their natural explosion resistance.

Rhino: A paid dlc weapon i guess, we will seeeeee.

A really fun perk and very powerful speedkiller in skilled hands!
Gunslinger Skills- Le opinion

Tier 1

Steady: pretty much useless once you get the feeling of gunslinger or unless you suffer motion sickness :/

Quick Draw:
you will have to cycle thru all your weapons fast and this skill brings more than enough benefits than the other one, get used to kill large zeds without going ironsights.

Tier 2

Rack`Em Up: needed for optimal large zed killing, keeping up high amount of stacks can break important breakpoints on trash zeds, nuff said

Bone Breaker: if you plan to play a bodyshot gunslinger then go on, just saying is not optimal...

Tier 3

Line´em Up: the best handguns already have decent penetration power and zeds dont often line up for a 3 headshot streak unless they are the same height so i suggest to skip this one.

Speedloader: reload speed also speeds up the moment you insert new magazines in order to reload cancel faster. So, it is a win win.

Tier 4

Skullcracker: a great debuff even if you manage to only score 1 headshot, very useful to take down large zeds before they reach you.

Knock´em Down: it used to be useful before the "build up knockdown power" in sharpshooter update. It is ok for bodyshotting gunslingers.

Tier 5

Whirlwind of Lead: infinite ammo sounds nice but mostly you will be able to fire 2-3 extra bullets without needing to reload, even with a commando I dont find this skill very useful.

Fan Fire: with this skill you can take down multiple big zeds aslong you manage to control the increased recoil but boy, it sure does feel good killing 2 scrakes and 1 fleshpound in less than 10 seconds.


This is using sharpshooter info from KF1 (this is temporary and does not reflect the actual perk in KF2)

Role: Jack of all Trades perk, can do trash clearing and deal heavy damage to large zeds. Take key targets from long distances aka don´t let scrakes or fleshpounds get near us.

Perk weakness: as the name implies, this perk relies heavily in good aim and awareness and it is not a good perk you want to be overwhelmed by trash. It is a frail perk that doesn´t get armor/health bonuses.

KF1 Sharpshooter had a lot of advantages, good weapons, good economy, good damage,etc. Now that the perk focuses solely in Rifles(not the combat ones) it may have lost the utility that it had with its handguns for trash clearing.

KF1 Sharpy is a beast if you have good aim and since KF1 is a slower game this sounds really convenient(besides wonky hitboxes), camping in KF1 was super easy to hold thanks to sharpshooters eliminating threads as soon as they see them

KF2 Sharpshooter

Role: Big Zed Hunter, Herald of Headshots and the people´s choice to win, the STUN master. Sharpy is an accuracy focused perk, for no reasons you should take this perk if your aim is crap, sharp´s weapons deal pretty crappy bodyshot damage but deal insane amounts of damage to headshot to make big zeds crumble in fear.

Perk Weakness: sharpshooters hate taking damage while disposing the big zeds, nothing is worst than a wasted shot or life due a single sneaky crawler managed to strike just before firing. Sharp with its own weapon struggles against trash and often needs to resort to other perks´weapons to cease annoying encounters. Generally speaking, frail perk with almost no survival on its own. Remarkably "weak" in closed maps like catacombs or maps where there aren´t many funnels of zeds like a hallway.

Skill Ceiling: Medium to High. Totally dependant on the playstyle of the player. Both playstyles require good aiming.

Game Sense Ceiling:Medium to High. Sharpy hates trash, ergo be always on the lookout for tresspasers, depends in your position on the map you play,

As in headshot damage, this means the bonus damage won´t apply when you do bodyshots so good aim is required to be optimal(excludes extra damage from the skill tree tho). Aiming isn´t really hard, what is hard is you need an excessive amount of target switching skill to play sharp without hurting yourself too much.

There are 2 ways to play sharp now

1- Consits you play as a dedicated Sniper hanging in the backlines meanwhile you wait for scrakes and fleshpounds to spawn. Deals absurd damage with all those damage stacking bonuses. VERY POWERFUL in camping maps

2-The kiting sharpy trades a little of damage potential in order to gain reload and speed boost so it is easier to kite if everything goes wrong. A survival sharp can be quite hard to put down if the person using it has good aim and doesn´t make stupid choices. Very good if plans go wrong and the team has to bail out of their comfort zone. Focus on using M14+Crossbow/Lar/Centifire

Special Note: since sharpy got divided in 2 perks, the 9mm pistol no longer benefits from body or headshot extra damage, be on the lookout on your loadout if you don´t want to shoot 2 headshots to decap trash. In 1046 patch, sharp now gets 9mm headshot damage bonus(not bodyshot).

