Buck Bumble   Obama, Fukui, Japan

Don't use that cocaine or marijuana🚬☠🚬 because that stuff is highly addictive💊 🔪💉💊 💉. When people become weed-heads🚬☠🚬 they become sluggish🙎 , lazy,🙎 stupid🙎 and unconcerned.🙎🏼☹🙎🏼 Sluggish, lazy, stupid and unconcerned. 🙎🏼☹🙍🏼☹🙍🏼That's all marijuana☠☠☠ does to you, okay? This is mom. Unless you're taking it under doctor's👍🏻👍🏻 - umm- control👍🏻👍🏻. Then it's regulated. Do not smoke marijuana, do not consume alcohol🍺🍺, do not get in the car🚗 with someone who is inebriated👎🏻👎🏻. This is mom👱🏻 👱🏻 👱🏻 , call me, bye👋🏻 👋🏻
Artwork Showcase
quotes of fame
slatypootisDUDE : bet you cant ♥♥♥♥ 10 puuys in 30 seconds


Agent Orange Juice : the unseen why you have to meme


Auston Bezzeg
Haha lmfao that is not the best house party ever that looked like a bunch of ♥♥♥♥♥♥ no hot ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that party was gay as ♥♥♥♥!


بد البديع فلاتة1 month ago
OMG!! this's the most frustrating movie critic I've ever seen

Countdown2 days ago
Why? Because he does not agree with you?

عبد البديع فلاتة4 hours ago



yo 940 3 months ago
wow more like the most stupi player

ZɆRƠシ3 days ago
he was being sarcastic idiot


TBS Minecraft: i'm not actually gay and i'm 11 so go suck a ♥♥♥♥ you waste man


arnaut.vandaele : defenision of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


Cobalt 'Solo' Active8 months ago
I am lul'zing so hard right now~ XD

Clicks 3-5 times

Miss Scarlet...

(Mrs. Peacock goes to jail)

Grammar Nazi1 month ago

Cobalt 'Solo' Active1 month ago
Lulz'ing - Laughing, Giggling, Making dubstep with your mouth-hole.


MoonRa1969 8 months ago
"God is obsolete"
I'm an atheist and I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ burst out laughing when I was walking home from school and people stared at me XD


Dal Lall12 seconds ago
noteicons spud


Miko: daddy
Miko: ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ dis ♥♥♥♥♥
Tango: eww
Tango: stop
Miko: ...
Miko: ass*
Tango: ew
Miko: _>>_>>_
Miko: mouth **** ??
Miko: lamo
Miko: ecks de
Miko: im younger _>_>_
Miko: cant wait to start high chool _?_>>>
Tango: you arent in highscool yet?
Miko: nope
Tango: arent you 14...
Miko: im 14


Soaphie Soap
1 week ago


MarkoKOFS Fam
6 months ago
DONT do VIDEOS!u ARE too BIG,fat


9:29 PM - black men in paris: Anonymous Anonymous
8 months ago
ok this is a little freestyle (not the first part)...if it sucks dont be to mean xD if it gets 10 likes ill make another like it

"imm shoot this ♥♥♥♥"
"no dont"
"yeah do"
"shut up voice in my head"
"ill shoot you!"

ya crazy ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
aint know how to ♥♥♥♥ around
cant take a joke
now im takin ya down
spin em around
"diss eminem! thats career suicide"
i aint care ♥♥♥♥♥
thats the way i ride
fast beat, sick as ♥♥♥♥
"its a cold"
ill get some formula 44d
...FOR ME!...
"ay jerry the partys over,
ya gunna leave yet?"
"nah im bumpin ice-t"
"not anymore its my head,
shut that ♥♥♥♥ off"
"guess ill go"
"no stay im what ya come fo"
that reminds my too
tank his 6-4'
"whats that ♥♥♥♥"
somethin bout ridin dirty
♥♥♥♥♥ im ridin to the death,
"how long ya got, maybe 30?"
"ay how bout we rob that liqour store"
i cant
"dont got shells"
aint no more they spent
"try the 'Shell'"
"good idea, maybe ill go see madea"
shut up im tryin to think
"Oo i know, just ask nicely"
actually i do got one more shell
"oh goo-"


Maldoror : yeah virgtin yeah


7:53 PM - inside looking out: in no slack in my mack i thought he said "lil ugly mane aint bright in the head" but its right
7:53 PM - inside looking out: in the head
7:53 PM - this is a WOOOOORLD PREMIEERE: "lil ugly mane is not right in the haed"
7:54 PM - inside looking out: yeah
7:53 PM - this is a WOOOOORLD PREMIEERE: what u mean its right
7:53 PM - this is a WOOOOORLD PREMIEERE: oh


Elijah of Worldbuilding Apr 7 @ 9:21pm
should i be offended because i'm literally autistic? oh wait this is the internet and more importantly TF2 chat. now if only i could actually encounter you and kill ya.


rosa urna
3 months ago

Olivia Olivia
3 months ago
hej Emi

karalee's toy reviews
3 months ago
Stupid little girl


[8:05 PM]
why is there a fly on my screen

[Yesterday, 8:11 PM]
negative iq:
Watch itgs gonna mov eup


Luis Capellan
3 years ago
LMAO White people man.

