Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

293 ratings
Heavy Roman Navy & expansion with new formations
Tags: mod, Units
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106.951 MB
26 Dec, 2014 @ 2:47pm
10 Aug, 2018 @ 7:57am
45 Change Notes ( view )

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Heavy Roman Navy & expansion with new formations

In 3 collections by [*VGS*] Italian Player -NIS-
Pack of Best Mods for ROME II (ex-work simultaneously)
316 items
VARIOUS Mods - the best improvements for ROME II
740 items
Heavy Navy
11 items
Works with the latest Patch.

This mod is the new version of my other mod "Heavy Roman Navy", revised and enhanced.

The old version will be kept updated and active, but I would recommend to use this mod for greater completeness.
In any case, the two works can not be activated simultaneously.

With this mod, also naval battles will be more interesting and exciting.

This can be activated with Heavy Greek Navy and Heavy Southern & Eastern Navy. I recommend the use of both for a best experience of gaming.

In the vanilla game the Roman navy is too limited, and I was unsatisfied for the absence of large battleships to the Roman faction, which had reached full domination of "Mare Nostrum", as a result also of important naval battles against the major powers of the time, I decided to create this mod to give to the Romans the opportunity to have a navy much more varied and equipped adequately for his empire, like his land army.
The mod consists of the largest warships (octeres and hepteres) with new elite troops, and the whole range of warships with the best troops vanilla.

This mod works in Main Campaign, in Imperator Augustus Campaign, in Caesar in Gaul Campaign, in Hannibal at the Gates Campaign and in custom battle (also with the factions of Octavian, Antony, Lepidus and Pompey).

This unit pack contains 18 naval units (4 are recruitable as admirals, too), each with its own card and the corresponding Latin number:
- Octeres with Double Heavy Tower + Praetorianum Evocati;
- Octeres with Double Heavy Tower + Praetoriani Praesidi;
- Octeres with Heavy Tower and Harpax + Marine Imperial Heavy Cohort;
- Octeres with Heavy Tower and Scorpio + Auxiliary Heavy Archers;
- Hepteres with Double Fighting Tower + Praetorianum Evocati;
- Hepteres with Double Fighting Tower + Praetoriani Praesidi;
- Hepteres with Fighting Tower and Harpax + Roman Evocati Cohort;
- Hepteres with Fighting Tower and Scorpio + Auxiliary Heavy Archers;
- Hexeres with Double Fighting Tower + Legionary Cohort;
- Hexeres with Fighting Tower and Scorpio + Legionary Sagittarii;
- Heavy Artillery Hexeres with Fighting Tower + Roman Onager;
- Heavy Artillery Hexeres with Fighting Tower + Roman Ballista;
- Penteres with Double Fighting Tower + Legionary Cohort;
- Penteres with Fighting Tower and Scorpio + Legionary Sagittarii;
- Tetreres with Double Fighting Tower + Veteran Legionaries;
- Tetreres with Double Scorpio + Auxiliary Roman Archers;
- Trieres with Fighting Tower + Veteran Legionaries;
- Trieres with Scorpio + Auxiliary Roman Archers.

Many thanks and all the credit to:
- Zaskar70, for his Praetorianum Evocati, Praetoriani Praesidi (Praetorian Guard), Rome Imperial Heavy Cohort
- Chief, for his Roman Archer Units Imperial (Auxiliary Heavy Archers and Auxiliary Roman Archers)
- CN_Vandal, for his Legionary_Sagittarii

For a more complete gaming experience it is recommended (but not required) to activate the mod mentioned above relating to the same ground troops.
This way you can recruit these same troops also for land battles.

- This work is save compatible and it should work without problems with any other mod of the workshop. If you want an example of mods surely compatible you can look at my collection PACK of Best Mods for ROME II (work simultaneously); they are the mods that I use regularly without problems.
- To have a better environmental graphics I suggest the use of New lighting and environments mod from "Aztec's Environments and Lightings" (all credits to Aztec).

Other my mods in the workshop:
- Heavy Greek Navy
- Heavy Southern & Eastern Navy
- Heavy Roman Navy & expansion without formations
- Heavy Roman Navy with new formations - for DeI
- Heavy Greek Navy - for DeI
- Heavy Southern & Eastern Navy - for DeI
- Heavy Roman Navy without formations - for DeI
- Heavy Roman Navy - OLD VERSION

- Best Roman Formations
- Best Roman Formations - DEI version

- New Culture Styles User Interface

I plan to create other mods to other civilizations. Stay tuned and follow me to not lose the release.

- UPDATE 2016 -

A large expansion has been released with the addition of special formations, and other modifications.
For details, see the release notes where there is a detailed description of all the details.

I hope you like this work; you can let me know by voting positively, considering the work done and the time spent. Thanks so much.

Have a good game.
abc 30 Aug, 2024 @ 7:12pm 
its not a problem if you cant, just gameplay wise if just the Romans have the ships everything gets steamrolled. if its romans and greeks, the greeks win, and if its everyone I'm hoping it will even out but the Ai every campaign seems to be a roll of the dice which side it favors. also i really wish their was a mod that worked where the Ai didn't suicide its general every battle, I've tried a few that claimed to be working as intended as late as 2021, but no luck, no dice yet.
abc 30 Aug, 2024 @ 7:07pm 
is there any chance you can combine your greek,southern and roman naval mods into 1 mod? seems the game limits how many mods you can have active or it auto crashes, or doesnt load faces. not sure why. shogun 2 does the same thing for me aswell, limits me to 44 mods. this game looks like 40 mods and faces dont load and over 100 mods it just crashes.
abc 30 Aug, 2024 @ 7:04pm 
works for me.
just installed the game 3 days ago. so does all his other mods.
Sharrum-kin 1 Jun, 2024 @ 10:22am 
ImperatorAeternum 9 Nov, 2023 @ 7:45am 
It says the mod is outdated
zorro 26 Jul, 2023 @ 8:33am 
I occupy the 3, the units come out without images, head and or without a body. I guess they have conflict in all 3.
Phoenix 8 Jun, 2023 @ 12:23am 
will you ever make a version that works with radius?, i mean it basically does but the only issue is that the octares are invincible to rams and fire and con only be killed by artillery or boarding
[*VGS*] Italian Player -NIS-  [author] 7 Aug, 2021 @ 3:01am 
@Yamata.Kyel, @bearhiderug: it works fine for me. The launcher reports it as an"old" mod because it has not been updated recently.
KrötenHeini 24 Aug, 2020 @ 2:27pm 
oh man it didnt work
ToonTotalWar 1 Nov, 2018 @ 7:52am 
thanks mate, we have only used teh naval elements as we already have units allocated for the ships!!