Portal 2

Portal 2

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The Boxed Testing Program: Boxes 1.1.5-8 v2

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The Boxed Testing Program: Boxes 1.1.5-8 v2

In 1 collection by lucsy2
Boxed Testing Chambers
4 items
The Boxed Rooms 1.1.5 to 1.1.8! In Version 1, room 6 was a mangled mess and room 8 was near impossible. I have fixed those problems and changed some other areas to make the boxes easier. Some changes include a catcher in room 6 so you dont have to walk back to room 5 and the checkpoint between room 5-6 is fixed. The glass in room 8 has been adjusted so you can land on it instead of faceplanting into it. I hope you enjoy my creations and I wish to build more and be creative. So, Have FUN!