TheDragonHybrid 89
1 year ago
My cousin phill show me this
awsome raps from youtube freestyle beats
3 weeks ago
Spinning like tasmanian devils
Lacerating rebels beyond Alien levels
Energy emanates from Ancient metals
Making me mutate internals inflating externals taking intervals
Dragon tree that bares Fairies initiating from Blazing petals
My chakras intercontinental
Nothing about this event is coincidental
If you thinking of winning you're mental
I'm an entrepreneur Living from rental
You're manure in your dental
Nothing you say can ever allure the Eternal
You're an immature fruit that's Infernal
I'll make you and your lieutenant surrender and start eating body parts that shoot from a shredder
I'm never ending and better when it comes to mending a Letter
Under these conditions you deteriorated and rapidly teter
You checking for nectar in a sector using a battery tester
But your stupid it's in your nature to be faulty pretender
You couldn't fire up light if you were a mechanic welder
With a team of scientists testing theories Surpassing keplar
I attack with weapons that Blast through kevlar
I'm a rabid Centuar Married to a spectre willing to Hack your cerebellum from a shabby spectrum
Shuv your daddy's ♥♥♥♥ Back inside your rancid rectum
The bars collide Similar to Deadly Venom
Like a savage Phenom Ahead of Armageddon
Your verses cost less than Half a melon
Pass the Columella Nasi
Omni quasi bombing Nazi
With more ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ than a Coscuela Posse
Disecting bodies to quench a Satisfying morbid antic
I'll Gladly Dembela this victim with Cerebral Palsy
Landing in future space of Atlantic
You're unheard off like volcanic ashes Blazing the Arctic
Face it you're all in a page encaged in Plastic
With ya backdisc in sacred Ratchet Jaded in Socket,
I'm off the radar like sailing Rocket

2 weeks ago (edited)
Can't lie right now
So damn ight now
Anybody out there hatin better pipe down
Lookin for the right crowd looking for the right voice
Did a lotta wrong never made the right choice
All I hear is white noise
When I'm seein read I believe I said
I'm Really gonna make It never been basic
You can see n

8 days ago
Remember back in the day when you had my back all the way
Back when i had no place to stay and my steps were going astray
I had a back-pack full of crack and was selling hits for money
But you didn't cut me no slack, when you found out you threw it away
You put me back on track, gave me a place to stay
My heart was all black, but your why it turned grey
Therefore i'm willing to slay anything you deem as prey
And i pray that the Lord help us fight the devil no matter the level or if there were several, i got something special for them
To the depths of the netherworld send them oh Jesus of Bethlehem
(Verse 3)
Fast forward to this moment, pretend that you own it
We are all here united by the fact that we're grown and
we shared a common past and it lasted to the present, our friendship
even though it was dented, it never broke just bended
We were different so we blended, and bonded
Kinda like how atoms are connected. The results were unprecedented
Blood brothers raised from the gutters
Born to fathers and mothers with other lovers
Brothers and sisters of different colors
at the sound of my drummer came together in numbers
that outnumbered the conquerors and freed those locked in the dungeons.
Stole their guns and burned their burger buns on a bunsen burner
along with the furniture that made them go beserker.

3 weeks ago
My life was never easy
Came in this ♥♥♥♥♥ like it was greezy
Chumps really don’t know the feeling
Got ya ♥♥♥♥♥ an she be scheming
She know I be in my feelings
Money stackin to the ceilin
It’s like they wanna see me stealin
Grabin her cake I know the feelin
Sippin an grippin my mind is healin
Subliminal messages in every ryme
Get it all the time
Sipping liquor I’m divine
Livin into my prime
They say she a dime
Might eat her up she so fine
Call that wine and dine
I’m way into my head
From the messages into the bed
Gimmie some head
I gave up, don’t write ever just be freestylin


4 days ago
First rap song
Umm yeah she took off with my heart you know I had to chance her it was quick hit her with some mace fold her up put her in a douflebag took her to my place but now I’m heartless cause she broke my heart into a million pieces it’s like a puzzle I’m tryin to solve but it ain’t never getting put together now I sit on my couch with her body rotting her parents knocking on my door with a cold fever now the swat team knocking down my door with a beater they ain’t never caching me though cause I’m heartless I’m heartless I’m like a ghost but I dont bost or moop I’m silent I’m like like a social experiment a scientist but they ain’t never finding a cure for this cause im a heartless experiment their ain’t nothing to experience in m like a heal
Like a hell cat don’t care about the environment I’m the a fossil
Fuel Ejector I put flames to
The hole place but as long as I win Im okay
- [ ]

(this one is kinda crazy this dude should be locked up)
ravenousbear 23 Aug, 2021 @ 2:52pm 
frag. 22 Aug, 2021 @ 2:07pm 
It dont work big problem help :cozypoesad::cozypoesad:
ravenousbear 22 Aug, 2021 @ 2:02pm 
frag. 22 Aug, 2021 @ 1:35pm 
you mod "hands v9.1" dont work help :cozypoesad:
ravenousbear 20 Aug, 2021 @ 3:01pm 
i dont have a mod like that
9:41 20 Aug, 2021 @ 2:03pm 
Hi you mod "my hands v8.1"don't work help please