Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

50 ratings
KDM Cim Petro Gas Station
Assets: Park
File Size
7.782 MB
5 Apr, 2015 @ 7:55pm
1 Change Note ( view )

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KDM Cim Petro Gas Station

Introducing the "KDM Cim Petro Gas Station", the immediate successor to the minimally popular "KDM Public Restroom". Someone suggested that I make a gas station as a complementary building to the public restroom building. This is also the reason why I made it ploppable, so that the player can choose where to build it, and to spread out the distribution of gas stations to something more realistic (nobody wants to see a row of growable side-by-side gas stations stretching down a boulevard).

This ploppable building has the same benefits as a park (similar to a restroom). I chose this perk because honestly I think a lot of Cims would be happy being close to a place where they can refuel their cars. I guess I could have made it a ploppable that caters more to tourists, but it's just a gas station. No big deal.

ALSO, as an added bonus, I've created a video of my entire workflow--from start to finish--of building this ploppable. So, if anything, the KDM Gas Station can be viewed as a didactic example, adding to the numerous other great "how to" videos springing forth on the internet as we speak.

View the video here:

Also, as with my previous model, I've published all of the source assets for it on my github here:
kabojnk!  [author] 12 May, 2015 @ 9:37pm 
Sorry guys, I've been away on work. Strange that the mod is suddenly giving an LOD null error. I'll get on this. And tone down the brightness.
Uber-n00bie 3 May, 2015 @ 9:19pm 
Have you abandoned this?

If not, something is identifiably wrong with this building. Going on 2 weeks I've been consistantly getting debug errors coming from the KDM Cim Petro Gas Station -- both every time a city is first loaded in a play-session, as well as occasionally throughout play. The building does not even have to be physically placed, but merely active in the mods list.

As a side-note, this is the first and only mod I've seen the "broken asset" error message for. Of course, unsubscribing to this gets rid of the problem -- but I'm rather fond of your work. Addressing this would be much appreciated.
Uber-n00bie 25 Apr, 2015 @ 12:56am 
Broken assets:

420464608.KDM Cim Petro Gas Station_Data: LOD xys null [BrokenAssetException]

No details
BrokenAssetException: Broken assets:

420464608.KDM Cim Petro Gas Station_Data: LOD xys null

(This is the error message I get every time upon loading *any* city while this mod is enabled, even when the building is not existing physically in the city)
simnonymous007 23 Apr, 2015 @ 8:35am 
I love the concept and model. Thanks, too, for the how-to video. But I agree that the colors are over-saturated. It's too bright to go in my city. But, still, thanks for the effort.
Paradox 10 Apr, 2015 @ 3:59am 
I agree with MVincent, if it wasnt so bright I would immediately get this.
Otterbon 6 Apr, 2015 @ 1:33pm 
I love that this is ploppable, Gasstations should be on now we can force it o
DelicateDelegate 6 Apr, 2015 @ 7:20am 
Really love the idea of a ploppable gas station. Thanks for this.

A little critique (not insulting or anything) you may want to tone down the colors a little bit and/or add a bit more detail to the texture. Loving it so far though!
Fritte7 6 Apr, 2015 @ 5:13am 
Thank you !
JAB 5 Apr, 2015 @ 9:48pm 
Great work! Thanks for the making-of video, as well.