Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

134 人が評価
Nightlights updated! 2x4_Tenement
2.981 MB
2015年3月14日 21時32分
2015年9月24日 7時19分
2 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Nightlights updated! 2x4_Tenement

Feindbold 作成の 1 件のコレクション
NY high density Buildings
12 アイテム
-2x4 Level 1 Residental building (high density).
-6 story tenement based on a building located in the bronx
-Improved modelquality and much smaller filesize due to better Texturemanagement.
7 件のコメント
Kunda 2015年4月13日 10時11分 
Feinbild please continue with you amazing work but make something for the texture! :)
Feindbold  [作成者] 2015年3月24日 11時44分 
Thank you for that long comment :) jeah, the textures on my first few buildings aren´t that good, these were basicly just tests
Dark_Swordmaster 2015年3月23日 22時06分 
Hey there, I just wanted to give you some feedback on your collection here. I tried all four buildings and found that out of them, the only one I want to keep is your larger one found here:

The main problem I have with the other three is that the texture work is capturing a high detail thing, but the low resolution of the texture makes it fuzzy and blurry. That, coupled with how flat the textures are (perhaps a lack of a normal map or maybe just a subtle one) cause the details to look painted on, which doesn't mesh well with the default Skylines buildings. This is apparent on the tenement with the green face as the bricks in the arches looks flat and smudgy.

Last but most of all, thank you very much for your effort. I appreciate the work you put in to modeling/texturing/everything for these buildings and though they weren't to my liking they obviously are to that of many other users. Again, thank you for your work.
Blackdragonbird 2015年3月22日 4時54分 
Need to improve the texture. Thumbs up when done.
Kiss me if you can.. 2015年3月20日 1時13分 
Londsw 2015年3月18日 4時33分 
so coool
hashimoto4life 2015年3月15日 12時01分 