Opinion on the weapons: All deal ballistic damage and except the crossbow which is piercing
Winchester 1894 Lever Action Rifle(LAR): the iconic all around weapon from KF1 is sharp´s initial spawn weapon. Like kf1´s LAR, Kf2 is an upgraded version with penetration and good firerate however due kf2 mob pacing it can turn really messy to control trash with this weapon. At least it can 1 shot clots and crawlers and stalkers something you couldn´t in KF1
Crossbow: Another friend comes back and it is not so good. Due being a tier 2 weapon is supposed not to kill the big guys with a couple of shots, now the cross is only useful to kill medium zeds and stun big guys so you can finish them off with your next weapon. Pretty much the only piercing attribute weapon.
SPX 464 Centerfire: basically a better level action rifle, mostly resembles to the singlepiston musket from kf1, great cheap weapon to kill big zeds on-perk and if you are very good even off-perk
M14 EBR: an oldie says hi but has come with an integrated scope instead of just ironsights(plain horrible ironsights) like its kf1 counterpart and the laser sight is always active.
This weapon is the one that separates people with crap aim to the "elite" that pops heads left and right. It´s easier to look badass if you use this weapon eficciently but the true power this weapon hides is with the Rack them Up skill like gunslinger´s for optimal damage output and big zed killer. Biggest downside is deals crap bodyshot damage. Comparing with KF1 M14, Kf2 is an upgraded version in almost every aspect
Magnetic Acellerated GGravity MAG Railgun: horzine has crafted a "sniper rifle". The most powerful gun in sharpshooter´s arsenal. The GG part is actually a pun. "Aimbot simulator" more like easier M99 simulator.
The Rail Gun is a big zed killer only, you have 0 reason to waste ammo on trash and the weapon´s downside is that it needs to be reloaded each shot and its heavy weight. The alt fire mode "lighting" enables weakspot autoaim(fire when the reticle turns red) but sacrifice damage for accuracy or "bullet" mode that enables normal aiming and headshots deal full damage to reward skilled play. On the bright side, this weapon hits instantly in zed time no bullet travel time predictions needed.
M99: oh its back, well time to 1shot those scrakes i guess....AGAIN!?!?!, but this time you can 1 shot fleshpounds,too. Man, TW never learns.
Liquid Nitrogen Freeze Grenade: well if this isn´t a surprise, this grenade is capable of freezing zeds and make them completely stop on their tracks and makes them easier to headshot. Super useful for fleshpounds however deals very crappy body damage so refrain to use them for killing trash.
Sharpshooter Skills- Le opinion

Tier 1

Sniper: needed for the 1/4 setup to 1 shot scrakes on HOE with the railgun M99, take note the effect triggers as soon you stop moving.

Marksman: very useful for a kiting setup, the SPX and M14 Ebr greatly benefit from this skill for fast take downs.

Tier 2

Stability: another skill needed for the 1 shot setup but comparing this one to the skill in this tier, it is better to just leave it selected and get used to kill stuff while crouching(the reload bonus only applies if you were crouching when you started reloading).

Ballistic Shock: it is useful if you are not confident enough in your M14/Spx takedowns, otherwise you could just use a freeze grenade and forget this skill.

Tier 3

Rack´em Up: useful for both sniper and kiting setups, more damage means faster takedowns after all.

Tactical Reload: to be honest this skill is only useful to spam railgun at bosses or doing takedowns with the crossbow, but since it stacks with stability reloading faster it is always nice.

Tier 4

Dead Eye: needed for the sniper setup and that´s pretty much it.

Always Prepared: better for kiting setups or heavy use of the spx//m14 ebr, also you can miss more.

Tier 5

Assasin: if you are lucky to be fully buffed in zed time while being a sniper, you may 1 shot fleshpounds if the galaxy lines up that day. The 5% chance to trigger zed time in both skills is nice.

Ranger: more useful for kiting setup making scrakes and fleshpouns instantly stunned with a single bullet. You will trigger zed time a lot often with this skill and setup.

The best is, since both skills can trigger zed time a little more frequently(you dont have to kill a zed with a headshot to proc zed time), it turns sharpshooter into the second perk to manipulate zed time at cost of high accuracy.


Role= trash clearing, defensive playstyle with tank capability, speed debuffs zeds to keep them at bay. Lots of ammo with absurd magazine sizes. Perk has a special of being anti cannon fodder(best way to kill large amounts of clots and crawlers)

Perk weakness:= Not very good taking big guys, lack of penetration in SMGs makes fast trash clearing a little hard unless you always go for headshots and have good aim. Pretty much almost useless for boss fights due SMGs perform very poorly against huge hp pools. CsGo jokes...

Skill Ceiling: Low to medium. Just fire at the general direction and you will be fine. Your skill increases when you consistenly kill trash with headshots and scrakes with your combo weapons. Don´t engage fleshpounds as they can take a lot of headshots with your best weapon unless necessary

Game Sense Ceiling:: Medium. As long you analyze your situation you should be fine(kite if the team decides to) and keep killing trash to protect your team.

Swat is a "new" perk that resembles what KF1 medic could do with SMG weapons, SMGs have high capacity pool, big magazine, extreme firerate, very low recoil and lower weight than assault rifles but their damage is weaker and it is very easy to run out of ammo if you only buy 1 smg.

Swat has 2 playstyles mostly:
1- Be an armor ranged tank and try to save teammates in a bad situation. A level 25 Swat has the best start now since you opt to spawn with full armor and 1 mp5 with dual pistols making economy easier for you.

2- Be a speed debuffer so other accuracy focused perk have easier time aiming for headshots to kill large zeds better.

Due to the endless battle to know if Swat is better than commando, I´m going to give you a small advice.

Commando is better for people that want a more suportive role but also have a good aim and always go for headshots. Commando passive´s can easily turn the tide with zed time manipulation. It is meant to be a careful pick if you think your team is good enough to protect you from big zeds

Swat is better for people that aren´t very good at aiming but still want to support their team so these people can buy 3 smgs and spam all day without having to worry about ammo conservation. Also with their speed debuffs they can easily get away by shooting the legs of big zeds.

Both perks are very straightforward but fill a niche, an example, I like to spawn as a swat to get free gear and money but I play comando cause my aiming is above average and I know about the mechanics.

Opinions on the weapons: smgs don´t change their damage much but often the better ones have better recoil,better magazine and bigger ammo pool.

MP7: your starting smg is really powerful for early waves, with 4 weight and good ammo pool it is one of the best starting weapons currently. This silenced smg rips thru clots and crawlers.
MP5: It´s almost exactly like the Mp7 stats but has less magazine but more ammo pool. I like it anyway due the recoil is very easy to control. TWI decided to buff this weapon and nerf the mp7 so the mp5 justfies its price.

