Crusader Kings II

Crusader Kings II

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16 Dec, 2014 @ 4:22am
24 Dec, 2014 @ 4:11pm
6 Change Notes ( view )

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In 1 collection by Professor Hardknocks
Thadian's Mods
5 items
Each of these characters is Guaranteed™ to have a level 3 or 4 Educational Trait.
Each one will have either: Strong, Quick, Genius - or a small chance of Strong Genius or Quick Genius.
Each one will have either 5, 8, or 10 to all Abilities. This is subject to change per balance needs.
Each one is set to your Friend.
Each one will have no dynasty.
Each one will have random generated traits. I filtered out some terrible traits such as Ambitious.
I did not remove all bad traits, because I would like some balance where possible.

Hire Female: She will make a wonderful wife. She is 17 years old.
Hire Son: Summon your brand new 5 year old son.
Hire Daughter: Summon your brand new 5 year old daughter.

These decisions are hidden inside of a submenu in the intrigue screen
to prevent these options from cluttering up your screen.

Hirelings! is all about getting the people YOU want and when.
It is also about getting ONLY courtiers who are useful. Never again hire some mystery guy who shows up as a craven homosexual dwarf with niave appeaser and highest ability is 3.

Balancing is NOT a ultimate goal of this mod, FUN is. That said, I prefer to keep things as balanced as possible and I do pay attention to user feedback. Some options might change as needed. I have already done a rebalancing and removed the OP Hirelings, which have been moved to my Cheats! mod.

I warn against hiring 200 courtiers. Time ruins them! Courtiers start with one set of traits, then events + time passing causes that to get messed up. In 2 years, the awesome spymaster you hired is a craven homosexual and your strong genius wife becomes celibate. Then gains chaste.

Then, those courtiers plot against you.

So, for the most FUN, I suggest marrying out bad courtiers (matrilenial for males), and keeping a court of about 12 people. You want the traits of these people to "match" those of yourself, and you want them to match your heir when succession comes. Too often, people don't understand why their whole court hates their new heir; now you know.

If you have any balance suggestions, please make them so that I
can try to ensure balance where I can while keeping it fun.

You might find a bug, or a mod this is not compatible with.
If so, use Steam Forum to report errors.

You may use this mod as a base for your own work!
Pay attention to file structure, ask questions if you need.
Don't forget to credit me. This mod was made (as with my others
on Workshop) to teach me how to mod. I am continuing to learn.

Here are some good places to help you learn modding.
Look at modifiers and how they are used.
Popular Discussions View All (1)
25 Dec, 2014 @ 3:45am
Professor Hardknocks
MrJackieToxic 19 Oct, 2024 @ 10:53am 
AGOT comp patch would be great.
aragonit 27 May, 2024 @ 4:35pm 
works perfectly!
johnnyguffey1982 16 Feb, 2020 @ 5:49pm 
every time i try to use this mod crashes me game i dont think it work no more i remove it my game fine
DMKI 30 Apr, 2019 @ 10:29am 
It's up to date as of May 2019. Works like a charm.
EricTheFritz 14 Jul, 2015 @ 7:02pm 
Is this up to date?
Varainger 21 Jun, 2015 @ 5:10pm 
I believe adding "grey eminence" wasn't necessary, but otherwise the only once percent more for "elusive shadow" was enough to make that show up much more often. Crazy RNG. :)
Varainger 21 Jun, 2015 @ 5:04pm 
Here is my modified decisions file:!pVYTjZIA!ht5OCjqp1p3YojfjL1ANt6CW40LG9vjul4FQT2jhxq8

Only regarding women. Now women get slightly above twenty attribute points in their education and between 10 and 20 in all other categories and only one job education.
Diplomat education included, but no church education.

You 'll quickly see if you compare my and your file with Winmerge or Kdiff3.
Professor Hardknocks  [author] 20 Jun, 2015 @ 5:11pm 
I would like to see the modded file - Improving my code is the first step to fixing things and improving them. Thanks!
Varainger 20 Jun, 2015 @ 11:20am 

There is a bug with hire_female.

They get two job educations about every second time and attributes
don't get assigned as they should. The numbers are often lower than 5 (without traits).

For the first simply add all jobs to the remove_trait section and add "grey eminence" to the random list part and change chance to 25.

For the second add: attributes ={ the five attributes a is } before the listed attributes.
It changed in the files at some point. That would need to be added to all other jobs as well,
if you want to assign the numbers for attributes for men as the file suggests (5, 8 or 10).

I could post a link to my modified file. Just ask.
captainamerica_ 9 Mar, 2015 @ 12:42pm 
Hireing a Male that can be married off to a female would be a cool addition. That said, I use this and your "Traits" Mod in EVERY game. I love the hell out of it and appreciate the work and time modders spend on these things.