Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Thunderstorm LUT
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17 Mar, 2015 @ 6:31pm
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Thunderstorm LUT

In 1 collection by Lot Creator
Mod Collection (LiTh)
91 items
This is the result of the very first mod I did to the game. While I initially thought at first that maybe it was useless since it is so dark and grundy (really reminds me of heavy forecast), it turned out well as a thunderstorm LUT color pallete. This was not intended for everyone. Right now I am working on another LUT to satisfy my requirements but I do hope you find a use for it. As you can see, the vanilla/modded photos explain themselves more than I can in words.

In words, its a heavier contrast and less saturated version that gives the impression of a dramatic event. Hopefully one day CO adds rain, then this mod will be compleate.

Thanks for downloading, and remember to active under the mods manager, then to activate under: options > video settings > Color Corrective Override. Just for those who don't know.
Goro3D 30 Dec, 2018 @ 4:03pm 
I love a good thunderstorm so this is right up my alley!!! Thanks so much instant download!!!
Secret Stealth SWAT Squad⭕⃤ 1 Apr, 2016 @ 9:54am 
does anybody know if something like this would be possible as a script for the game? I would love to use this for such a situation. The rain and fog vanilla do not impact the game enough, just a visual of some rain and no color change
Meanie 21 Jul, 2015 @ 9:11am 
Just what I was looking for! I hate thunderstorms as I live in Missouri and had my house nearly completely destroyed by a tornado in 1983, but I still think they are so cool to look at. Now I can see one roll in without my sphincter puckering tighter than a drum! Okay, that was a little crude but I do get quite nervous when they roll in. Thanks for the Mod!
Quad Rioters 29 Jun, 2015 @ 6:24am 
Nice one, it's way tropico here. I want some storm actions.
Lot Creator  [author] 24 Mar, 2015 @ 7:04am 
Since its just a LUT and not a script, it will just dark.
Budokai001 23 Mar, 2015 @ 11:06pm 
Does this change the sky automatically or is it dark only ?
KevinLancaster 23 Mar, 2015 @ 8:09am 
Makes it look like nighttime. :)