P90: holds the biggest magazine out of all SMGs , pretty good ammo pool but barely any damage modifier. Csgo jokes are strong on this one

Kriss Vector: Biggest ammo pool, insane firerate but lower magazine than the P90. It is extremely easy to tear up crowds with this and easy to run out of ammo. It totally lost the ability to heal from KF1, not even medic can apply darts to this.

UMP45: sacrifices magazine size and slow fire rate for stronger bullet damage, it is basically the "Scar" for swat. The burst fire mode resembles the ak-12 instead and is great if you need more damage.

Thompson SMG: eh, fairly decent for commando and Swat, it is a tier 2 weapon after all; don´t expect something gamebreaking.

Nailgun: really good for trash clearing, the only "smg" with penetration.

Flashbang Grenade: this grenade is very good to stun big zeds and has decent damage to kill trash. The best is its low fuse time and cool design. More csgo jokes... On the bright side this grenade super useful for scrakes since with just 1 grenade is enough to stun him and you quickly unload your kriss on its head for an easy kill.
Swat Skills- Le opinion

Tier 1

Heavy Armor Training: always pick this when joining a server for free armor, gameplay wise this skill makes your armor a tad more resistant but since it will deplete at some point of wave if you are careless, it is useful if you dont want to be pestered by clots in takedowns versus scrakes.

Tactical Movement: turn swat into some sort of urban ninja sneaky beeky like. It is enjoyable if you don´t want to take the other skill.

Tier 2

Close Combat Training: free stuff and free damage for your backup weapons, a must take always.

Tactical Reload: meh, just learn to reload cancel and you will forget this skill.

Tier 3

Supression rounds: useful to cancel attacks or taking down scrakes with the Kriss Smg without needing a flashbang.

Ammo Vest: more ammo means more spam but also it is quite costly.

Tier 4

Assault Armor:
a must take when you always join a server or if you want extra 50 hp for your armor.

Cripple: the speed debuff can help other accuracy perks such gunslinger or sharp to recover before finishing off a large zed.

Tier 5

Battering Ram: a skill "for the lols" when it works. SInce there are many restrictions for a zed being knocked down you can use this skill as an escape tool or not.

Rapid Assault: Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Dead Scrake.
Survivalist(with "limited" content)

Role= Undefined, totally dependant on what the player wants to play as.

Perk weakness: Pointless in some weapon categories. Lacking in some KEY passive abilities other perks have like "more damage on shotguns doesn´t mean you get more penetration power". You get the idea

Skill Ceiling: Low to High. Surv might be the easiest perk to use or the hardest perk to master depending on the weapon balancing.

Game Sense Ceiling:: Low to High. This depends on what you choose to play as, too.

Before going deeper, if you have low level perks and have yet to level up your Survivalist, I suggest you play as Survivalist instead of the perks. You see, the only way to level up Survivalist is to play as one, this means if you use Demo weapons while playing as a Survivalist, you get BOTH demo xp and Survivalist XP, making it 2 birds with 1 stone leveling.

The Survivalist is a hybrid class that allows you to create your "own build". Players have been demanding more cross-perk support, and this might fill that niche. While the perk won't specifically excel at what other classes specialize in, it can allow your dreams of being a flaming Berserker or a healing Demolitionist to come true.

Short words, survivalist is some kind of 1 man army perk, you get bonuses with all weapons in the game, natural resistance to everything(something is something), bit of extra armor and zed time reload speed(gunslinger´s rework passive) and the ability to choose you either focus on big guns or small guns.

Essencially, Survivalist is some sort of "that perk that uses other perks´ weapons in order to be effective and uses the same perk icon from offperk tab so Survivalist is master of the offperk.

The skill tree choices can be very hard depending on your prefered difficulty. I suggest you try everything and see what fits you.

On the other side, some people may find the perk quite "selfish" . Example: why you should be playing with support weapons instead of picking support(that comes with free ammo for everyone) just because you care about your own survival. Kinda touchy situations may happen online so be on the lookout.

There are some damage breakpoints that only the survivalist can break but they are not that powerful.

1- Surv passive damage applies to all sharpshooter weapons without headshot penalty. The best case is once you reach level 19 surv, you can 1 shot clots and below with a bodyshot in any part of the body with the m14 EBR. This makes it a very powerful trash clearing weapon.

2- Similar case happens to the Deagle once you reach level 17, you will able to 1 shot clots and below with a bodyshot.

I´m still on the lookout for more examples...

Anyway, Surv is more useful the less players are in a team. You see, when there are 4- people in a team, big zeds are not that spongy comparing with a full 6 man team. Surv can provide good firepower or defense with healing abilities without being a medic( a strong medic is that one that has the whole team alive) without being sacrificing much needed said power. (RPG/Railgun/Dual.500).

Many people don`t like being designated a job in low player lobbies(1 player kills trash, 1 for bigs zeds,other heals,etc). When one of the designated player dies leaving their relative zed to kill, the team usually scrumbles till everyone is dead. A full team of survivalists can take care of everything if they all use a balanced loadout for both trash and big zeds. So there is less relying on each other using this tactic.

Loadouts are up to you, however most people tend to include a Top Tier Anti Big Zed weapon such as RPG, Railgun or Dual .500 in all their builds.

Survivalist is often considered a "handicap perk" rather than an actual one.

