Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

154 人が評価
Comcast Center
9.835 MB
2015年4月22日 18時46分
2015年10月12日 6時36分
3 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Comcast Center

Raxteran 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Philadelphia Collection
5 アイテム
At 974ft and 58 stories, the Comcast Center is the tallest building in Philadelphia and in Pennsylvania. It was completed in 2008 at a cost of $540 million and is one of the tallest LEED certified buildings in the United States.

This is a 1:1 scale model coming in at 2300 triangles, and like the rest of my pieces it is accompanied by a custom-built LOD mesh. The building can be found under Unique Buildings level III.

49 件のコメント
ShizniticuS 2021年1月19日 20時03分 
Would be better if it were burning down.
SherifAden 2020年3月15日 10時53分 
love this but don't love Comcast
CrazyFinger 2019年11月16日 20時48分 
Beautiful...indeed, although I'd personally like it better if it was a commercial building... But awesome none the less. I hope you are making the Comcastt Tech Building next.
t@ngent 2018年10月1日 11時24分 
As someone that worked here AND 3 Logan (currently at Center Square), these are pretty dead on.
TARDNUTS 2018年9月1日 17時34分 
Would love to make a meteor crash into this evil building!
sikkspra1206 2018年1月31日 7時54分 
as a pennsylvanian i approve af
it look awsome great job man!!
WTC1973 2017年12月18日 3時10分 
Great building!
EspressoKitsune 2017年12月14日 10時07分 
I can't wait to put the giant evil USB flash drive of death in my city.
smioreun 2017年11月28日 20時48分 
Great Job, you should try your hand at a lot of the new buildings being built in Philly :-)

@tovaira2 I am near these buildings, and many of them are mixed use in real life... ESPECIALLY the Liberty Place buildings this creator has redesigned for CS. :-)
rovaira2 2017年10月29日 11時37分 
It seems a lot these large buildings are made as tourist buildings instead of commercial; it'd probably be better if this was a commercial building with lots of jobs.