Oh, TW finally a survivalist weapon after some backlash due the Xbox limited content:

FreezeThrower: enter the first cryo gun related in official kf universe. Basically it is a reverse flamethrower, to be honest the weapon is very weak but it is a great crowd control weapon especially agaisnt multiple big zeds scrakes and unraged fleshpounds. It doesn´t have self inflicted damage either to so you can hold the fire button without remorse. Anyway, it brings utility at best at the cost of being a "teamwork" weapon. Hmmm, is like the Mk1 Zed Gun alt fire, if nobody takes advantage form the zeds you have frozen then the weapon is almost useless. Until we finally got the PC version, i would say this weapon is a better upgrade than using a flamethrower, due the alt fire and how easy is to freeze large with minimal ammo, it allows safer combos for almost any perk. It basically gives freeze grenades to any perk that uses it at cost of 8 weight

The goreshiv: at least this isnt Fallout since i doubt you can loot your enemies´ remains in this game but hey at least now you have a different knife!, uhmm *cues Fireworks* *awkward silence*

The Killerwatt: it is good at killing crowds with little effort(secondary mode) but it sucks for big zeds due the inability to headshot, fun otherwise. The primary while fairly ammo hungry it is capable to apply the EMP status to zeds and offers decent headshot damage, awesome for scrakes not so awesome for fleshpounds

Off Perk weapons don´t have a specific damage bonus instead their stats and price are always the same across difficulties. Off Perk weapons often are just fillers in weight so it is nice to buy them if a weapon is worth having it.

Katana: The katana is basically a mini zweinhander, not very good off perk beside being low weight and able to parry stumbling scrakes/fps. It was considered a Tier 1 weapon for Martial Artist/Dragon. After 1041 update, this weapon now is considered as another berserker´s sidegrade and no longer costs 200 dosh however its power has been buffed

9mm Dualies= Dualies are good fillers and if you are still leveling a perk to level 25 you can spam them to tag everything(hehehe), cheap to refill and with increased rate of fire you can kill trash quickly(go for headshots). Once I´m done leveling my perk i just switch to a medic pistol cause it is better and saves you 1 block of space. The only perk that does affect dualies is the commando "Backup" skill in which you can play some kind of weak gunslinger and gunslinger passives have innate buff as you level. On thing about the dualies is their Ironsights are changed in KF2, in Kf1 dualies ironsight zooms a bit and raises both guns on the screen. Kf2 lets you use 1 pistol ironsight while the other pistol model is on the side of screen(press your ALT-FIRE button to change views), if you get used it it will not bother you much. With a funny exploit you can reload dualies in 2 seconds by cancelling just when the first mag is introduced(cancel it via going Ironsights bashing), this saves 2 seconds.

Winchester Lever Action Rifle(LAR PRE SHARP): more like WIN-chester, when released the winchester has incredible stunning power making scrakes/fps a joke, obviouly will be nerfed at some point but enjoy it as much as you can. Comparing with the KF1 LAR, KF2 LAR is a direct upgrade now since it can penetrate some trash zeds like crawlers and stalkers, it 1 shots clots variants and 2 shots gorefasts on the body. However deals ballisitic damage

Crossbow(PRE SHARP): just like the LAR , a beast that can easily make scrakes and fps a joke with focused fire , the scope it is kinda buggy and some mouse sensivities break when zoomed-in. Enjoy while you can before sharpshooter rebalances it. The first scoped and piercing damage weapon

As 1051 patch, the only offperk weapons are the 9mm dualies(this means it appears in every perk weapon tab in the trader). So far, the zed guns from KF1 might not take priority
Martial Artist/Dragon (placeholder)

some day in the future, PROBABLY HAS BEEN SCRAPED OR POST RELEASE CONTENT, maybe who knows if it will make a comeback.... Scrapped, modders might think otherwise
VS Survival (PVP Mode)
Everything about PVP goes here, Note the mode is heavily unbalanced and prone to change in the future.

Welp, if you thought pvp modes from KF1 were lacking some L4D-esque feeling then you should try this mode.

Easier to watch the first look stream from Tripwire Twitch channel so ill just leave this link here when available.

Uhm yeah I didn´t put a lot of effort in making this section since the vast majority of the playerbase prefers PVE modes.

Player controlled zeds have "Bio-Luminescence" blue neon effects in the body of the zed they are controlling and have increased health and durability(not over the top but something is something)

Alpha Clot Role= be a nuissance and enrage as many zeds as you can to keep up the pressure. Cannon fodder
Slashing Attack= use it and spam it, target low health people and medics
Grab= grab a key target when it is busy shooting at some zeds
Commanding Shout (Roar)= spam it to keep the pressure on humans

Slasher Clot Role= Be annoying as hell and make humans waste ammo while dodging
Slashing Attack= alternate with heavy attack for better results
Heavy Attack = same as above
Roll= spam and dont get hit, alternate with jump
Leap= same as above

Gorefast Role = best used in a ambush or blend with a group of zeds. Can deal good damage on unarmored humans
Light Attack: dont use it much, heavy attack is better
Heavy Attack: spam this
Area of Effect Attack: use when surrounded as last resort to deal damage

Bloat Role= Surprise factor with mine spam or be a wall for other zeds to attack the humans
Slashing Attack:dont bother
Puke: puke as many people as you can, blinding humans is a great ammo waste for them and leave them vulenrable for ranged attacks. Avoid puking berserkers and medics
Lay Mines: your primary role is to lay mines in all possible getaway routes for humans. Humans tend to panic when ♥♥♥♥ hits the fan and they will be less busy looking down the corners for your mines.

Husk Role: weaken humans with long range fire, when bored go suicide near them. Don´t bother shooting firebugs but do suicide near them
Fire Cannon: spam this take note you need to lead your shots, avoid shooting firebugs.
Flamethrower : pretty meh, dont bother unless you team up with a siren
Melee Attack : DON´T BOTHER
Suicide: when bored look for the perfect chance to suicide and inflict fatal damage

Crawler role: suicide bomber in order to flush out campers or be annoying. Crawlers are super weak so there isn´t much to do
Light Attack: alternate on someone unaware of your presence, when spotted just rush for the suicide.
Heavy Attack: alternate with your attacks before spotted.
Suicide: press G in order to play something better
Leap Attack: useful to close distances.

Stalker role= hit and run tactics work better, target lonely people or medics to shred their armor
Light Attack: alternate with heavy attack for annoying combos
Heavy Attack : same as above
Dodge= spam this in order to survive, take note when evading they can see you

Siren Role= Disabler, has the OP ability to render a human useless for some seconds.
Scream: use it after you used your vacuum
Vacuum (SUPER OP) : team up with another zed to deal absurd damage, obviously target lonely people or berserkers.

Scrake Role= apply pressure and inmediatly try to corner a human in order to kill it faster
Light Attack: alternate with heavy attack in order to deal huge damage
Heavy Attack : same as above
Whirlwind: use it when surrounded, hitting many people at once alerts medics

Fleshpound Role= apply pressure and inmediatly try to corner a human in order to kill it faster (go for weaker hp perks like firebug, demo or medics)
Light Attack :alternate with heavy attack in order to deal huge damage
Heavy Attack : same as above
Rage Mode: free speed boost when you want it.

Patriarch role= kill everyone, what else?
Melee Attack:rush low hp humans in order to kil lthem
Chain Gun: use it in open area maps with low cover, unlike the PVE counterpart, the chaingun is extremely accurate when used on PVP
Tentacle Grab: meh dont bother and renders you vulnerable
Missile Strike: spam this to win
Heal : automaticaly heals when below 25% hp
Mortar Barrage: suprise behind cover otherwise dont rely on it to kill someone
Hold out mode , New PVE Mode

Hold out mode is a PVE mode implemented in The Descent Content Update(aka after EA release)
Some kind of dungeon crawler mode where the team has to holdout premade generated rooms from the map. Certain amount of rooms are generated by the map creator which hopefully has some interesting layouts; the mode ensures once you play the map, the rooms your team complete are not used again to avoid repetition and boredom. There are very easy rooms and very hard rooms to balance it out so there is replay value for this mode.

In Holdout, players play through a different small map for each wave, each with limited room to maneuver or retreat, forcing players to stand their ground against the Zed onslaught.

Unlike the standard Survival Mode where pretty much everyone knows the usual spots to camp, Hold out mode tries to spice up things by adding some quite challenging rooms(depends on the map maker), so this kinda reduces the amount of cheese survival mode had.

Most people treat it like some kind of Binding of Isaac/roguelite vibe anyway to be honest but I`ll leave that to you.

The only rooms that repeat are the first one and the boss room so there are fixed spots in the official maps.

As 1051 patch, there is only 2 maps officially dedicated for this mode. The maps only have around 10 different rooms but modders can make as much as they want(careful with the map size total)

PS The mode is essentially a different way to play a map with small rooms not an actual mode, kappa
Map Types/Endless

Since KF2 doesn´t have an objective mode fully like KF1, TWI implemented new map types since 2016 release, there are not many but still they deserve a small section.

Standard Survival:
is the old Killing Floor formula, kill zeds, buy weapons, defeat the boss and you win (and you do it again). Any map by default has this.

Hold Out Map:
a map that has multiple small sections, in each wave it can force the players to fight in another crumped space(or not). Very similar to standard survival, CANNOT HOST STAND YOUR GROUND OBJECTIVES(SYG)

Stand Your Ground(SYG):
not exactly a map type but rather an objective, players are asked if they want to protect an area in particular, this objective was exclusive to krampus hideout but it is now added into any map(no holdout). if players succeed, they are rewarded with perk xp, dosh vault currency and current dosh in the map session.

Progressive Styled Map:
a map designed to host multiple sections but with the difference that earlier map sections are the first to be played. As soon players progress further, the earlier sections are locked out and cannot be revisited until the map is loaded again. Currently Krampus`Hidehout is the only map to support this style. You cant beat his shtoyle.

basically an endurance type of playing. Featuring 254 waves of pure carnage, endless can be played in any map except hold out based ones.
Endless pretty much mixes EVERYTHING in the game in one game mode, from making wave based mutators on weekly challenges to have scrakes only waves. Every 5 waves there is a random boss waiting for you.
Endless sure is pretty extensive but is basically a very long standard survival with whacky waves ranging to super easy to super hard. Anyway, you lose if you team wipes out as a whole in any wave.

Objective Styled Map(aka Objective Mode):
just like in KF1, Ringmaster Lockheart(ugh!, my bloody knee) introduces objective mode, this mode is a mix of survival and objectives that involve defending/killing/welding or doing a specific task. However, players will always lose if they all die, failing tasks is not really a detriment(mostly just takes more time in case you are welding and the welded object is destroyed, hell you can easily exploit them if you leave a couple of slow zeds and farm the remaining objectives).
A new approach is needed but teamwork will always win against the zeds.
Another difference with KF1 objective mode is, server could only host objective maps(there is like only 3 in KF1) without a whole restart to host Standard survivals map. In Kf2, you can pick all the maps without requiring a full server restart.

True Objective Mode:
Since i posted "true" objective mode, i mean that if you screw up any objective in any wave, it is an automatic loss. Yup, you screw up an objective and you have to restart the map. Only applies to Santa´s Workshop Map though,for now.....

True, Truest the Most Truthful Ultimate Mega Edition of Objective Mode (2.0):
An actual objective mode of the objective mode, screw up once then it is a restart, besides being almost an exact copy from "True Objective Mode", "truest most trusthful Objective" is an "expansion" and offers some story background and lore as well some current events happening in other parts of the Kf2 world. Those server restarts suck anyway.
Zed-Conomy, Trading Floor 2/Crafting

Big Summary about drops
Normal Update or After an Event= 1 item per 12 hours
Event Update= 1 item per 4 hours, if 2x Exp is ON then is 1 item per 2 hours

As July 13th 2017 drops are now 12 hours each, probably TWI screwed up something and of course they won´t tell us about this or it was made due feedback, anyway, if you want to farm for items, welp, woohoo...

As july 29th 2016 drops are now daily, 1 item every 24 hours, More info

During SummerSideShow/Halloween 2017, players enjoyED their item droprates via tickets or normal items per 4-5 hours, even better, at the last week TWI dropped a 2x XP/Drop event able to drop an item every 2 hours.

Drops are weekly, You mostly get 1 "guaranteed" item per week or 2 if you keep playing in intervals of 3-5 days(average 4 days), Drop resets every thursday when steam store updates with new deals

Well Csgo infested Killing Floor(and keeps infesting other games) with dump all your cash to a bunch of virtual skins(that add no gameplay value) syndrome.

Tripware introduces Trading Floor with complete inventory system like CounterStrike Global Offensive with the whole idea that you can sell,trade and buy any skin you want as long it exists in their servers.

It was added on the 1014 patch "return of the Patriarch".

Go here for more info

You get many items from drops including weapon skins, character items, crates(need a specific key to unlock). You can only get those items that are not locked in a crate( most of the coolest items are locked in). With the weekly cap it could take a loooooooooooooong time to own everything.

Tripware could change the drop rates in the future but currently is just 1 guaranteed item per day, you could get lucky and get more. With the issue of "ghost drops" testing the chances for a drop are currently a little bit hard to figure it out.

After constant testing, it seems you can get drops a little faster than just waiting 1 week, usually after your first drop, it takes roughly 3-5 days later to get another one, like i said you can get lucky and drop 2+ items, im testing if this is possible.

Drops are not cumulative
, this means you won´t get extra drops for not playing a whole week and in the next week get double drop rate.

Idling in the game is pointless, drops are on a timer between 3-5 days like i said you need to wait in real life time. Be sure to write down the time you got your drop

Difficulty, Win/Loss or game lenght don´t matter. You only get your items when you "finish" a match(the awards screen show up). You can´t drop items in the menu and leaving games constantly.

Spectators and late joiners(even after a wipe) can drop items if they meet required criteria.

If you only want to farm your items you will need to play for a while in order to gain it. Here is an Example: Let´s suppose you got an Item on Monday at 9:00 pm then you think you will get the next item at Tuesday 9:00 pm( minimum of 3 days. This may not work cause you never know if you need to wait 3 to 5 days. If you really want to try to get that item on Thursday, play for around 1-2 hours starting at 9:00 pm, if you don´t get your item between those 2 hours, wait till the next day. If you do, congrats you just need to apply the same procedure again.

All skins and items are totally optional and don´t bring any advantage whatsoever(besides dying in style, for now...)
Read the FAQ page here
About crafting go here lots of info:

PS: The system loves pouring crates, crates have high chance priority to be dropped frequently, I´m telling you this cause it is not funny getting 8 crates drops in a row Q_Q

In the Tropical Bash Update, crates can now be scrapped into crafting materials, so horde away!

Also, emotes make their debute, you can now equip a emote to fool around. There are 2 types, standard and deluxe. Deluxe emotes just add particle effects or other silly things, emotes do not change gameplay. More info

About skins sharing

Just like in the first game you can share your skins with other players as long you follow some rules.

- Your equipped weapon skins will be applied when you buy them from the trader or you pick them up from the ground generated by the multiplayer match(IE map drop).

- You can pick up skins from other players but their skin will have higher priority than yours if you have another skin applied. If a player is using default weapons but does not care about skins they have to suck it up cause there is no way to disable skins.

- Weapon skins quality doesn´t deteriorate with time, this means that a "Field Tested" skin won´t become "Battle Scarred" after playing with it for a long period of time.

- Gear cosmetics can be traded but not shared in-game. There are a few exceptions like the Dosh Jacket that can be shared using Steam´s Family Sharing
Very important info about Zedconomy
Read this announcement carefully(about the crates and keys)

Also after the SummerSideshow 2018 update is no longer possible to "share" skins in-game
KF2 During Early Access
I made this section on the guide if you wish to know how the majority of the comunnity handled every big update since release along with some of my perspective. This section is purely intented as an archive( as well as my guide in general)

Early Access Release(Waaaay back in april 2015)

After being teased a couple times before, everyone who bought the original KF though KF2 was going to be the exact game only to realize later that was a big mistake. You see, KF2 didn´t have a bad reception the first days, in fact, it achieved TOP Seller on steam in no time. After a couple of days, people were realizing there wasn´t a lot of content which lead to pretty much just leave the game for a big while for more content( people were thinking why would tripwire release with only 4 perks and 3 maps). So this happened and the game started "dying".

Gameplay wise, everyone was grinding for the perks and the meta was to spam medic OP armor darts, every zed teleported every corner, hans was OP speacially his gun and of course everyone pretty much was abusing the circle strafing in order to avoid taking damage and that duplication bug too with the boomstick map exploits. Usually, TWI would try to fix the bugs in fast patches or most of them at least.

Overall, good reception but inevitable decay due low content

The Manor Update May 2015(aka the update with the least hype on history)

"Wow, a new map, woohoo...., WHY ZEDS TELEPORT AS SOON AS I PASS A DOOR".

Yup, a new map and some characters along with the medic nerfs with no zed teleportation equals a barely increase in players.

Hmm, they did fix some of the complaints but man the new map was almost impossible to beat with the agressive teleports on pubs, berserker still was crap and medic even with the nerf still was the meta perk.

To be honest, I dunno why they labeled it as "big content" patch.

Incinerate and Detonate Content Pack (August-September 2015)

Meanwhile, people were playing the preview patch(this was the opt-in beta to play before the initial release of the update), they thanked twi for actually listening and then quickly curse them due an unrequested feature called AUTORAGE.

Actually, people though this was the best update to release as an initial release rather what they got before. The update completely revitalized the game, more fun, more polished(at least), 2 original perks, new characters, Zerker rework(which was OP), medic "nerf"(which of course was OP after people discovered they can heal armor without being hurt now) and of course getting wrecked by 2 autorage fleshpounds with 3 sprinting scrakes that decided to spawn late.

Anyway, KF2 achieved its player peak with a free weekend and overall good reception, yaaaayy **** you , autorage

Return of the Patriarch December 2015(aka the microtransaction update covered with glitter)

Hooboy, the hats and csgo skins are here!!! oh look! gunslinger is here too along with Patty and 2 new maps!, of course we didn´t remove autorage because it makes the game more fun! (getting wrecked). Oh, there you are Oinstein come say hi!.

Sincerely, this update was questionable , I mean they dropped the micro Bomb right before the update with a full announcement and proper page, it took soooo many people off guard(not me cause i could see this would happen way back in kf1, haha....)

Man, the forums were almost on fire but we moved on, the game couldn´t get worse than this right guys? riiiiiiight?

Revenge of the Zeds April 2016

Welp, Tripwire dropped the ball in this update, yup, here you go guys!, a PVP mode that totally nobody asked for but we still did it cause we wanted to!. Oh!, We saw you guys are still getting wrecked by the autorage fps and sks so we removed it for them, here we added 2 weapons, have fun! XOXOXOXO

Average KF2 player reaction: MIXED rating on steam(pssst most were negative ones)

I know I`m being mean in this part but almost the whole community catalogued this update as WASTED EFFORT

Anyway, the hate bagon continues! all aboard the hate train!, full speed to the next update !.

Bullseye Update June 2016(aka the resistance update)

TW: here is sharpshooter guys!, we made nerfs to most perks and we introduced weapon resistances! PLEASE FORGIVE US

KF2 PLAYER: WHAT THE ****!!!!, I just shot this crawler on the face with a full shotgun blast and IT DIDN´T DIE!. Why everything is a bullesponge, we can´t hold them! , hasjioaaaaahhhh gyaaaaaaaaaaaa! awdalihdoaidhawdhaw9d PARTY HAS BEEN WIPED *Defeat screen appears*. Pls remove TW!!!!! this sucks

TW: uhm guys we worked really hard in this update you didn´t ask for!, are you sure you don´t like the game?

KF2 player: the resistances makes no sense and it makes most perks USELESS. PLOX remove or tweak!.

TW: OK, FINE THEN!. We won´t remove the resistances but we will tweak them a lot so the game is more enjoyable for any perk.

KF2 player: Ok, thx but in the next update make the game harder we are tired of dealing with the same amount of big zeds and include the pvp zeds since nobody plays your stupid mode anymore! I won´t change my review since you are still a pack of big meanies tho!

*Meanwhile in TW`s mind*

TW: this guys have no idea what we have for them in the update. Stay tuned to our streams guys!

Tactical Response August 2016(aka the SWAT update)

TW: We are back in the game baby!, we are going all out! here are you rewards!.

And then TW proceeded to completely revitalize the game again.

I mean, this was one of the best updates. Almost every perk had a rework, some pvp zeds were included, they made the waves harder by adding more randomized zed squads, big zed spawn became unpredictable no more specting the same 4 fleshpounds in HOE now they can spawn up to 9, rewards for buyers, a new map, more support, tweaked zed teleport,etc.

Overall, they made the game fun again and people were thankful so they turned their negative reviews to positive and once again everyone is happy, right?

TW: uhm guys, we are also launching a PS4 version in case you didn`t know!

Official Release November 2016

TW: uhm, guys we are running out of time to release for PS4, so, here is survivalist!!! have fun! *Phew, that was a close one*

KF2 Player: Geez, ok, finally the game is released....

Eh, this update was, very lackluster to be honest but everyone was just happy that KF2 no longer has the Early Access tag so nobody cared.

There you go guys, this section was pretty stupid to do but i managed to include the general reception the comunnity had during Early Access, I didn´t include the new updates and events so far but if you wish for it, ill do them. Also, im running out of space, too.
Controversies about the game
Not everything is pink colored. Kf1/Kf2 has/had some controversies that many people didn´t agreed with the decisions Tripware Interactive implemented.
This section is optional and does not bring anything relevant to gameplay.

From time to time, I am going to post here about major controversies that hunt the game, this includes major ♥♥♥♥ offs, drama, lies, shady practices,etc. With the gaming industry growing each day many practices that greatly punish consumers for the sake off making a little bit of cash are being more and more common.

The List:

- "Development is really slow in Early Access and Perk wipes": Early Access adopters felt really letdown due the game is not pumped on content and this impacts negatively to the playerbase losing interest and leaving the game until fully released. It takes few months for TWI devs to add maps and perks. On the beggining of the Early Access release, TWI acclaimed perk progress/achievements could be wiped between updates this greatly did upset many people deterioring the player base until on the E3 2015 convention, TWI confirmed that there won´t be any wipes.

- The Mr Foster DOSH JACKET fiasco: the jacket was advertised as unique only obtainable from the printable edition of PC Gamer magazine (digital one didn´t come with a code). Everything was fine until PC Gamer decided to giveaway 8000 codes for free celebrating The Incinerate and Detonate Update. After said giveaway ended, problems began with codes not working, failed activations,etc. At the end the codes duplicated for winners and they had dupe codes to sell or giveaway making the total mount of 16000 free jackets. This made the original Jackets owners feel cheated out of their money and demanded peaceful approach to fix the problem with TWI. However a post from Yoshiro(TWI PR manager) claimed it was PC gamer´s fault and they had little to no power how these were given away. After everything settled up, original owners and giveaway winners will keep their original jacket and a new dosh jacket will be created for future contests.
A similar case only struck KF1 with Harchier Spebingtton being a Preorder exclusive for the game "The Ball"(published by TWI). Many people were upset Harchier not being available to those that wanted him, so TWI after years of hearing these people, they made a slighly different skins for current owners of the Ball while those who preordered got both skins to use ingame, the problem is Harchier skin is tied to an achievement in KF1 and not many people liked it.

- Speculations for KF2 to include Steam Inventory skin ala CSGO: with Steam Workshop integration and Contests for Skins and Clothes items many people started to think KF2 will have items for drops or an in-game store. These was deep when on a heavily liked game like Payday 2 included microtransactions with skins with boosts to stats(claiming it is Pay2Win content and they won´t remove it, also with a forgotten promise they wouldn´t include such things and shaming the community for thinking otherwise).
The urge quickly arrived to TWI about this and claimed they were going to do the same DLC treatment like KF1 had(on a response from Yoshiro said KF1 wouldn´t had lived on if there weren´t DLC to support the game even longer). Tripware decided to add cosmetic only items, these items provide no boosts or pay2win content. The only problem is some of the cooler items are locked in crates and you need use purchase keys to unlock with a gamble(you may not get the item you want), this obviously woke up Hell on Earth and the playerbase voiced their concerns(mostly bad) See more here

- "Power Creep" or "sidegrades being better than non-paid content": this whole thing started in KF1 when TWI released the first Weapon pack in the Hillbilly Update. Included very powerful weapons for firebug and berserker. Flare Pistols were almost a must for firebug players, the scythe(at the beginning) was too powerful it could stun scrakes with a bodyshot and the Buzzsaw bow only went to being economically nerfed(besides being the only ranged weapon for berserker). After many sidegrades and weapon packs were introduced, the community started to think TWI didn´t bother balancing the weapons, either nerf it to oblivion or straight buff it to Overpowered.
About skin packs in KF1, not only you did get the skins ingame but also gives you the ability to hold 2 of the same weapon in your inventory. A support with 2 AA12(Normal and Golden) seems a bit too much overpowered.
In KF2 started with the crossover weapon The zweihander for the berserker, in the inci and deto update, a good level berserker could literally spam heavy attack and still win against fleshpounds or scrakes. It could literally kill with 4-5 headshots in quick sucession making fp/sk a joke and a guaranteed win with medics constantly healing, this gave origin to "zerk walls" which made the hardest diffculty in the game a cinch. After the Return of the Patriarch update, both perks were nerfed and the zweinhander became just a "trash clearing weapon"(in an attempt to kill zerk walls), of course this woke some temper tamtrums in the comunnity and so far is has been like this.
The whole point is, if Tripware decides to nerf or buff some weapons, they barely listen to the community and just go for the easier route(nerf damage or making it more expensive), not always but most of the time it is like this.

- "Random Press and/or Game Journalists get to play updates early than EARLY ACCESS players": This usually happens when a pretty big update it is about to get released, the problem here is random people from the press get to play way early than the EA costumers hence totally making the point of Early Access a failure. We know big updates have to build HYPE in order to attract the playerbase back but no one wants to see livestreams or videos where random people with the intelligence of a banana get wiped in the first wave of normal mode. Point is, we bought an EA game, We expect broken/buggy builds in order to leave our feedback so WHY the press get to play early when they have no idea of the game mechanics.
End of the Line
That´s it folks, I will try to keep the guide updated as Early Access progresses or after it leaves with more content available :) (this is my first guide here on steam by the way). I like this guide to be as simple as possible so I am not going to post large numbers and graphics explaining you should do this or not.
Feel free to write in the comments section your concerns or write something i missed(like stumble mechanics but i prefer to wait how it changes after the updates).
And of course thanks to the developers for making one of my favorites games and hope we can balance out KF2 without making perks too powerful(looking at you KF1 berserker...).
By any chance I am not monetizing anything about this guide so I guess it is ok i use some images from the original KF2 artbook(i obviously purchased deluxe edition).

I´ll translate my guide to spanish, some day...
31 comentário(s)
TheDarkSentinel 25/nov./2020 às 2:16 
fleshpound is killing floor
unvaxXED 19/mai./2018 às 11:26 
Vault crate bug is great ;·p
Dead.ening 24/out./2017 às 8:55 
Damn best guide ever wtf thank you very much
󠀡 17/set./2017 às 12:02 
Dan 4/jul./2017 às 21:18 
"Well Csgo infested Killing Floor(and keeps infesting other games) with dump all your cash to a bunch of virtual skins(that add no gameplay value) syndrome."
Considering most of the cosmetics are hats/headware, I'd say it's more of a TF2 infestation.
C4UST1C 13/jun./2017 às 23:34 
Fantastic guide. As a player coming over from KF1 it told me EVERYTHING I wanted to know, even some stuff I didn't
󠀡󠀡 25/jun./2016 às 11:33 
Rae is a horrible character, she looks like a doll tbh, just my oppionion. a doll in a ugly dress
󠀡󠀡 25/jun./2016 às 11:32 
Lots of usbs/crates because there are barely any skins in the game yet, TW barely has any skins made by them in the game and even with the few they made they're shitty (check out the glow text katana skin), TW was definitly being greedy by rushing the skin system into early access, and you can tell because there's barely any skins, so just usbs/crates barely any weapon skins just lame hats which do not fit any style
ravenousbear 12/mai./2016 às 13:06 
TroesmaJensen TitanDeLDosh  [autor(a)] 12/mai./2016 às 12:36 
literally unplayable, pls fix TWI :steamfacepalm: